En clase:

"…Y esto lo corregimos mañana, y mañana, a lo mejor es mañana, pero es seguro que es el proximo dia…"

domingo, 13 de noviembre de 2011

People´s opinion

There is an article, about the Spanish elections in this website: http://edition.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/europe/05/22/spain.elections/index.html

And there is the opinion of protest spokesman Juan López who said:” It's just before elections when the Spanish politicians usually hear the voice of the people.”

What would you tell these politicians? What would you ask for? What would you advise or suggest? Write more than 200 words without writing about politics, please


68 comentarios:

  1. Well maybe i can´t tell you many interesting proporsal, or maybe you´ll be agree with me.
    Without supporting any side, i´m going to tell many some proposal with the opinion of a young girl (bone, i):
    1.Improve school education.
    2.Don´t waste money on unnecessary technology and facilities in public education.
    3.Greater control over spending of public health medicine.
    4.Reduce staff cost.
    5.Encourage small businesses.
    6.Make more export with spanish products.
    7.reduce the fihting between right and left sides.
    8.Perform more and better publicity for tourism in our country.
    9.Ignore the ideological extremes.
    10.Use the TV to change the gossip and fighted caracter of the citizents and to relax the bad atmosphereonthe famous´s life and attract this side of the society to live in our country, in this way, here will be more money.

    These are some of my proposal for this new goverment that is going to be the next week.
    My better wish for our country.

  2. I would ask these politicians several things.

    Firstly, the most important, take the necessary measures to overcome the crisis. To do this, as normal, will have to raise taxes and make cuts. I understand it. If Spain is bankrupt and no money anywhere, somewhere will have to take the money. They will also lower the payroll of public servants, public spending cuts.

    On the other hand, of course, end corruption. In Spain there are a lot of corruption, mainly in autonomys. I think there are many municipalities that corruption does grow and has many losses.

    More support is also important to empresary (which are those that generate jobs, so we need now more firms) and PYMES.

    Therefore, the measures are largely economic. Although there are others. Remove the abortion law would be very important for me because it is murder. Instead of helping mothers to kill their children, I would take steps to help those who can not have them for economic reasons, mainly giving facilities to adopt it.

    In summary, the new government should focus on measures to overcome the crisis and create jobs, something very important, because in Spain are currently over five million unemployed.

    Javier Fdez 2ºC

  3. People´s opinion

    In these moments the most important thing is to be able to go out of the econcomic crisis so big that has our Country. This Sunday we have general choices. If there is change of government, I think that it can be an important change.
    My grand worry is the work, the million Spaninsh who are unemployed, many families that neither the mother nor the father works and haven´t money to be able to pay his houses, food, cars etc… A horror! Another important point is that the Politicians should save in things that aren´t really important as official cars, food and travels and they must lower the salaries of the Politicians.
    Another important point is the Health, they must construct more hospitals, because those who exist are collapsed and haven´t free beds, many patients are waiting that the doctors could attend to him. In the topic of the Education, I think that the schools should be bilingual from children. There are so many important things that can improve that little by little we want that that it is.

  4. if I have the chance to ask some things to the government:
    I would tell then to change the way of earning money instead of asking the spanish families for the money.
    I would increase our turism between chinese ,russians and brazilian people who are lending money to our government that our children would return with interest in a future and export more nacional products to other countries.
    I would decrease the taxes because most families can´t reach the end of the month so then they don´t have money to invest in other people comercials.
    I would recommend to close all the institutions created by the politicians without any real interest.
    All politicians must have only one single payment and if they don´t allow to grow the economy they must be fired and changed to others more eficient.
    The ministry of education should favour learning foreign languages forbidding alterate the original voices in foreign movies and I would do the same on tv.
    I also recommend not to spend money on the spanish army and weapons or other intruments used to hurt human lifes.
    Anyway isn´t easy to get a resolution for all the problems in a short period of time.

  5. Alejandra Cisneros López 2ºC

    I think that is incredible the situation that in this country are living. But you said me that i don´t speak to politics and I don´t speak about politics. I only going to answer your questions.

    Today is that day that me and all my family had been going to vote.
    The political always said that they hear to populace but in my opinion this is impossible.
    For a political heard a citizen would have to heard all citizen and this is impossible because there aren´t material time.
    When the political did that they hear to the poblation is that with her vote they decide who governs them. The vote in something that all citizen would to make. I´m the first that today I will be going to go to vote and in the results there will be my vote and those is something that I´m proud.
    Finally, to say that I hope that the problem that actually there´re in Spain was solved soon because there´re a lot of people that there´re very bad economically speaking. The present government has the power to go out and leave someone else to solve the problems caused.

  6. I do not understand politics, but I think we need to improve the country, things could be done.
    in my opinion, politicians should be concerned about people long before the elections, not only when they approach, and seek the common good of all people, not only increase their economy.
    Our country has a crisis and this crisis is now difficult to remove. To try to clear the politicians can do some schools with more levels of languages for the Spanish to find more jobs and better jobs to be
    A good activity for our economy may be to increase tourism, make good publicity for our country and our beaches and our mountains, or our traditional food for tourist to visit us.
    Yesterday was the election to elect our new president and although I could not vote, my family it did and my brother came very happy and this makes me feel like voting early.


  7. I think loa problems facing global society in general and in particular the Spanish country is all the problems that have occurred in the latter one eight years, the government continued denial of the existence of a national existence, or performance at the very least a place that people more suspicious of politicians, which makes not know whom to vote.

    I would say to the politicians who care more about the problems that plague society and not their own benefits or those of his own political party, which diminish the taxes to go down the prices of the products, produced an increase of consumption, thereby increasing revenues.

    alsothe they occur would say the disappearance of such a restrictive law of snuff, and be replaced by a few years ago to split a bar in smokers and nonsmokers.

