En clase:

"…Y esto lo corregimos mañana, y mañana, a lo mejor es mañana, pero es seguro que es el proximo dia…"

miércoles, 12 de diciembre de 2012

Puppy room

Considering their reputation for eating homework, dogs may not seem like the ideal study buddies.

But for hundreds of Dal students eager for a break from the stresses of exam period, the Dalhousie Student Union’s “Puppy Room” was just the friendly, furry reprieve they were looking for.

By the time the doors opened Tuesday afternoon for the first of three Puppy Room sessions this week, more than 100 students were in line to hang out for a few minutes with a Labradoodle, a Sheltie and a Golden Retriever — all volunteering their time through the non-profit Therapeutic Paws of Canada.

“We ran from class,” said Megan Sommerville, a commerce student who was first in line with her friends.

“Puppies are pretty much the best thing ever,” added fellow student Trisha McWilliams.

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Can you tell me in 200 words other ways you know to relieve from stress in exam period?

93 comentarios:

  1. a very good way of removing the extres exam week is to try to carry all day and every day to study some exam week so that you do not have to start this study and just have to take a brief look at this week's that distribute very good time and leave time off but there comes a time that you throw at it for many hours studying and not get results is also a good way to de-stress, you can also enjoy drinks as a linden that makes you relax and remove the another good way to stress that the study is more quiet and does not cause stress to study with echos schemes above and above in order to have a table that makes you concentrate better and not stress appears
    javi garcia de tejada 2ºA

  2. To reduce the level of stress before an exam period we can follow the following guidelines:

    Vigorous exercise or play sports aerobic to eliminate anxiety and stress that may exist.
    Eat healthy foods:
    Like exercise, eating well and healthily helps prevent estrés.Una healthy diet helps to prevent stress.
    Lead a quiet, orderly, without up early or stay up late in excess.
    No alcohol, drugs or stimulants or drink to help fight sleep, since they must sleep at least eight hours a day, or ultimately required to perform adequately the next day.
    Avoid stress and anxiety, for example, practicing meditation or relaxation. These practices help a lot not only during exam times.
    Chewing gum: chewing gum simple reduces stress.
    Friendships: simply go out with a friend can moderate the stress hormone response.
    Music: Music can calm the brain and reduce stress levels generated by any circumstance
    And, above all, trust yourself.


  3. Usually to relax during exam time, I go for a run. I like running about 9 pm because I release all the energy I have left. After, I shower, i eat and i go to bed. I sleep really well so the next day, I am concentrated on the exam because I relaxed excellently. But what if it's raining?: I can relax listening musica. But not any kind of music if not music with a slow pace. Nor do I mean classical music.
    Hot water bath with salts also feels really good. It's one of my favorite ways to relax and it gives us back the energy. If we accompany the bathroom with music: total relaxation. The best thing is to leave a blank mind and begin controlling the breath to get relax. Once you've finished relaxing bath is convenient to have a cold shower as it is a stimulating massage. Bear in mind whenever a relaxing bath should not last more than 20 minutes.
    Another fun way to relax is with a cushion that I have with heart shaped filling very small pellets, but this form is not always effective.

  4. I don't know methods to calm before exams, maybe the normals: count to three, breathe through your nose and take the air through your mouth, take a lime ...
    Another method that can also serve is distracted whith something that can't be think in the exam, how? Hanging out with your friends (always after studying the exam), watch a movie, read a book, talk on the phone with someone, Being on the computer, play a board game, see your boyfriend or your girlfriend. Besides, I'm sure if you know very well the exam you would be more quiet, so you would studying very well the exam and don't make all the last day! I know this can sometimes cost, but studying a little every day and finally you acustom it, and in the exams weeks you go more relaxed.
    These methods are very known, are things that everyone knows because they are logical, also, (from experience) tend not very helpful unless you have a valium.
    I assure you that if I knew what do to relax before a test I would apply it, but before asking: "Get in line" because I don't know methods!
    I apologise you to don't know methods, althought at least I could tell you the most popular methods.

  5. A way to relieve from stress in exam period is doing sport. more specifically running, this method prevents you think it is very important for you to relax, another way to relax is to go out with your friends during an hour or talk with them. They will make you laugh and forget your worries, but for me the best thing is play a football match with my friends, with that I do sport, which is very relaxing, and I laugh a lot because always happen something funny, but if you don’t like sports you can go to a spa, here you have different baths at different temperatures and it makes you forget everything and if you haven’t got money for that you can have a hot shower during 30 minutes. They are my different ways for relaxing in exam period, all of them help me to forget all and be in my world, if you do some of this things, you will be very happy including in exam period.

  6. Before you begin to study is necessary to condition the place. It is important that the room is well ventilated, having enough light and no sight objects that may distract (photos, maps, calendars, etc). Light is essential, a strong light on the eyes. If you study with natural light should be taken not to overshadow the book or notes and if electric light the best is to have overhead lighting, plus a desk lamp.

    To study is needed silence, but the silence is impossible. To avoid losing concentration with external noise, experts recommend listening to instrumental music, with a low volume, while studying.

    The heat influences when studying and decreases the level of concentration. Should be studied early in the morning or in the evening when the temperatures are not high. Ventilate the room, eating a balanced diet and drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water a day are the best techniques to beat the heat.

    Organize time wisely allows methodically prepare the exam and to provide further leisure time to enjoy with friends or playing sports. Stay only at the site where this study increases the feeling of exhaustion and loneliness.

    It is advisable to study long hours for each hour of study must take a break of 10 minutes. This should serve to break off a few minutes, so do not must perform certain activities, such as watching TV or connect to the Internet, you may need more time than necessary. It is also important to have a study planing and stick properly.

  7. Exams are our companions throughout life. Examination periods are very hard for us. Heat, food or loneliness affects us when we do tests. To relieve stress during exam time there are some methods.
    1. - Getting enough sleep: us when we sleep less than 8 hours a day. cortisol up to 50% more. People who sleep eight hours are less. Need to sleep 8 hours a day minimum.
    2. - Gum: reduces stress. You have to chew gum to remove the tension.
    3. - Massage relieves stress. After several weeks of massage we will feel improvement
    4. - Breathing techniques. When enough oxygen enters your thinking brain will be more clear and effective.
    5. - Look on the bright side of things. Focus on the positive side helps reduce tensions. We have to see the positive.
    6. - Use humor. We have to keep a sense of humor in difficult situations. 7. - Exercise. This is very important. We have to start a round of exercises 10 minutes 3 times a week.
    8. - Listen music: when we hear music we feel a great relaxation.
    9. - Food: is very important during exam times.

    But to combat exam stress the first and most important is study hard and trust you.

  8. Well in my opinion there are a lot of different ways to relax when we are in the exam week, like going out to do some sports like running or going to the cinema to watch a movie..., are ways to help you relax when i am with exams
    But for me the best way to relax when I'm in exam week is to see a football match on television, preferably a Real Madrid match because is my favourite team.
    Who doesnt like finish studying and go to the sofa in your home, with a coke, and start to see a football match of his favorite team on TV ? I like it and this help me to relax.
    But there are other ways to relax like go out to the street with friends or another way to relax is to play with videogame that allow you to unwind from exams.

    Santiago Sanz

  9. Sleep and rest:
    It says the saying ``not by much rise early dawns more early´´. Many times it is not both "take hours". Rest is essential, and restore the mind will help you to increase your analytical skills, concentration and memory. Do not obsess trying win time at the cost of your break, not a good idea as a tired mind can not absorb sufficiently the information and you will be wasting your time.
    Correct feeding:
    During this time, try eating a balanced both content (food healthy and light) as in times (keep regularly, make all meals daily, do not jump dinner for eat much the next day.
    Especially on day the exam, breakfast correctly preferably fruit, juice, milk, etc.. A full breakfast but balanced will help you cope better tension. Avoid excess coffee, stimulating drinks, caffeinated sodas, etc.. Do not jump breakfast or lunch, thinking that you are better.
    Spend your time doing some exercise, although is light. Walking, a table stretching or any type of exercise aerobic realised the manner adequate will help you lot reduce your stress levels and anxiety. Take the air, releasing tension, you will feel much better.
    Furthermore, the exercise contribute to improve your alertness and concentration.

