En clase:

"…Y esto lo corregimos mañana, y mañana, a lo mejor es mañana, pero es seguro que es el proximo dia…"

viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014

School year has started. English is not easy, you will have to study a lot, but to make it not so dull I would like to give you some tips to make it more fun:

Learning strategies

Learning strategies or study skills determine the approach for achieving the learning objectives. The strategies are usually tied to your needs and interests to enhance learning and are based on many types of learning styles.
Here are some strategies that can help you be successful in your studies.

Set small, achievable goals

Start with small steps to reach higher targets.
  1. For example, try to learn 5 new English vocabulary items every day.
  2. Set a 30 minutes study session every day.
  3. Learn the lyrics of an English song every now and then.
  4. Read a short English text every day.
Setting small targets is much better than setting huge goals that you cannot achieve. Remember that "small drops of water make the mighty ocean"

Plan your studies

Planning your studies gives meaning to your work. If you know all the steps necessary to achieve a goal and these steps are written down on a piece of paper, it will be easy for you, then, to see the whole picture.

Be motivated

The secret to success is that you should be motivated to learn. Try to avoid boredom by having fun in what you do. Try to find a positive aspect to studying English.
  1. Read about what you are interested in (hobbies, fields of interest...)
  2. Watch your favourite films in English
  3. Listen to your favourite English songs and learn the lyrics.
  4. Write your diary in English.
  5. Read about your favorite stars in...
Remember, we learn better and fast things we really want to learn.

Manage your time

In order to manage your time successfully, having an awareness of what your goals are will assist you in prioritizing your activities. Time management provides you with the opportunity to create a schedule that works for you, not for others. This personal touch gives you the flexibility to include the things that are most important to you.

Set a reward for yourself

Set a reward for yourself that you can look forward to. For example, when you reach a goal, give yourself a reward:
  1. Watch a movie.
  2. have a delicious snack.
  3. Meet your friends.
  4. Go to the café.

Are you going to follow any of these tips? Tell me which one and how are you going to do it in 100 words

85 comentarios:

  1. First of all, I think being motivated in your life is one of the main priorities. If you do something with motivation you will get better results than if you do it without attitude. Since I was young my parents have taught me to have motivation. If the case I was not motivated with my studies they would came to me and show me good reasons to be interested on it. Well, find your own motivation in studies is not very easy. Everybody says that you must have it if you want to be successfully in your life. They do not teach you exactly how to do it. I am going to do it working all day and trying to go through my lessons daily. Thinking about being a teacher in the future or having my own salary is a good way to be motivated when you feel upset and want to give up. After all, studying is in your own benefit, and is one of the best ways of improving myself and get closer to my objective.

  2. I believe that the best way of studying, and I coincide with the article, it is being motivated, providing that I am going to study fodder in which me lash to do it and this way turns out to be easier and end before. In addition I like to be marking little by little short-term aims and dividing the time of study in areas or stages. If I cannot carry out this method, always I still have the traditional method of studying one day before, that too works because everything what you study you remains in the recent memory though spent a few days he forgets.

  3. I believe that the best way of studying, and I coincide with the article, it is being motivated, providing that I am going to study fodder in which me lash to do it and this way turns out to be easier and end before. In addition I like to be marking little by little short-term aims and dividing the time of study in areas or stages. If I cannot carry out this method, always I still have the traditional method of studying one day before, that too works because everything what you study you remains in the recent memory though spent a few days he forgets.

  4. Are you going to follow any of these tips? Tell me which one and how are you going to do it
    When I started the school I decided to make a planning to make my studies easier. My planning consist of:
    Every day,when I finish my lunch,I take rest for an hour. Then, I study two hours.I prefet to start studying the subjects that I hate , such history,geography…and then eate a delicious snack. After this,I continue with the other subjects. If I follow my planning , I can go out and do other plans, for example, going to a bar, meet with my friends or go to the gym. Normaly I prefer to do plans in the weekends and stay at home during the week.

  5. I will try to approve second bac With the best possible mark, to Specifically, in English, even difficult for me, I will follow the proposals and listen to music in English and translate it, or watching movies in English with subtitles, to try to get the best mark possible, Because Inglés is a Very Important subject in the college and when to we will finish our career, Because the language is Very Important for a job, and English. and if when I finish the college learn much English, I'll do the first I started my career and when to i would like studying in a foreign country. In conclusion my goal in this course is to approve all with good marks and above in English.
    Ángel Escacena Pineda 2º E

  6. When a new school year starts, you always feel nervous and happy at the same time because it is the beginning of a different period in your life. You will live new situations like meet people, make friends and good experiences. But this year, that we are, is really difficult, so you will be afraid of all the things that we have to confront along it.

    Making it easier, there are some strategies that can help us. On the one hand, I think we must be motivated in our studies, because it is very important to get your future objectives like go to university, choose your own career and so you will feel positive, and it will make better your learning.

    On the other hand, I think that study all the days, is better than study your lessons the day before the exam. In that case you won’t be able to get good marks because your mind doesn’t have time to absorb all the new ideas. But if you study everyday you will know perfectly all the lessons.

    From my point of view, the most important to study and to get the best results in your work, is to do it every day, and be motivated with yourself, to find it interesting and productive.

