En clase:

"…Y esto lo corregimos mañana, y mañana, a lo mejor es mañana, pero es seguro que es el proximo dia…"

martes, 13 de noviembre de 2012


Do we only use ten per cent of our brain?
It’s amazing just how many medical myths there are to choose from, but one part of the body seems to attract more than its fair share, and that’s the brain. One of my favourite brain myths is the idea that we only use 10% of it. It’s an appealing idea because it suggests the possibility that we could become so much more intelligent, successful or creative, if only you could harness that wasted 90%. This might inspire us to try harder, but unfortunately that doesn’t mean there’s any truth in it.


There are lots of the so-called "urban-myths", can you tell me one of them, or any other myth?  (200 words)

93 comentarios:

  1. A man and woman went to Las Vegas for their honeymoon, and checked into a suite at a hotel. When they got to their room they both detected a bad odor. The husband called down to the front desk and asked to speak to the manager. He explained that the room smelled very bad and they would like another suite. The manager apologized and told the man that they were all booked because of a convention. He offered to send them to a restaurant of their choice for lunch compliments of the hotel, and said he was going to send a maid up to their room to clean and to try and get rid of the odor.

    After a nice lunch the couple went back to their room. When they walked in they could both still smell the horrible odor. Again the husband called the front desk and told the manager that the room still smelled really bad. The manager told the man that they would try and find a suite at another hotel. He called every hotel on the strip, but every hotel was sold out because of the convention. The manager told the couple that they couldn't find them a room anywhere, but they would try and clean the room again. The couple wanted to see the sights and do a little gambling anyway, so they said they would give them two hours to clean and then they would be back.

    When the couple had left, the manager and all of the housekeeping staff went to the room to try and find what was making it smell so bad. They searched the entire suite and found nothing, so the maids changed the sheets, changed the towels, took down the curtains and put new ones up, cleaned the carpet, and cleaned the suite again using the strongest cleaning products they had.

    The couple came back two hours later to find the room still had a bad odor. The husband was so angry at this point, he decided to find whatever this smell was himself. So he started tearing the entire suite apart.

    As he pulled the top mattress off the box spring of the bed he found a dead body of a woman.

  2. Is said that chewing gum takes seven years to digest in the stomach. The gum comprises a gum base, sweeteners and flavorings. The gum base is rather difficult to digest, is composed of a mixture of elastomers, resins, fats, waxes and emulsifiers. In most cases, your stomach will be unable to "separate" these elements. Sugar sweeteners and may be absorbed, but waxes and resins. are resistant to gastric juices. Our digestive system is an alternative to that which can not disintegrate totally eat there are many things that we can not digest well. On rare occasions it is possible that the digestive tract is blocked by excess gum.
    But this has been proven and is not true because stomach acids do not distinguish between the different elements that come into our digestive system, either organic or chemical, such as chewing gum. In digest, our stomach takes more or less the same as with any other junk food, about 20 hours. They say that the myth of the seven years was invented by mothers who wanted to avoid cavities producing chewing gum with sugar. Although this is true or not, the gum is very difficult to swallow, and it's a nice thing is not so best avoided anyway.


  3. So, I’m going to tell you two myths. I only knew the first one. I’ve looked in Internet the other myth.

    MYTH: Walt Disney is cryogenically frozen

    This is another rumor that has been around for a long time, and it seems that everyone has heard at some point in their lives. This says that Walt Disney made all the necessary arrangements so that after his death his body was frozen in the hope that future technology allows him to be brought back to life. No one is sure how this story began, but records show that he was cremated when he died in 1966. It is suspected that the great secret that kept her funeral, along with his reputation as an inventor, led to the creation of this incredible myth.

    MYTH: cracking your knuckles can cause arthritis in the future.

    The crack of the knuckles is caused by the separation of the bones where they form a gas bubble. The sound is when the bubble bursts. It is very common to hear someone who grinds his fingers suffer from arthritis, but the worst thing that can happen to this person is that compulsive finger joints may weaken over time. Arthritis is caused by others factors.

  4. Well I have understood the blog as some kind of amazing story about the brain. I recently met a kind of trauma or disease actually causes the people, who has amazing qualities, are called Savant or something, and they are people who have suffered some kind of accident or simply born with problems like autism and today days have certain qualities that leave us all with your mouth open. This study that people use more than 70% of your brain as is the case, which surprised me most, from a Afro-American boy took a big hit in the head with a baseball ball and he lost his consciousness and was much time in hospital and in a coma, but this guy when he awoke he could do something amazing it was that watching something once could paint with all the details without looking. They did a very interesting thing was that this boy was taken to Rome and was the first time I traveled to this place and made him take a helicopter tour of Rome under the helicopter and when he learned to paint the entire city of Rome, when I remember what it's called I'll show the video

  5. Now, there are a lot of myths, many of them “made that we have bad luck” years and more years of bad luck. many people say that for example, if you pass under a ladder you will have bad luck, but, in my opinion, it is only superstitions. There are a lot of people superstitious.

    One myths, for example is that there are crocodiles in the New York’s sewerages. There are persons that say that there are crocodiles in the New York’s sewerage, in theory this animals one day were pets, but when the crocodiles grew there was very expensive to care, also when the animals were big, they weren’t as pretty as baby and their owners was fed up of them. This was the time to “say good bye” to pets, to throw to de WC. The legend say that these crocodiles, now, there are blind, and they live in the New York’s sewerages. The people say that the person who down to the sewerage get lost there, and never be founded.

    It is one of the many myths who are saying to the people, the myths never disappear, and all days the number of myths is increasing a lot.

    María José Carrascosa Bernal 2ºD

  6. Javier Bermejo Torrent 1ºA

    There is an urban-myth of crocodiles in the sewers. It appeared in the 1930s.Its origin is from the U.S. It became a fashion to have alligators as pets. They were brought from Florida, and kept in terrariums until they were big. Then the animals were not so cute and it cost lots of money to feed. That was the time to leave the pet but where?
    The myth is that some people put the animal in the toilet drain. So a few survived and lived in the sewers. They ate rats. They grew very big and lived under the city. When anyone disappeared it was the crocodiles. This myth was told to the children and repeated again and again. It was said to happen in many many cities. This frightened the children. It was said that the crocodiles ate people in the night. They were afraid to go out.

  7. The brain, an organ too important for humans, is something that many people talk. There are many myths about this topic. We have two examples here:
    The sentence "Drinking alcohol destroys neurons" is really famous nowadays. Well, it is just a myth because what really happens is that over time, if you drink excessively, brain size is reduced. This does not mean that drinking a little upset. In fact, red wine may protect the brain by reducing the risk of stroke (as long as you drink two glasses a week).
    Another popular myth is: "The left half of the brain is rational." What is certain is that this region of the cerebral cortex is the one that produces the language and solve problems, but this doesn't mean it is "the half rational". If something doesn't make sense, the brain does an explication invented because the left brain requires logic and order. Scientists suggest that the brain must be considered a system, not a collection of parts.
    Still it is a body part that we must care for and treat with special attention, because after the heart, is the most important organ, either true or false the myths.

  8. Listening to Mozart makes you more intelligent.

    This idea began in 1990.
    Many people began to think that playing Mozart's music to young children and babies, can improve brain development and make them more intelligent.
    And this is true.
    This myth became known as the Mozart effect.
    The research discovered an experiment in a California university where students did some tasks of spatial reasoning.
    Students who listened to a Mozart piano piece before the test scored higher than those who listened to relaxing music or simple silence.
    But the effect of the sonata disappeared after about 15 minutes.
    Two years after that publication, the media were responsible for turning a simple interesting observation in a great concept that play the music of Mozart children made them more intelligent.
    Then a lot of companies sold CDs of musical genius designed specifically for that purpose.
    In the United States, the state of Georgia gave to mothers of newborns in 1998 their own CDs of Mozart.
    Some people had theories of musical structures of Mozart's compositions had a special biological influence in brain connections.
    Then, a study revealed that It was learned that any piece of music heard stimulant just before making a series of mental tasks makes you more alert and excited and can do better what you do.

  9. The legend of the Good Samaritan.

    This story begins when a middle-class family, in any city, a car is stolen. After putting the police report, after two weeks, usually receive a letter to the address says about this:

    Dear Sir,

    First ask apologies for stealing your car. I just borrowed it to a situation, I really promise you that was life or death. Please excuse me.

    The car is parked in the street, with a full tank and freshly washed.

    I really hope that you can understand how a person with an extreme situation can act as I have done.

    I refer you to apologize with this letter two invitations for you and your wife go to the representation of Rigoletto, which will take place at the Royal Theatre on Thursday.

    Accept this and I hope this can forgive my failure.

    A repentant.

    Marriage when it receives this letter is glad that people like that still exist in the world and of course accepts and seeks to respond to that kind of gratitude the repentant thief and, of course, go to the theater next Thursday to see Rigoletto. What happens? Well, when they return home after the opera find their house has been ransacked by thieves.

    The police said that this is a method used by thieves to make sure the house is empty during the robbery.

  10. Irene Barroso Álvaro 2º E


    Do cats land always on their paws ?

    Yes, scientific studies in the 80´s, declare that they have a reflex motion that make possible that cats turn themselves so that they always land on their paws. This is posible because of their unusually flexible vertebral column and because they haven´t got a clavicle like us in their skeleton. All of this makes possible that cats absorb the impact when they fall from huge heights. In fact, the higher they fall, the better to turn their bodies and land in a good way. I can affirm that this is true, because we have tested it many times playing with our cat (not very high). He always turned his body in the air. It is fantastic.