  10. All students have to do many tests throughout their lives. The exams cause stress because often you study hard and at the end you do not pass the exam or do not do as you hoped. There are many ways to remove stress or at least make it more bearable especially during exam times since being nervous or stressed can influence the note.
    You can take a relaxing infusion to make that nervousness is less, it is also good while you're studying every twenty minutes drink sips of water and make every hour and half more or less to do breaks. It is good to study in a comfortable place with plenty of light, if it's natural best. Is also recommended study seated and not any position in bed or sofa for better concentration. Several experts agree that hear classical and relaxing music helps you focus better and reduces stress but it has to be music without lyrics only with musical instruments. Moreover it is also good sleep enough hours because you are tired and accumulation of sleep causes stress. you can alternate different subjects on the same day to avoid boring studying.
    You can do many things to reduce stress but the most important are this.

  11. Relieve your stress before exams

    Nowadays, we, students, have a lot of situations of stress because we have many exams, but there are also ways to relieve us from stress in exam period.
    At first, it’s better for us doing a bit exercise twice or three times a week so we can save strain and free nerves or anxiety. You could run, swim, ride on a bike or something like that.
    In addition, we shouldn’t consume high caffeine doses –don’t drink too coffees or energetic drinks-. Although these could keep us awake during sleeping hours or a whole day, it is a bad idea to have them before an exam. Its effects last short time and when they wear off we feel very tired and without concentration, incapable of doing any work. I think a good strategy would be to sleep at least eight hours before your exam.
    Other way to relieve us from stress would be through natural remedies. With medicinal plants like valerian, lime blossom… we can make cent per cent natural remedies, free from contraindications and wonderful to calm anxiety. Furthermore, you could practise relaxation techniques like yoga or Tai chi. Although if you haven’t got enough time to attend classes, you could do some exercises at home.
    Besides you could take a good diet like vegetables, soya, potatoes, walnuts, fish and etc that helps you to increase the capacity to memorize. A good breakfast is also a good way in order to have a clear mind some hours before exams. It wouldn’t be advisable to examine on an empty stomach.
    Finally another excellent trick would be: firstly, when we are in class with the exam sheet before us and without having even written anything, we should make a general reading, and then with more in detail.
    In my opinion the better option would be to have properly study all the contents, so you will go surer to the exam.

    I think there are different ways to combat stress during exam time: listening to music, playing sports or shower, for example. On the one hand, I consider the best for these occasions is to do sport, because you go out to the street, gives the air, is a way to forget the world and the problems, and also most relevant, do exercise without realizing it.
    In addition, I would listen music, without a doubt whatsoever the ones I like, because it is a way to forget problems, a way to avoid forgetting beautiful time of your life (with family, loved ones who are not longer, with friends, parties ...) and, at the same time, trying to fight stress.
    On the other hand, I think further study if a person is prone to stress, would be detrimental to her. As well as, the person would have serious health problems that would affect their lives and need help to overcome health.
    In my opinion, I think to overcome stress during exams need let off steam, and to this, students must listen to music or go out at least once during this time.

  13. All students know how stressful are our exam periods. We sleep very little. We must check all our school subjects in a short time and we must study the new things which have been taught in the last lessons. It sometimes makes us feel that we aren't able to be successful in our exams and the stress overcomes us.
    It's obvious that students can't avoid this stressful situation but we should relieve it to continue with our studies properly. I think that each person has got his own way to do it. When I feel stress, I need to do sports or any another physical activity so I go jogging, I play paddle or I go to the country with my father and I help him to look after the field.
    In conclusion, exam periods are hard for students and we should look for the most seritable way to relieve from the stress that they cause us.

  14. There are some ways to be relaxed in exam periods:
    Going to the gym can make you forget for an hour all your stress of exams. At the gym you can meet people, listen music and let off steam. Another option is going to physiotherapy to relax all the muscles of your body and forget the pressure of the school for a while. You can also go to yoga´s classes, I haven´t tried it but many experts recommend it. They said that it helps you to get your mind white and you don´t think about anything, it is helpful to disconnect.
    You can listen music, paint, dance, sing… or make any artistic activity which you really like. Many people prefer to run or play their favourite sport. If you want you can also had a relaxing bath of hot water or read an interesting book if you like reading. Some people can only relax by sleeping. They prefer sleep than any other activity, it could be a good option, but when you sleep for example 45 minutes you could be sleepy after it.
    In conclusion, the only way to get relax is making an activity that you really like, but in exam´s period is normal having stress.

  15. when I am in exam period i get very nervious.On the one hand i listen to music.the music is a fantastic way to relax.the music passed calm and reduce stress levels.On the other hand I sleep a little nap because this help you pay more when you wake. for example sometimes i drink a tila and i eat many sweets and chewing gum.One day i had an very import biology exam.the previous day i very nervious because i played the course.in the morning i eat twenty chewing gum ,two donuts and two tilas,but this don´t reduce the stress levels.my mum cooked my favourtite food for me with the idea that i got relax.In the afternoon my best friend called me for went to down town.this is one way with which i relax but there are also other forms.

  16. Me during exam times more effective solutions that are typically performed:
    - Don´t leave the subject of study for the last day because it´s is the day refresher , because don´t let it rest well the brain and this causes them to produce a feeling of stress.
    - Not altered excessively.
    - Don´t drink beverages that can cause nervousness: red bull, coffee and similar beverages.
    - In the moments before the test is important to control your breathing, because having bad breath leads to stress.
    - Don´t get up earlier to review the same day of the examination, unless necessary, because it produces less concentration and performance on the exam.
    - Sleep early in the period of time to rest and have enough energy to perform well on the exam.
    If you carry out these purposes, or at least some of them, your performance on the exam will be higher and you'll produce no tension, as this can lead to contractures, colds, etc...
    Even if you don´t believe you could try and implement these solutions and then you could tell me how you did.


    One way to avoid the stress in exam periods is doing sport or some aerobic activity.

    When we run, walk or when we went up and down the stairs, we release a hormone called endorphins, also known as the happiness hormone. For that reason, sometimes before tests i like to walk around my neighborhood. I use my mp3 and i listen music while i am walking.

    When i am going out to walk with my dog and stroke him, i feel very relax too. I have a cat and when i am studying i like to see how he is in my bed looking through the window.

    When i finish to study, i always like to take a shower and after that, i like phone my friends.

    My mum always likes to prepair me a tila before i went to sleep but i never like it because i hate infusions. I prefer an orange juice and went to sleep soon because i don't like study at nights. I study better during the day.

    To sum up, i think the best way to be relax in exam periods is sleep enough hours, drink a lot of water and eat healthy food.

  18. Believe in yourself, imagining that you can pass the exam will help. If you were not capable you would not be in Bachillerato. Rather than focusing on how bad it will be for you, focus on how good it will be when you do well. A lot can be said for positive thinking and there is no sense in adding undo stress by questioning your ability.
    It is normal to feel nervous before and during an exam.Do mental relaxing exercise.Just close your eyes and take long slow breaths. Doing so will calm your nerves and help you get back your focus.
    Don´t wait to the last minute. If you cram all night and get little or no sleep you are not likely to retain much because you brain has not had the sleep you need to file away the informacion. Having your body rested and your mind alert for an exam will put you in the best position to do well.
    One of the best ways you can relieve the stress of exams is to maintain a normal social life,a balance diet and proper exercise. After intense studying you should reward yourself. Go out with friends, get a good meal or however you like to get some downtime and enjoy yourself. It will do wonders to relieve your stress, but be sure you get back in time to get a good nights sleep.

  19. Irene Barroso Álvaro 2º E

    Puppy room.

    We have got a cat at home, and I stroke him all the time, but I think that this is not the better way to relieve from stress in exam period. When I have to study very much, I have got an important lack of sleep because I go to bed late and wake up early to study more, so, when I can have a break, I prefer to sleep as much as I can. I think that this is the better way to relieve your brain from this fatigue. When you are tired, you need a break, so, when your brain is tired, the better way to fix it is a good bed to stop thinking.
    Another way to have a break is going out with your friends for a while to think about any other thing but the exam. Also, if my room is a mess because I didn´t have time to fix it due to the exam period, I can clean it and relieve my brain a little bit. I think that any physical exercise can also release tension and let you start again reinforced (but you must not do too much exercise since you can get too much tired and the effect would be worse). At last, a good hot shower can be the perfect relax.

  20. Final exam week can be the most stressful time of the year for high school and college students. With the holidays around the corner and your GPA hanging in the balance, the mention of the word "finals" can be enough to make you crazy.
    Before the exams I always do 4 things :

    I Practice in old exam papers as if they were the real thing and the time that i have in the exam so i can complete the papers within the allotted time.