  7. From small I have been very organized and always and taken all my subjects a day and very organized. The truth esque the one that always me to side mas is the Englishman's subject. Always and had I practise one, which was trying to explain to me and alludar in the Englishman .al to read this article me and in view of account of things that and practised like for example me small goals to mark instead of enormous goals that cumliras. another thing of those that I have learned today is never that you must see movies that already you have seen in another occasion in English .también is never true that also are well-read things that already and practised since it is for example of studying a bit every day and a bit of vocabulary. I wait quete serve this first text and that he does not lack any word

  8. To have really good marks in english the key is to organise your time
    To be an excellent student you must be an organized student as well. I guess every single person has his way to study because if not, your english is going to be a hell, everyone knows how many hours need each of them for getting the mark they need, just because some people who has more difficulty than others to study, must spend much more time than the others.
    I have personally give this advice because I think that every single person must make a time table and making It by putting the subjects which you find most difficult the first ones and the easiest on the end. If you carry it out every day, I am sure you will be absolutely happy at the end of the year.So lets go, less sleep and more hard work in english every single day, you are making ready for selectividad!

  9. I´m going to follow set small achievable goals. I know a lot of vocabulary because I have been studying English since I was 6 years, but sometimes I need to use the dictionary for many words so I think learn five words every day it´s a good step to improve my vocabulary.
    This year I think I´ll spend much time to study not only English because I have got subjects like language or chemist that are very difficult, I think study 30 minutes of English is good but I want to have good marks so I´m going to study English almost one hour 50 minutes every days.
    And my favorite step it´s listen English music with the lyrics, because I only listen English music and I want to learn the letter of some of my favorites songs so I think this step it isn´t an effort to me.

  10. Yes, I’m going to follow the tip “be motivated”. I am going to listen everyday, during one or two weeks, one of my favourite songs and I am going to learn the lyrics and when I know the whole song I will change for another one that I like too.
    I will also watch one film in English per month with subtitles in English too to learn much more and if I have got time I will read about my hobbies and subjects that are interesting for me and also about my favourite stars because it is true that if I read or listen in English about something that I like, I will be able to learn more, since I’m interesting in.

  11. I am going to make an effort and set small and achievable goals. For example I love music, mainly music with English songs, to learn lyrics of these songs will motivate me. Also I like sports and I have competed with people of different countries and always I have liked meet people from other cultures, I will try practice English with foreign friends. I will try to watch films in English with Spanish subtitles and read every day a little text in English. If I am able to achieve these goals I will set a reward for myself as, for example, to have a delicious snack or meet my friends.

  12. All these tips I will use two: Watch my favorite films in English and listen to my favorite English songs and learn the lyrics.
    On the one hand, I will try to watch my favorite movies in English with subtitles in English and learn and improve my English. Furthermore, I'm more or less used because I have been abroad many times in the summer for 5 years in a family and the only entertainment was watching television so I had to do in English. But in Spain I saw some movies in English because my sister put it especially in summer when we were bored. I do that when I was bored
    On the order hand, I prefer the English song because I think they are coolest and as I have always wanted to sing English songs as I search the lyrics on the internet and singing


    For me the best way to study would be “Set small, archivable goals”, because I can't study reading first one page and then start to study all, and I can pass two hours traying to keep in my brain and for me is impossible.
    For me the best way to study is to read one paragraph and study, then read the second paragraph and stydy; when I already have studied three paragraphs, I repeated the three integers at once.
    This rule I do in one day and I try to do in 30 minutes. The next day I reviewed again at the previous day and continuos with the second part like the first.

  14. The Secret to learn English is to be motivated:
    I prefer to learn English doing the activities that I like. This way I am more motivated to study English.
    To do this, I am going to write the lyrics of my songs favourite. I can watch the internet and copy the lyrics .
    I also can read the lyrics while I am listening the songs . I am going to watch Two and a Half Men in English with subtitles . I like this American series very much because it is very funny .
    Also I like American films, for example American History X. I can watch it again in English.
    All this will help me learn English while I am having fun

  15. Viernes 10 de Octubre 2014
    Honestly, I would like to follow some of your tips but I spend a lot of time at school and when I arrive home I feel really tired. I only want to have dinner and sleep.
    Although I think that it will be difficult, I ‘m going to try to follow some steps:
    Firstly, I’m going to learn “Rude” by Magic because it is one of my favourite songs and I’m going to learn five new words. Unfortunately, I don´t have enough time to read a book in English, besides, English language it’s very difficult for me and I don`t feel motivated.
    Rafael Cruz Díaz 1º Bach A

  16. I need to be motivated to study, it is critical because otherwise it becomes impossible to me. Besides I need to be relaxed to take hours studying, while studying and not abuse that from time to time and not memorize. I also do breaks to relax and make the ideas in my head to settle. Summarizing helps me a lot because it makes me see that it's not much and it's not hard. But another important thing is not to do or where you study heat nor cold, you have to make the best temperature for you at the time of study.

  17. I think that the most importan to me when I study english is if the matter is essier and fun and if I get a ten in my next examen.
    I will follow the method of short term goals because I think I almost always suggest that term goals so high and I bored and I leave it. And I propose to study english this year and have a good marks in this subject.
    I think that this lenguaje is very important to take a job in the future and if you know speak this the “doors opens” and the jobs that you can take are more.


    For me the best way to study would be “Set small, archivable goals”, because I can't study reading first one page and then start to study all, and I can pass two hours traying to keep in my brain and for me is impossible.
    For me the best way to study is to read one paragraph and study, then read the second paragraph and stydy; when I already have studied three paragraphs, I repeated the three integers at once.
    This rule I do in one day and I try to do in 30 minutes. The next day I reviewed again at the previous day and continuos with the second part like the first.