    Can a coin thrown from a skyscraper kill someone?

    No, because a coin´s aerodynamics make it glide, like leaves do. In spite of coin´s speed when it falls, the most you can get is a light bruise, if the coin hits you, but never a mortal hurt. A bullet´s aerodynamics, for example, is thought to hurt or kill, because it avoids friction.

    Is yawning infectious?

    Yes. Even chimps imitate yawn just at the moment they see another chimp yawning, as a Stirling English University´s study says. And as brain scanners show, it seems that yawn is a completely unconscious act that is related to facial expression and its emotional interpretation.

  11. Myth: the Man and the Witch
    A young boy was in love with a beautiful woman. One day, while he was taking a couple of beers with some friends, they told him that the girl he loved, really she was a witch, and in the night became an animal. The young man did not believe them, but they were insisting so, he decided to spy on her at night.
    The man went with his friends to spy at night. They managed to see as she became animal with just removing the 'suit' human. The boy searched help with one wise village elder. Unfortunately, the old man’s answer was that the boy had to kill the witch.
    To do so, he had to add salt when she became the animal. The young man followed her to a farm. She believed that she was alone, she transformed into an owl. He immediately seized and threw salt, leaving her with burns and writhing on the floor.
    The young man saw this and he ran at his home, where it is rumored that never get out again. Sometimes at night is an owl appear with severe burns all over his body (head, wings, legs ...) around the house. But this is only a myth so you never know if it is true or false.

  12. Personally I have a lot of attention on the brain a myth that says YOU SHOULD LEARN A LANGUAGE OTHER THAN BEFORE.
    Many Spanish parents are affected by this myth and this is absolutely false and don´t need a scientific study to determine this decision.
    Don´t you know anyone who has grown up in a totally bilingual? There are children who grow up speaking two languages and you end up speaking both languages perfectly and we need to learn one before another. The belief in this myth mostly Spanish parents is one of the reasons that this country doesn`t know many languages, and that those who begin to study it later (at 14 years for example) face greater difficulties than those learning two languages at once since they are small. I think this thought ought to change and this will lead to young children in our country have a greater culture as it relates to language.

  13. sorry paula but i havent written a myth, i have written several small myths

    Myth of the black cats
    Although Egypt believed that the cat was the reincarnation of the gods, centuries later, the Catholic church thought they were the reincarnation of the devil and they should be burned.The black was identified with the devil to be the color of the night. In most of Europe and North America is believed that a black cat brings bad luck if the cat move away from you, but good luck if he walks towards you.

    Myth of bad luck to throw salt
    their origin dates back to 3500 B.C. Since then believed that salt was incorruptible, which is why it became a symbol of friendship. For this reason if you throw salt, the friendship will break. To counter this effect, you should throw spilled salt on his left shoulder.

    Myth of finding a four-leaf clover
    is said to bring good luck because Eve when she was expelled from paradise, took a four-leaf clover.

    Myth of the bad luck to open an umbrella indoors
    The first record we have of this belief in eighteenth century England, where they believed was bad luck for the negativity that existed between the umbrella and the house, because they thought that houses protects its inhabitants and does not tolerate any additional protection.

  14. BLOODY MARY: She was the queen of england
    During a lot of years,some people were joking about her.She was called Mary Worth, a woman who was supposedly executed for being a witch.Nowdays a lot of girls know her,and know perfectly her story.At the same time there are some girls that doesn´t really believe her story so they are all the time joking about her.So one of the girl that believe in her.So the miyths tells that when a girl say bad things about her,she appears in the mirror,and cover your face with her blood.That happened a long time ago,when a girl from mercy school in England started to laught about her so that night in the mirror of her room,Mary appeared and made that girl very scared,so that girl have never laught about other person never again.
    Nowdays there in a comercial drink that it´s called bloody Mary.The colour of the drink is red,to try to represent the bloody of her.
    We have to be carefull,because who knows if one day she appear in our mirror?

    Lucia Etayo Ruiz 2E

  15. BLOODY MARY: She was the queen of england
    During a lot of years,some people were joking about her.She was called Mary Worth, a woman who was supposedly executed for being a witch.Nowdays a lot of girls know her,and know perfectly her story.At the same time there are some girls that doesn´t really believe her story so they are all the time joking about her.So the miyths tells that when a girl say bad things about her,she appears in the mirror,and cover your face with her blood.That happened a long time ago,when a girl from mercy school in England started to laught about her so that night in the mirror of her room,Mary appeared and made that girl very scared,so that girl have never laught about other person never again.
    Nowdays there in a comercial drink that it´s called bloody Mary.The colour of the drink is red,to try to represent the bloody of her.
    We have to be carefull,because who knows if one day she appear in our mirror?

    Lucia Etayo Ruiz 2E

  16. There are an urban-myth which says that a right-handed person has the right part of the body bigger than the left one. On the contrary, a left-handed person has the left part of the body bigger than the right one.

    It is true that if you develop more your right hand because you use it more, will probably be bigger because the muscles are stronger and more developed. A clear example of that is Rafael Nadal whose left arm is stronger because he uses it to play tennis.

    But we can´t make generalizations. You don´t have an ear bigger than the other or a foot bigger than the other, and your eyebrows are identical...

    Normally, most of the people have more-less a well-proportioned body. There are some exceptions: every face is asymmetric, everybody has a leg longer than the other but it doesn´t depend on if you are right or left-handed, everybody has the left lung smaller than the right one because we need space for the heart, women has the left breast bigger than the right one because it is near the heart so it has to leave space for it.

    In conclusion, the fact that you have a bigger hand, arm or leg than the other is because you are developing it much more. But the rest of the body uses to be well-proportioned and small differences are coincidence.


  17. Coke myths

    Over the years, there have been so many urban legends about the popular soft drink Coca-Cola that they’ve been given their own name: Cokelore.

    Probably the most famous urban legend in this regard is the old claim that eating Pop Rocks candy and then drinking Coke will cause stomach damage.

    Meanwhile, another legend says that the acids in the soda can dissolve a tooth if it’s left in a glass of the drink overnight. But the caffeine and phosphoric acid found in cola affects bone health.

    And still another asserts that mixing Coke with aspirin produces a drug-like high. This is pure fiction. Also mixing Coke with any kind of antibiotics can’t get you high.

    There is other myth that claims drinking diet coke can cause or worsen multiple sclerosis symptoms. The Multiple Sclerosis Foundation has debunked this falsehood, as have the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and other organizations. The notion that Diet Coke can cause neurological disorders may be based on an observation years ago by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), which found that, in some people, aspartame seemed linked to mild neurological problems, such as headaches and moodiness. However, the CDC found that these symptoms are mild and affect most people, not just diet soda drinkers.

    All these claims are false, but another popular claim, that Coke originally contained cocaine as a part of its formula. At the beginning the secret formula did contain small amounts of cocaine to get people addicted so they can sell their crappy product in huge amounts although they denied it. It’s verifiably true. The drink was created in the 1880s, and even after the negative aspects of cocaine were uncovered, the company continued using trace amounts of the drug in its soda until the 1920s.
    By the way, I’m going to continue drinking coke. It’s delicious.

  18. In recent years the network circulates a false name to the origin of the famous Canadian device. This email attributed the name BlackBerry device accompanied by a metal ball at the end, which was used in ancient times to prevent slaves from escaping, making an analogy with enslaving that can even use that can have on which uses a RIM device.
    Many people believe it and continue to feed the spammers with our emails.
    Do you really believe that a company that is turning baptize their product with a very negative connotation? definitely not. It would be like Coca Cola ensure that owes its name to Swazi language and means "black waters of imperialism"
    BlackBerry is named after him in 2001 hired a consulting company called Lexicon Branding brands, and have requested that RIM word chosen for the brand had implied the word "email", but were deterred by the consultant that would be associated with work, and that would not be pleasant for many.
    Lexicon's team was mulling several possibilities until eventually chose Blackberry for the color of this fruit and the similarity of the device keys. Besides that the name not be associated with work.

  19. After he died rumor emeger of that his body had been frozen until the moment in that scientific could return to live.this is a false legend, since it appears of the died of Disney as incineration. not clear the origin of the rumor. at least two biographers of Disney. mentions the interest for the crionica in the last years of his live. but don´t provides specific sources. It is impossible to know for sure if this interest existed, in which case it may have been what caused the legend.for other hand The fact that incineration would be carried out in a strictly private sphere could feed speculation. it should be noted too that Disney knew , Especially in his later years, his interest in technological innovations.Other curious legend of Walts Disnet is the course of its Spanish origin. According to this legend, Disney would not have been born in Chicago, but in Mojácar (Almería). son of a doctor and a laundress. Where his son had given up for adoption to the pairing of Elias and Flora Disney. Supposedly, in the forty years, Disney sent had been in Mojácar doing checks in the parish archives of locality

  20. One of the most anticipated moments of the children is when they lose their teeth. While it happens, children ran away from their parents to show the teeth. They are so exited and they wish that the tooth fairy comes at night.
    Tradition says that when some child loses its teeth, at the time of he/she nod off, the tooth fairy comes and give up a presents like sweets, for example chocolates, chewing gums… or some books, stickers, dolls, cars, making up…
    At the moment when some of them pick oneself up, the first thing that she/he do is look, and look under your pillow. If there are presents, he/she will get the prize, but if there are presents, there is not the tooth. It is a change. The tooth fairy gets their teeth for makeup pearls. It subsequently will be the pearl necklaces.
    In my case, when I lost my teeth, the day after, I found my bedroom with many presents around and it was fantastic. I remember those moments looking forward. Now, when mu littlies cousins lose their teeth, while they nod off, I change their teeth for other thing. The last time I changed her teeth for a Barbie. The day after, my little cousin played all the day with it.