    I never go to the exams without time to study. If it’s too late I don´t go to the exam , I prefer don´t go and have a 0 that go and have a 0.75 .

    When I´m studing I take breaks , I get some fresh air in the garden or talking with my family and sometimes do some exercise. I think that all this apart from helping you to relax it’s also good for the brain.

    The night before the exam I use to sleep well
    With these 4 steps I don´t have too much stress on the exams week.

  21. On the topic of how to relax in exam periods the re are diferent wats that we may use depending on each person:
    A way to relax in exam period si putting music on rest periods. The type of music Will vary depending on the mood And tastes o personally relaxes pop music because it makes me forget the stress while others relax with classifical music or other music (from rock to funk y )
    Sometimes i get up to dance and others however so relaxed i sit almost get to sleep however, i have friends who have to go to relax in the gym, have to stop and make sport for adrenaline. Effort after a shower and stay like new.
    For having to interrupt my study time to go to a gym because i think i would occupy too much time but i have friends that are doing well this from a disconnecting.
    I think these two are most common ways to get perfect mood to go back to school and pay as much as possible to get the best result in exam period.

  22. Paula Villaraviz 2º Bach C
    I think there are different ways to combat stress during exam time: listening to music, playing sports or shower, for example. On the one hand, I consider the best for these occasions is to do sport, because you go out to the street, gives the air, is a way to forget the world and the problems, and also most relevant, do exercise without realizing it.
    In addition, I would listen music, without a doubt whatsoever the ones I like, because it is a way to forget problems, a way to avoid forgetting beautiful time of your life (with family, loved ones who are not longer, with friends, parties ...) and, at the same time, trying to fight stress.
    On the other hand, I think further study if a person is prone to stress, would be detrimental to her. As well as, the person would have serious health problems that would affect their lives and need help to overcome health.
    In my opinion, I think to overcome stress during exams need let off steam, and to this, students must listen to music or go out at least once during this time.

  23. Sofia Pujol Cuesta 1D
    When I study harder, and this year over all was one of the most fully years of my academic life because I have a lot of exam periods and this is very stressed for me and I supposed for everybody else, for this reason everybody try to look for a method to relieve their stress in my personal case I use to prepare a cup of tea, the main reason is because, I get relax, when I go to the kitchen, I pick it up the water from the fridge, I light on the fire, and I hear the noise from the boiled water, and I know that my tea will be really soon ready, with my cup of tea, I go to the sofa, I begin to read a book, or a magazine, my grandma normally is in charge of the magazine, my father in charge of the newspaper, and my mother is in charge of the books, so I have a lot of different materials to choose in.
    I choose between the magazine ,books or newspaper and then I get ready for reading with my cup of tea, that it´s one of my methods to get relax, after this short period of reading, between 15-20 minutes I am a new relax person and I can go on studying again.


    -Exam period is the time when I feel more stressful, when I eat less foof and more chocolate and when I can´t sleep well but when the exams finish, I still go on feeling nervous for some days.
    -Anyway, I think each student has got his own way to relieve from this stress. Many of my friends say that they relax after exams going shopping but I prefer I spend some more time at home to tidy my room and to do the things that I couldn´t do during my exam period. I also need to do some sports after the time that I have spent sitting in front of my books and of course I need time to relax and sleep some more time, too.
    -I think there are many ways to relieve from stress and each person should do the things with wchich they feel happy and relaxed to take energy for the next exams.
    -In conclusion, looking after dogs, going shopping, doing sports, sleeping, tidying your room, practising your hobbies... every thing can help you feel happy is good to relieve from stress in exams.

  25. When there are a lot of exams at school, the best thing against stress that I can do is be with my puppy dog called Colette. I have her since 1 month ago. She´s black and small, a Scottish terrier. I really enjoy with her: playing with a small ball, tickling herself or going to the Mª Luisa Park for running and throwing a stick for play.
    Other thing for relax myself it´s music. All type of music, but for relaxing I prefer music from films with a background of piano, strings like violin and cello. Like the soundtrack of the film Pearl Harbor, with songs like “Tennessee” or “And then I kissed him”. It´s my favorite film and the music is from the best compositor of soundtracks at time, Hans Zimmer. So, watching movies is other thing against stress that I do. I lie down and get mi iPod with all my music, I choose the playlist called: “RELAX TIME” and I close my eyes, thinking in my boyfriend or imagining in any other thing that isn´t school or exams.
    It´s a period of time difficult, normally, with your mother or father crying you for study more and more. But we are teenagers and we need our time too.

  26. Lucia Etayo Ruiz 2E

    There are a lot of exams in my school so I have to study nearly everyday but there are 4 days each 3 months that we have two exams each day so that it´s very extressfull.Before study,I used to sleep a nap since 3 to 5 o clock.Then I start to study but while I am studying I am very nervious so I try to be relaxed drinking a coffe,or a tea.The moorning of the day of the exam I am more nervious than the night before so I have to get up nearly two hours before start school,and to have a big breakfast that can make me feel that I am full.

    When I am in exams times I am very nervous because I think that I don´t know the lessons.
    I think the best form for relax in exams times is:
    - I prefer listen music but only if I like it.
    - Go out with my friends
    - Go to running or walking.
    - Eat your favorite food.
    When I have to study a lot because is the exams time I always study for a two hour and I go out to take the air or I listen my favorite music and then I am still studying.
    There are people who drinks energy drinks like red bull, other drinks like coffee, tile.
    Other people go running or they go to the gym and them they have a hot shower.
    Ana García Vera 1º C

  28. Stress is one of the evils that are in vogue today and that affects both physical and mental health. The pace of life we ​​live does not allow us, rarely, lower stress levels, we always relax for a moment after.The inappropriate response of the body to a stimulus, called stress. It is inappropriate because, while not as obvious, we respond to those stimuli incorrectly, because when something happens to us that causes us stress, our body reacts awkwardly: we have a feeling of pain in the neck or body parts , also affects our mood, especially during exam timesTricks to relax in a time of stress
    Here are some tips that will help to stress management.

    - Thinking about the situation or person that causes you stress, remember it and think about what things that person or situation makes you so uncomfortable. Visualize it in a frame as a picture or painting, as the math test.

    - Now begins the picture begin to argue. As we do, we press the thumbs index fingers as hard as possible, then decrease the finger strength while the image is still away, and all the reasons why "it" causes us stress.

    -We think about us, about the good things that life gives us such as: in the smile of a child, in the scent of the perfume you wear, the flowers, in nature, in all those things that make us feel good and comfortable.

    - Finally, breathe deeply, inhaling and exhaling, again and again, at least 5 times.
    By doing these exercises, we can release stress anywhere. This is one of many methods that can be used quickly to stress management.
    We must learn to control it and not let it affect our lives at school level.

  29. Well, actually this is a very interesting topic, what I mean to dogs. On the subject of ways to relax during exam times, do not really know many ways to do it, but no doubt there is one that invited me to try and I loved it, I was told that a good way to relax during exam times or after of those weeks so overwhelming, that proved the Arab baths, which is nothing more than a collection of different types of pools where temperature going from one to another, as well as Turkish baths and massages, is really a somewhat different plus it does not come very cheap to say, but good occasionally even just once to taste is very very good, I liked it a lot and recommend it and definitely got its purpose was to completely relax however, there is one thing in my case it's uncomfortable you are not alone, that's all I saw a problem but of course I could not be there only in the case of a business, but hey I loved it, I quite relief and I had a good time. I recommend it, if you want you can have a good way to relax

  30. In the season for exams you should do the following:
    The most important thing is not to let to study for the last day, if you study every day the last day you just have to go review.
    Things you should do:
    -Each day study with another person to be studying with a friend so you would be more relaxed.
    -Go to the gym.
    -Bed early
    Things you should not do:
    -Leave everything to be studied for the last day.
    -Be all the time in the room studying.
    -Up very early because if you woke up early you will be tired during the examen and you do bad.

    But I think it is best progamarte week before or even two weeks before and progamarte everything you have to study that week so you can feel more comfortable and no stress

  31. A way to relieve from stress in exam period is doing sport. more specifically running, this method prevents you think it is very important for you to relax, another way to relax is to go out with your friends during an hour or talk with them. They will make you laugh and forget your worries, but for me the best thing is play a football match with my friends, with that I do sport, which is very relaxing, and I laugh a lot because always happen something funny, but if you don’t like sports you can go to a spa, here you have different baths at different temperatures and it makes you forget everything and if you haven’t got money for that you can have a hot shower during 30 minutes. They are my different ways for relaxing in exam period, all of them help me to forget all and be in my world, if you do some of this things, you will be very happy including in exam period.