    Tomás Murube 1ºB

  8. jose luis muñoz

    In these moments the most important thing is to be able to go out of the econcomic crisis so big that has our Country. This Sunday we have . If there is change of government, I think that it can be an important change.
    My grand worry is the work, the million Spaninsh who are unemployed, many families that neither the mother nor the father works and haven´t money to be able to pay his houses, food, cars . Another important point is that the Politicians should save in things that aren´t really important as official cars, travel and they must lower the salaries of the Politicians.
    Another important point is the Health, they must construct more hospitals, because those who exist are collapsed and there aren,t free beds, many patients are waiting that the doctors could attend to him. In the topic of the Education, I think that the schools should be bilingual from children. There are so many important things that can improve that little by little we want that that it is finish

  9. policy can be regarded in many ways, but none of them would go in my opinion in favor of and that most politicians have more power the more greedy they are.
    the big problem that concerns us all Spanish is the great crisis that our country is living. Thanks to that new elections are a political party changed I think is a good change and that if appropriate measures are taken can emerge from the crisis and revive our country, that of being among the powers of Europe have passed to be next to Greece and Italy we have a very large risk premium that the Canzo reached 467 million.
    Political parties often do not realize they should grab the money where it most ai and not go by removing the middle-class people if they can support their family economy than you earn and you will find it hard to imagine that further retreat beneficial but also the problem comes in the wake of our great world power is the United States is to found a major economic downturn in his career but still managed to come out instead of us do not.
    The truth and no one who can contradict ai ai is nearly 5 million unemployed in Spain and that politicians do not know what to do or say to hide the large pile of garbage that accumulated in our country and the name is the lot is called. crisis.
    but lo que no me gusta nada de los politicos es que se lavan las manos en este asunto y esconden la cabeza y asin se cren que lo solucionan o eso pienso yo pero solo pido que no dejen a mas familias en paro por que si ellos lo estuvieran y no tubieran dinero para comer veras como lo arreglaban los mas rapido posible.

  10. In a democratic state political power, in the last term, belongs to the people. Politicians are mere representatives of the will and aspirations of the men and women of their country. Because of this it is essential for the adequate functioning of the democratic system that the communication between the politicians and the people that they represent should be both frequent and efficient. In this way, I would tell our politicians that one of their priorities should be to try to hear us citizens at all times, and not only when elections are held every four years and they feel the urgent need to get our votes. Never before has been so easy to learn about the people´s opinions as it is at present. The internet certainly offers the politician numerous opportunities to get to know what it is that the people expect from them. They just have to take advantage of such opportunities.
    What I would ask from the politicians is that they should try to do their best to fight all the extremely negative effects which the current economic crisis is causing on the lives of the Spanish citizens. Among many other things, politicians should take measures to reduce the high unemployment rate in our country and to preserve the welfare state, that is to say, the public health and education systems. In my opinion, one way of achieving these goals could be the enforcement of tax-paying since there are many people in Spain who evade taxes, which makes public debt grow more and more.

  11. I’m agree with the opinion of this man, because politicians do not usually care what people think or want, but only when elections are concerned they arrange all the imperfect of the streets or monuments, or houses,etc.

    What I would say to politicians, is that in the situation where we are, they have to show more interest on people than in things like ecology, it is true that we must care for the environment, but I'd like that they clean the streets, more just laws, best schools, more work or things that we all need.

    I would suggest to they, that they have to spend less money on clothes or all of those cars that have for so few people and concentrate more in the things i have mention before.

    Paula, no sé que más poner :S

  12. The first thing I think we all have to ask to the politicians is to be honest. If we do not trust them is because they lie to us most of the time. People are tired of seeing in the news how a mayor has stolen money, or how another mayor has done somebody a big favour. That type of things is what makes people really angry with their politicians, so I ask them not to steal, to be honest with the people and to do their jobs correctly, nothing more.
    I also want to ask the politicians to work for the people, specially now, with the economic situation. We need money and jobs, and it is their responsibility to create them. In addition, I think that they should care about some things like education. They can create laws and they can change them, so they should use that power to improve the country.
    The last thing I want them to do is to stop fighting. I don't think that now is the right time to fight for power or control, I think it is the time to help the country and to help the people.

  13. Well I would say not very well that way you can solve the situation in which we live but you have to do that for that are and have political support and many people fully qualified to solve this big problem we have in Spain and gradually spread throughout the world and how we stop not going to be a great catastrophe. many of the Spanish people are very scared out continuously in the news because they do not know if this situation is beyond repair or not. I would ask please that and solve it as soon as they have not to harm more people working and that all Spanish officials will increasingly cut wages. otherwise I would also tell you not fight among them because this does not achieve anything. because as is currently happening in Spain politicians of different parties are in constant anger and accusations and so what they do worse. and for the good of all citizens to take everything good or better even if they have their differences. and I advise that if you really have to cut money from these people do they least needed, and those people who are corrupt and that take a lot of money behind.

  14. In this country people seem to care little politics .... Why? is a boring subject and is always the same promise, things are never going to meet and days before the election, as is happening now, everyone is interested in politics because they see how badly this country. No matter who governs, the crisis will continue to exist, will not change.
    I personally like to ask these politicians who show us the reality of things as they are, not to lie and so are perhaps more interested in listening to people and put a little more of each party. The first thing to do is try to get out of this period of crisis and try to move little by little, all that by itself can not do if we need help from our politicians, but that everything must have an interest in improving and act not only in talking. And one last thing before the final is that the country likes to see how political parties are against each other and just to win or lose. We want more action and fewer words.


  15. I think politicians should be more attentive to the opinions of citizens and their needs.

    As should listen to citizens and stop saying what they want. From my point of view that some changes would be to say acontinuacion.Las voi should take measures that are:

    1. improve public health and increase the number of doctors

    2. for televison broadcast information on the political agenda of parties and also provide an interpreter to help interpret the information given by these parties.

    3. Perform more and better publicity for tourism in our country.

    4. reduces the right and left fihting entre sides.

    5 Do not waste money on Unnecessary technology and facilities in public education.

    Another important point is the Health, They Must construct more hospitals, Because Those Who Have not exist are collapsed and free beds, Many Patients are waiting the doctors That Could Attend to him. In the topic of the Education, I think That Should Be the bilingual schools from children.
    I Would MOST DECREASE Because the taxes can not reach the end Families of the month so Then They Do not Have money to invest in other people Comercials.
    I would recommend to close all the Institutions created by the Politicians Without Any real interest.

    Finally, to say That I Hope That That Actually there're the problem WAS solved soon in Spain Because there're a lot of people That Economically speaking there're very bad. The present Government have the power to go out and leave someone else to solve the Problems caused.


  16. I don’t know nothing about politics, so I can´t suggest or to ask for them
    Nothing, but same things are clearly, for example they can´t close
    Hospitals or health center because if these buildings are too far from houses, many people can die and this is a very serious problem, they can´t close schools because education is a right.
    I would like ask them what they think to for solving the crisis and strike rate diminished. I suggest them that they create jobs, that they promote the tourism, that they stop making fools building and that money use them for more useful things.
    Other thing that on my opinion they wouldn’t do is that they reduce the salary to employees, first they would reduce their own salary and to rich people. Too I think that retired people´s salary wouldn´t be less than before because they have been working for many years and thay have already made their service to the community.
    But on my opinion they have done same good laws, for example anticigarette law and to dare people about a lot of thing thanks to campaign or advertisements.
    But all politicians are very bad because they could have stop the crisis and now is very difficult that Spain get over, so we must vote to a politician who transmit us confidence and he or she say us the true.