    Pablo Sánchez García 2ºA

  19. I want to follow some tips of the list but I am so vague, and I think as reading a book in English is difficult, but do things like listen english songs or try to learn 5 differents words are very goods ideas. Listen differents songs could help me with the pronunciation. Also in my last school I have done different exchanges with American boys and I still keep in contact with them. To motivate me I only think what I want to be in the future becouse If I eat a snack whenever I finish studying I would put a little fat and if I think that I will see my friends after studing I will probably not study.

  20. Really, I think that learn forms for study are good for put in practise because I think that the youngers students dont know how study correctly for obtent all the knowledge. Very much of students not past the exams not because they dont know the conceps of theme, only because they dont know how study, in fact I know that i dont learn the 100% of my themes, for this I think that is good for me begin to utilice this triks or forms forma study. Also I am going to pass this patterns of study to my friends and muy brother because I think that they dont know how study, like me

  21. I would like to speak English and learn quickly. I have a problem this year is that I have no time for anything but studying school subjects. 2nd degree is a very difficult and very stressful course since there are much stuff and too little time for other things. I'll try to listen to songs of English and American artists that I like to go slowly learning, I will meet a lot of classes to learn English grammar. This year I was going to point at an academy in the evenings to learn but given the short time I have, I'll have to wait until next year to take time but as long as I learn from other forms year. I do not like to read books then I do not see a good option I prefer subtitled movies

  22. I in this course that starts, I will follow some tips that you had designated.
    The first thing I need to do and that is the most important is to plan my studies. It should be a good habit with means to be able to study properly, for example have a notebooks for each subject and have it organized so that it is more easy to study and understand and study with the text book which we do exercises.
    The other tip that I am going to follow is the manage my time. To be a girl worked I have to plan the time that I need or have the evenings for to study.

  23. I think I choose the latter strategy. that of choosing a goal that you set your mind to something you yourself like watching a movie that you really like or something sweet that you like but do not eat too eg daily or hanging out with friends to a special place or go to a club to meet people . I think this strategy is the best because it is not the same as doing something without then having a reward to do something knowing that you will receive or have to do something new. From now 'll do this strategy.

  24. first of all, I also believe that learning English is not boring, my favorite songs are usually in English and attempt to memorize them or even use karaoke on youtube to learn me them, sometimes I need to translate them to understand them well, is fantastic when these songs sound on the radio and you know how to pronounce them perfectly. It's great to see your favorite series in English, in addition to hear the original voices of the actors, whenever you can is suitable to you talk this language to people of your environment and so do that English is rather common in our day to day. When I download a movie many times I do it in English even if you put the subtitles in Spanish, you learn a lot this way!. Finally I will begin going to a coffee shop where people from all places come to hold a conversation and thus learn, normally 30 minutes in your own language and 30 in laqué spoken your want to learn! This is a great method to relate and learn at the same time!

  25. I believe that the most fun strategy and therefore I would do is learn songs in english but my whole play list of mobile, most songs are in english, but I like a lot more songs in english, especially because Beyonce is my favorite singer and all songs are in English, I think the songs do you have a lot more vocabulary and make you to know pronounce of many words and this helps to improve your own english, in conclusion it is a fun way to learn english, beacuse the music is fun

  26. There are many diferent types of students and each one has different methods to study, some of them need two hours and others more time. It is different a student studying everyday from a student studying ten hours the night before the exam. The second student will become stressed

    Personally, the best method to get good marks is be concentrated, making a planification and staying on the plan. If you become stuck on a problem, clarify it. You may need the help of your teacher or parents. This is fine, your study plan is just a guideline, not an absolute. Everytime I have a problem, I catch up as soon as possible and continue as planned.

    It is better to study in a chronological order, beginning the studies with the material from the first class and moving forward in chronological order. This review always gives me a stronger basis from which to master the more important material when I get to it.

    As I said before, this is the method I use, and it doesn't mean that this method can be suitable for every person, because we all are different.


    School year has started. English is not easy, you will have to study a lot, but to make it not so dull I would like to give you some tips to make it more fun:

    Firstly, English is a difficult subject for the Spaniards, and that means we have to spend time to study and stay focused.
    There are many techniques to study, and many tips. In this text many tips and strategies to avoid problems with the subject appear.
    On the one hand, I would follow many tips of the text. English study 30 minutes a day, because it is a subject daily. This is to take vocabulary, do activities, watch the grammar given in class…
    On the other hand, seems like a good idea to read a small book in English, to learn expressions and vocabulary. Also watch series or movies in English, or at least with subtitles.
    In the text appear more tips, but these are the main ones to pass and learn English.
    Finally, think these tips can give laziness, but are essential to avoid problems with the course, and if the teacher is advised because they are necessary.
    There is much difference if you do or you do not, and if not check it yourself.

  28. Firstly, i have to confess myself as an English lover being my favourite subject and nowadays, I consider essential having a great level of this language to access to good jobs due to is this the internacional language wich everyone should already speak. But sadly the spoken level of English is terrifying low in Spain.
    I love speaking in English, that is why i need to improve it studying oftenly. As you say, on of the best way to improvement is learning English songs with the lyrics. I love listening to music and I prefer American music. That is why i began to learn many lyrics with the new words i didnt know already.