  21. For centuries, much myths about the monster in the depths of Loch Ness in Scotland have circulated for over the world. For 1.500 years ago the people have called affectionately at the monster Nessie. Recently, some observers have returned with "evidence" Photographic, although much of it has proven to be false.

    One explanation is that Nessie, is a dinosaur, that somehow escaped extinction. If this is true, the monster could escape detection, even with modern sonar equipment as the Loch Ness has a surface area very extensive(21.8 square miles), and in some places a depth of 226 meters (740 feet). Rumors of an alleged large animal or monster that lives in the loch have circulated for centuries, although the accuracy, credibility and veracity of such stories has always been questioned. Many articles of different people have circulated for the world providing different characteristics the monster, photos or even videos of this but obviously all been shown to be false.

  22. A myth is of waking up with the left foot. All the persons we say this phrase. When this person on this one having woken up of badly humor. We listen to this phrase for a lot of time and it owes that all the persons when we wake up always we support first the right foot and then the left-handed. And because of it when a person gets up angered we say that it has got up with the left foot.
    Another myth to that the persons we listen much is the story of the wolf. This story the parents count each other it to his children. This story says: in a people always had a child who for to mock of the people was shouting that permission the wolf and all were scaring and they had running. But this child it did so often that the persons of the people did not believe themselves it. For qe one day was true, I shout it. And no person noticed him, for what alfinal many persons died. This story says to us that there are persons who lie very much and alfinal nobody ends up by believing them though it is true.

    Lourdes Lucio-Villegas Salcedo 2ºD

  23. I like it a myth so long to let you take 200 words written these three myths.

    Yawning is contagious??

    Yes, even chimpanzees mimic yawn when they see another yawn, say a study of the English College at Stirling. And as the images of brain scans, it appears that in humans is a completely unconscious act that resides in an area of the brain, also related to the facial expression and emotional interpretation.

    Does it take seven years to digest gum?

    No stomach acids do not distinguish between the elements that enter our digestive system, either organic or chemical, such as chewing gum. In digest, our stomach takes more or less the same as with any other junk food, about 20 hours. They say that the myth of the seven years was invented by mothers who wanted to avoid cavities producing chewing gum with sugar.
    Do cats always land on their feet?

    Yes, scientific studies of the 80 support that has a reflex that makes them "placed" in the air so that they always land on their feet. This is possible thanks to its unusually flexible spine because they lack an equivalent to our clavicle in its skeleton. This allows them to cushion the blow from great heights. In fact, the higher, the more time given to reorient and prepare the perfect angle of fall.

    belen rodriguez 2e

  24. Sleeping 8 hours thins:

    The main sources of energy in our body in our body is in the rest, when you have time enough to sleep and recharge the energy , then you will need less food because you have the energy it gives you sleep, the more sleep less food will need and eat less.
    The people who work long hours on day and not recharge their energies to dreams fatten more easily because they need to recharge their energy and as not sleep enough they search the feed.
    Regularly as our body is tired we can be up out of humor by physical fatigue and and often take foods that are rich in sugar, fat saturated and salt and ended with overweight
    Is better sleep well to have more energy and less need for food and so load energies and lose weight.

  25. THE TRUTH ABOUT: Urinating on a jellyfish sting helps relieve pain.

    It is uncleared how this myth started but lets look at it from scientific point of view. The jellyfish causes stinging by leaving nematocysts behind when they are touched. Nematocysts are tiny coiled stingers that, once triggered, inject venom into a victim. amount and type of venom depends on the type of jellyfish. Pressure triggers them, as well as fresh water and some chemicals. Urine consists of water and waste products of the body's blood stream, which includes ammonia, the reason for its legendary use. Since we know fresh water will often make jellyfish sting worse, the logical conclusion is that urine will do the same thing
    This myth reminds me of a funny “friends” episode when Monica goes to the beach and is stung by a Jellyfish and Joey Urinates on her to relief the pain, because that is what he learned when he was a child. All this does is make you smell bad. Doctors recommend splashing seawater on the affected area to remove any remaining jellyfish parts, sometimes tentacles left behind may make it worse. Avoid fresh water and rubbing a towel on the area, since this can cause the pain to be worse. Use a comb to take off remaining jellyfish. If possible wash the sting with vinagre to make the pain go away, put calamine lotion. When possible wash in hot water to relieve pain do not cover skin go to Hospital if you feel sick or can not breath good.

    In the patio de los Naranjos in the Cathedral of Seville are handing in the rafters of three objects: a crocodile-size, a bite of horse and a baton.Around the year 1260, Sultan of Egypt sent an embassy to King Alfonso X the Wise to ask for the hand os his daughter Berengaria.The embassy brought several presents, including: a beautiful elephant tusk, a Nile crocodile and a giraffe domesticated live with his mount, his brake and flanges. Castilian King rejected the request of his daughter, the embassy returned laden good words and gifts to the sultan, and here were the crocodile and giraffe. Over time,and killed the crocodile, was dissected, and his skin was stuffed with straw hanging from the Patio de los Naranjos brake with the giraffe.Years later,the rod hung in memory of Castillian ambassador returning from Egypt.The crocodile is now carved by an unknown author and an estimated XVI century. Because os its size and fabric have been lined to the split and from below, seemed to be skin to shreds, popularly in Seville has the structure os the animal was authentic and be dissected. Today only preserves the structure of the animal specimen increased and naming both the ship yard containing it as the gateway from the outside that part of the yard. Objects is one of the most popular of the Cathedral wanted children and adults alike are amazed element put in a place such as this wonderful temple.


  27. They say that a man came to the police station saying someone afraid would kill him. Cops heard his story and the man recounted: The man was hunting in the woods that was not well known. Suddenly, when the man finished hunting and he had only one bullet, he began to feel a little sleepy, so we decided to rest, to be mine.
    When he awoke, he realized he was in a town inhabited. Curious, she decided to go to a house, found a mysterious basement where upon entering the door closed and lost consciousness. Slowly began to open her eyes and saw him sitting in a chair. In it, he heard a noise, a girl had no eyes, where bleeding, disheveled and with broken legs, also had a bloodstained doll. Then the light went out, and came back, she was closer, and this continued until the child was only a few inches away. He, frightened, took out his hunting rifle and shot the only bullet that remained, which did him no harm, she began to say, "Do you want to lend you my doll?" him, terrified, could not do enough to move the head in denial. She said, "Okay, but you lend it, then I'm going to return them to me," he finally passed out and awoke again in the forest, was relieved to think that it was only a dream, but nothing that thought was true, his rifle and had no bullet and his side stood a doll, and not just any doll but it had that dark girl. Now all he had to wait until his owner came back for it.

  28. From the ancient times, myths have been present in all the civilizations. Everybody has heard about the classical myths in Greece and Rome. Nowadays, they are also present in our society and they are called. "urban myths".
    Myths are stories, legends and even statements that appear and are repeated in a oral way or even in the media but it's difficult to know their origins. They can be a fiction but when they are passed on, they get the importance of a true story.
    Myths can be sometimes a collective wish, an expectation, a premonition, a fear and even an ad-lib explanation or a moralizing lesson about an issue.
    There are all kind of urban myths such as the existence of aliens, the communication with dead people, the reading of the minds, the knowledge of people's future, the loch Ness Monster...
    In conclusion, it seams to be that Mysh is something that has always come with the society because it may be sometimes difficult to distinguish the fiction from the reality.

  29. Parents want their children to be good.
    But all or almost all children once they are disobedient. When I was little I always had a lot of fear. When I did things my parents told me that the bogeyman was coming. This urban myth was born in Argentina. The bogeyman is a man with gray hair. He has a full beard unkept. He is dressed in dark clothes and dirty. This man carries a sack on his back. This urban myth is used by parents to frighten children who are disobedient parents tell children that if they misbehave the bogeyman will take it.
    This myth was very popular in 1930. In this year there was an economic crisis. through the streets of the cities were many beggars who had no home in which to live. these beggars roamed the city with a bag. in these bags had all his stuff.
    when I was little I was so afraid of the bogeyman as it was a sinister man.


  30. Myth 1: Carrots can improve your eyesight

    This is one of the best medical myths ever. We have been told many times that eating carrots improves our eyesight because they contain a lot of vitamin A. Indeed carrots do contain vitamin A but consuming a lot of vitamin A has nothing to do with improving our vision.

    The origins of this myth go back to the dates of World War II. The British Intelligence service spread the rumour that their pilots ate a lot of carrots and that’s why they were so successful in destroying German targets. The truth for their success was the use of radars and not the consumption of huge amounts of carrots!! In an effort to hide the existence of radars the British developed this myth that is sustained with great success until today.

    Myth 2: Eating spinach can make you stronger

    I am sure that most of us have seen Popeye getting stronger and more powerful with a tin of spinach. In fact Popeye is the first word that comes to mind when we hear about spinach. The truth about this lovely myth is that spinach does not make you stronger. On the contrary spinach is a vegetable that contains low levels of iron. There are other green vegetables that contain more iron than spinach.

