En clase:

"…Y esto lo corregimos mañana, y mañana, a lo mejor es mañana, pero es seguro que es el proximo dia…"

domingo, 28 de febrero de 2010

Something different?

For today I have decided on some different music for those of you who want something different. I have chosen this song by "Scorpions".
"Scorpions" are a heavy metal / hard rock band from Hannover, Germany, and they began in 1965. I thought that heavy metal music was horrible,it was just noise, but years ago one of my students told me that perhaps I didn´t know how to listen to this music so he trained me, he told me what to do when listening, I did, and I have liked this music since then, of course there are some songs I don´t like but there also some songs by Alejandro Sanz which I don´t like.
Give a chance to this song. Listen first while reading the lyrics, then watch the video clip and finally leave your comment. I´m looking forward to reading it.



jueves, 25 de febrero de 2010

Cooperative learning

This is the title of the workshop that some teachers were attending the first two days of this week, and yes, you are right, I was one of them.
It´s been great, we had a good time at the same time that we discovered new ways of teaching, and new ways of learning. The most important feature of the method is that students get their marks increased if they follow the instructions and work properly, and it is fairly easy as well as quite amusing. It is based on cooperation, sharing tasks, respect for classmates, oneself and of course, the teacher.
The aspect of the classroom has changed a little, Bea y Luísma have helped me and I think they have done a nice job. You´ll check next day. I sincerely hope you enjoy the new classes and get the most of it. What really matters is that you raise your marks and we want to help you do that.
Have a look at this video and leave a comment, please :)

domingo, 21 de febrero de 2010

Send a composition!

Have you made an enormous effort to write a composition? and, do you want me to correct it?

OK, I´ll do it, but make sure that you have followed the steps regarding the structure, use of connectors and of course you have made a good brainstorming. Sent it by e-mail to the adress you´ll find in "mi perfil" in the blogso and I´ll do it (but not for tomorrow, sorry!!).

Tips on studying (I)

Cuando vas a estudiar a veces te dices a ti mismo cosas como “No se por donde empezar”, “soy un tonto por no haber empezado antes”, “no se a quien preguntarle”, “esta asignatura nunca se me ha dado bien”, “ya no me da tiempo de nada” y otras parecidas, pues bien, ninguna te va a llevar a aprobar la asignatura, te dire como puedes combatir esas frases.
Empieza por el principio, quizas para este examen no llegues, pero ya has empezado para el siguiente, ¡lo importante no es ganar una batalla, lo importante es ganar la guerra! y por lo menos ya te puedes decir a ti mismo que has empezado.
Es cierto que deberias haber empezado antes, pero ahora ya lo sabes, y la proxima vez no te ocurrira, tienes que aprender de tus errores, planificate los estudios, pide ayuda a tu tutor o a tu profesor para que hagais un plan de estudios real y eficiente con un compromiso por tu parte.
Si esa asignatura nunca se te ha dado bien a lo mejor es porque nunca le has dedicado bastante tiempo, porque no tienes paciencia y no te gusta, prefieres dedicar tiempo a otras asignaturas que se te dan mejor. Sabes que esa no es la solucion, no te gusta porque no se te da bien y viceversa. Ya esta bien de justificaciones absurdas deberias dedicarle mas tiempo, veras como te cunde. No puedes esperar resultados inmediatos pero lo importante es que ya has empezado, que le estas dedicando mas tiempo de lo normal y es importante que empieces a sentirte orgulloso de haber empezado y de que quieres seguir, pide ayuda, diselo a tu profesor, que sepa que has empezado, que te ayude a seguir y te vaya guiando sobre el siguiente paso, que te ayude tambien a marcarte objetivos que te lleven a “ganar la guerra”.
Y sobre todo, cambia de actitud, empieza a sentirte orgulloso de ti mismo por haber empezado, tus padres y nosotros tambien nos alegraremos, pero no te engañes, hay que ser constante, encuentra tiempo, pide ayuda, aquí estamos.

sábado, 13 de febrero de 2010


Saint Valentine´s day is a traditional worldwide celebration when the people who are in love show the other one his/her love in a different way, with a present, going out to have dinner or lunch...

Saint Valentine was a Roman priest who became bishop of Terni, and also a martyr. He was beheaded on 14th February 240 AD because he married in secret hundreds of couples without the permission of Emperor Claudius.

Perhaps you think this is an invention of "El Corte Ingles", but I really think that anyday is a good day to show your love. What about you?