  17. It’s a delicate topic, don’t you think? It’s very common in elections to find more and more promises and proposals telling how good they will be or how much people will be helped with a lot of jobs and opportunities, but they are just promises.
    Politic life consists only in make a good campaign to win some more votes than your rivals, but only the best should be at the government, only who had been being formed and taught for an specific politic area. Then we can see a clown as a president, a non studies person who doesn’t understand any English or French and who can’t make any easy count. I would ask politics if they have the intention of get their salaries lower, or if they can set any minimum level to enter into the government.
    I want to know why some votes from Andalucia have less value than some from Pais Vasko. They should explain some chases of lost money or chases of corruption, how will they stop them?
    As I said, it’s a complicated topic, because people who govern only will look after them, and after, for the rest of the Spanish people.

  18. Politics
    The first thing I think we all have to ask to the politicians is to be honest. If we do not trust them is because they lie to us most of the time. People are tired of seeing in the news how a mayor has stolen money, or how another mayor has done somebody a big favour. That type of things is what makes people really angry with their politicians, so I ask them not to steal, to be honest with the people and to do their jobs correctly, nothing more.
    I also want to ask the politicians to work for the people, specially now, with the economic situation. We need money and jobs, and it is their responsibility to create them. In addition, I think that they should care about some things like education. They can create laws and they can change them, so they should use that power to improve the country.
    The last thing I want them to do is to stop fighting. I don't think that now is the right time to fight for power or control, I think it is the time to help the country and to help the people.

  19. Ana Rosa Rodriguez 2B

    I agree with the opinion of this man, because it seems that politicians only care about the country is entirely in order in the political campaign dates to be chosen their political party, and not just depend on it should be worry all year about the situations o unfavorable that in our country which is especially now that Spain is in crisis. In my opinion the new government should focus on measures to overcome the crisis and create jobs, something very important, because in Spain there are currently over five million unemployed. Politics always says that we must listen to the people, but in my opinion this is impossible. If I had the opportunity to give advice to the government would say:
    -Reducing taxes for families to live better, improve public education for all children in our country may have education, improving public health, create jobs, mainly because there are many unemployed, supporting small and medium companies invest money in stocks most important, provide many more low-cost flats, official protection or low-rent, give more support for people with disabilities or disabled families who need help caring for them, check that many baby single mothers can assist you to start caring for your baby.
    In short, Spain should take steps to improve both the economy and social welfare.

  20. I would say o he politicians some things…
    First, I want to ask them about what happens with our money, because everybody thinks that there is so much corruption in our country.
    The most important think now for them have got be the crisis because our country, spain is in a really difficult position. It is absolutely bad. Politicians have to do something to resolve this also about all they people who have not got work and they have a family to have to fed everyday. This is a really sad thing when you have to see so much families outside of their houses because they have no more money to pay it.
    On the other hand. Politicians have to make a progress on the school eduction and don’t waste too much money in things that are not necessary for education like computers for girls and boys in primary school.
    Finally I also think that they have to sell and export more Spanish products.
    These things are what I want that the new government makes. I don’t know too much about politic I just know that our country is not in a good situation and I think that a change will be better for the country and also for us.

  21. The country is very bad but with the new government there are possibilities fix this.
    The country's economic management must be changed, trust employers who are creating jobs and make the number of unemployed decreased. As well families begin to live better and increases the wealth. It's all a chain.
    Public health is another important issue. Many people have many operations made, this operations are paid by all Spanish, and the majority of these operations aren’t very importance. For example many men change their sex trough public health and they do this because they want it. Other example is that many immigrants came to Spain for having and operation because there they are free. All operations are paid by Spanish with our taxes. This can’t continue like this, it is a ruin for the country.
    Urban corruption is another issue. Many people earn big money illegally and the politicians should reduce their salaries because it isn’t necessary so much money for live. Also we must end with the political fraud, politicians mounted scandals and so they take advantage to make more money.
    All politicians must make happy at every citizen. This is their duty and their obligation is comply it.
    Spain top!!!!!!

    David Sarrió Soto 2ºD

  22. PEOPLE’S OPINION: 13/11/2011

    I think that writing about this without writing about politics it´s difficult, but I´m going to try.

    On the one hand, I told politicians that hear the people, because it´s the people who choose the politicians and because people knows which are their problems and which are their needs.

    On the other hand, I would ask to the politicians that they don´t forget the education and health, because I think these are the most importants things. A country needs people health and good educated, people that can do things and think by oneself.

    In adittion to, I would suggest to the politicians that they remove innecessary things because it costs much money and Spain it´s in a poor situation.

    And in last place I would pray to the politicians: “job, job and more job!!”. If people hasn’t a job, they (the politicians) don’t serve for nothing; if people hasn´t a job, they can´t spend money, they can´t buy new things and they can´t be happy. Yesterday I heard: “If you have studied a career in Spain, you have got three exits: by earth, by the sea or by the air.” This, in my opinion, is the saddest thing I have heard in much time.

    In conclusion, I would say to the politicians that get the best for the spanish people.

    Irene Oliveros Ruiz 2ºF

  23. If I could do things for the government would:
    Exchange economy, it would not raise prices for everyone to have iimprescindibles things, and if possible a few quirks.
    Open more public libraries for students to have places to look comfortable and relaxed.
    Recommend not spending money on weapons and are not good for humanity.
    Spend more money on the Spanish health, that every time the doctors are paid less and stop working.
    Fines would stop putting such high prices.
    Lso Bajari public transport prices and gasoline, costs more each time getting from one place to another and we have no money.
    Expected to increase tourism is good for the country and for future generations, so they relate to people from other countries and learn cultures.
    Overall exchange too much government in our country.

  24. The politics is very complicated and I am not prepared to give to think about this matter.
    I am a young woman woman that I am studying to be an independent woman, an educated woman and especially to be a happy woman.
    At present, the politicians have a function complicated by the economic situation of the world.
    I would ask the politicians:
    When will we go out of the economic crisis?
    Why do not you look for solutions to prevent the young persons from going to work abroad? I think that they are paying the studies and when the young persons are formed, they leave them to escape in order that other countries take advantage of our professionals.
    My opinion is that the politicians had to think about the persons and they should forget the personage and the photography because some politicians it is what more he likes.
    To be a politician is very difficult, but it is a voluntary function. The politicians must fight for the company and the politicians must not think about his own interests.


  25. laura zambruno montesinos

    nobody knows whether this situation will improve. the Spanish live without knowing exactly what happens, nobody knows if this is fixed.
    should be addressed as soon as possible the issue of the crisis and especially the theme of work. there are a lot of people out of work and do not even have money helps. people live in very desperate.
    the politicians do not usually matter what people think, but when elections come they turn to us.
    Politics should not follow big gathering that pay after leaving the government. must cut unnecessary expenses and unimportant and stop banning things that people seem to feel important. runs in a hurry that this situation is settled as soon as possible because otherwise many people will end up in desperate situations and severe.