  32. For me the best way to chill out is take my bike and go out with my friends.
    When I´m riding i forget everything, you feel very good when you are able to do new tricks.
    It´s pure spirit of accomplishment. You think I can do now something that yesterday not.. It makes you feel better.
    If i can´t ride one day, my free time (very scarce)I spend it drawing, listening to music or watch videos.
    The important thing to cool down is not do nothing that makes you remember the school.
    I think the best way to relax is taking a hobby, anything that help you disconect of the world.

  33. In my opinion, the most importan thing to relax on exams period is to get prepared for them not the last day, I mean, if you get prepared for the exams days before you would be more calm during the exam, so during that period you wouldn't be so stressed.
    Other form to get out of stress it's practicing any sport, eventually running would be the greatest to practice it during exams, because it wouldn't expend so much time and by getting a walk or even running you will forget about all tings related to exams so that would be greatfull

  34. Count your breath. Taking deep breaths and lengthening your exhale relative to your inhale will calm your sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for triggering your fight or flight response, says Timothy McCall, author of Yoga As Medicine: The Yogic Prescription for Health and Healing. Counting the length of your inhale and exhale and gradually lengthening how long you take to exhale will help counter this stress response. If you take four seconds to inhale, for example, work to lengthen your exhale so that it lasts eight seconds. While every person's breath count will be different, taking 10 breaths like this can help calm your mind and body.

  35. i have a lot of ways to relax but the one that i prefer is to set down one moment in a place alone and start to say evericing i now about the subject i have . i used this just to see that a realy now the subject .but if a im very tired and a want to think in another thing i like to go out side wisth my friends or go to have a walk with someone .
    tjis is a question that lot of peple asked wen they are very tired of studing .some peple prefer to go to have a walk or going wisth teir friends just for not study .right now i am in the meel of the week exams and i am very nevous because i am thinking that i dont have tiem to studie all becase i have to much exams

  36. Víctor Hidalgo de la Hera 2ºBach A

    In exams´ period people usually have stress because they think that this period is more difficult than others periods and they haven´t enought time to study, but all causes of stress can be resolved. Scientists think that these methods can help us to relax: drinking wather, sleeping a lot of hours, having short-walks on the street and they don´t recommend to eat before to study.
    Other method to relax is with a dog, I never thought that. Everybody knows that it is necessary not to be distract and study in a good position, with a dazzling lignt and without noise and with relax music.
    Other method is to study a lot of days before exams, because you can learn more during more time and you will feel better.
    In my opinion the stress is good but not too much because it produces you become oppressed. I think that if you had studied with time and using well that time you can pass exams and then you will feel happier.
    Finally, when you had finished of studing, you can relax with your friends, family, computer, girlfriend, shopping...but always that you have time to sleep very well.

  37. The fact that the issue of relaxing when you have a discussion with your pet can be very interesting to see it and make you a bit off for my taste and are a joy. But for me the verdadderas meneras to relax are:
    A good way to relieve extres at exam time can be out playing sports with friends to release tension, swim, play soccer. Another way may be to take a walk with your partner, you can also disconnect a cigar salon for a while with a friend and drinking a beer, talking on the phone, watching TV, watching series that you like. Also taking a bath in a long time under water, eating fruit.
    All these forms I have told is my best way to relax

  38. To combat nerves before exams, You must ...
    1st - you think the test is just a way to show what you know and have learned.
    2nd - Choose a comfortable place to study with good lighting and minimal distractions.
    3rd - Make ahead of time the things you need to do before the test.
    4th - Arrive early at the exam.
    5th - Perform relaxation exercises before the test to avoid the nerves.
    6th - Sleep the night before the test well and the hours needed.
    7th - Do not go to the exam with an empty stomach.
    8th - Fresh fruits and vegetables are often recommended to reduce nerves.

    During the test:
    1st - Read the instructions carefully.
    2nd - Check the time during the exam.
    3rd - If your mind goes blank, skip the question and move on.
    4th - Do not panic when other students begin to deliver their exams.

    If you follow these steps you will surely not nervous in the exam and you will do well, unless you do not study.
    To learn some relaxation exercises you can look on the internet, in a book or talk to a specialist.
    Don´t worry and keep calm.

    Carolina Moro 1ºC

  39. When I am in exams times I am very nervous because I think that I don´t know the lessons.
    Attempt to relax thinking that there is another examination and it is possible to recover and that for exploring at an examination does not spend anything. When I have to study a lot because is the exams time I always study for a two hour and I go out to take the air or I listen my favorite music and then I am still studying.
    There are people who drinks energy drinks like red bull, other drinks like coffee, tile.
    Other people go running or they go to the gym and them they have a hot shower. But There are a lot of exams in my school so I have to study nearly everyday but there are 4 days each 3 months that we have two exams each day so that it´s very extressfull. At the time this week of examinations I am the whole day studying.

  40. strategies for reduce the stress in exam period:

    1-the first is sleep well , because when you don't sleep eight or nine hours you can't concentrate and this stress generate.

    2- eat healthy , eating well and healthily helps prevent estrés. the healthy diet helps to prevent stress.

    3- Practise sports , when you are playing or practicing some sports you can liberate energy and stress, and you are more confortable with your self.

    4- some studies recommend the day before a exam only review a little the stuff that you have study because te day before the exam your body tends to get nervous, and if you study, is when you have a doubts .

    5-No alcohol, drugs or stimulants or drink to help to sleep, Because this is so bad for sleep and so yield less the next day.

    6 - Other stimulant for relax is te music because when you are listening music that you like you are enjoing the time and you are very calm and relaxed

    7-Lead a quiet, orderly, without up early or stay up late in excess

    This are tips for do it your activity more relaxing and the most important is trust in your self.


  41. The first thing youu need to do is take a moment to forget about the
    world, it is better to "lose" an hour relaxing, hanging out with your
    friends that spending an entire day and also at night trying to concentrate in
    your studies and gettting nothing done. if you take some time off, ur
    brain will be fresh when u come back to your studies.

    wake up early on weekends, and every day you dont have classes in the
    morning only if you are in the place of going to the school plan your day, eat well and plan your
    studies early in the morning or if you have classes, after school, do
    not leave it for 9:00 pm , studying at night wont help you to get rid
    of stress

    take one exam or a task at a time finish one and start the other, doing 10
    things at hte same time will confuse you and stress you more

  42. In epoch of examinations it is difficult not to be oppressed. I have three forms to relax:

    1. I put to read a book that I like and that it makes me disconnect of everything what exists around me. That amuses myself.

    2. To the whole world he likes it the music, to listen a time to music also helps to disconnect and that the persons do not become oppressed when estan of examinations.

    3. Finally, for my it is another way of disconnecting is: to see a movie. Now to go to the cinema is very expensive but there are other ways of seeing movies, or also ancient movies can meet, alone it is to be able to disconnect.

    There are many ways of disconnecting awhile in epochs of examinations, and the offer in the comment is something fascinating that it is possible to promote and propose mas useful things.

    Lourdes Lucio-Villegas Salcedo 2ºD

  43. I think that in exam periods a good form for relieve estress is doing sport, for example you can run. Whenyou have exams you are all the day studying and studying, and you need some moment to relax,for example, when you finish studying, I think its good go out and run because you put your music, go to the street and run whererver you want.If you go with some friend it´s better because you can talk of different things and you don´t think in the exams. Doing that you can relieve stress, desconect of all and change the mentality for a time,then you arrive home, have a shower, have dinner and relax in the sofa before go to sleep. In my opinion its a good form to relax and desconect, and you will go better to the exam because you don´t go with stress.

  44. I think there are different ways to combat stress during exam time: listening to music, playing sports or shower, for example. On the one hand, I consider the best for these occasions is to do sport, because you go out to the street, gives the air, is a way to forget the world and the problems, and also most relevant, do exercise without realizing it.
    In addition, I would listen music, without a doubt whatsoever the ones I like, because it is a way to forget problems, a way to avoid forgetting beautiful time of your life (with family, loved ones who are not longer, with friends, parties ...) and, at the same time, trying to fight stress.
    On the other hand, I think further study if a person is prone to stress, would be detrimental to her. As well as, the person would have serious health problems that would affect their lives and need help to overcome health.
    In my opinion, I think to overcome stress during exams need let off steam, and to this, students must listen to music or go out at least once during this time.