I know some of you will be studying for the next exams, but some others will enjoy carnival this weekend or the next, I hope both things: enjoy and study.

I would like you to write a comment and tell me about your experience in carnival, whether you are going to dress up, and describe your costume, or tell me how you celebrate it, is there a parade?, do you go to another city? is there any other different or special thing? I´m really looking forward to your comments.

Also I have found three photos from three different carnivals, Cadiz, Tenerife and Venecia, you can also leave a comment about them, do you like it? Which one do you prefer? Why? ...

miércoles, 10 de febrero de 2010

The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore Cooper

This is the book that the students of 1º Bachillerato must study for the exam of February 17th 2010:
Hawkeye is a scout for the British Army in America. He is helped by Chingachgook and Uncas, the last of the Mohican tribe, in his struggle against Magua, the murderous leader of the Huron tribe. This exciting adventure was made into a film with Daniel Day-Lewis as Hawkeye.

Main characters:

-Duncan Heyward: British Officer.

-Colonel Munro: Commander of Fort William Henry.

-Cora: Munro´s eldest daughter, from his first marriage.

-Alice: Munro´s youngest daughter, from his second marriage.

-General Montcalm: Commander Officer of the French army, the enemies.

-Magua: "The Clever Fox", Indian guide in the first chapter. Huron adpted by Mohawks.

-David Gamut: Musician.

-Chingahgook: "Great Serpent".

-Uncas: "Agile Deer", the last of the Mohicans, Chingahgook´s son.

-Hawkeye: "Long Rifle" white man friend of both Mohicans.

This is what I promised guys!

lunes, 8 de febrero de 2010

Come on, boys!

Although I already have my first boy in the comments, I would like to have lots of you leaving your comments. I have chosen this song to try to motivate you to write some English, I don´t mind if it is well or bad written, I just want you to write, girls as well as boys. I hope it will give you "food for thought" :)

Also because the song gives us perfect examples of second conditional sentences:

If + past simple conditional simple
(oracion principal) (oracion subordinada)
Example: If I were you, I would leave a comment.

Now, the lyrics:

And this is the original video:

I really hope you enjoy both.
Best wishes....

sábado, 6 de febrero de 2010


Chicos (aunque todavia ninguno ha dejado ningun comentario -y yo sigo sin saber como poner las tildes, me sale una cosa "as´´i") y chicas, me han aconsejado que revise los comentarios antes de publicarlos para evitar el spamming, por lo que a partir de ahora cuando publiqueis un comentario lo leere antes, para evitarnos una "enfermedad" no deseada producida por algun virus extraño, y despues se publicara. Sorry, por lo visto es lo habitual en los blogs y yo como soy novata no lo sabia. Creo que esta es una de las cosas que he aprendido hoy ¿y ustedes? ¿Han aprendido algo de mi asignatura? ¿le han dedicado un poco de tiempo hoy? ¿los de 1º habran empezado a leer el libro del ultimo mohicano para el proximo examen? ¿los de 2º se sabran ya el estilo indirecto con la de detallitos que tiene?

A partir de "¿y ustedes?.." en el texto de arriba ¿sera spamming?

jueves, 4 de febrero de 2010

He vuelto al cole, ha sido estupendo he tenido un recibimiento, de cine, parecido a este:


Bueno, no exactamente pero muy parecido, el caso es que me merece la pena recordarlo con palabras, Can you describe the video above for me to keep forever? Thank you so much in advance.

I´m also happy because of the response of students visiting and writing, thank you very much.

Now I have collected several and different things for you, you may like one of them or perhaps two, or unfortunately there isn´t any worthwhile your attention and time. Never mind, I will go on trying.

Para mis alumnos de 1º (que no quiere decir que no puedan hacerlo los de 2º :)
Relativo al tema de la unit 6 mirad lo que he encontrado en el New York Times:


Can you tell me when the article was published?
What were you doing when it was published?
Can you give me a synonym of “varsity”?
What is the condition for women to play in men´s team?
Why does Rambo appear in the article?

The following is just another chance to learn English, I don´t mind which one you choose, but CHOOSE ONE!


What do you find attractive in this new alternative?

…And this one is information for “OUR” future iPads, for technology-maniacs, addicts or just curious:
What´s the relation between an iPad and children?

This is the song today, music and lyrics for you to learn a little bit more of English.

...and once you have learnt it by heart you can enjoy singing the song while watching the video.

C U!