  26. Today, I have to write about politicians. First of all, I want to say that I do not know anything about this issue. I am not interested in politics. However, in our country, the politic is not popular between the people. According my father, in Spain there are not good politicians.
    What would I tell Spanish politicians?. A lot of things. First, they must be honest. When I see the television and I hear the news, I am surprised the number of news about the corruption of the politicians.
    Majors, Ministers, members of Parliament, etc.. It seems that every one rip off in Spain.
    The worse thing is the bad example to the society. People will be not honest if our politicians are not honest.
    Another thing that I would tell Spanish politicians is that they must be just persons
    With honesty and justice, the politicians would be popular in everywhere.
    What would I advise to the Spanish politicians?.The only one advise that I would give to politicians is that they work more for his country and less for his political party or his career political. This way, everywhere could be more happy.
    To sum up, the politics is a shit

  27. I think is impossible to write 200 words about politicians without talk about politics, so I will do a list of questions for the politicians:
    - How is your electoral system?
    -What are your economical propositions?
    -What do you think about unemployed people?
    -What would you do about the terrorist organization Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (E.T.A) and the Basque nationalism?
    -Will you improve the public health?
    -What do you think about the 15-M movement? Do you think it could be an important pressure group for the elections?
    -Do you think the electoral system in Spain is two-party, PP or PSOE, an nothing else?
    -Do you think the law about tobacco is too hard?
    -What would you do if you win the elections?
    -What would you do about the big bottle in the street?
    -Will you change again the speed limit in the roads?
    -What will you do with religion teaching at schools?
    I would suggest the politicians to look more after the people, to spend more money on education and health. I think the politicians earn too much money, so they should reduced their salaries like they did with the civil workers and they also should invest more money in all neighborhoods all over the country.

  28. I think the first thing you have to do is change the pension because they don`t think we can live like this forever, it can not go .. so adults need to charge better. You have to spend more money on health and the needy organizations that don`t have houses to live.
    I think they should change the education has teached, students are less prepared for the future and also how to speak should be better.
    The money must be spent on more public transport, bus, taxi, metro, tram ... You must also have support for enterprises of all forms of racing, they have to give more jobs because many people angry about this ..
    Must have lower taxes and reduce costs.
    In the countryside, agriculture should be very helpful because it gives us food to live.
    especially the elimination of corruption in Spain is much like the case where the champion is accused a government minister.
    We have to change for a better world

  29. I would say to the politicians that they should think in the people who lives in the street, the homeless, and try to make more buildings for that people because everybody is entitled to a decent home.
    There are a lot of persons who don´t have work, maybe they studied to much and they are very clever but they can´t find a job, i would tell them to imagine that they are this people and they can´t bring food at home for their soons.
    They dont have just promise to us a lot of things, they have to take necessary measures.
    If i would be politician i would help to the persons who are old and dont have enough money, and they are lonely...it is so sad so i woul make nursing home, and beautifulls nurse home because them need the best things!
    I think that the Government must to provide scholarships for college and for the school,because a lot of people wants to study but they can´t because they dont have money for that...In the education is too important the english so They should create more public bilingual colleague.
    I would tell to them that listen to people who have confidence in them and try to help us and how can they do it?
    I would ask to them when the spanich crisis will finish?
    Javier garcia de tejada.


    I think that the situation that Spain is living in this moment is very delicate, but is necesary make an effort and solve the problem.

    I'm not going to talk about politic, anyway, even i cant go out to vote because i am young and it is not allow for me.

    The political said always that to fix the situation of the country, they must listen the word of citizens, something that really they can't do. Not long ago, i have read in one magazing one interview on the education of different countries, was given great importance to education is the foundation of a good future for any country like Chine, Germany, English...etc. I think the same. The education is one of pillars of a good future. Our country need urgent changes. I hope make it really soon

  31. If I could talk with government officials about certain actions they could take to improve the country would be a lot, but in my opinion the most important would I say would be:
    1 ° To improve the education of young people and encouraged, so as to "copy" the Finland’s educational system, as it is the best right now.
    2 º To assist and encourage all those young people who have earned a secure future and want all kinds of options allowing them to carry this out, so we can get to succeed.
    3 º To fulfil all those promises that are given before being elected president, then never wear out or one quarter of what they have been said in the various debates.
    4º That all that means democracy is carried out with respect to having people who choose not to then do all sorts of tramps to get out of ruling a person you have just arrived to vote.
    5º That no longer take money from everyone in order to make them even richer and the citizens even poorer, causing what they call a crisis, when it is clear that everything can be solved if they would stop filling the pockets of money from all .
    These are the main ones that I think that this all might work better ... Although I have many more.


  32. I’m agree with Juan Lopez, of course, politicians listen to us just before the election.
    I can’t talk much about politics because the truth is that I don’t understand very much, I only can say that if they really want our attention, if they really care spain and they don’t only want the common vote, they must do everything by the Spanish people from the beginning to the end, if some political party fulfilled this, as long as they respect all, would be the appropiate political party to govern, at least, this is my opinion.
    Furthermore, if the Spanish politicians when they go to count an idea or thought, they only are surroundes just surrounded with people that have the same mentality that they, they wouldn’t be taking a step forward, only one back, they have to surround with people who bring different ideas which they have because it can win much more.
    And one more thing, if they make a promise, they must fulfill, what they do very is to make many promises , perhaps more than they can comply, and once come to power, don’t comply them.
    So they should take more account of the present crisis, and try to leave it, and once resolved the problem or in process of being solved account cast minor problems like abortion, or education.

  33. next Sunday there will be elections as in Spain and there will be a change of government. Many Spanish people expect a big change from the new government. especially in the economic sector of our country where there is high unemployment and many families are affected by unemployment, is one of the most important proposals that ask the new government. I would ask the new government the following proposals.
    1.More family support to those families who are unemployed
    2. develop agriculture and tourism
    3. increase the number of scholarships
    4. Doctors should also be more that of today there are very few in ours.
    5. reduce taxes
    6. the government should put more jobs
    7. judicial sector reform
    8. Enforcement of Sentences
    9. encourage the construction sector
    10. improve the commercial sector in Spain.
    Spain is affected to a economic crisis for many years and I hope that these new goverment will realiced one of this proposals and make this country much better in all aspects.

