En clase:

"…Y esto lo corregimos mañana, y mañana, a lo mejor es mañana, pero es seguro que es el proximo dia…"

domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2010

Apuntes unit 3 1º Bachillerato


Esta es la dirección en la que están colgados los ejercicios en internet. Cuando estéis en esta dirección, en la barra que pone "beta issuu" hay unas páginas con un triangulito para abajo,ahí hay que hacer click, aparece un menú con dos opciones le dais a cualquiera de las dos opciones y ya aparecen los apuntes, sólo os queda hacer click en imprimir.


La otra posibilidad es que los imprimáis directamente desde aquí!

Gareth y DCShu


Can you write the script of this episode?

sábado, 27 de noviembre de 2010

Some Past Tenses I

I have some good questions to be answered with the past tenses, but first I would like to remind you....

Past simple: an action finished in the past.

Present Perfect: an action that began in the past and lasts until today or to express an experience.

Used to: Actions that you performed some time ago but you don´t now.

The questions are the following:
1)What good/bad memories have you got from primary school?

2.What is something you have made you are proud of?

3.What was your most embarrasing moment? What happened?

4.What is the best decision you have ever made?How did it help you?

5. What is the worst mistake you have ever made? What did you learn from it?

sábado, 20 de noviembre de 2010

Thanksgiving (last)

Thanksgiving Day will be celebrated on Thursday 25th. Imagine you celebrated this day at home,
1)How would you decorate the table?

2)What would you prepare for dinner?

3)Whom would you invite?

4)What would you wear?

5)Would you do anything else for you guests?

domingo, 14 de noviembre de 2010

Thanksgiving II

Why are always there images of Indians, pilgrims and a turkey when representing Thanksgiving?

domingo, 7 de noviembre de 2010

Thanksgiving I

Let´s begin to prepare for Thanksgiving, this is the first set of questions you will have to answer, but please don´t just say "yes" or "no", explain yourself and use your imagination :)

1.What would the world be like if no one ever said "Thank you"?

2.Why is it important for people to give thanks?

3.Tell about a time when someone thanked you for something. How did you help them? How did you feel when they thanked you? How would you have felt if they hadn't said thank you?

4.Do you think it's important to express appreciation? Why or why not?

5.Brainstorm a list of things you are grateful for.