    To sum up, in my vew if you spend a few hours in front of a computer singing and reading lyrics you will realize you will have improved your English as many song you sing!

  29. I belive and I´m secure that I´m going to learn some lyrics of my favourite English´s songs, because it´s a easy way to practise and get a good English accent. However, the best form to know English is studying it, and as I´m very motivated I think that I can get good results doing that.
    Other thing that I´m going to do is to begin my study day with English as it is a subject that I like and I prefer it more than Literature for example.
    On the other hand, I think that I´m not going to write a diary in English because I´m secure that I would finally leaving it

    Álvaro García-Perla 2ºA

  30. I am going to follow some of these tips. For example: I am going to listen to English music and learn the lyrics; I am going to set myself a reward after I finished a goal, and finally, I am going to study some English vocabulary everyday.
    To begin with, this study skills can be very motivating and they can work easily but I have to be responsible.
    Secondly, I am going to learn some English song by using a web called "lyricstraining". I am going to set myself a reward when I finished my homework by going out with my friends or eating candies.

  31. The advice is going to continue to watch my favorite movies in English. I think that is the easiest to learn faster and more fun because while I hear songs in English is very difficult if I see movies in English with subtitles understand them without ear problems, and also improved the grammar and pronunciation.

    Besides the movies even without sound are understood from the context, the faces, the gestures ... and this makes less idleness, in fact may even be fun if you see your family or friends accompanying popcorn, sweets, potatoes and many soft drinks. After the movie do a debate to know the opinion of all and put thoughts in common.

  32. In my opinion, I would choose the fifth Council "Set a reward for yourself", I provided that study I do having a bounty on his head. As for example if it's a Saturday and will have a plan with my friends I begin to study before and better than if a Saturday don't have any plan or anything that can reward me the work that I do. Then before I studied I choose a reward like for example, if I finish studying everything I have I can go awhile out, or if I end doing everything I see a movie or step in time with the computer.

  33. Learning strategies

    I make some of them of these strategies as: set small achievable goals and plan my studies, but now I am going to follow any of these tips.

    first, I will be motivated because many times I bore me and I tire me, then now I will read about what I am interested, I will see my favourite films in English, I will
    listen to my favourite English songs and I will learn the lyrics.

    In second place, I will manage my time I will create a schedule that works for me.

    Finally, I will set a reward for myself, for example: out with my friends and ride a horse.

  34. Firstly, I think that having a motivation to study is elementary. It is very easy to say that it must have good motivation to study but it is very difficult to maintain the same good motivation every day at the time of study. Since I was little, have been my parents who have been commissioned to keep in my spirit and desire to study. They have given me many reasons why to study at present, but above all taught me that you have to pursue dreams.

    I have very good photographic memory and my best way to study is to make diagrams and summaries. Also find me it easier to study if I put my objectives; Sometimes I put objectives temporarily short, like to get out to take a Coke with friends, and sometimes I put objectives such as a specific vocational degree and make lots of money.

  35. Learning strategies

    I make some of them of these strategies as: set small achievable goals and plan my studies, but now I am going to follow any of these tips.

    first, I will be motivated because many times I bore me and I tire me, then now I will read about what I am interested, I will see my favourite films in English, I will
    listen to my favourite English songs and I will learn the lyrics.

    In second place, I will manage my time I will create a schedule that works for me.

    Finally, I will set a reward for myself, for example: out with my friends and ride a horse.

  36. All of these good tips , I think that those which do that I'm motivated , are these that would be most useful for me. I love music, reading and watching movies , these activities i do daily. For example,if i listened to songs in English every day trying to memorize the words , this would be a great help for me . I think I could get used to listen English , and I could expand my vocabulary with words I did not know .
    But this is useless if I don't organize my time, so i think that those tips that tell you how to manage the time, are very important.

  37. First of all I think I should organize better my time and work on every day and step by step
    Second high school is not an easy course,is the most difficult and occupy a lot of time in our life, is so hard to me to make time for myself but I think if organize i could have more time for me
    if i study and read a little each day all the material of the school can have a good level in each exam and organize my life better
    I just need motivation and concentration and advance to achieve my goals and we all know that if you want you can and i will be able to fulfill it

  38. This year, I would like to focus on my studies so that I can finish the academic year with good grades. For this, I will have to learn how to manage time properly and maybe stop doing some activities like going out with my friends every weekend. So, my main priority now is to pass all my courses with enough grade to access to university. From my point of view, the key to get all of this could be to motive myself and set a reward that I would receive when I achive all my objectives

  39. In my opinion one of the best strategies for learning English or any other subject is to be motivated. If a person is motivated, they will always have better results in english, but its true that what has helped me the most in English has been listening to music and learning the lyrics of them, in fact, there comes a moment when you understand the songs without needing to read their letters. Clearly, apart from all this, the person has to want to learn English and she/he must be motivated about it. Thats why, for me, the best strategy is the motivation and listening songs in English. Anyway, any of those strategies, which we can see in the article, are really good to get to know english.

  40. September small, achievable goals.
    This technique is very effective, I use the same spot. Every day I learn me ten vocabulary words from memory. Also the TV series and the movies I see in English with subtitles to improve my pronunciation of fun and unconsciously. It is useful also try to read books in English, and listening to music trying to translate it in English if you can not, see the subtitles. When I study vocabulary I learn ten words, and when I learn them, learn me another ten more, again repeating the previous ten. This is a good method.
    Repetition is the most important of all, this way we memorize all we want.

