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"…Y esto lo corregimos mañana, y mañana, a lo mejor es mañana, pero es seguro que es el proximo dia…"

miércoles, 5 de febrero de 2014

Why Advertising is important in Business ?


Advertising is one of the most important things present in our society today. Advertising helps to keep the consumers informed about whatever new products or services are available in the market at their disposal. It helps to spread awareness about products or services that are of some use to consumer and potential buyers.
The main aim of advertising, many believe is to sell. These are the kind of people who vehemently oppose anything that makes advertising seem unethical. Advertising on the whole helps business as well as the economy to prosper and makes the consumer aware of the various choices that are available to him.
Here is one of the best incidents from the life of The Richest Man in the World – Andrew Carnegie.
He set a well established business but he was against the advertisement. One agent of advertising agency met Mr. Carnegie everyday to take an order, he felt that one day he should get the order.
One day in the early morning the agent reached to Mr. Carnegie’s office for the advertising purpose. The agent asked Mr. Carnegie on the negative response from him for ads.
“I want to know from you why you are not interested for advertising ? Explain to me on time that there is no meaning on advertising & I will never come to you for this purpose…”
Mr. Carnegie said that “My products already sell without any advertisement & also people buy my products themselves than tell me, what’s the need of advertisement ?”
At the same time rings bell in church which is on the mountain far away from them.
And the agent said ” Have you listened to the bell which is ringing ? For how many years the Church is there ?” Mr. Carnegie said “The church is very old about for 100 years  & also famous.
Now the agent said ” For the last 100 years the church is on that hill, also people know about it than also every morning & evening bell rings there, Do you know why ? Because God also remembers to people that don’t forget me, I am here… According to me(agent) this is also a great effort to reach more audience.
This incidence washed Mr. Carnegie’s mind, they started the advertising. Now he feels that good things also needs explanation.


Write a composition about the advantages and disadvantages of advertising. 200 words.

49 comentarios:

  1. The advertising is a normal thing to us in our time, but before we hadn´t advertising, is an invention that gives to the companies a lot of money, but it has advantages and disadvantages.
    On the one hand, the advantages are that the advertising give to the companies an image to the people who, depends on the image of the companies, have one thought or other . Other advantage of the advertising is that give people information about the product, for example, there is a new product that sell in the market and a perfect form of informing this is the advertising.
    On the other hand, the disadvantages are that the advertising doesn´t inform about some products that you want to know and offering a lot of information about other products that always are the same and you only know about this type of products. The other disadvantage is that the advertising provoking a consumerism attitude in the consumers and this is bad if they watch a lot of advertising.
    To sum up, the advantage of knowing information about a product maybe is better than the disadvantage of a extreme consumerism that we will have.

  2. Advertising is a very important element in business because thanks to it, I get companies to make their products abroad and thus be known by other people around the world. With the hype is possible that empesas sell more products because they advertise in mass media : TV , radio , internet ... thing people daily consultation. they can become well known worldwide as people buy what more is announced because they believe that is the best thing on the market , as it becomes popular among people when commenting on a product and its features .
    Furthermore advertising has disadvantages because excess advertising can cause people to spend too much money , so getting thrown some ideas that might please head are not true, such as subliminal advertising, which involves inserting subliminal messages in commercials or television so that people unwittingly think what has been said and encourage companies to achieve product purchase , but sometimes clro through advertising abused buyers and clients, which can reach hurt business but if people do not realize , will continue to buy this way.

  3. Write a composition about the advantages and disadvantages of advertising.
    Advertising is something that companies and brands typically use either on television, on radio, in newspapers or even online. Today almost all companies have an advertising campaign to try to increase sales and get information about their products or services to consumers .
    On the one hand with advertising we can report all types of customers and the company is positive as it does get the message you want to convey to people and this causes increase sales and earn more money and also from the point of view consumers have different information about products so we can compare and choose the best that we value .
    On the other hand I think there are many negatives in advertising for example there subliminal advertising that makes us think one thing that is not true so that advertising lures, there are ads for products that children should not see, so they should control slots. There are also many types of sexist or unpleasant publicity.
    I do not think advertising is bad in general should just censor or browse more ads that may offend the sensibilities of some people some more innocent people who created everything and be fooled by advertising.

  4. For my taste, I think that advertising is something fundamental for the purchase and the sale made by the companies to obtain many benefits and make our life much more comfortable and have a better well-being. I believe that advertising has many pros and many cons, I what I'm totally in disagreement is misleading advertising that some companies and Deceits suffered by poor families and people who fall into the deception thinking that what they are selling you are good articles.
    The advantages of this are the facilities that has lately thanks to the tecnificaciones and updates of companies when it comes to advertising.
    And cons what I said before about the deceptions that have the families in their homes that are seen on posters, television ads or newspapers and magazines
    In conclusion for my personal taste, I believe that advertising is good and comfortable but there are times that it is misleading where there are subliminal messages although everything has its advantages and disadvantages advertising seen by the company is good and they notice that they have echo work well when the sales of the product are more sold

  5. Advertising is one of the most spectacular created things by mankind that make people take awareness of something. It can also be created to inform about problems which is important nowadays. The main objective of this type of communication is to convince people about specific themes.
    On the one hand, first of all advertising has many advantages but the problem is that we did not realize of it. This media permit us to be informed about what is going on around us, what is happening in our country and the latest inventions humans have made. Thanks to his continue calling of our attention, we can know the last detergent that is in the market.
    On the other hand, advertising would be created to swindle people who trust the company. Nowadays, advertising is always created to make people think something about their products. When you notice that what you have just bought has nothing to do with your expectations.
    To sum up, advertising is one of the most ways to make people be awareness, however it would lead to feel deceived.