    The myth that spinach is a full iron vegetable emerged from a typo mistake made in a report many years ago. In the report spinach was noted to have 34mg of iron (per half tin) but in reality is has only 3.4mg. This typo let people believe that spinach is a full iron vegetable and in addition to the low price of spinach it became very popular.

    Another reason that this medical myth lasts for so many years, and will continue to exist for a number of years, is of course Popeye!

  31. There is an urban legend that has many versions and is named in different ways with titles like the girl in the corner, death curve, Dancing Girl, The Woman in White, etc.

    Legend has it that a young woman dressed in white with a torn dress (sometimes girlfriend and others in mourning) is displayed on the road and the travelers find it suddenly on the edge of the road and usually near a curve dangerous. Drivers stopped the car next to the girl and she who wear them, when you climb into the car for a long time and there is a long and absolute silence until she mysteriously disappears from the moving vehicle. It is also said that the traveler ends learning that she had died in an accident or otherwise tragic. another version of the legend says that the girl is wearing a wedding dress and her boyfriend died.
    The purpose of the appearance of the girl varies: sometimes alert the driver about a dangerous curve precisely that in which he died, other times, kills driver, not alert you to the danger of the curve. Everyone can interpret the story as you want

  32. This urban legend, like all others, does not have a fixed origin. But it says that everything is born for something, right?. There are several versions, but they have one thing in common, which is that people traveling in cars on highways is then vanish, even with the car in motion.

    The legend of the ghost highway is centuries in the older versions, it is said that a young riders to stop the rise. History tells us that a woman in white with torn clothes, he appeared in front of travelers, always near a dangerous curve. Calls for the lead, and when upload is silent until the car mysteriously disappears. Later, the wearer, he learned that this woman had died long before, in an accident. When I was wedding dress, surely the accident included her boyfriend. Sometimes the woman vanished just around the bend where he died, the other was the driver who died in a crash like that led to her death.

  33. A story urban mouthfull of our elders but also is effective today is when they say that being in a enclosure occupied by a multitude of people, formerly at fairs and festivals, and today in department stores, is often seen as the child of the family disappears almost within sight of their parents. They are unable to relate as has happened but the child is not with them. When this happens often say that children were kidnaped by people from other countries, as showmen who have come to the place, and take them back to their country of origin. Today these events happen in department stores, and being children with their parents, suddenly disappear, and are said to be in the service changed clothes to avoid being recognized. Normally they pick the children in order to make money. These stories often heard anywhere in the city.


    One of the urban legends that are told about the secret formula is of whether or not he had cocaine addiction and so created, whether contained rats, and so forth. The legend of the formula for Coke was very insistent. This was known as 7x and made her taste was unique and that his secret was kept, it was said that only knew him less than ten people in the world. This was both persistent rumor and then showed that secrecy had nothing because he left a book published in 1993 by an American journalist which clearly stated that all it contained secret formula. That formula containing lime juice, nutmeg oil, coriander oil, vanilla extract and so on.
    It seems that initially extracts of cocaine but was later replaced by caffeine. Regarding to whether there were rats in the bottles of Coke were right because between 1914 and 1976 found 45 mice packed in bottles.

  35. Sofía Pujol Cuesta 1D
    Black cats: An urban myth.
    It`s said that black cats give bad luck to people who saw then. According to the history this myth came from the old ages. In the old ages black cats were connected to witches and really strange events. When people saw a black cat with a woman thought that they were witches. For that reason, nobody likes black cats, when someone saw a cat could be called witch and they could finish in the bonfire. People didn´t want to go to the bonfire for this reason them avoid this kind of cats. This myth still stay on in our minds.
    At the present time superstitious people still think if you see a black cat crossing you, you will be an unlucky person the rest of your day.
    In my opinion this myth is false because the black cats can’t influenced in your day. On the other hand this fact can have a big influence on some people who think: “everything bad that happen myself today, it´s because I saw a black cat”. For me that has no sense.

  36. Pelayo Aguilar :

    I think that no one urban legend is true , and I think that the legend that I´m going to write about is one of the most famous .The legend of the ghost highway is centuries in the older versions, it is said that a young girl stopped the riders to rise. This History tells us that a woman in white with torn clothes, appeared in front of travelers, always near of a dangerous curve .She talk with the conductor and she ask he is she can go inside of the car and when everybody is silent , she disappear from the car mysteriously . Later, the wearer, he ask and talk with people about she and they tell him that this woman had died long before, in an accident.
    When she was wedding dress, surely the accident included her boyfriend.
    Sometimes the woman vanished just around the bend where he died, the other was the driver who died in a crash like that led to her death.

  37. Paula Villaraviz 2º Bach C
    One of the urban legends that are told about the secret formula is of whether or not he had cocaine addiction and so created, whether contained rats, and so forth.
    The legend of the formula for Coke was very insistent. This was known as 7x and made her taste was unique and that his secret was kept, it was said that only knew him less than ten people in the world. This was both persistent rumor and then showed that secrecy had nothing because he left a book published in 1993 by an American journalist which clearly stated that all it contained secret formula. That formula containing lime juice, nutmeg oil, coriander oil, vanilla extract and so on .
    It seems that initially extracts of cocaine but was later replaced by caffeine.
    Regarding to whether there were rats in the bottles of Coke were right because between 1914 and 1976 found 45 mice packed in bottles.


    -I have heard many times people say the ``we are often visited by creatures from other planets´´.
    I think it´on ``urban-myth´´ and It´s a very discussed subject because many people think it´s true and they claim that they have seen UFOS. There are even photos. There are also reports which say that there is some very important secret information about UFOS which is kept by The American goverment.
    -The real thing is that this subject has been very used in fiction science novels and films and it has been very discussed on TV programmes too.
    -However, most people think it´s a myth because it can´t be shown that the aliens exist and they visit our planets in their sophisticated UFOS.

  39. Do the premonitions exist?

    The premonition is associated with a feeling "that something will happen", are called paranormal events. Although the scientific community does not support the premonitions, many people say having experienced. The premonitions are associated with dreams where have these visions. I think that yes they exist, and you?

    There are crocodiles in the sewers?

    The legend is false if there are cases of people that have released in swamps, dams and lakes. These animals die to start the winter periods because his the natural environment is in tropical areas. In Spain for example are found in ponds crocodiles , piranhas and other fish more "tropical". This is a serious danger to people and the native fauna

    Do the toast always fall of butter side?

    This seem to be true, at least for me. Many studies have demonstrated this by tests and percentages. This was raised by scientist Edward A. Murphy Jr. by his laws. This "cause" is that butter by "weigh more" falls before. This is false for several reasons. The toast and butter are together, it's a piece of buttered toast, so we can not say that there are something that falls before, it is single one thing, but we suppose they are different objects.

  40. The brain is the organ most central nervous system and the control center for the entire body, both voluntary and involuntary activities activities. It is also responsible for the complexity of thought, memory, emotions and language.

    In vertebrates the brain is located in the head, protected by the skull and in the vicinity of the primary sensory apparatus of touch, sight, hearing, smell, taste and sense of balance.

    The brains are highly complex. The complexity of this body emerges from the nature of the unit that draws its operation: the neuron. These are interconnected by means of long fibers called axons protoplasmic that transmit pulse trains of action potentials called signals to distant parts of the body or depositing brain cell specific receptor.

    The most important biological function that does the brain manage energy resources at its disposal to encourage the animal behavior based on the economics of survival. On this basis promoting behaviors emerge, what we call 'welfare', but that the animal simply seen as less costly action allowing you to continue living your present.

  41. The Achilles heel.
    It was the greatest of the Greek warriors in the Trojan War. As a child his mother made ​​him immortal ankles least that was where his mother held him. Was Achilles in many battles. Achilles fought his last battle with Memnon. After killing the king, Achilles led the Greeks to the walls of Troy. There he was wounded in the heel by Paris, killing him.
    Another myth is that of a partner, who was in the light of the full moon, is a dog that seemed lost and was injured and is taken home to heal. The man with his belt made ​​a kind of belt.
    at home, she bent down to clean the wound and wore a crucifix. The dog, seeing the cross became aggressive, ran by the department. The only way out is an open window and the dog jump. They are in a 13th floor but the dog does not know that it will bring bad luck. The couple is shocked and looked out the window.
    The next morning the doorbell of the couple. This is a cop, I ask them if they heard a noise in the night before. He adds "find a dwarf running down the street, into balls and with a belt around his neck."

    I´ll tell you two very interesting myths that have relations with physics.

    Myth 1:Water is colorless.
    The blue color of the oceans and large lakes is not because the sky is reflected, unless because the water is blue. As most bodies, waterabsorbs certain colors and some not, and the last are those we see. In this case, not colorless. So the planet is blue, not colorless. Everyone thinks, wather is colorless even in schools but actually scientits think that is not true because everything would be colorless.

    Myth 2:Cause of sky´s colour.
    The sky is not blue because is reflects the color of water, not a mirror. But however it is blue. Some belive it is due to water particles suspended in air but this isn´t tre too. The sky is blue because , the air changes color depending on the angle at which sunlight gives. Knowing this, the evenings are red because the sun´s rays have less force but this explanation is more complicated.

  43. There is an urban-myth of crocodiles in the sewers. It appeared in the 1930s.Its origin is from the U.S. It became a fashion to have alligators as pets. They were brought from Florida, and kept in terrariums until they were big. Then the animals were not so cute and it cost lots of money to feed. That was the time to leave the pet but where?
    The myth is that some people put the animal in the toilet drain. So a few survived and lived in the sewers. They ate rats. They grew very big and lived under the city. When anyone disappeared it was the crocodiles. This myth was told to the children and repeated again and again. It was said to happen in many many cities.