  34. First at all I would tell to the politicians that they were stopping fighting with others and were dealing with solving the problems that Spain has in these moments that are great and very big.
    They must solve the problem of the unemployment. Every time there are more people without work. Most of the families are suffering a lot of frightened because they don't have enough money at the end of the month. Many of them have all their members in unemployment.
    Nevertheless, in the press it is read every day on the quantity of money that the politicians spend in official cars, meals and trips, the diverse salaries that receive and the corruption that exists between the politicians.
    The truth is that they do not have very good reputation. Their popularity has diminished recently. So I would suggest them to start working, and that the difficult measures, that they are going to have to take, are not imposed only on the citizens, but they start by themselves. I would advise them to decrease their salaries, the same that they have done with the government employees and the pensioners.
    In conclusion he would suggest him to be honest, honorables and to work to raise the standard of living and to solve the problems of the country.

  35. Certainly the people distrust politicians and their activities and don't believe a word they say. All people suspect they work for theirs own advantage. The politicians have lost touch with person and reality. It´s necessary a new kind of politicians closer to the people, and prepared to heard and take decission.
    I read in a magazine a Pio Baroja reflexion about the politicians. He said:
    “The truth is that in Spain there are seven classes spanish ... yes, like the seven deadly sins.
    1) Those who do not know
    2) Those who do not want to know
    3) Those who hate knowledge
    4) The suffering of not knowing
    5) Those who seem to know
    6) Those who succeed without knowing, and
    7) Those who live by the others do not know.
    The latter call themselves "political" and sometimes even "intellectuals".

  36. I, if I'm honest, I have little idea of ​​politics because it is an issue that attracts me. These politicians who only listen to people when they see it coming election campaigns or sometimes days before the election that they need. Our future is in their hands not just a matter of us also comes down to them. In these times of crisis I would ask you at least try to rebuild on all the way to bring the economy of our country. Also I would ask them to be honest with us and tell us where we stand no matter how hard that is because I really think that was the problem. We did not know that our country was so bad and so we've come over the roof and it was too late when they wanted to fix it. Also ask them to give him aid to families who really need to study very well and who are granted such aid as there are families who need it more than others. Another very important thing is to consider the justice and that the convictions established couplings. For example seville 3 years ago killed a girl and have the offender sentenced to 20 years in prison which will comply as much as 8 or 9 years. This is not fair. We can´t go with that fear on the street.
    It is also important to check the immigration does`t mean a ban, but in Spain there are many immigrants who have taken the job Spanish people in need. Ultimately therefore not look for them and that most of us worry that their job is and for that we have given a vote of confidence to help us.

  37. Sounds like a great idea as the basis of a good society is freedom of expression, in which people can express their political views for so finding the best operating rules governing the correct behavior of a society. I would say to the politicians to listen to citizens and ensure the general good rather than their individual good. We also advise you not to take action to get by and please the citizens for a short period of time for that later found with the harsh reality, I would ask them to take long-term measures but would be hard at first time would restore the proper functioning of a society which had the lowest possible rate of unemployed, the minimum rate of the poor, and especially the maximum happiness that would give the rates mentioned above. This is the idea that politicians are transmitted to the front if I had, I think there should be a person representing the people's opinion, this would imply the absence of events that altered the general order and to give an image of destabilization against the neighboring countries, a situation that would hurt a great way to an alliance with the same or to aid or collaboration with them.

  38. Hello, my name is Belen and I would opinion in this video, I will not get into politics but if opinion about things that I think should change the politicians.
    When politicians care about them is when people can get to listen and promise that things will change, the people tired of not being heard as a politician tells them that things are going to change the bounce but they should realize that interest only do they them selves know that they will then not only do they want to win the game what they
    I would say that if you put a little on the skin of the people would understand and see that people have reason and change his attitude because without the people politicians do nothing.
    Also I have to admit that people do not do that well, tired of not being heard, take to the streets to protest
    Doing things they should not, such as camping in the Plaza del Sol in Madrid. And broken and dirty stuff they own pay.
    Street gets dirty and then have to clean up with the money from around the world
    I hope my opinion is seen. Thank you very much.

  39. Hello, my name is Belen and I would opinion in this video, I will not get into politics but if opinion about things that I think should change the politicians.
    When politicians care about them is when people can get to listen and promise that things will change, the people tired of not being heard as a politician tells them that things are going to change the bounce but they should realize that interest only do they them selves know that they will then not only do they want to win the game what they
    I would say that if you put a little on the skin of the people would understand and see that people have reason and change his attitude because without the people politicians do nothing.
    Also I have to admit that people do not do that well, tired of not being heard, take to the streets to protest
    Doing things they should not, such as camping in the Plaza del Sol in Madrid. And broken and dirty stuff they own pay.
    Street gets dirty and then have to clean up with the money from around the world
    I hope my opinion is seen. Thank you very much.

  40. Now in Spain and Europe there is an economic crisis like 1920's in USA.

    In that times, crisis caused the 2º world war. In this crisis, more important things are the lack of work, the bank's crisis, the debt we have with European Central Bank.

    The new government is taking hard measures to try to pay. If we don't solve this problem, we will be as Greece and we take the risk of going away of euro.

    The problem is that if we save money to pay, the government don't spend money in helps for the workers to create work.

    Economists don't agree. Some of them think that is better to spend money while others think that is better to obey Angela Merkel.

    I, sincerely, think that we sould ask for money to rich people, improving their taxes and making them pay a private healthy.

    It is necesary to help people without job and don't take money off the hospitals and the public school.

    We have to be more solidaire and don't be selfish.

    Crisis have a possitive side: Crisis means change, and this is a good moment to think about a different world.


  41. Politic is something that really I am not interested in, but anway I give my opinion about it. All the people know that we are suffering a crisis, and that the situation is really bad, not just in Spain, all over the world. But Spain is really really bad... and it is true that it seems that politics just listen to the population when the elections are going to be. But, In my opinion, all the politics are false and are only interested in their things. They want money and power. They dont really care about people problem. If i could ask them for something i will say the Young generation are really looking for opportunities to work, and we need a place where develop our knowledges. If it could be posible (that I think it is not) I would ask for money for everyone, there are a lot of por people, and I think it is not fai some people are rich and other too por… everyday in the news we can see how much people are loosing their homes, and I feel sad when I see them. Also, it is important to have peace, no violence, and it was a good new that ETA was going to stop doing violence, i was really happy when i Heard it.

  42. Our politician only think in their profit, and this is the result , I think that is the same Rubalcaba that Rajoy how say my grand-mother the politician only lie. we only can complain with demonstration because the politician don’t see the problem of the society, they only worry about their money.
    There are to realize different measure but they can’t took the money to public health or education because they are skeleton service, in Catalonia his mayor have decided that may be the medicine and the consultation are going to be more expensive.
    Protest of may 15 is knowing worldwide, last week in New York the people did the same , such as Greece or Italy. People go out to the street for demand new measure but the governments don’t do anything.
    In this protest people live in the street there are kitchen, mobile bathroom and meeting, they are a big family who try to chance the society, and this demonstration have to be legal.
    In Spain there are a lot of thing to change but seems that our leader don’t understand nothing, in conclusion the politician is very strange and difficult.