    Jesús González Álvarez. 2ºBachiller. F.

    1. I think that the best one is watching films and listening to music or whatever you want to listen, if its posible, listen it in english. In my opinion the best way to lear english is listening to it . I think that, because I went to America for a year and that´s how I really learned. I like to watch and listen in the original version because I practice and my hear get more use to the different accent of the different places that have English as first language. I will also use the strategy of do small targets so after do them, I will remember the things easier and in less time.

  41. Every day will study some vocabulary and I also put to undertake activities to improve my grammar.
    Some days I'll see videos accustomed to go English pronunciation and instead listen to music in English to improve every day more.
    I can also get to watch movies that are in English at first to have subtitles in Spanish for getting used a little and if there is some kind of word you do not know well its meaning until I fence used to it and so will I see movies in English without having to see the subtitles.
    Could travel to London or any country to communicate with different people to see the domain that I have with communication in English.
    With all these methods I think I can achieve a high level of English.

  42. I think they are very interesting tips. At first I will try to follow the advice of myself small goals so that it easier to comply with. Learning a little each day, but I think it will be difficult to carry out daily work. The board read English well I could help, but I thought we'd be more motivated watching series or movie with subtitles in both English and Spanish. I will try to follow these tips dedicating a minimum of forty minutes a day. This year I have more interest in English, it is surely the trip I took to Philadelphia. I hope to keep all these tips.

  43. In my case I need to be motivated to study, it is very important because if not impossible to study. Also I have to stay focused when studying without any distractions such as mobile, television .... Also break to relax and this makes the time to re-start studying not this tired. These techniques help me much because they make me see that it is not much, and not difficult. You also have to be away from anywhere you have noise because if you do not desconcentras and everything you've studied is useless.
    Ignacio Rodriguez Jimenez 2E

  44. First of all, I think than Second of Bachillerato is one of the most difficult and important course because I will have to do an exam, selectividad, which will dicide if I will be able to acces to the degrre that I want.
    On the one hand it is too much important be motivated, because it is impossible study if you don't put effort. Secondly I conssiderate important too Start with small steps to reach higher targets, however it is more difficult. For example I always say: "this course I am going to study a bit each day" but finally I always have to study hard the last day before the exam.
    On the other hand, I think that it isn't so important set a reward for yourself.
    To sum up, I think that it is necessary to work very hard to get your goals.

  45. I'll try to mainly use the tips of trying to study every day five new words because in the entrance exam this question has 3 points of the exam and if all study days five new words when I get the day of the exam this section and I'll have studied and only will have to review it, which I think is most important to study is to be motivated but sometimes cost a lot of work because we are usually tired but you have to find the motivation in the study so will actually easier, I also see important perseverance in studies, trying to study every day and not the last day as do many.

  46. To begin I think that be motivated in the studies is very important because if you aren’t motivated you will do a excess effort to study. Your motivation can be anything that you like, for example, if I pass an exam my parents give me some money depending on my mark.
    Besides I try administer my time (not always is perfect ), in addition I do some sports that need time, so I have to administer good ( obviously not always can do sport ).
    Finally, I have a goal that is difficult, but I can, I will study INEF and I will do it.

  47. I think I will follow some of this tips because for me english is difficult and I think I need to change some of my learning strategies.
    First I will organise my estudies plans and stablishing my own achievable goals.
    The second one that I will do is being motivated, but some of this tips I have already done before, for example listening my favourite songs in english and reading about my favourites stars in english. Also, I will manage my time and do a personal schedule for organasing better my time. Finally, it obvious that if you did somethig very well, you would set a reward for yourself, I think that if I do somethig well, I will go out with my friends or somethig like that. I found this advices very interesting because it will help you to do the subject funier.

  48. The strategy is to start and want to continue to pursue the goals I have set among them attend the Monday afternoon the studio where the teacher is, every tenth new vocabulary words each day repasarme tenses, practice many texts, prayers, and watch movies in English to accustom the ear. I know it will not be easy since I have a lot to learn this year since the race I want to do is high in a note and I can always introduce that note up subjects.
    But they are goals that I intend to fulfill today. In short, without English today are not going anywhere.

  49. To read this text and see the techniques that you need to follow to learn and getting good grades in the subject of English mainly, I realize that I'm still nothing more than some of them, like learning small concepts and I step by step, since if I want to study me everything a step I will never learn very well. also used other techniques such as learn some vocabulary concepts every day, or read a little English text to improve the pronunciation.It is also true that never and used techniques as the translate my calendar in English or studying you my favorite songs. as always be motivated to do these things as you said the text it is essential, that sometimes I need to my.I hope that no words missing me and answer correstmente to what I asked about study techniques.

  50. I will try to follow some of then. In my opinion the first and the last one are the tips that fit better with me.
    Regarding to the first one, I will try to learn several new words every day in order to increase my vocabulary ant to get use to study English every day. Besides, I will enter the Blogso every other day to try to finish the text on time.
    And related to the last one tip, I will think about to decide a good reward to be motivated to reach my objectives. I think that this little effort will help me to improve my English

  51. Learning strategies can be really useful but we need to understand them perfectly. I think that all of the tips we read before are going to be more or less important depending on the person. Not everyone needs to write what they are going to study, some people just know it and if they have a good memory they will remember it. That’s could be another strategy to train the brain.
    In my case, I should try most of these practices to avoid stress, because I have always to study too much some days before the exam, so I would like to try to administrate my work, making a bit everyday instead of making everything i haven’t done before the last day, cause is less efficient.
    There are other tips like set a regard for us. I think this is a step that every student follows with no problem; everyone loves having something we really like or want to after a big effort.
    To conclude, I would try to administrate my time, that is the most important strategy for me, maybe i would do it by a planning, a timetable...