  44. That´s the urban myth of Slenderman.
    It says that there is an humanoid, who kills people nobody knows how.
    He can turns him invisible and teletransportate.
    About his victims, it´s only known that they dissapear and never return.
    This creature can pursuit his victims for years, tormenting them. It´s said that he preffer to attack childs, but no one can escape from him.
    The scene of crime he frecuents more are forests, where he make his victims feel the feeling of being observed and let them see him to increase their fear.
    In Any way, It´s a fictitious character created from an draw used in a writting contest, so don´t be afraid, he doesn´t exists.

  45. I recently met a kind of trauma or disease actually causes the people, who has amazing qualities, are called Savant or something, and they are people who have suffered some kind of accident or simply born with problems like autism and today days have certain qualities that leave us all with your mouth open. This study that people use more than 70% of your brain as is the case, which surprised me most, from a Afro-American boy took a big hit in the head with a baseball ball and he lost his consciousness and was much time in hospital and in a coma, but this guy when he awoke he could do something amazing it was that watching something once could paint with all the details without looking. They did a very interesting thing was that this boy was taken to Rome and was the first time I traveled to this place and made him take a helicopter tour of Rome under the helicopter and when he learned to paint the entire city of Rome, when I remember what it's called I'll show the video
    javi garcia de tejada 2ºA

  46. This is another rumor that’s been around for a long time, and it seems that everyone has heard it at some point or another. It says that Walt Disney arranged for his body to frozen upon his death in the hope that future technology would be able to bring him back to life. No one’s exactly sure how this one got started, but records show that Disney was cremated when he died in 1966. It is suspected that the amount of secrecy surrounding his funeral, coupled with his reputation as an inventor, led to the creation of this long-standing myth.

    Read more: http://www.toptenz.net/top-10-urban-legends-myths.php#ixzz2KUdWxc8y

  47. a myht that i can rememmber rihgt now is the one of ratoncito perez . the myht said that if a child breaks teeht he can put wereever he wants an the mouse will bring him a presen o money. it says that if you have ypur teht more clean and beutiful you are goin go recive a biger present, oviopusly this is a myth that father o people invented to have the teht of his chidl in good conditions .
    wen a child recive the present he is very happy an he tray to break al the teeth he have more present is a mysth that most people will now before all tooth come down

  48. Numerous myths or legends exist but I am going to count two that are those that more I like.
    There are crocodiles in the sewers?
    The legend is false if there are cases of people that have released in swamps, dams and lakes. These animals die to start the winter periods because his the natural environment is in tropical areas. In Spain for example are found in ponds crocodiles , piranhas and other fish more "tropical". This is a serious danger to people and the native fauna. Another myth that is in the habit of saying is that on having seen the black cats they give bad luck .In my opinion this myth is false because the black cats can’t influenced in your day. On the other hand this fact can have a big influence on some people who think: “everything bad that happen myself today, it´s because I saw a black cat”. For me that has no sense.

  49. In October, 2001 e-mails began circulating claiming that terrorists
    are targeting malls on Halloween for their next terrorist attacks.In
    the e-mail, a woman states that her friend's friend was dating a man
    from Afghanistan up until recently. He failed to show up for a date on
    9/6/01 and she subsequently went to his home to discover that he had
    moved out.The next day, she received a note from him telling her he
    wished he could tell her why he left and that he was sorry. He then
    begged her not to go on any commercial airplane flights on 9/11 or to
    any malls on Halloween. When the terrorist attack in the United States
    happened on 9/11, she contacted the FBI and turned over the
    letter.With this e-mail hitting inboxes before Halloween, it raises
    fears and awareness that terrorists can and will strike at any time.
    Whilst it's possible there could be an attack on Halloween since it's
    a popular American holiday -- it's probably unlikely. The FBI states
    it has received no letter from a girl with an Afghan boyfriend as the
    e-mail claims and it is not a credible threat.

  50. Thoughout my life, I have heard many myths, many of them are true but many are lying. Few of the myth that I have heard are:
    -the myth of the buttered toats.
    It is true that whenever a toast fall on the ground falls over butter side? Because the truth is that I do not know but to me whenever I dropped the toast at breadfast, it fell by the side of the butter and I don't know if it is bad luck or it is a true myth.
    -Do cats always land on their feet when the stripts?
    This is an experience that I have had because when I was chlid I wanted to confirm that this myth was true so my cousins and I used to pull our cats when we want to the country and the truth is that the cat always landed on its feet.
    -one of the myths of coke.
    Coke company sell a lot and I think his rivalries have invented myths to stop people buying it an example of this is that they say that coke is made with coca leaves, this is absurd,if coke was made of those kinds of leaves it wouldn't be sold in the market.

  51. After he died rumor emeger of that his body had been frozen until the moment in that scientific could return to live.this is a false legend, since it appears of the died of Disney as incineration. not clear the origin of the rumor. at least two biographers of Disney. mentions the interest for the crionica in the last years of his live. but don´t provides specific sources. It is impossible to know for sure if this interest existed, in which case it may have been what caused the legend.for other hand The fact that incineration would be carried out in a strictly private sphere could feed speculation. it should be noted too that Disney knew , Especially in his later years, his interest in technological innovations.Other curious legend of Walts Disnet is the course of its Spanish origin. According to this legend, Disney would not have been born in Chicago, but in Mojácar (Almería). son of a doctor and a laundress. Where his son had given up for adoption to the pairing of Elias and Flora Disney. Supposedly, in the forty years, Disney sent had been in Mojácar doing checks in the parish archives of locality

  52. David Copperfield is the most popular and influential magician that he has a method based in the levitation.

    His levitation is an illusion whose original idea belongs to John Gaughan and he is considered by many experts as one of the best in the world of illusions and magic show. In this ilusion Copperfield can fly how a acrobatic form , for show that he doesnt use wires , he crosses some hoops for the avoidance of doubt .

    As for his method illusionist David Copperfield uses very small and invisible threads that are hidden behind clothes. During the demonstration of the hoops the wires move in parallel by creating the illusion that he crossed the hoop. Despite being fine threads are able to withstand a high weight

  53. i dont know very much but I have informed Myths That myth did not know. This is the myth of the Lake Sanabria: They say that one day came to the village of Villaverde Lucerne begging a pilgrim, and no one answered him, except a few women who were baking bread in the oven of the village. They took pity of him, and let him enter the room from the oven so I could shelter from the bitter cold and satisfy their hunger with more mass something they put in the oven. The mass introduced into the furnace eventually grew so large that the bread out of the oven and women, surprised at this fact, heard of pilgrim's mouth, which turned out to be Jesus Christ, the punishment was to introduce the people to their lack of charity: inundate the village, so they had to flee their homes and take refuge in the bush. Then the man stuck his cane on the floor saying:
    "Aquí clavo mi bastón
    aquí salga un gargallón
    aquí cavo mi ferrete
    que salga un gargallete."
    The water flowed in torrents inundating the village of Villaverde, saving water only the oven, which today makes up the small island in the lake.

  54. Some poor schmuck is committed to his or her eternal resting place, even though they aren’t quite ready to take that final dirt nap. Scratch marks are later found on the coffin lid along with other desperate signs of escape.

    This not only happened, but back in the day it happened with alarming regularity. In the late 19th century, William Tebb tried to compile all the instances of premature burial from medical sources of the day. He managed to collect 219 cases of near-premature burial, 149 cases of actual premature burial and a dozen cases where dissection or embalming had begun on a not-yet-deceased body.

    Now, this may seem ridiculous, but keep in mind this was an era before doctors such as the esteemed Dr. Gregory House gained the ability to solve any ailment within 42 minutes. If you went to the doctor with the flu in those days, he’d likely cover you in leeches and prescribe you heroin to suppress your cough. Their only method for determining if a person had died was to lean over their face and scream "WAKE UP" over and over again. If you didn't react, they buried you.

    The concern over being buried alive back then was so real that the must-have hot-ticket item for the wealthy and paranoid were "safety coffins" that allowed those inside to signal to the outside world should they awake 6 feet under. Though, answering that bell sounds like a good way to get ambushed by a zombie if you ask us. by Guillermo Serrano.2ºE

  55. Other myths that are told is that of Santa.
    Do you know that is because it's invisible friend?
    after this myth might please you to know what you think twice before going back to celebrate that day.
    The story goes that there was a little girl of only 10 years, all the time she told her parents she had a friend invisible, but never made ​​the case, thought it was just childish inventions, and even became concerned that he was crazy.
    One day the girl went to the park with his invisible friend, who was a little out of the house, near the park there was a shallow lake, which was frozen due to winter. Her friend asked the girl to come closer to see how nice it was that lake. In doing so, he slipped and fell into the lake. From the inside, it is very difficult to break the ice to exit. but barely touched him and broke when he left, his friend told him that was priced have saved her.
    Years later, the girl had forgotten her friend. Until he appeared in a dream, where stabbed in the chest, on waking, he could see as he bled, and died.
    Ana Fajardo Lopez 1C

  56. I know one urban myth, named the legend of the ghost girl at the corner road. This urban myth talks about a young girl dress with white clothes but without shoes because when she died she lost her shoes in the road.
    The story was in 1901 in a city that has a river near it, a girl name Ursula she was sixteen years old when she argued with her father because he didn´t allow her go out with his car so that she go out home and she call his friend to talk about that. She started to walk for hours, when a car arrived to fer position, there was a man with strange face, he said that Ursula could go with him on his car and she get in the car. For a few minutes she was talking about her argument with her parents and in a moment when she was inatention he killed with a knife and drop her body in the corner of the road. And someone person say that they saw she in the road.
    Juan Revuelta Lorente 1C

  57. The air conditioned of car, Cause cancer?

    By circulating an email network that states: "In the manual says driver of any vehicle before turning on the air conditioning, one must open the windows and leave them like that for a time of three minutes, but do not specify why . This is the real medical reason: according to one study, the refreshing air emits Benzene, a cancer-causing toxin, which is also released by the plastic of the vehicle as the temperature increases. "In the mail list continues potential evils caused by benzene, citing that, "in addition to causing cancer, benzene poisons your bones, causes anemia and reduces white blood cells." And even he says the mail, can cause leukemia and abortions.