  43. First, I must say I am not too much inside politics, but it interests me of course, but if I ever had the chance to talk directly to a high rank politician I don’t exactly know what I would ask or tell him, what I would really want him to change in this country, but I think I would do my best. I will try to make him understand that is very difficult for so many families to arrive to the end of the month, but I know that is hard to see being in a good position, with money, a really enjoyable life with no extreme worries, overcoat lack of economic problems. But that’s not politician fault, we all live truly good, in comparison with others who appreciate things that seem to enjoy but that come from some work profit by any member of the family. Simply but very important things such as food, electricity, water, heat…
    Also I would tell him to try to make this country a more tolerant country, a hard-working country where everyone has a place, where anyone has the same opportunities as any other, no matter his race, condition or origin, only their aptitudes.
    The most important thing I would try to transmit him is my wish of a government who doesn’t become corrupt. We have had a bad situation these past years with that matter and I reckon that it’s already enough. Money is the worst temptation for men, more even than women.
    Politician is not an easy job, you sometimes have to make decisions, decisions you think are right from your point of view, but we all are different and have different thoughts, so you can’t always be right, even if you try your best.

    elena mellado 2ºc

  44. The first thing I think we all have to ask to the politicians is to be honest. If we do not trust them is because they lie to us most of the time. People are tired of seeing in the news how a mayor has stolen money, or how another mayor has done somebody a big favour. That type of things is what makes people really angry with their politicians, so I ask them not to steal, to be honest with the people and to do their jobs correctly, nothing more.
    I also want to ask the politicians to work for the people, specially now, with the economic situation. We need money and jobs, and it is their responsibility to create them. In addition, I think that they should care about some things like education. They can create laws and they can change them, so they should use that power to improve the country.
    The last thing I want them to do is to stop fighting. I don't think that now is the right time to fight for power or control, I think it is the time to help the country and to help the people.

  45. Irene Barroso Álvaro 1º A

    People´s opinion

    I would tell the politicians that, unfortunately, getting involved in politics is one of the best business that one person can do. When somebody leaves politics, usually, is richer or, at least, better socially positioned than when he or she got involved in, and I don´t think that this is a good lesson for young people like us. Hard work, study, and, may be, a little bit of luck, should be the right recipe for progressing, instead of that. Politicians should have a deep public service vocation instead of an excessive power ambition so that they should leave politics in the same financial position in which they got involved in. They should listen to the people not only in elections time because they are here to serve, not to be served. This way, we would have in politics only the honest citizens that any society should deserve, but I guess that, in that case, politicians would be only a few people. How many cases of political corruption do we know?, but, how many politicians are behind bars?. Really, politics, nowadays, just stinks, but I don´t think that this only happens in Spain. Probably it´s about human nature, and all I think it should be is not more than an utopia.

  46. While more people today think the government is too big rather than too small, a plurality has consistently called for spending on programs like education, healthcare, aid to big cities, protecting the environment, and fighting crime.
    Is it possible to overcome the crisis without causing harm to the people who always end up being harmed?
    How can economic interests be substituted for values?
    Why interest rates rise to curb inflation, when this measure tends to cause higher prices, and only benefits the banks, which unreasonably increase their income, when logic would encourage savings?
    Why the stock market has become a sort of Casino, where the real value of the securities is being replaced by speculative estimates and manipulated by powerful economic groups?

    Why not control the activities of savings banks, both in its financial operations and the methods for electing their boards of directors, to meet its founding objectives of the economy?

    Do not believe that currently control the world economy is no longer in the hands of a certain social class, but is in the hands of those who control the financial flows that have virtually all the money?.
    How to retrieve jobs in the coming years?

  47. In Spain we have a big problem is that we tend to generalize, not all politicians are thieves and opportunists, and if we are defending an ideology even though we know that's not right but never changed our thinking. It is normal to have that opinion about politicians because many are concerned as they use their power to improve their lives and their social position and not to improve the lives of the citizens of the country
    the politicians who only cares to know of citizens before the election to get votes I would say they are politicians, 365 days a year and that they behave as they are
    I think a solution to this problem is that in the next elections a large majority vote in white as a sign that we do not like any of the current political
    I would ask that only politicians standing for election are those who have a real vocation because to be the president of a country is no-nonsense is one of the most important Spain should be a great nation because we have been the most important countries in history positions and many people depend on you
    Antonio Buedia Picamill

  48. The most important thing in politic and the base of it is doing what people wants. But now in Spain and surely all over the world politicians do not hear people they just look for their interests and make themselves reacher.

    I think that the most important thing to do is to eliminate unnecessary political institutions and making a disminution of staff. Also making the necessary changes in sanity to reduce the cost and make people pay a little because, if you do not do it, people wastes a lot of medicines and services. Also the state needs to reduce its budget and spend money in different things so that money goes to workers and families and they can spend and money will be moving again.

  49. My I would like to support a long conversation with some of the politicians of this country. The more important thing that they have to do is take measurements in order that this situation improves, in order that the crisis dissolves or at least it diminishes because in Spain there are many people in unemployment and with many needs that about a lot of time that did not happen something like that. If Spain is in bankruptcy what they must do it is to cut away and to raise the taxes. Not agreeable at all for the Spanish but it is necessary to think that they are measured that initially they are hard but that it will begin the improvement. He is going to meet reflected in the wages of the civil servants or civil servants. And especially on the other hand we need that in Spain it finishes the corruption. There are great the politicians who have not could face the power and to finish corrupt. What I think is that Spain needs politicians indeed, with great force of attracting the people, of taking a country in conditions. I believe that a great example of this country has been Felipe Gonzalez, politician with charisma. On the other hand more political parties that give a few different measures and especially that resolves this situation in which we are, because there are many Spanish who are spending it very badly.


  50. first of all I think that the situation in the country is now very bad and would have to thank the politicians who are in the Government. It is not easy to be President now in Spain.
    I would ask to these politicians to do utmost to settle the issue of the crisis, even if they have to take drastic measures such as cuts in their pay.
    It is important also to avoid corruption, this worsened the economic situation.
    You should also change the legal situation. in new york a man by pirating is sentenced to 25 years in prison in Spain only 20!
    unemployment is another major problem of the Spanish economy. almost 5 million unemployed in Spain. I think that the Government should create jobs with works public and giving money to small businesses to invest and to hire more employees.

