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"…Y esto lo corregimos mañana, y mañana, a lo mejor es mañana, pero es seguro que es el proximo dia…"

sábado, 6 de marzo de 2010

1º Bachillerato Left handers (Why not 2º Bachillerato?)

Are you a left hander? Do you know anyone who is? Can you imagine the disadvantages? Send me a list of the disadvantages you see for one of them.

And what abut the "Books for dummies"? There are hundreds of books from this series,

1.Explain what they are.

2.Could you please write at least five different titles?(Do not repeat ;)

3.Do you know what a dummy is?

12 comentarios:

  1. i am not left hander, i met many people that they is left hander for example my brother!
    i think that this people have got all the thing in contra! they lose in all fields, ie when cut with the scissors when cutting hams ...

    i don't know that what it is the books for dummies if it is books for isn't sleep! i will know some books:
    -how to be a villain
    -the interminable story
    yes! is a doll where the modist used it for put the clothes

  2. I am not left hander, but i met a lot of people left hander, my brother for example.
    I think that be left hander is the worst because al lis in your contra.

    I don’t know that what is the books of dimmies but i think taht it is a book about store for sleep: i know 5 book:
    -the interminable store
    -haw to be avillain

    Paula benitez delgado

  3. I am not left hander, but i met a lot of people left hander, my fother for example.
    The right hander is the best but is left hander no is bad

    this books is the books to left hander but I don´t know.

    No I don´t write about titles of the libres

    esk nose de k tipo de books abla el text but supongo k son books para hander and adaptados for them

  4. hi Paula!I´m a left hander a I don´t really think that we have a lot of disadvantages!However,sometimes we met with some left hander that have a lot of problems with his writting way.The one disadvantage I found is having a right hander sitting next to you,besouse when you are writting and your partner is writting too,you could crash your arm with your partner arm!
    Books for dummies are an extensive series of instructional books which are intended to present non-intimidating guides for readers new to the various,five differents tittles are:
    Poker for Dummies, English Grammar for Dummies, Home Buying for Dummies,Wine For Dummies and PCs for Dummies.
    A dummy is a person who is incapable of speaking.
    Ana Garcia Ramirez from 2 D

  5. Hi paula! I'm Maria from 2ºE.
    I'm a left hander so you can imagine how many disadvantages i know about that. For example, it's difficult for us to use "normal" scissors, i can do it for a while but after that i have to stop.Other disadvantage is that when you are eating fish, and you need to use (i don't know if it's the correct name) the fish knife, we can't do it because we need a fish knife for left hander.
    Antoher one that i remember now is whe i was younger and i wanted to learn how to play the guitar, but my bother didn't want to teach me because he said it is very difficult for left hander, we have to change the distribution of the strings.

  6. Im not left hander but I know a lot of people, in my class for example, that are left hander. I prefer not being left hander because the mayority of the things are created for right handed people like motorbickes which are controlated by the right side or cars which have "los cambios de marcha" in the right.Also daily things like a cup of tea or scissors are for right handers too.

    A book for dummies is a kind of book that explain all tipes of issues but on a special way,very easy, so everybody can understand it.
    This are 5 book for dummies tittles, I don't know if they are rights, but are the only ones I have found.
    -blues guitar for dummies
    -arabic for dummies
    -building a web site for dummies
    -english grammar for dummies
    -piano for dummies
    The world "dummy" means bobo, so I think that a dummy must be a person who isn't intelligent and need a lot of effor to understand anything

  7. Hi PAULA!!

    1)I'm not lefty but people know it is. they have disadvantages that have less skill than right-handed people but otherwise are normal because today there are utensils of every for lefties.

    2)The dummies books are books that explain things very simple for people to read it knowing.

    For Dummies - English Literature & Composition
    For Dummies - Anxiety & Depression Workbook
    For Dummies - Anger Management
    For Dummies - Ancient Egyptians
    For Dummies - Algebra II

    4)A dummy is a person trying to learn about some topic in a simple and fast.

  8. Hi Paula
    I am really left-handed but my problem in the left hand makes me be a right persson
    If I was a left-handed tendria many problems to write, especially, for since I have the fingers
    With it of the books not that you want to say
    I believe that with what I have said to you before the hand you know who I am, Manuel de los Santos.

  9. Hi paula,I am not left-handed but my sister if I think that the left-handed ones have mas problems that the matadors because many of the utensils that utiizamos in our life estan facts for the matadors, I do not know ningun are titled by me for left-handed, but if I know tools or tables for left-handed.

  10. Hi Paula!

    I'm left-handed, but at the moment I haven't found any disadvantage.
    For example to use the mouse of the computer, I use it with the right hand, though there are for left hand.
    Maybe one of the disadvantage is, the scissors, becouse some left-handed can't cut with the right hand, and has to use a scissors for left-handed, and maybe it's difficult to find.

    See you on Wednesday! :)

  11. Hi Paula!
    i'm not left-handed but my father is. However, I have tried to write with my left hand only for fun. It isn't very difficult but my handwriting is horrible! thus, I write with my right hand.
    I think the disadvantages for left-handed people are:
    - they can't drive well because the gears are on the right.
    - In a restaurant they find cutlery the other way around.
    - When they are writing they don't see what they have written.

    See you tomorrow at eight o'clock at school.

  12. Hi Paula!
    A book for dummies is a special book that is explained in an easy way.
    I have found five titles of books for dummies:
    -Living Gluten-Free For Dummies
    -Facebook For Dummies
    -Stock Investing For Dummies
    -Raising Chickens For Dummies
    -Catholicism For Dummies
    A dummy is a special person because he/she is slower than the rest of people.

    see you tomorrow at eight o'clock at school again.