    These statements are true side. But do not apaniques. It is true that benzene is a substance which, in large quantities, can be carcinogenic. According to the Center for Disease Control of the United States (the CDC for its acronym in English), "long exposure to high levels of benzene can cause leukemia. Benzene is classified as a carcinogen. The seriousness of poisoning depends on the amount, route and time of poisoning "if possible find benzene in a car, on clothes, on the board and other auto parts. However, they can emit levels are minimal. The Mexican Association of the Automotive Industry, through consultation with technical advice, mentions that "the air conditioning does not emit any toxic gases harmful to the body. Indeed manufacturers recommend opening the windows, but to streamline the system through air circulation ", not to prevent people from becoming contaminated.

  58. We have almost all the colors in our body in the shape of blood, fabrics, bones and other fluids. However, we see the gray brains because they have products in order that they remain and do not become bad.
    The brain is of gray color, this is false beacuse besides there are: red (blood of the capillaires and veins), black (cells) and white (nerves).
    It has a part indeed, because great part of the brain is of gray color.
    Sometimes the entire brain knows himself as gray matter. The gray matter exists in everything long of the diverse parts of the brain (as well as in the spinal marrow), it consists of different types of cells, such as the neurons.
    Nevertheless, the brain also contains the white matter, which understands the nervous fibers that connect the gray matter.
    The black component is named a " black substance ". It is black, due to the “neuromelanina”, a specialized type of the same pigment that the skin the colors and the hair, and it is a part of the basal “ganglions”.
    Finally, we have red and it is thanks to many blood glasses in the brain.

  59. Alligators in the sewers
    For long time ago it has been said that in new york sewers a few number of alligators live .
    It was once a fad among New Yorkers vacationing in Florida to bring back baby alligators for their children to raise as pets . This infant gators eventually grew up and outlived their cuteness and their owners flushed them down the toiler to get rid of them .
    Oddly enough , there is a grain of truth behind this legend since in 1935 an eight-foot alligator was capture in the bottom of an East Harlem manhole . And recently a small alligator was spotted and eventually captured in central park in 2001, a two-foot caiman was captured in Brooklyn in 2006 .
    Although this information it can't be demostrate that alligators live in New York sewers because it will be an huge problem .

    lourdes lopez de soto

  60. This urban legend, like all others, does not have a fixed origin. But it says that everything is born for something, right?. There are several versions, but they have one thing in common, which is that people traveling in cars on highways is then vanish, even with the car in motion.

    The legend of the ghost highway is centuries in the older versions, it is said that a young riders to stop the rise. History tells us that a woman in white with torn clothes, he appeared in front of travelers, always near a dangerous curve. Calls for the lead, and when upload is silent until the car mysteriously disappears. Later, the wearer, he learned that this woman had died long before, in an accident. When I was wedding dress, surely the accident included her boyfriend. Sometimes the woman vanished just around the bend where he died, the other was the driver who died in a crash like that led to her death.


  61. Today there are many myths quantities and almost all speak of bad luck.
    One of the most famous myths is that on Tuesday, 13 is the day of bad luck even to this day give more importance all superstitious people. In many countries this day is noted on the calendar but not scientifically proven.
    However, in this day different cultures moved to a Friday the 13th and even a Friday 17, in Italy.
    Despite there being no scientific theory about it, today there are people with phobia to this day, so that reach not travel anywhere for superstition.
    There are many people who believe it is the other way around, which is a day of good luck.
    Lola del Corral 1ºD

  62. The urban legend that in the 70s there was a girl of 14 who was terminal mouth cancer. Doctors had ripped all the hopes of the family in relation to the care of the child, so the child's mother. Desperate, she went to all churches and cults, but getting no results began in the occult and satanism, to the end, make a pact with the devil. Presented the child to the devil to cure his daughter, made ​​a promise to make a brand that was famous throughout the world, the devil fulfilled his part and mother too. He created Hello Kitty.
    The word "Hello" in English means "hola", and the word kitty mean demon from China, then Hello kitty mean. "Hey Devil".
    Another curiosity is that Hello Kitty hasn't mouth because of the case of cancer in the mouth of the daughter of the designer.
    Aided by the devil or not, the fact is that its success is unstoppable and as a curiosity, the character has also been used in other circumstances that have nothing to do with the world of children:
    In 1999, in Hong Kong, there was a brutal murder that would be called the Hello Kitty murder. The popular name of the case derives from the fact that the murderers hid the victim's head into a Hello Kitty doll after having beheaded.

    Marta Rodríguez 1ºA

  63. I have 2 favourite myth and this one is my favourite is probably one of the more disturbing urban legends out there a girl is given a dog by her parents to keep her company while they are away. One night she was awakened by a dripping sound. She got up and went to turn off the tap properly after which she came back to bed while letting her hand hang over the edge as the dog licked her fingers. The dripping sound didn’t stop though so this scenario played out several more times with the girl returning to bed and falling asleep with the dog licking her fingers yet again. The final time, however, she decides to try locating where exactly the drip is coming from. She looks around only to find the sound emerging from within her cupboard. She opens it up to find her dog with its neck cut and a note saying “humans can lick too”. It´s false but is scare

  64. What I will say is a myth yet is actually,it depends I saw in a movie called'' `` Lions carnivores’’ . There are lions in Africa who ate human persons and they enjoy it so when the English persons arrive to Africa in the zone that the lions lives,the lives stayed eating the humans so far the persons swat the lions.The myth say the they were so intelligent and were so difficult swat them.They attack the black persons in the night being so noiseless.The lions murdered so much persons during so much years.Some investigation say the the liones ate perons for it reasons: An outbreak of rindersped disease (cattle plague) in 1898 devastated the lions' usual prey, forcing them to find alternative food sources and the Tsavo lions may have been accustomed to finding dead humans at the Tsavo River crossing. Slave caravans bound for Zanzibar routinely crossed the river there.
    It happeneded along years ago when the English person come to Africa to take their resources and enslave the black persons because they were so strong and resistances. I recommend you watch it film

  65. There exists a myth that is that one of the coca-cola and the candies "mentos". This one says that if a person drinks coca-cola and next a candy takes "mentos" him the stomach explots or makes him vomit everything. Also this ell myth of which, if you shut in yourself in a bathroom and you say three times " begoña, begoña, begoña " one appears the devil somehow and says something to you. All that it are myths and the truth that I everything what could not be demonstrated it do not believe my self.
    you can see in to internet a lot myths due to that people have a lot time and writting a lies in the webs.


  66. Luis perez de Guzman Pacheco 2E

    one of the great urban myths is the existence of ghosts, since the origin of man has always been thought that there is something beyond life, and there are spirits that do not reach the afterlife and who go wandering among the earthly and spiritual world, lurking in every night to people that if they are alive. Live This myth takes quite some time, and with it, not only are the ideas of ghosts, also the ideas of zombies, vampires, etc.. Never been shown the existence of these beings, but also never been shown the lack of them, so that everyone think what they want about this urban myth

  67. Some girls Kat didn't know invited her over for a sleepover. That night they played Truth or Dare. When it was Kat's turn she picked dare. One of the girls said, "I dare you to do Bloody Mary." Kat accepted. They gave Kat a lit candle and pushed her into the bathroom. Kat spun around three times and said, "Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary."

    When nothing happened, she walked to the door. Before she could reach it, her only light blew out. She banged on the door, begging the girls to open it, but they just laughed. She backed up against the door. The sink and the bath started to run. It poured out thick blood. It soon was overflowing onto the floor. Kat screamed a blood-curdling scream as Bloody Mary rose from the water then crawled out. When she reached Kat she slit her throat and dragged her back to the bath. The next morning, the girls cheeked on her. When they saw her, their screams could be heard for miles.


  68. there is myth that it is about a strange women who is in the road, she is called ''The Vanishing Hitchhiker''. this myth is like other that has a undetermined origin and it as a lot of version but frequently she is in the roads and she desapeared wit the car in movement. The story is this, it's back to some centuries ago that the girl stopped the riders who go up to the carriage, or the back of his horses. Some believe that one of the first versions recounted in the Bible (Acts 8:26-39).
    now, the legend has is about a young woman dressed in white with a torn dress (sometimes bereavement girlfriend and others) manifests against travelers to the roadside, usually near a dangerous curve. She asks them if the can take her, it is said that time which she is in the car is elapsed in absolute silence until she mysteriously disappears from the moving vehicle. They usually have the traveler ends after learning that the woman had died in an accident or otherwise tragic. The version you saw her wedding suit claims that her boyfriend died.