  51. In these moments the most important thing is to be able to go out of the econcomic crisis so big that has our Country. This Sunday we have general choices. If there is change of government, I think that it can be an important change.
    My grand worry is the work, the million Spaninsh who are unemployed, many families that neither the mother nor the father works and haven´t money to be able to pay his houses, food, cars etc… A horror! Another important point is that the Politicians should save in things that aren´t really important as official cars, food and travels and they must lower the salaries of the Politicians.
    Another important point is the Health, they must construct more hospitals, because those who exist are collapsed and haven´t free beds, many patients are waiting that the doctors could attend to him. In the topic of the Education, I think that the schools should be bilingual from children. There are so many important things that can improves that little by little we want that that it is.

  52. PEOPLE’S OPINION. Alberto González Muñoz 2ºD.
    I agree with the man´s opinion. In this moment, economic crisis is the best problem in Spain. This crisis is a global crisis and countries try to find a solution to the problem. Many countries to improve its own economy, but Spain is suffering the severe consequences this crisis. The main problem is unemployment. There are a lot of people who lost their jobs and they have true problems to find a new job and they have difficulties to a get money to live.
    Therefore if I would have the opportunity to give my opinion to politicians I´ll say them:
    - They should be honest. They should a clear and transparent management.
    - They should do to cut in trips, cars and other things don´t necessary.
    - They should to care about education and they have to think it´s a fundamental to students so education is very important to future of the countries.
    - Improving to our public health.
    Definitely they have to improve the present situation.

  53. What would you tell these politicians?
    Election promises are promises made to the public by a politician who is trying to win an election. They may be very important but often are broken once a politician is in office.
    What would you ask for?
    What do you think will solve the Spanish economic crisis?
    What is the best solution to implement?
    How to reduce the problem of the unemployment?
    Do you think that the alternative energies would be a good solution?
    What would you advise or suggest?
    I would suggest that politicians should be always honest
    I would suggest that the politicians should have a good formation
    It would suggest that the politicians of the opposition should work together with the government to look for solutions
    It would suggest that the investigators should work for the development of renewable energy, for example, the use of solar energy.
    I would suggest the use of the most modern educational system
    I would suggest that the judicial laws should be reformed to offer more safety of the people
    I would suggest that the electoral system must be reformed
    I would suggest that they should offer helps to the persons who need to rent or to buy a house.

    2º A

    What would you tell these politicians?
    If I could speak with the candidates for the Presidency of Spain I would tell them that they must make decisions thinking always about the better thing for the Spanish people. It is necessary that all the politicians work joined to improve the economic situation of Spain. Therefore, the politicians of the opposition must help to the party that is governing in order that they must pass the best laws for the citizens. On the other hand, all the politicians must be an example for the citizens and never break the laws. And finally, they must work to look for a solution to the crisis and to end with the cases of corruption in Spain.
    What would you ask for?
    I would ask the politicians what solution is the best for the crisis. The second question I would ask if they are ready to find the best solutions for the majority or the best solution for the rich people only. And finally, I would ask them about the solutions for the environment
    What would you advise or suggest?
    I would suggest that they should ask the best economists of our country the possible solutions to solve the crisis. About the justice I would suggest them to enforce the laws in order that the people feel sure in the streets. With regard to the education I would like that the politicians reform the educational system in order that we could have a system as Norway, for example. And to finish, I would propose them to invest in renewable energies in order that Spain could be one of the first producers in the world.

  55. Democracy means that people rule the country, everybody can participate in the government. However, actually that is impossible because we elect politicians to represent us in the parlament and in the institutions. Many of these politicians think that when they have been elected they can do what they want for four years, until the next elections. So they decide a lot of things their electors would decide in a different way. They should tell us before the election what they are planning to do, what is their program. If they act against their promise they should be replaced immediately by a better politician. Another problem is that they fix their own wages, so after the elections they often decide to increase the money they get for their work. The voters should decide how much money they earn. Maybe the best solution would be to celebrate elections not only every four years, but every year, so politician have to prove they are doing well their work more frequently.


  56. I would recommend them not to think in his party wins the election but in the best for the citizens. That they help businesses to create jobs, and workers to be prepared to do their job, and that Spanish companies could sell their products in foreign countries because they are better than their competitors. So they make a lot of money for schools, hospitals, roads .... Also I would ask them to agree to get us out of the crisis. If we unite our efforts insted of everyone thinks only of his own interests,we will get Europe to do what we need. Now, if all parties, and all unions, employers, and citizens and they all claim the same in Europe, surely nobody can deny us and help us overcome the crisis. We would not go on strike and we all would strive to work. I also would tell them to make education more adapted to modern times. Nowadays we don´t have to memorize and memorize as now all the information is already online. But learn to debate and visiting sites and seeing movies and discussed in working groups. We should learn to analyze, discuss, convince, to think, to work together .... My mother says that's how they learn in other countries.

  57. In Spain, the two bigger politicians parties are PP and PSOE. PP is clearly inclinated to the right and it favor to business man, while PSOE is inclinated to left and favor to the workers, in my opinion those politicians parties do right, I think they would come to terms and they have to fuse to make other new politician parti and I think, all the people in Spain would vote this new parti whose have no inclination to any political party. Other problem in the political is the money that they steal to other spanish and to the state spanish. they can govern for 4 years and when the rest spanish people vote again PP and PSOE again dress of saint and they can deceive and steal for 4 years more. We can´t vote the desicions that they will take after the first two months. Honestly, I prefer to vote PP because my opinion is... ¿Who employ to the other employees if they don´t help with money market funds? so it is normal that the country is in a serious crisis that do not know when we can overcome. Dear politicians make something for the rest of people and no only for you

  58. the Spanish live without knowing exactly what happens, nobody knows if this is fixed.
    should be addressed as soon as possible the issue of the crisis and especially the theme of work. there are a lot of people out of work and do not even have money helps. people live in very desperate.
    the politicians do not usually matter what people think, but when elections come they turn to us.
    Politics should not follow big gathering that pay after leaving the government. must cut unnecessary expenses and unimportant and stop banning things that people seem to feel important.

  59. I think the first thing to do is change the board, and they don `t think we can live like this forever, can not go .. adults need to collect better. You have to spend more money on health and organizations don `t need who have houses to live.
    I think they should change education has been taught, students are less prepared for the future and also the speech must be better.
    The money should be spent on more public transport, bus, taxi, metro, tram ... You should also have the support of businesses of all types of careers, they have to provide more jobs, because many people angry about this ..
    Should have lower taxes and reduce costs.
    In the countryside, agriculture should be very useful because it gives food to live.
    especially the elimination of corruption in Spain is very similar to the case in which accused the champion of a government minister.
    We have to change for a better world

  60. first of all I think that the situation in the country is now very bad and would have to thank the politicians who are in the Government. It is not easy to be President now in Spain.
    I would ask to these politicians to do utmost to settle the issue of the crisis, even if they have to take drastic measures such as cuts in their pay.
    It is important also to avoid corruption, this worsened the economic situation.
    You should also change the legal situation. in new york a man by pirating is sentenced to 25 years in prison in Spain only 20!
    unemployment is another major problem of the Spanish economy. almost 5 million unemployed in Spain. I think that the Government should create jobs with works public and giving money to small businesses to invest and to hire more employees.