  45. There are many forms to realise before exams.
    My method to don´t fell stressed is to be rested having a good nap or slipping well during the night.With a good rest help in the study having your brain clear and with out stress. Other form´s to be realise before exams is having a healthy alimentation , drinking frequently water to help your blood circulation,this will prevent us o possible fatigue.
    In the other hand some things we must avoid to prevent stress before exams are:
    In any case lend the study subjects for the lasts days.this would make in you a innecesary realise.
    Be constance in your work,this would make the study easier and would avoid stress in the days near exams.
    Don,t drink alcohol or any drugs,this would alter your behavior and make difficult the concentration.
    Do not lost your time with tv,pc or any other tecnological object,this would take you so many time that you must use for studing or making any other school activity.
    Do not have a study place disordened,this would incite you to lost your study time.
    This are some things you would have to have into acount to avoid stress before exams.

  46. I'm not going to complicate and I directly say the methods that I follow during and after the week of exams. One week for final exams and already gets me the burden, first thing I do is to plan as I'm going to study and that topics per day have to be prepared. We are already in the week of exams and every day am fulfilling the target set a week earlier, but the day that I delay agenda for the reason that is me I overwhelmed even more, then the first thing I do is seek help from a friend who is already learned that topic so explain it to me. the first review I have is that I am more nervous, having done that, is me the week goes very fast and almost no I realize everything I have tried.
    When I finish to all, I'm dead tired, so the first thing I do is sleep and recover lost hours to replace me. Sometimes I can not relax and I read a good book, I love to read.
    And these are my tricks to have a week of tests without strain.

  47. From my point of view and what I personally I do to combat exam stress is to make a planing to review the week before exams. It is therefore important that you take every per day during the evaluation and so do both planing and planing comply will be much easier. It is important that if one day you can`t meet the planing, the homework that you should have done that day from other days your abilities because if you try to do everything in one day you accumulate what you haven´t done with what you have to do and this form of combat exam stress will be useless.
    I will recommend it as the first evaluation didn´t and in this second evaluation've tried it and it really is a good antidote to the stress of exams.
    If you organize well you'll have time for all sports, see your partner, or simply go with friends to relax.

  48. They say the dog is man's best friend, but in my opinion this great friend can distract us during exam time, and let's get him walking, we play with ... For this is not a good help to take away is stress.
    Tests will accompany us throughout our lives and so it is good to know relaxation techniques.
    1. - Use relaxation techniques
    2. - Listen to nature: the sound of the wind pay you or we can help reassure
    3. – Sleeping at least 8 hours: if you sleep less than 8 hours, the brain does not lie and if the brain is not rested may not have a good performance.
    4. - Study hard, but taking breaks every two hours or so if it is too many hours in front of a book followed the concentration decreases.
    5. - Deep breathing: breathing techniques to help relax, because we have enough oxygen in the body.
    6. - Have a good diet and exercise: it is good to have some free time for ourselves to help us clear the mind, and eating healthy is always important, we should not eat heavy meals, since it is more Sleep easy we have.

    María José Carrascosa Bernal 2ºD

  49. The key to successful stress management is to keep a mild, healthy degree of stress in your life, in intermittent amounts. Each person has a unique response to stress, so experiment with techniques that help bring you back into balance, and learn what works best for you.A way to relax in exam period is putting music on rest periods. The type of music will vary depending on the mood. Pop music makes me forget the stress while others relax with classic music or other music also playing with my dog Quillo makes me feel quite good becouse it makes me feel free of stress any time i play with him. i also use to play computer or go take a walk by the seashore.by Guillermo Serrano

  50. I think a good way to remove stress is gone out, take fresh air, smoke a cigarette and clear the mind thinking about things we like or something we want to do. When we have a lot of exams, we are really sensitive and very nervous. Things affect us much and we see things more exaggerated than they really are so those are tense moments. I do not support study without stopping for a long time. People think that study at night or study a lot of hours is good for the students, but in my opinion it is a wrong idea. I think it is harmful. When we pass some hours in which we were studying, in lieu of take advantage of, we decentralize and it is not good for our health and it is not good for our study. As a final though I say that we should plan before the exams because if we plan at the end, we suffer stress, and it is bad for us and for someone who lives with us. We must think of ourselves but also in others.

  51. I believe the stress increases on tests especially in summer, due to noise in the heat ... I think when we are in the exam time we have to do is take everything calmly and day, ami particularly what relaxes me when I'm at such a time, is to go to the street with my friends shopping or take something to relieve a little and think about something else other than studies.
    each has different ways to relax before an exam time, but I think in general when we are so what we need is to move away from the books, take the air and above all talk and think about other things.
    I think it's worse in summer mainly because it is when you look out the window and see those pieces of days ago and think your: ¨ with piece of day and I doing here enclosed ¨ and all this happens because we are in andalucia communities that we like and most enjoyed the sun and the street.
    In conclusion I think it is clear our best to completely disconnect from everything that has to do with the studies, each of the way as you like and enjoy more, with or without company it's the least important thing is think about other things.
    Ana Fajardo Lopez. 1C

  52. A form to avoid from stress during the exam is suitable a elements:
    At the first place doing sport, for example running, meditation or relaxation....
    In the second place the music can be important for calm the brain and reduce stress, this you help a concentrate.
    The last, you musn´t be nervous you have to be safe of self me.
    Of course, no alcohol, drugs or other drinks that harm your healt.
    A person doesn´t study haven´t this problems because he know that is going to fail.
    To go with your friends during two hours or talk with them, you will help to remaining calm. Also, they will make you laugh and forget your worries and problems.
    In my opinion, you will be very relax when you have studied and finished the exam.

  53. I think I have a big problem with stress , not because y suffer of it or because I stress myself too mucho when I have exam , my problem is the opposite I have never been stressed in my whole live .
    Maybe I have the next day two exams very important of which depend my future or the final average of a course but I don't stress , I will like to stress a little because that will make my study more and become aware of the importance of studying .
    In addition I can't seat down in my chair more than 30 minutes without doing something else ... Dancing , singing , eating , watching TV , disturbing my sisters or going out .
    Although I dont study too much not because I don´t want it ,it is because I can´t I don´t have very bad resuslt and that due to the fact that I pay attention in class .
    On the one hand not being stressed cause you not to care about studying but in the other hand I won't have wrinkles when I get older !

    Lourdes lopez de soto

  54. Before I do a test I am very nervous and frightened, I know that it mustn´t be because I always study much and I know all but is difficult control it. I have some ways for relax and do the last reviewed. First you can sleep a siesta so you will be rested, then you review your notes and you can prepare a bath, I love have a bath you can stay one hour lay and relaxed with foam and salts too when you finally the bath you can give a massage with cream them you have dinner and go to your bedroom. There you lay on the bed close your eyes and start to control your breathing, you must stay here 15 minutes but becarrefull you shouldn´t sleep!
    Finally can watch TV or listen music is good that it be classic music because hasn´t got letter and keep focuses but I prefer do a finally reviewed and then sleep and say in my mind the notes for be safe.

    Carmen Muñoz García 1ºA

  55. the best way to relieve stress is to study every day, so no need to study the whole day before and do not remember anything of what the teacher explained in class. but if you study every day you just have to brush up a bit a couple of days before and you already know.
    I know this is the best but always run two days before the exam without having read about the subject, so when this happens it is important to make small breaks to relax because if you keep studying you memorize slower and worse, so I recommend rest every hour or so, for five minutes, drink some water, go to the bathroom, and at the end of study go for a walk to clear the mind, I rather go for the latter go train with my rugby team but I understand that not everyone has a computer to play sports, but it is also important to practice sports to relax and relieve stress as well so I encourage everyone to practice some sport
    Ultimately to remove the stress it is best to study every day and so it never comes

  56. Stress is a big problem in exams period. In fact lost of student have many physical and psychological problems due to the stress, some of them have headache, louse of appetite even though they can´t have a normal life because of the pressure. There are lots of ways to control it and everyone do it in her own way.
    On one hand, the most important to control your stress is knowing how you can relax yourselves, because if you are relax in this type of situation you will be able to concentrate in an easy way, to study and you will have the control of your brain.
    On the other hand it´s very important to have a timetable because when you have organized all the day you won’t need improvise anything and you won’t lose your time with distractions and other things that finally will create you more stress.
    To sum up as far as I'm concerned it is very important to do some homework daily even thought studding at least two hours a day. With this method you will get the exams without any stress and you will have more time to study which is essential to pass them.