    The purpose of the development varies: sometimes alert the driver about a dangerous curve precisely that in which she died

  69. Myths
    The Loch Ness Monster is a cryptid, reputedly a large unknown animal that is said to inhabit Loch Ness in the Scottish Highlands. It is similar to other supposed lake monsters in Scotland and elsewhere, though its description varies from one account to the next. Popular interest and belief in the animal's existence has varied since it was first brought to the world's attention in 1933. Evidence of its existence is anecdotal, with minimal and much-disputed photographic material and sonar readings.
    The most common speculation among believers is that the creature represents a line of long-surviving plesiosaurs. The scientific community regards the Loch Ness Monster as a modern-day myth, and explains sightings as including misidentifications of more mundane objects, outright hoaxes, and wishful thinking. Despite this, it remains one of the most famous examples of cryptozoology. The legendary monster has been affectionately referred to by the nickname Nessie.

    Alfonso Perez Perez

  70. What I will say is a myth yet is actually,it depends I saw in a movie called'' `` Lions carnivores’’ . There are lions in Africa who ate human persons and they enjoy it so when the English persons arrive to Africa in the zone that the lions lives,the lives stayed eating the humans so far the persons swat the lions.The myth say the they were so intelligent and were so difficult swat them.They attack the black persons in the night being so noiseless.The lions murdered so much persons during so much years.Some investigation say the the liones ate perons for it reasons: An outbreak of rindersped disease (cattle plague) in 1898 devastated the lions' usual prey, forcing them to find alternative food sources and the Tsavo lions may have been accustomed to finding dead humans at the Tsavo River crossing. Slave caravans bound for Zanzibar routinely crossed the river there.
    It happeneded along years ago when the English person come to Africa to take their resources and enslave the black persons because they were so strong and resistances. I recommend you watch it film

  71. Marcos Ortega Ferrusola. 1 º A

    The Tower of London is a building that has a long history. , But is much more than a tower: first was a fearsome prison where they were locked famous people. Later it was a castle, then a weapons depot and finally, thanks to its unassailable fortress, the keeper of the crown jewels.

    It is also known for its bloody past of when the tower was a prison. Its walls have seen many members of the royal family of England to be executed there. Perhaps for all these deaths, the Tower of London is one of the most enchanting places in the world. Many visitors claim to have seen ghosts of people who have been executed there. These souls would remain there until you find eternal rest.

    One of the first written the vision of one of the many ghosts appeared in the Tower of London. The appearance is the ghost of Chancellor Thomas Becket, who died there. He was murdered by order of King Henry II. The first appearance of his spirit was 71 years after his murder in the Tower. In the recent restoration of the tower, it is not uncommon that the work be delayed because of accidents attributed to Thomas Becket.

  72. Today there are increasingly more myths and legends in different parts of the world.
    The most typical are going under a ladder, a cat that you are crossing in front of you, which breaks a mirror ..
    One that I always surprised me is that once a young girl died in a car accident in an area just had to turn, she was falling off the cliff he had there. It is said that every time she goes through that intersection you will see a white coat and kills you.
    They are superstitions that people usually have and some people believe it and others say that is nonsense.

  73. JFK and the jelly Doughnut Speech

    The story dates back to 1963, when then-President John F. Kennedy traveled to Germany to give a speech. Wanting to express solidarity with the people of Berlin, Kennedy said to them “Ich bin ein Berliner,” which translates to English as “I am a Berliner.” But since a “Berliner” was also a certain kind of popular pastry in Germany at the time, many have surmised that the phrase translated to the crowd as “I am a jelly doughnut,” and over the years a number of stories have surfaced saying Kennedy was nearly laughed off the stage after saying it. It’s hard to say where the story originated, but it has been proven to be a myth, and reports have shown that not only did Kennedy have the phrase translated by a professional interpreter before using it, but that the crowd understood him perfectly.

  74. I know many urban myths, but the truth is that I did not believe them. In my opinion, they are made up by mean people to scare other people. As the time goes by, they change and become more and more incredible and amazing.
    There is the myth of the girl in the corner. There are many roads where it is said that a girl died in a traffic accident. The girl’s soul is supposed to still be on the road and that you can see it some nights. On a hill near my house, called cross slope, they say you can see a woman in dark nights. I do not believe in ghosts so I have no problem going at night on this road.
    There is also the myth of the girl in the mirror. If name her three times, she appears to you. I do not remember the name you had to say, I think it was Begoña. As I said before, I do not believe in ghosts, so this is not a myth that can scare me.
    There are myths that are not scary. As some rumors going around the internet. For example, those which says that Elvis and Marilyn Monroe are still alive. I prefer that kind of urban myths, I find them funny. But, of course, I do not believe them neither.

  75. I don´t know any myth, but I have found a really interesting one on the Internet, it says that York is the most densely haunted cities in England and it is just the type of city people would expect to be haunted. In the dead of a windy night its ancient buildings, huddled together in dark passages, creak and groan quietly as though lamenting their violent past.
    Grotesque oddities such as the Red Devil that leers down into the Coffee Yard off Stonegate seem to emphasise the mystic atmosphere of York.
    It is in these ancient streets and pathways that the ghosts of York interpose in the world of the living. Sometimes the ghosts are so numerous it is as though the living are intruding into the realm of phantoms.

  76. There is an urban-myth of crocodiles in the sewers. It appeared in the 1930s.Its origin is from the U.S. It became a fashion to have alligators as pets. They were brought from Florida, and kept in terrariums until they were big. Then the animals were not so cute and it cost lots of money to feed. That was the time to leave the pet but where?
    This is another rumor that has been around for a long time, and it seems that everyone has heard at some point in their lives. This says that Walt Disney made all the necessary arrangements so that after his death his body was frozen in the hope that future technology allows him to be brought back to life. No one is sure how this story began, but records show that he was cremated when he died in 1966. It is suspected that the great secret that kept her funeral, along with his reputation as an inventor, led to the creation of this incredible myth.
    One myths, for example is that there are crocodiles in the New York’s sewerages. There are persons that say that there are crocodiles in the New York’s sewerage, in theory this animals one day were pets, but when the crocodiles grew there was very expensive to care, also when the animals were big, they weren’t as pretty as baby and their owners was fed up of them. This was the time to “say good bye” to pets, to throw to de WC. The legend say that these crocodiles, now, there are blind, and they live in the New York’s sewerages. The people say that the person who down to the sewerage get lost there, and never be founded

  77. People think that alcohol can destroy our neurons, but it’s absolutely false: Scientists at the University Hospital of Heildeberg studied the effects of two glasses of wine in the brain with a scanner and found that only six minutes after drinking our brain starts to consume products of degradation of alcohol instead of glucose and changes its activity. This explains we lose reflexes or disinhibition. Chemically it reduced substances such as creatine (involved in energy generation and management) and choline (a component of the cell membrane). But the next day everything is back to normal, which means that the changes are reversible.
    On the other hand, the same study showed that, contrary to what we usually think, no differences in the brains of men and women after consuming the same amount of alcohol (in the body are the differences): we are all equal.
    Although it has been shown that this myth is false, the long term alcohol may have very bad consequences for our body if we don't know drink in a responsible manner and always we should know how much alcohol we can endure our body to not be drunk, so drink alcohol it isn’t bad but always that you are responsibly.

    Marta Pérez 2ºE

  78. I´ll tell you two very interesting myths that have relations with physics.

    Myth 1:Water is colorless.
    The blue color of the oceans and large lakes is not because the sky is reflected, unless because the water is blue. As most bodies, waterabsorbs certain colors and some not, and the last are those we see. In this case, not colorless. So the planet is blue, not colorless. Everyone thinks, wather is colorless even in schools but actually scientits think that is not true because everything would be colorless.

    Myth 2:Cause of sky´s colour.
    The sky is not blue because is reflects the color of water, not a mirror. But however it is blue. Some belive it is due to water particles suspended in air but this isn´t tre too. The sky is blue because , the air changes color depending on the angle at which sunlight gives. Knowing this, the evenings are red because the sun´s rays have less force but this explanation is more complicated


  79. There are a lot of myths. Sometimes people don´t know the truth but other persons want to believe on it. I am going to talk about some myth that could be true or could be false.

    For example that the wall of Chine is the only human’s construction that you can see from the moon, it is said that it is false, but obviously people can´t know sure because they haven’t gone to the moon . Many people think that if you wake up a sleepwalker, he could suffer a heart attack. It is false too, probably he will be confused and the only risk it may got is that he can end up hitting anyone near.

    Another myth that is absolutely false is thinking that if you eat a black chickpea, you will become beautiful. People know it is false but it is funny, and probably it was invented by mothers to make child eat the whole plate!

  80. Many myths exist about the winter, the cold and to be contagious of flu or cold. Interesting mas of the matter, is that the majority they are totally false. Taking and analyzing some, to see if they are real or false • To go out with the wet hair or without jacket it causes (FALSE) cold: all the times did your mom scold you because you were going out to the street without jacket or newly bathed and with the wet hair? In my case, often. What you do not know is that none of these two are causative of infecting the cold.
    To go out to the street with the wet hair increases the risk of catching a cold. At least to forget the jacket in house in full winter makes you more vulnerable to plunder a cold. To catch a cold only it is necessary to to fulfill a requirement: to be exposed to the virus that causes it. And though it is not of more a cap takes in the days more winters colds, also there are wrong those who assure that for the head we lose more heat that for the rest of corporal zones. What yes is true is that, once cooled, to consume a broth of chicken and vegetables sits us well, as there verified investigators of the Medical Center of the University of Nebraska. According to his studies, this soup reduces the inflammation that exists behind some symptoms of the cold as the nasal congestion.

