En clase:

"…Y esto lo corregimos mañana, y mañana, a lo mejor es mañana, pero es seguro que es el proximo dia…"

domingo, 24 de marzo de 2013

Holy week holidays!!!!!

We were all looking forward to these holidays for many reasons, first of all we all need a break from school, and then because I´m sure we are going to do something interesting: I´m going to prepare some things for school, enjoy my family, go downtown and watch some "pasos", and pray the exchange goes well. Can you tell me what do you usually do in this holidays? Write 200 words

martes, 19 de marzo de 2013

Naughty children from our school (photos)

Patricia Malaver
Belén del Nido

Carolina Moro

Jaime feliú

Juan Revuelta

Manuel Sariego
Antonio Muñoz

Rosa Escandón

Juan Fernández Vial

Lourdes Lucio

Adela Jurado

Isabel Monzú

Angel Maya

Paula Villaraviz

Elena Espinal
Carmen Torrejón

Javier Bermejo
Carmen Muñoz
Alvaro Míguez
Ana García

Carmen Sánchez

Marta Hernández

Mercedes González

Palma Lobo

Paola Guerrero

Victoria Ocaña

domingo, 10 de marzo de 2013

Naughty children

A naughty child is the one who knows the difference between right and wrong but lacks the maturity to exert self- control. They are quite apologetic when they get caught however, you will find them often doing the same exact thing you scolded for just an hour ago. Parents have to be very patient with naughty children. Initially you should try a sympathetic approach, speaking to them frequently. If this fails, then punishment becomes necessary. Corporal punishment is not an option. Restricting or withdrawing privileges is much more effective.

If your child has thrown a tantrum in a supermarket, got into a fight with their sibling and kicked them, thrown all your clothes down from the cupboard, don’t worry because you’re not the only one facing this. All children are naughty from time to time and it is just their way of learning things they can and can’t get away with. Parents need to teach them what is right and wrong. You need to let them know what is acceptable and what is not.

You need to check your child’s behaviour. It can be due to something which is bothering them either at home, at school or with friends. Or it might just be because your child is not feeling your giving too much of attention.

Some children start showing bad behaviour when a new baby brother or sister joins the family. It is just a way of dealing with jealousy. He or she will start feeling neglected as the baby will be spending maximum amount of time with you. What you can do is make the child feel he or she is equally important to your family and he or she has someone to play with. Involve the child in taking care of the baby like helping in changing diapers, helping with feeding the baby when it grows up, making him talk with the baby so that he doesn’t feel left out. 


Can you tell me any time when you were a naughty child? Write 200 words, or  you can send me a photo to "p_vallejo@preuniversitaria,com" when you were a cute toddler.

Here I have the first ones, can you guess who they are?

Aren´t they so very cute????????????????