  57. When I have an exam usually do these things: no knowledge binge because Study like crazy the night before the exam the student may leave more tired and stressed than before, so you should encourage him to study gradually over several days. Take tests because knowing the format and style of a test can eliminate anxiety, so you should encourage students to take practice tests if any. Futhermore, get enough sleep because lack of sleep causes anxiety greatly. Make sure the student gets to bed early the night before the test.

    More eat a healthy breakfast because the blood sugar is at its lowest in the morning. To enable the student to think and solve problems effectively one needs a good breakfast. Exercise because It is good for the student to do some physical activity before the test to reduce body tension. For example, you can run or take a brisk walk.

    On the other hand arrive early and prepared because arriving early to the test and with the right materials (pencils, calculator ...), the student can avoid being stressed about the little details. This allows you to focus on the task entrusted to him.


  58. All students know how stressful are our exam periods. We sleep very little. We must check all our school subjects in a short time and we must study the new things which have been taught in the last lessons. It sometimes makes us feel that we aren't able to be successful in our exams and the stress overcomes us.
    It's obvious that students can't avoid this stressful situation but we should relieve it to continue with our studies properly. I think that each person has got his own way to do it. When I feel stress, I need to do sports or any another physical activity so I go jogging, I play paddle or I go to the country with my father and I help him to look after the field.
    In conclusion, exam periods are hard for students and we should look for the most seritable way to relieve from the stress that they cause us.

  59. I think there are different ways to combat stress during exam time: listening to music, playing sports or shower, for example. On the one hand, I consider the best for these occasions is to do sport, because you go out to the street, gives the air, is a way to forget the world and the problems, and also most relevant, do exercise without realizing it.
    In addition, I would listen music, without a doubt whatsoever the ones I like, because it is a way to forget problems, a way to avoid forgetting beautiful time of your life (with family, loved ones who are not longer, with friends, parties ...) and, at the same time, trying to fight stress.
    On the other hand, I think further study if a person is prone to stress, would be detrimental to her. As well as, the person would have serious health problems that would affect their lives and need help to overcome health.
    In my opinion, I think to overcome stress during exams need let off steam, and to this, students must listen to music or go out at least once during this time.


  60. I have four methods to take out extres :

    Practice relaxation techniques. Techniques such as yoga, meditation, and deep breathing activate the body’s relaxation response. When practiced regularly, you will enjoy a reduction in your everyday stress levels, and increase your ability to stay calm under pressure.

    Stop striving for perfection. We should push ourselves to improve and to always do our best, BUT we need to know when something is good enough. On a scale of 1-10, start shooting for 8’s and 9’s.

    Avoid people who stress you out. If someone is a constant source of stress and you can’t turn the relationship around, limit the amount of time you spend with that person, or end the relationship entirely. This one is rare to practices but i dont like to have people in my life that make me a lot of problems

    Be grateful. Take time each day to reflect on the things you appreciate in your life, including your own positive qualities and gifts. This will increase your happiness and help you keep things in perspective.

    Those 4 methods help me a lot in the exams week

  61. September exams are one of the hardest times in the student's life. When fear stopping and having to repeat a year, or not spending cycle or lose a scholarship, psychological difficulties are added. The heat, food or loneliness can contribute to increased stress on these dates.
    The first thing you have to keep in mind is that there is no magic formula for study, although experts recommend a series of habits that can help you increase your performance in the form significativa.Antes studies begin to study is necessary condition the place. It is important that the room is well ventilated, you have enough light and no sight objects that may distract as magazines, a computer, a cell phone etc ...
      Light is essential, too strong a light and easy on the eyes, however, too weak a light force unnecessarily. You have to do with light is best studied.
    Another thing we should have is silence, without silence very difficult is that we can concentrate.
    Having ten minute breaks for every hour you study is important because if we study three hours without a break just entertaining us with anything and did not study at the end.

  62. you can lose stress doing sports or you can go to differents places or bicicle. you can go to de gym and do the differents excersice.
    Other way to relieve us from stress would be through natural remedies. With medicinal plants like valerian, lime blossom… we can make cent per cent natural remedies, free from contraindications and wonderful to calm anxiety.
    I will recommend it as the first evaluation didn´t and in this second evaluation've tried it and it really is a good antidote to the stress of exams.
    in this world exist differents things for you lose the stress but the best is doing that you like and you don,t think on study


  63. As everyone knows, stress is something usual on students. What I do to avoid stress is trying to study daily so I wont be overwhelmed the day before a test. Moreover, I always try to be motivated when I start to study a lesson. Anyways, what really relax me after a hard study day is go out with my friends and play football. I think the main cause of stress is that we dont really have free time to do what we want because we have to much things to do like school homework, study for the exams, help at home... and we cant spend time doing what we like. When I have some free time, I usually play football with my friends or go out for supper with them.
    To conclude, the best thing to avoid stress is to study daily and to spend your free time doing what you like.


  64. Luis Perez de Guzman Pacheco 2E

    one of the things I do to relax in time of exams is sport, I think it's the best way to unwind after a hard day, and also not only in time of exams but anytime you will remove many tensions and clears the head. .. mainly recommend that football is my favorite sport is a sport that is played in teams and has much physical wear, but running is another very healthy as you can get music through headphones and isolate you from the outside world for a while, in However, any sport is good to relax and unwind from the stresses of today's world.

  65. Marta Rodríguez 1ºA

    The best way to reduce stress, it is taking all subjects a day. If you take all the subjects a day, when the time of the examination, with that you review a bit, enough.
    Whenever I'm very extresada for exams music I get high, I go outside, I smoke a cigarette and I get back to studies. The study site has to be light and there is space, there is silence and that there is nothing in the environment that cause distraction. No overwhelmed in exams, and if you go blank, breathing for a few seconds and read thoroughly exam questions. At home you have to decansar least every two hours because it decreases the ability to concentrate. Being decansada morning also helps to concentrate better. At least we should sleep eight hours a night, eat a good breakfast and have energy for the day, have a good diet and not abuse coffee.

  66. Stress

    I think like everyone I get very stressed during exam time. So it’s good to be able to clear your mind sometimes, take away the book in front of you and do something else.
    Of course it depends what time of the day it is, but perhaps I go and have a snack, play a little on the Play Station, or play with the dog. However if it’s at night I might go running or to the gym but I don’t do that much as I lose too much time. My breaks have to be short.
    At the moment I’m studying more and resting less. My problem is that I get distracted very easily and I know that can be the cause of bad marks. Another big distraction is my smart phone, although it does help me to relax and disconnect from the heavy stress, I have to admit I can spend too much time on it.
    Tiredness is also a problem studying but a short nap can help a lot and drinking lots of fruit juices with natural sugar helps me to relax and concentrate.

    Alfono Perez Perez 2D

  67. Well in my opinion there are so much different ways to relax before `` The exam week´´, like going out to do some sports like running, playing your favorite competitive sport as football, basketball.. With your friend or going to the cinema to watch a movie..., are ways to help you relax when i am with exams,other form very strange before do a exam is write bad things about your teacher that said my math´s teacher. We also can go to the gym to do exercise because at the gym you can meet people, listen music and let off steam also you can listen music, paint, dance, sing… or make any artistic activity which you really like .i really prefer listen music or go out my house to be relax before a exam.
    In conclusion, the only way to get relax is making an activity that you really like, but in exam´s period is normal having stress

  68. May is here and the exams period has just began.Spending the whole night awake or having energetic drinks as best friends are just some of the things that students tend to do during this term but, actually, the fact is that one of the most important thing to do well in our exams is being relaxed so, what can we do to relieve from stress?

    something you can do when you feel thick headed is doing any kind of sport. Not only it is good for your health but also it would help you to get oxygen into your brain and get new energies. it doesn't matter if you spend an hour at the gym or you just go for a walk, doing sports makes you libate endorphins that would help you to be much more positive.

    another thing that you could do is calling a friend. having a chat with a partner would make you forget just a moment about the exam and you would be lot less stressed

    to sum up, the essencial thing is never give up and remember that impossible is nothing.