  52. In my case, I think I pretty much is the subject of English and I thought it should get better results if I follow some of these tips. first part I will learn me take out five words or expressions. So I think I'll have a higher than English vocabuary level, when you have a good level of English and practice the language I think is necessary to translate song lyrics that I most like to have a motivation, but I guess I'll have to look up words in the dictionary but when and take enough time doing this, I hope you do not have to look up the meaning of words.

  53. The truth that is said in the text that English is not a subject that should be studying for the exam because if learning this language is not studied daily is virtually impossible so I think finding solutions to this problem. First I want to see movies in English as it is fun and effective. Also another thing I thought is that I like to listen to songs in English translate and look up words you do not know finally going to learn me all on 5 new words which sure is handy.

  54. I´m going to make some of this techniques to improve my english.Two or three years ago, I thought that the only thing to improve my english was going to other country and stay all the day talking english. Now, I know that there are other ways to improve it.

    I felt identified with the first advice because I have always said that it is the best thing to improve my vocabulary but I have never made it
    Besides, I think that other thing good to make is listening to music in english like the blog said.

    I will be more motivated to learn english and I´m going to achieve this goal using these steps.

  55. Of different tips that appear in the text I think the best suited to me is the small goals that are achievable. For example read a short text searching in an English dictionary words that I don´t know their meaning. For it shall being with the texts of the blog and try and catch up in the shortest time possible. Thanks to this form of study I will get better vocabulary and texts that help me go comprising ever having to use the dictionary less times.
    Achieving small goals I will able to pass the course getting the highest possible mark.

  56. First I would like to say that this article has been interesting for me because never I didn´t know how study English and this tips seem very useful.
    I've been watching a series called The orange is the new black with the voices in English and Spanish subtitles. Initially watch a series in English I found it a bit boring because I didn´t understand anything. Bit by bit I gradually began to understand a little more. Today I already have finished the second season and I am very happy because I understand more and more the series.
    I've also downloaded an app for mobile in English called Dripper which tells you the good news of your cell and updates

  57. I will try this tips although i knew this tips before that i read it, always i take a break when i study much time, then i try see TV in english but i dont understand very well

    i see TV in english with subtitles, also when i take a break for me is very difficult go back work.

    So i can read in english but i dont understand it because i dont read in spanish because borring me for in english is horrible, although i promise try do this tips but the most

    impprtant is that you will a severing person

    Ignacio Montero

  58. I have to say that english has been a difficult subject every year in the school but i have always tried to do my best and pass the exams.
    This year is going to be different i'm going to work very hard to achieve my goals.
    i'm going to listen english songs and try to understand their lyrics.
    On sundays i'm going to read the texts in "blogso de Paula" and make comments to them.
    I want to be motivated and avoid boredom by reading things in which i'm interested on.
    I don't know if i'm going to be able to set 30 minutes to study english every day but i promise i will try in order to pass my exams

  59. First of all, I think that you have to realise what were your failures and errors the last year and the reason why yo have made them. Secondly I think that you have get rid of this techniques bacause it is a good way to improve and have better marks, which is very important because now we are in a very important course and it will be very important in our future so we have to work hard. Other aspect which is very important is to be motivated in my opinion is the base to achieve your goals.
    In conclusion, if you want to get good marks you have to improves in the suject in which you don´t have good results and you have to be conscious that is a very important period in your life.
    Gonzalo Lopez Ricoy 2A

  60. when the school is over, i eat my lunch, then i usually take a rest for 30 minutes or one hour. If I don´t take this rest, I will be to tired but not every day i have time because im on the finals exams. This days that i dont have time for take the rest i drink a hot chocolate with a little snack just for don´t be hungry.
    About all he steps that i read before I think the most important is be motivated for study. I'm always planning something for do after the exams and it really make me feel happy is if i get in the end.
    In conclusión this step is the best way for me but maybe is different for someone. Everybody have to think about it for make the studies easier.
    Rocio Sola Noguera

  61. I think the most important goal is to pass 2 bach with the highest possible grade, to make a good selctividad and improve ourselves to be in the future the profession who really want to be.
    All study techniques that we propose for the English are very good but serve to any aspect.
    I stick with the first because it is the most important, and studies are very important to gradually dividing the content for the first makes contact, to reach targets we set start.
    if we do everything we slowly set at the best head because trajariamos every day and selectivity perspective, we do not have to give binge the last moment, we all know that's not worth anything.
    All we have to do this first step if we get along the course.
    i promise that one day i delivered them to the English, to learn and to server me for vocational qualifications.

  62. Having a good level of english is something very important now a days. In the blog there are some advices very useful in order to get it.
    In my opinion one of the most important make easier write and read english.
    I believe that if I study english every day I will get better results.
    On the other hand I think that watch videos in english is a good idea too but I don't have much time so I don't know if I will watch them.