  61. If I could speak with the candidates for the Presidency of Spain I would tell them that they must make decisions thinking always about the better thing for the Spanish people. It is necessary that all the politicians work joined to improve the economic situation of Spain. Therefore, the politicians of the opposition must help to the party that is governing in order that they must pass the best laws for the citizens. On the other hand, all the politicians must be an example for the citizens and never break the laws. And finally, they must work to look for a solution to the crisis and to end with the cases of corruption in Spain. They should tell us before the election what they are planning to do, what is their program. If they act against their promise they should be replaced immediately by a better politician. Another problem is that they fix their own wages, so after the elections they often decide to increase the money they get for their work. I think that the schools should be bilingual from children. There are so many important things that can improves that little by little we want that that it is.

  62. First at all I would tell to the politicians that they were stopping fighting with others and were dealing with solving the problems that Spain has in these moments that are great and very big.
    They must solve the problem of the unemployment. Every time there are more people without work. Most of the families are suffering a lot of frightened because they don't have enough money at the end of the month. Many of them have all their members in unemployment.
    Nevertheless, in the press it is read every day on the quantity of money that the politicians spend in official cars, meals and trips, the diverse salaries that receive and the corruption that exists between the politicians.
    The truth is that they do not have very good reputation. Their popularity has diminished recently. So I would suggest them to start working, and that the difficult measures, that they are going to have to take, are not imposed only on the citizens, but they start by themselves. I would advise them to decrease their salaries, the same that they have done with the government employees and the pensioners.
    In conclusion he would suggest him to be honest, honorables and to work to raise the standard of living and to solve the problems of the country.

  63. The Spanish have a defect, and do not look beyond the visible to the naked eye. If two political parties are the owners of all the news, we do not seek a third option. That's why politicians of the two parties take advantage of the lack of intelligence of the citizens. All we do is to require greater attention, not just at election time. If not, we should seek a political party as we like to really worry citizens. Demagoguery is a very effective political strategy, so we must be prepared for these handling techniques, based on culture and have an open mind.


  64. I would say to the politicians that they should think in the people who lives in the street, the homeless, and try to make more buildings for that people because everybody is entitled to a decent home.
    There are a lot of persons who don´t have work, maybe they studied to much and they are very clever but they can´t find a job, i would tell them to imagine that they are this people and they can´t bring food at home for their soons.
    They dont have just promise to us a lot of things, they have to take necessary measures.
    If i would be politician i would help to the persons who are old and dont have enough money, and they are lonely...it is so sad so i woul make nursing home, and beautifulls nurse home because them need the best things!
    I think that the Government must to provide scholarships for college and for the school,because a lot of people wants to study but they can´t because they dont have money for that...In the education is too important the english so They should create more public bilingual colleague.

  65. Politics is a very difficult to solve in any country. When elections are held in a country gets the politicians machine work. All politicians prepare their speeches, decorate and make them attractive to the voter. They begin to go door to door. They go to the most disadvantaged neighborhoods to intenresant by these people. People tell them their problems with the own hope of being solved. In cities solve the problems. Citizens so they are arranged as roads, hospitals ... We see in cities and towns made many works. The streets are cleaner and everything looks new. All politicians promise many things, like better schools, and they say that will make more parks. All these politicians are well intentioned but ultimately leaves the political party comes out as usual without changing anything
    I think anything that can not meet that they do not say that since they are playing with people's feelings. Election campaigns also ought not to be so expensive, spent much money could be spent on other issues. Also have to be clearer when they present their ideas.
    Mercedes Gonzalez Pinillos 1C

  66. One thing is clear is that the current policy of Spain and the odd country is a mess, between the politicians who steal money from all the Spanish and how little they represent. The solution to start would be to remove as many politicians out there, because there are half a million politicians to about forty-seven million inhabitants in Spain, the worst is that now most of these people. We should also mention that problems abroad have not been solved by the mismanagement and neither has done anything contrary to what we went through, for example Argentina has nationalized YPF and change not only have given us no problems, problems countries discovered and modernized thanks to us and we got it back and, like Bolivia and the power grid.
    One solution would be frowned upon in principle, but well done would be a perfect solution but not nice for other countries, is a dictatorship, but not exactly that, but to make quick changes would require a person who would do it without needing to others and so the country recover quickly. Within that would place a great parliament represented by all kinds of people in Spain, as the groups that make up society: religious, gay, Andalusia, Catalonia, Extremadura ...
    Also formed a team of government experts in each part of the government, for example for medicine, a doctor important for the defense, a general, for the economy, a good economist.
    Besides, as it would be a democracy, albeit with a person at its center, all laws arising in the parliament and were approved by parliament, would join in a vote every month, where people vote all the laws that have been approved since the last vote.

    Pedro Ávila Abans 1ºA

  67. Well I have a few accounts questions than I would like to think that they would be of the most interesting in my opinion:
    1º improve the professorate of the first years of secondary education, since there is the basis for courses.
    2º why are granted primary laptops and the high school students do not?
    3º Reduce the cost of public transport
    4º do you think that Spain succeeded in overcoming the crisis in which this faux?
    5º do you think they lowering him more money to the civil servants?
    6º do you agree to reduce the spending on education and health published?
    7º What would you do about the terrorist organization Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (E.T.A) and the Basque nationalism?
    8º Will you change again the speed limit in the roads?
    9º What will you do with religion teaching at schools?
    I would suggest the politicians to look more after the people, to spend more money on education and health. I think the politicians earn too much money, so they should reduced their salaries like they did with the civil workers and they also should invest more money in all neighborhoods all over the country.

  68. The first thing I think we all have to ask to the politicians is to be honest. If we do not trust them is because they lie to us most of the time. People are tired of seeing in the news how a mayor has stolen money, or how another mayor has done somebody a big favour. That type of things is what makes people really angry with their politicians, so I ask them not to steal, to be honest with the people and to do their jobs correctly, nothing more.
    I also want to ask the politicians to work for the people, specially now, with the economic situation. We need money and jobs, and it is their responsibility to create them. In addition, I think that they should care about some things like education. They can create laws and they can change them, so they should use that power to improve the country.
    The last thing I want them to do is to stop fighting. I don't think that now is the right time to fight for power or control, I think it is the time to help the country and to help the people.