  69. I usually for to relieve from stress in exam period, I usually leave to run for out. When I am running, I am very relaxed and my mind is in “ white “ although I live in a village and this is fenomenal because you can to run with total freedom for the field, roads,… This is fantastic as I don´t concern for the noise of the city, trafic, cars,.. It is very relaxing. When I am running, I am respire clean air not like in the city that you respire polluted air a cause of the car, fabrics,…
    Also I relax for example: when I am listening music in my room or bathroom. The music relax many topcoat if the music is relaxing and not is music of the party. Also I relax, when I am watching tv programmes or series how simpson or films. This make that I disconnect of my problems. This are my ideas for to relieve from stress in exam period maybe aren´t the best ideas but me serve for disconnect.

  70. Marcos Ortega Ferrusola. 1ºA

    When the time of examinations everyone starts to get nervous, played much since most of our time has to pass with good grade for entrance exams and enter the race and we think we've decided to make small.
    a way to relax is mainly studied by several weeks as the two or three days before it is worthy of study because it is our future.
    a means of relaxation before exams is the use of breathing techniques, as it helps to forget the stress of exams to be more relaxed and not worry about external problems.
    rested the night before the exam helps you to be more relaxed on the exam and to have all the senses in the exam.
    Take a coffee before the test helps clear the mind in order to perform as much as possible in the review and also get the maximum rating.
      A home remedy is to drink a freshly squeezed orange juice with a slice of ham with oil to be up to 100%.
    Never use medicines that may affect our health and psychological state.
    In short, what I usually use and is the most practical method for me is to rest and study to be relaxed.

  71. If it is true that in times of exams one gets nervous and stressed. Up to the most studious person happens. For this there are several methods:
    Carry-day studies, to not have to study you after all in the same day.
    -Listening to music relaxes the mind and makes you forget the most problems.
    -Take a tila always good before taking an exam
    -No alcohol or drug that makes your mind cause problems.
    -Sleeping eight hours
    -Eat healthy food, no fast food.
    -Practice relaxation methods
    -When you're looking to be in a quiet area
    With all this, you will get well take exams without any kind of stress
    Clemen Martín Romero 1D

  72. When I have a week of exams is essential to know well organized and have the right place to study. Before you sit down to study we should put a suitable site for it where we have enough space, a place without a lot of noise and especially clearing the bench either without photos, toys and other objects that can distract and take away concentration.
    We organize time and set goals such as: "I study 3 pages in an hour" and so be controlling the tiempo.Es very important to have small breaks to clear your mind, eat something and drink plenty of water. Many people think that taking a final exam may be to study everything the day before and spend the whole night without sleep, I think it only serves to waste time, and do not burden you have almost no chance of passing the critical exameEs rest well before of a review and get enough sleep because otherwise you got up and head out somewhere else and you will not be able to put ideas in order.
    I also think it is not good hide indoors and not take the air out a little with friends and so it never hurts to refresh your mind for a while but that if it ever not be tired a lot and not return home late to continue the study properly.
    I'm sure if we follow all these tips sure to approve and got some excellent notes.

    Juliana Iribarren Castro. 1ºD.

  73. While you are studying, you need to have breaks. It is not good to spend long hours studying because you do not concentrate and memorize the knowledge. Breaks are essential. For small breaks, which I do every hour and a half, I like surfing in the internet or playing with my phone. I also eat or drink something, because I get very hungry while studying.
    When I am overwhelmed with an exam and need to relax and take my stress, I like to do exercise. In the evenings, after studying all afternoon, I like to go running. It helps me to relax and sleep better. For selectividad I will need to do it every night. These exams are very difficult and important, and I need to stay focused to do my best.
    A friend of mine goes shopping to relax. She says it makes her happy and that she does not think in exams for a while. Each person does a thing.
    I've been said not to study the evening before selectivity. I have been said that I should go to the movies or go out with friends or anything else that I like. That is better than studying, since being nervous makes it difficult to memorize concepts.

  74. I think the first thing we should do is to contact our friends and tell them while on study schedule that we do not talk to whatsapp, do not call us by phone and if they have a good plan or what we have, and but we will be thinking that while studying to finish fast so I can go with your friends ... and so we are not increased stress. I think a good way to sober up and drive in times of stress tests for sports, anti stress balls tighten ... what not to do is connect to the computer, pick up the phone, meet friends ... because at the end but do not study.
    Unfortunately people fall frequently stressed the use of drugs, alcohol, snuff, meals or passive activities like watching TV. The damage they can cause self-destructive habits multiplies itself by the presence of stress. The cycle perpetuates generating a routine pathological. The health and stress resistance can be improved by eating well and avoiding habits such as alcohol, caffeine, and junk food snuff. Definitely the case if you stress out of hand you should go to a medical specialist who will recommend a form with which you remove the stress.

  75. I think that the key to relax yourself in any exam period is thinking that school is not as important as other things like your family or your friends. It is necessary to know the most important things in your life in order to be happy. If you confuse your preferences, you will be unhappy and you won´t certainly triumph or be sucessful.
    Some ways to relax are: Practice breathing techniques, make healthy dietary choices, do exercise every day, try a massage, practice positive thinking and so on. I do try to make all of these things almost everyday and I really thing more relaxed.

  76. Before you begin to study is necessary to condition the place. It is important that the room is well ventilated, having enough light and no sight objects that may distract (photos, maps, calendars, etc). Light is essential, a strong light on the eyes. If you study with natural light should be taken not to overshadow the book or notes and if electric light the best is to have overhead
    Well in my opinion there are a lot of different ways to relax when we are in the exam week, like going out to do some sports like running or going to the cinema to watch a movie..., are ways to help you relax when i am with exams
    Sleep and rest:
    It says the saying ``not by much rise early dawns more early´´. Many times it is not both "take hours". Rest is essential, and restore the mind will help you to increase your analytical skills, concentration and memory. Do not obsess trying win time at the cost of your break, not a good idea as a tired mind can not absorb sufficiently the information and you will be wasting your time.
    All students have to do many tests throughout their lives. The exams cause stress because often you study hard and at the end you do not pass the exam or do not do as you hoped. There are many ways to remove stress or at least make it more bearable especially during exam times since being nervous or stressed can influence the note.

  77. I usually use the typical methods that we all know like counting to ten slowly, breathe deeply, playing sports or at least for a walk out.
    Although this seems impossible with exams because we believe that we only have time to study and relax just takes away our time study, for example, spending time with your friends after a long and productive afternoon studying, it can free you from stress.
    If you're too tired to go out, at home are many ways to relax such as read a book, watch a movie, chat with your couple or family, walk your dog, paint, dancing, listen music ...
    It is also very important to study a little every day and have time for everything, including relaxation so although this be difficult and may seem hard at the beginning, at the end you will have better results in exams and every day, because you will not be stressed.
    These methods are widely known and very useful but if you can not relax with that, have medicine and food, such as teas, which are very effective.
    These are my different ways for relaxing in exam periods, all of them help me to forget all so if you do some of this, you will be very good.

  78. i have a lot of ways to relax but the one that i prefer is to set down one moment in a place alone and start to say evericing i now about the subject i have . i used this just to see that a realy now the subject .but if a im very tired and a want to think in another thing i like to go out side wisth my friends or go to have a walk with someone .
    tjis is a question that lot of peple asked wen they are very tired of studing .some peple prefer to go to have a walk or going wisth teir friends just for not study .right now i am in the meel of the week exams and i am very nevous because i am thinking that i dont have tiem to studie all becase i have to much exams


  79. It is very common to feel stressed during the exam period, it’s sometimes good for improve the results, but is it sane?
    If you want to avoid that anxiousness ruins your results, you may want to try doing some exercise, in order to relax and get rid of your nerves; this is a good option because you can forget your worries about your marks for a while and it is also useful to sleep better and keep your concentration.

    Meditation is also helpful if you need to be less nervous before an important exam; you can use classical music to be more relaxed and calmed. Some people read a book, because you disconnect your mind reading other things. Moreover take a walk, cook, paint or just go out wit some friends to be absent-minded and keep few minutes without thinking in exams.

  80. We will comment on 2 ways of removing the stress before an examination and they are based in:
    It rests: The better thing is that you sleep a minimum of eight hours be-fore the day of the examination, since you will need to be awake and atten-tive. This will do that you center with great facility and that your knowledge shows.
    He avoids the caffeine: Though the products that contain high doses of caffeine manage to keep you awake; it is not advisable that you take them the day before an examination. The drinks with high doses of caffeine keep you awake to the moment, but when his consequences disappear they provoke an effect "bounce" that alone it will do that you feel extremely tired, exhausted and with lack of concentration. It is for this that we do not owe of consuming it the night before an examination to be able "to "study" more time.