  63. If I follow any of this tips, I would follow the one in which I reward myself. This year I am in second of bachillerato of technologies science and I am very stressed because is more difficult than the other years, moreover this year is the last of the high school and I have to do an exam which tells me in which degree I can study or not. Because all this I don´t have time to enjoy but from now I will try to reward myself when I finish my exams, I get good marks or I feel overwhelmed

  64. Follow good guidelines estuio is something we should all Etudiantes dde consider to extend our advantage in studying . We need motivation for that reason we should put ourselves and become aware of what we want and go for it without any obstacles .

    Follow some of these tips you just read I always would come good and I've never been very good in studies and any kind of help can make me significantly improve my grades .

    Anotare many of these aids aplicarmelas because what I want is the maximum yield and that is Realise after my qualifications alfinal course .

  65. Of the advices that offer in this text I would like to be still two of them, that of the motivation and of administering our time. Each and every of us have to can be administered by us our time of study for he is useful the maximum possible and like that time to do more with less. If we manage to administer and to cash in him to the time of study we will improve our notes considerably. As for the motivation we emphasize that it turns out indispensable to achieve our aims and not only them to manage but to be the best in what we do. These two advices I think that they are the best to continuing to improve our academic results and to achieve our goals.

  66. It`s very important to learn English today, because this provides a world full of possibilities to both find work as travel to other countries. But it is not easy and is necessary to use different methods to learn English does not become an inferno.
    I usually listen to a lot of songs in English, because i love the music. In Youtube, the people upload the songs with the lyrics translated into Spanish and so I can understand them although they are in English. Another technique is to watch my favorite movies and series in Original Version with subtitles in Spanish, as the famous TV series The Walking Dead. In this way I can learn English and also have fun at the same time.


  67. After what I read in the text I will continue some other council said in but I would like to scrutinize reaching small goals that gradually make all the big goal. The example of the 5 elements of English vocabulary is a good idea because it can be done with different subjects as well as definitions of history and philosophy. The study session is also very good idea although I would say 20 min intense study without close examination of the subject would be the best time distribution
    slowly with small steps you reach the total target, which in this case is to master the English as our first language.

    i follow too many more text patterns such as motivation, the distribution of the text as not to outdo yourself every day.

  68. I think the best way to improve my English is listen English music. It makes to you listen very attentive and with the melody of the song you can discover new words, expressions or differents ways to say words. Also is very important have very much motivation and a positive attitude because if you have a problem or any difficulty you should think and believe in yourself. Another thing that make you be very attentive is watch movies in English above all the Americans because they speak thicker than the English people and also you will enjoy it more because if you watch a dub movie the dubber is in a studio and he can’t shout or be as expressive as an actor that is performing a character. So… I’m going to listen more English music and also watch movies or series in English with subtitles or without them.

  69. Some people aconsejated me about strategies of study, but I don´t like the rules. I always have do for my way.
    I think that listen to music is very good for learn english, and to see film in english too.
    When I study english. I always studied grammar and vocabulary becouse in the school only ask for this.
    The level of listening in the school is bad.
    I think that in th school should to teach more listening than grammar. This is my way on think.

  70. All these learning strategies to study english are good but the problem is that I don't like to study english very much. I think that the main goal of learning english is that you will be able to use your subconscious while using this languague.

    I think that all strategies proposed in the text are useful and the best is to use a combination of all of them. For example, “set a reward for yourself” is one of the most interesting. The best reward that I like is go out home and meet my friends. Other important strategy is “set small achieveble goals” every day like learn the lyrics of my favourite music while I am listening it. The last strategy I would like to mention is “be motivated”. I know what this is difficult for me, but one of the examples proposed in the text like watch movies in English could fit to me.

  71. This year I will begin the final year of school, and also to prepare for the entrance examination to college, for this reason I must study hard and have a number of study strategies. I've been thinking about a number of strategies are:
    First I'll spend half an hour every day for each subject who has had that day at school, for example, on Monday I have English classes, language, geography, economics, mathematics and philosophy, then that will study three hours later.
    Also every day'll learn me a song in English, songs of my favorite singers such as Amy winehouse, Nicky Minaj ... this way to hear the song and learn me the lyrics of the song does them much English.
    On weekends going to see a movie in English with subtitles in Spanish, this much improved my vocabulary and my pronunciation.
    I believe these strategies and my effort pus achieve my goals without problems and pass the entrance examination to college.

  72. This year I will begin the final year of school, and also to prepare for the entrance examination to college, for this reason I must study hard and have a number of study strategies. I've been thinking about a number of strategies are:
    First I'll spend half an hour every day for each subject who has had that day at school, for example, on Monday I have English classes, language, geography, economics, mathematics and philosophy, then that will study three hours later.
    Also every day'll learn me a song in English, songs of my favorite singers such as Amy winehouse, Nicky Minaj ... this way to hear the song and learn me the lyrics of the song does them much English.
    On weekends going to see a movie in English with subtitles in Spanish, this much improved my vocabulary and my pronunciation.
    I believe these strategies and my effort pus achieve my goals without problems and pass the entrance examination to college.

  73. I think the best way to improve my English is listen English music. It makes to you listen very attentive and with the melody of the song you can discover new words, expressions or differents ways to say words. Also is very important have very much motivation and a positive attitude because if you have a problem or any difficulty you should think and believe in yourself. Another thing that make you be very attentive is watch movies in English above all the Americans because they speak thicker than the English people and also you will enjoy it more because if you watch a dub movie the dubber is in a studio and he can’t shout or be as expressive as an actor that is performing a character. So… I’m going to listen more English music and also watch movies or series in English with subtitles or without them.