  81. MYTHS
    Myths are part of the beliefs of a culture or community, which consider them true. A group of myths is called mitology. Science and philosophy are against myths but both claim that the tell the truth. A myth is a false belief and it is also used referred to important people. For example, The Beatles are a myth group. As other traditional stories, myths have an oral origin from father to son and that can make a myth to be told differently. Myths are usually confused with stories, fairy tales, fables or legends but they are not exactly the same. Tales are fiction while myths are told as true stories. Fables are different to myths because their characters are animals with human behaviour. The only difference between legends and myths is that legends happen in a known place and time.
    Ana Garcia Vera 1ºC

  82. There is a myth of the apocalypse, the date that the world will end. Recently predicted that would be the twelfth day, according to a twenty-first day and the day, according to others, December, two thousand twelve, according to the Mayans.

    It turned out to be false, of course because we are still alive. That we know now that date has passed but before there was much infor on television and in newspapers remembering what could happen and it turned out that many people were really worried and even did a lot of crazy. It was said that the Chinese had made a kind of car that could save your passengers the apocalypse. Also had a crazy, also in China, was attacked with a knife to twenty children at a school for fear that come the end of the world. There were also news of some suicides.

    The truth is that any urban myths may be funny to some and dangerous to others, there are people who come to believe everything that is said and especially if it comes on TV or in the newspapers. I think he should be more careful with the things you say if you are not completely proven.

  83. MYTHS
    Myths are part of the beliefs of a culture or community, which consider them true. A group of myths is called mitology. Science and philosophy are against myths but both claim that the tell the truth. A myth is a false belief and it is also used referred to important people. For example, The Beatles are a myth group. As other traditional stories, myths have an oral origin from father to son and that can make a myth to be told differently. Myths are usually confused with stories, fairy tales, fables or legends but they are not exactly the same. Tales are fiction while myths are told as true stories. Fables are different to myths because their characters are animals with human behaviour. The only difference between legends and myths is that legends happen in a known place and time.
    Ana Garcia Vera 1ºC

  84. In Castilleja de la Cuesta, a town of Seville, there is a park near the house of a friend of mine. Always the kids go to play to the park almost every evening. One day a little girl was swinging on the swing when she asked his friend, who was older than her, to push her and go faster. This will push so hard that after a while the girl jumping into the air and fell to the ground, with such bad luck that fell from his head. The girl began to bleed heavily and quickly taken to the hospital. She came to the hospital unconscious. The doctors tried to revive her and was in a coma the first night. The next day the girl woke up with bad symptoms and felt as if the heart is stopped, gave him rollovers. The doctors noticed something odd about the girl and began to tremble. Quickly she was transferred to the intensive care unit. There gave cardiac arrest. The doctors tried to revive her but it was too late, she died. So from now on every night at 21:00 that rocker starts moving alone, without anyone pushing. The park rangers saw him and were amazed. Such a precaution decided to close the park for two months in memory of the deceased girl.

  85. The myght of the loch ness

    Few things shout Scotland! louder than the mythical monster that skulks in Loch Ness, Britain's longest body of fresh water. Sightings of Nessie have declined over recent years and despite high-profile submarine searches and much-disputed photographs, the beast seems quite content to maintain its low profile. Don’t be disheartened if you don’t catch a glimpse of Nessie, though. The loch itself is beautiful enough and the Highlands have sufficient mystery and magic for anyone.

  86. Today there are many myths in the world, we will highlight the best-known such as: it is said that if you see a black cat gives you a year of bad luck and attest because once it was on the street I I cross a black cat and thought I was going to give bad luck and actually gave me since I lost the phone past two or three hours, also said that a chicken can live without a head and one day I was in my field grandfather killed a chicken slaughter and ran without his head, and says also that hair and nails continue to grow after death, and this is not seen me, but I think it seems impossible since he's dead, it is said also that if you drop down the salt gives you bad luck and my mother says because once the food is making a pot of salt callus to the ground and broke and that day he was walking down the street to a store buy and when he went to pay for products that had chosen realized he lacked the wallet and had stolen.

  87. This is the story of a girl, she was 10 and her name was Megan.
    She had long had a saying that invisible friend, his parents believed not sure ... One day the girl low single to a park that was a little far from the house, said he vat with 'Caroline' was his invisible friend.

    Next to the park had a lake, now it was winter and it was very cold and the surface was frozen, but as nobody was breaking passed overhead.

    The girl felt that her friend told him that approached the edge, I had to do ... she moved closer but slipped and fell into the lake.
    from the water was almost impossible to break the ice layer, the girl swim to the surface, kicking the ice until he could, he had no oxygen almost put his hand on the ice, and to his surprise that it broke away, when it came , soaked, busy as he was helping, he saw the silhouette of her friend, she told him to save her would have to pay.

    When she was 15 years and forgot his invisible friend, but this appeared to him in a dream and felt that the stabbing, when you look at the chest woke and found that I was bleeding and died.

    Javier Membrive Riera

  88. There are many urban myth in all the field of the life . Now I have heard about since I was a young child. The myth of "the mouse Perez"
    Most children have ever heard their parents saying when one of their teeth have fallen, that they should keep this tooth under the pillow they couldn't watch it because In some time , the mouse Perez would come to talk the tooth and of course, he left a present for the child.
    I think this is one of the nicest legend.That exist e because in that way ,children don't mind losing their teeth and this common event in the life of a child becomes something very exciting.Then and for thir parents who take the tooth secretely and have a present for the levied children.

  89. One of the myths that I like to me is the myth of christ "Cachorro", legend has it that the sculptor did not have any outline developed and urgently had to deliver one to your boss, then walking stabbed Triana saw as a gypsy and saw on his face a unique expression and decided to reflect on a sculpture walk today every good Friday in the streets of Seville, although admittedly it is not having very good luck with the weather.

  90. They say a man came to the police station saying someone afraid would kill him, the police listened to his story, the man told the following story: A man was hunting in a forest not well known. Suddenly, having finished sobrándole hunting and only one bullet, he began to feel a little sleepy, so we decided to rest, until he fell asleep.

    Upon awakening, he realized he was in a town inhabited. Curious, he decided to enter a house, found a mysterious basement, where upon entering the door closed and lost consciousness. Slowly began to open his eyes and saw him sitting in a chair. In that, he heard a noise, there was a girl with no eyes, where bleeding, disheveled, with broken legs, also had a bloodstained wrist. Then the light went out, and came back, she was closer, and this continued until the child was only inches from him. He, scared, drew his hunting rifle and shot the only shot he had, which did him no harm, she began to say: "You want to borrow my wrist?" him, terrified, could do more than shake his head in denial. She said, "okay, but you lend it, then I'm going to return it to me", Finally he fainted and he woke in the woods, was relieved to think that was just a dream, but nothing that thought was true, his rifle and had no bullet as his side stood a doll, and not just any doll but it had that dark girl. Now he had only to wait until its owner returned for it

  91. According to belief, there are two types of troll: a playful and one malevolent. Usually, the elf is short and stocky, with youthful and bright costumes or uses vivid color to draw attention. Often protects your face with a broad-brimmed hat of straw. This type of elf lives in the thick of the forest, above the trees. Playful elf says laughing out loud in ceilings and plays flute leaning against the tree trunks.
    The evil elf like making noises that cause terror takes over people's houses and they throw stones, dirty meals, dishes bankruptcy, boot or bending spoons, chases teenage girls, the pinch, touch their buttocks, the bites, pushes and knocks. Kids will suck your blood while you sleep, hit them and made ​​them water in the face.

    This type of troll is dangerous when in love and not reciprocated, or when a rival. If this happens, you slit her suitor clothing, as the night scares, makes it fall out of bed and hits. When scares contender when he visits, presenting him as a huge toad or giant snake. If the bride gives you a drink, pours it on the shirt, if he lights a cigarette, it burns your mouth, if you try to sit you remove the seat from falling and if it hits stands knees to take him down. Finally, if none of this happens makes the bride take the opposite at all until the end of the relationship.
    In many regions it is believed that the goblin is a soul left this world without being baptized.

  92. I think that no one urban legend is true , and I think that the legend that I´m going to write about is one of the most famous .The legend of the ghost highway is centuries in the older versions, it is said that a young girl stopped the riders to rise. This History tells us that a woman in white with torn clothes, appeared in front of travelers, always near of a dangerous curve .She talk with the conductor and she ask he is she can go inside of the car and when everybody is silent , she disappear from the car mysteriously . Later, the wearer, he ask and talk with people about she and they tell him that this woman had died long before, in an accident.
    When she was wedding dress, surely the accident included her boyfriend.
    Sometimes the woman vanished just around the bend where he died, the other was the driver who died in a crash like that led to her death.

  93. Strange Dog

    They have in the neighborhood of La Boca in Buenos Aires, which for many years two seniors found an abandoned dog. They felt sorry for the animal that, despite its strange appearance, the eyes looked very tenderly. We got to eat and what asearon, incorporating family life. One time the dog showed symptoms of decay and took him to the vet to be regarded. The vet, after revising it, could not find the right words to tell the masters that they had picked was not a copy of a dog breed tender but a large rat.