  81. I always get stressed a lot when I have to take exams, especially in order to pursue and in September Exames.

    How do I relax? because the truth is I do not know, try to do sport and especially sailing which is what I enjoy most and disconnected from everything. When I'm browsing just think at that time, offshore wind and do well the maneuvers I have to practice to have good results in competitions, but mostly enjoy what I do when I surf and it takes my stres because I forget everything else.

    I recognize that a good match Betis also relaxes me, but if you lose and things change, then what happens is that I get more nervous still.

    I think I find some time to unwind doing something you love is the best method to relax, play some football with friends, listen to music you like, visit your grandparents, (168) for a walk, or any other which will serve to forget for a while the tests, clear that if you have time! The worst thing is you do not have time enough time to prepare for that you have to examine yourself of too many things, then you have a big problem.

  82. In my point of view, there are many ways to relax after school. In principle before you start studying you have to feel comfortable in the room in which you are either temperature, the seat and the table, but you took more breaks from the account. There are many different ways to take a break after study, people relaxing on the bed and begins to listen to music, others go for a walk and come back, others take something ... . I am one of those people that low and I take a glass of water and I get to play around with the psp. But it is not good to take a break but then very long because it costs more and you start studying lose focus, the less rest you take more pay in your studies. Mainly the type of rest should be relaxing and as comfortable for me is lie in bed and stretch your legs, forget completely on what you are studying and more strongly so grab what you were doing.
    In general, for the hours that you'll take, you do not need to take breaks, unless you are tense and do not concentrate or not things go well and you get mad.

  83. The best way to not stress over a time of exams, while I think that is the most correct, is from the first day of course carry the agenda and tasks to your day, and do all the homework and evening at home review I learned during the day at school. But still knowing qe still people that matter will enter the exams, get nervous, and that's not good poruqe with the nerves may not concentrate on your test and not do well. So some people are taking an infusion or lime, to calm down, listen to music others might please them relax or smoke a cigarette or do anything else to be rid of the nerves. But insisting on the above, have a constacia and daily study habits will make your subjects take a day and avoid having problems when performing the tests.

  84. The best way to relieve stress is to study every day, so no need to study the whole day before and do not remember anything of what the teacher explained in class. but if you study every day you just have to brush up a bit a couple of days before and you already know.
    However, when the exam period ends, I really like going out with my friend or play any fotball match or even any sport.
    I think is very important the fact of how your exams have carried away, because if you have good results you would be much happier than if not.
    In my opinion, I think to overcome stress during exams need let off steam, and to this, students must listen to music or go out at least once during this time.

  85. One way to relieve stress in time of exams for sports minimum one hour a day, like running, motar bike, or play tennis. Physical exercise causes the body to release stress, and also is good for health.
    Another way to relieve stress is to get out in the afternoon after studying for an hour with your friends, this helps to forget worries and interact socially.
    Another way, and the least recommended, is snuff smoking more than usual, it's pretty bad for health, but it is quite true that relieves stress.
    Javier Membrive Riera

  86. There no doubt that exam periods is the worst time for students . We spend most time sitting opposite a book and it creates us much stress.
    When this exam period ends , we usually continue feeling stressed so we must realieve from this presion . I think the most way to get it is to do sports because people release auxielity with the phisical effort but it doesn't mean that it's the only way to relieve from stress.Each person knows how to do it and they use their own method such as reading ,walking,taking contact with the nature ,listening to music and they are people who only need to sleep for longer.
    In conlusion, I think each student has got their own way to relieve from stress and if it works, it is the best one.

  87. A good way to be relieved in time of exams is to bring all things to engage first day and easiest subjects to middle and then take them off with the most difficult and study every day. When you're very extresado can leave a little to the street with some friends to talk and despejarte but no more than half an hour, then we must begin to study and that will bring you magnificent results and will have a spectacular summer. Another advisable thing is to sleep after lunch and be a little rested to have more energy when you get to study.

  88. a way to relax when you get to study is first to make the food, then eat it, and then lay on the couch watching TV while you slowly start getting more sleep to come. you fall asleep with the alarm set on the phone or wherever and very late, at 4 or 4 and a half, enough to relax but also be very tired after getting up, get up you wash your face and drink water and these assets to get to school. study two hours, one for each subject, and then make a break of 15 or 20 minutes for a snack and go back to study a little bit more and what time and on what you can spend to go out for a while and come back and watch TV or play with whatever. after all this the most important thing is get a good shower and so, the next day after school back again with the same thing as I miss the day before and so it becomes a habit of study that will help you have always time for what you want and also get enough rest

  89. in time of exams my most effective solutions to avoid stress or avoid having it:
    - Studying every day what you're going to give in class and not leave everything to the last day
    - Do not drink you can cause effects such as red bull or other beverages.
    - Respertar the hours of sleep and not stay up late and then when you wake up you're tired backwards to bed early and sleep well and agusto
    - Not be entire sleepless night and studying and Worrying saying you do not know.
    - After you finish out has despejarte well doing some sport or a walk with your friends and not be locked in your house nothing but the review oensando
    - When you get to study leave the phone in a place where you can not catch it and the other things that can despirtarte is dicer make good use of study time
    - Minutes before between teacher observe all things and concentrate on the exam and not be reviewing until you arrive and you have to say and come keep things started

  90. I'm really not a person who gets too nervous before an exam, and less If This test depends on what I have Studied, Because when I go to test I know what I've learned and I have not to worry. the problem starts When you take exams Although very prepared to That Very difficult exercise and nerves come out of nowhere.
    What really makes me nervous like motorbike license exams are where you play in a few seconds. the day before the exam remember to jogging 7p.my motorbike license not returned to my home until 10 at night, dine bit and take a lime, this helped me a lot Because the next day was totally relaxed, I guess it must have to download all my energy and excitement of race day in before and how well I slept That afternoon. so the day of the practical test I raise awareness motorbike license That I this was a nonsense and That I could do it and so was I passed the exam
    I think everyone should find their methods of relaxation, and in the end this is just a psychological issue that we control our brain, but the methods I mentioned are the ones that really work to my

  91. The best way to not have stress over a time of exams,is attend class daily,and study every day too,So you will not have to study all the exam the same day.

    Some people, have tricks to be more relaxed in the exams,amulets for example.when I have a test, I'm dressed in yellow, because I think that gives
    me luck, but really,It just makes me feel safer And have less nerves in the exam.

    Another way to relax,is drinking tea before tests,or some medicine, like valeriana or valium.
    Stress also depends on how much we studied, normally, if you don´t studied, you will not have stress.
    But surely the best way to being relaxed in the exams is study hard and be sure of yourself

    Rocío Salvador 1ºD

  92. When i have a long study day, I love do something after this day for get off the stress.
    The first thing i love to do after my long study day is go with my friends and talk about a lot of things, the school, the boys, the fridays...and more things that are to private. This is the first thing I thinkwhen I wont to get off the stress, but if I cant, the thing that I also like to do is go out with my dog, and listen music, when I listen music all my stress goes away for a while. I kind off forget about everything. It helps me a lot.
    This is my secret, but i am going to tell you, the best thing ever I like to do after this crazy day is, get dress and go to the park with my dog and smoke a cigarrette, the only thing bag is that when I study and I finish late, I cant smoke in my house because my mom doesnt like I smoke at home, so I need go somewhere and smoke, but this is good sometime, because after this day, go walk with your dog and smoke a cigarrette is really great for my stress.
    Marialuisa Calero Carrere 1ºC

  93. inal exam week can be the most stressful time of the year for high school and college students. With the holidays around the corner and your GPA hanging in the balance, the mention of the word "finals" can be enough to make you crazy.
    Before the exams I always do 4 things :

    I Practice in old exam papers as if they were the real thing and the time that i have in the exam so i can complete the papers within the allotted time.

    I never go to the exams without time to study. If it’s too late I don´t go to the exam , I prefer don´t go and have a 0 that go and have a 0.75 .

    When I´m studing I take breaks , I get some fresh air in the garden or talking with my family and sometimes do some exercise. I think that all this apart from helping you to relax it’s also good for the brain.

    The night before the exam I use to sleep well
    With these 4 steps I don´t have too much stress on the exams week.