  74. This year, I'd like to concentrate on my studies so I can finish the academic year with good grades. To do so, I will have to learn how to properly handle the time and concentrate on important things as well learn English, one of the ways is easy to learn English listening to the songs and watching films in English in this way helps you to make the ear. Then, my priority now is to pass all my courses with the sufficient degree of access to the University. From my point of view, the key to all this is to be motivated, and if not these motivated will never take advantage of all the time you miss
    alejandro kirkendall

  75. To start I think it will cost me quite approve second bac,.From very small I have been organized and always and taken all my subjects a day and very organized needed. But now I need a lot of tranquility and lose the burdens to concentrate studying.For me the best way to study is to read one paragraph and study, then a read the second paragraph and stydy,when I already have Studied three paragraphs, I repeated the three integers at once. Also the problem arises when you have problems daily which wastes time for studies and look forward. The best for me is to go a couple of days away from the city, so to relax.From my point of view, the most important to study and to get the best results in your work, is to do it every day, and be motivated with yourself, to find it interesting and productive. Always I still have the traditional method of studying one day before, That works too because what you study everything you remains in the recent memory though I spent a few days forgets.

  76. In my opinion, I would choose the fifth Council "Set a reward for yourself", I provided that study I do having a bounty on his head. As for example if it's a Saturday and will have a plan with my friends I begin to study before and better than if a Saturday don't have any plan or anything that can reward me the work that I do. Then before I studied I choose a reward like for example, if I finish studying everything I have I can go awhile out, or if I end doing everything I see a movie or step in time with the computer.

  77. I think the best way to improve my English is listen English music. It makes to you listen very attentive and with the melody of the song you can discover new words, expressions or differents ways to say words. Also is very important have very much motivation and a positive attitude because if you have a problem or any difficulty you should think and believe in yourself. Another thing that make you be very attentive is watch movies in English above all the Americans because they speak thicker than the English people and also you will enjoy it more because if you watch a dub movie the dubber is in a studio and he can’t shout or be as expressive as an actor that is performing a character. So… I’m going to listen more English music and also watch movies or series in English with subtitles or without them.


  78. Yes, I will continue these tips, because I think a very interesting way to learn English every day, and without it being boring. I like the idea of ​​studying five vocabulary words every day and I always wanted to be able to understand some movies, series, songs in English, but really my listening is very bad. But today has improved thanks to the trip to Philadelphia, and I am now better listening in English, I am able to recognize more words in a song and not be reading the whole movie subtitles. But from now I will start to be even more consistent with English, because the career I want to study in bilingual

  79. This year i want to learn english, I know that I’m not very good with languages not only with english, but if I make an effort and I work hardly I will pass the subject. It’s very impotant for me, because this is my last year in the highschool, luckyly the next i will be in the university. I’m going to study all the days, because I will make a planning and a Schedule where I will put all the things that I have to study in the order that I have to follow, I will watch more series in original version, and I will try to study at least few words of the vocabulary in the day. I wish it would be useful to me.

  80. I think that the strategy that I will follow is learning new vocabulary every day and also learning the lyrics of songs. There are many web sites with the words for many many songs and it is an easy way to remember vocabulary and especially the pronunciation. When you hear a song a lot of times it is difficult to forget the pronunciation and your vocabulary lists grows. Also I can look for the lyrics of popular songs that I can listen to every time. I think that reading a text in English is hard and a bit boring, so I won’t do it.

  81. I think that the strategy that I will follow is learning new vocabulary every day and also learning the lyrics of songs. There are many web sites with the words for many many songs and it is an easy way to remember vocabulary and especially the pronunciation. When you hear a song a lot of times it is difficult to forget the pronunciation and your vocabulary lists grows. Also I can look for the lyrics of popular songs that I can listen to every time. I think that reading a text in English is hard and a bit boring, so I won’t do it.

  82. As we are at the end of this academic course i am going to talk about wich of the strategys i havebeen doing to improve my inglish and other subjects such as maths, history or literature.Firstly i like to organise my free time after school setting the amount of time i need to employ to fulfill all the homeworks i have, moreover i really need to set small targets because if i did not do so i get bored and waste lot of time, secondly i use to watch films and listen to all kind of music in ingles that give me the possibility of improving my listening skills.After all giving me prices when i finish is also a good way to encourage myself to do them

  83. I believe that the best way of studying, and I coincide with the article, it is being motivated, providing that I am going to study fodder in which me lash to do it and this way turns out to be easier and end before. In addition I like to be marking little by little short-term aims and dividing the time of study in areas or stages. If I cannot carry out this method, always I still have the traditional method of studying one day before, that too works because everything what you study you remains in the recent memory though spent a few days he forgets.

  84. These tips are very interesting to learn a lot of English so I´ m going to follow some of them, because I like English but sometimes it´ s very difficult and boring forme. This year I´ m going to learn five new English vocabulary items every day. I´ m going to write them on a piece of paper three or four times. I´ m going to watch my favourite films and some programmes in English too. The pronunciaton is very important. If you listen a lot of English you will learn more. After that, I´ m going to read news about my favourite football teams because I´ m going to follow the premier league in facebook and I´ m going to read the information about the matches and I´ m going to see the photos at the weekends.