  6. Today we are exposed to advertisements along the entire day.The subway posters, street, ads on TV, on the radio, cell phones, etc. serve to be current and present more market. Also with the economic crisi we face the companies advertise their products to try to attract new buyers. On one hand I think it is positive as long as there is no misleading or abusive advertising as it promotes the country's economy because it encourages greater consumption. On the other hand sometimes abused and are too aggressive advertising especially for the telephone calls that destroys virtually all there dias.Tambien misleading advertising where we treat the ignorant consumer into believing that there are miracle products at very low price but in reality have consequences on our health.

  7. En mi opinión, son importantes porque, sea conocido o no el negocio puede pasar que una persona no lo conozca y gracias a eso tenga oportunidad, el de satisfacer su necesidades, y la empresa de ganar negocios. Personalmente ha habido veces que he necesitado algo de una empresa sea grande o chica y al ver el anuncio tanto en la tele como en carteles, ha hecho que me vaya a esa empresa a comprar algo, por lo que en este caso la publicidad es bastante buena. La publicidad es muy buena porque puede o recordarte que existe esa empresa o puede hacer que la conozcas, ya que si nadie te habla de ella o no te lo anuncian,¿Cómo vas a saber lo que es algo que nadie ni nada te dice que existe? Tambien existe la publicidad engañosa en la que te dicen que te venden algo que después o no es eso o es lo que te dicen pero con muchas condiciones. En resumen, las publicidades son buenas,y muy necesarias, pero a la vez muchas veces muy engañosas.

  8. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  9. Generally advertising is necessary . Any business or activity needs to be disclosed to others. Any change in the terms of both price and product produto on whether it should be disclosed to the market to decide if you are interested in this or not. But not all publicity is good. There are advertisements that push the limits of morality in society. When tv ads or banners or billboards advertised aggressively with the sole aim of capturing the public attention, Ads become something evil . I have seen examples of advertising that has exceeded the limits of morality. We have the example of very explicit Benetton billboards. Or advertising camnpañas Ryan Air using characters like the king or government Presidents ridiculous way to draw attention . The use of advertising makes sense, but the abuse of it does not. I think these evil advertising campaigns do not do a great favor to the public but who harms them . Maybe they can achieve economic results in short period of time but in the long term is the image of the company is not good.

  10. Rosa Moreno Damas, 2ºA
    Advertising is currently required. Advertising is what makes the consumer society develops. Many people loathe it, or they think that is unnecessary, but really, our economic system wouldn't work without it.
    On the one hand, advertising helps businesses to let consumers know about products and services because they need an outlet for the entire production so that there is less stock as possible. People need to know about new products, where we can buy them, prices ... In addition, advertising is funny and witty, and this makes we remember it. Many brands are known for their advertising, as "Mixta", whose ads are usually humorous, or Cruzcampo, which makes cheerful advertising that conveys happiness.
    However, the goal of advertising is selling, reporting a product or service so that the consumer purchases it. It makes up the product to it seems that buy them is necessary. Sometimes it needs to makes it not have to take us to consume. Sometimes it's even annoying, or it comes to us without we ask for it, like the pamphlets that people leave in our house mailbox.
    In conclusion, advertising is necessary for mass production, and although we don't like it or it bothers us, it will continue working because it's a sales tool for marketing.

  11. The advertising is a the communication commercial that it try increasing the consumption of a product or service across of media and and techniques propaganda . The advertising has two objectives:
    The advertising reports to the consumer on benefit certain product or service stand out the difference about other marks.
    The advertising search increase the motivations to subject to the product announced so that the probability that the object or the service announced is acquired by consumer is made highest thank to ad. This advertising is occur normally in TV, newspapers, radio..
    Also the advertising required a great inversion by the company. The level the credibility of the advertising is very low. The consumer actual think that who made the advertising is specialized and he has a great interest communicating only the aspect positive their product or service.
    In many places exist a great saturation advertising, which, decreases too its eficace.

  12. my opinion of advertising is: from my point of view advertising is nothing bad, but it helps us to inform that price or any other offer, ero what is true is that advertising today is very misleading. what they get these big companies is that at first the people who buy their salaries and invest in materials and advertised items. but slowly people are realizing that almost everything is a deception without despe in my opinion and point of view of the buyer, we give advice to all these great companies to invest their money in large adds there or other advertisements in which we know you will attract and also not fool us that next time we continue to rely on this and come back to buy. I hope my review has helped you to what you pedia and probably has more ideas that pass above me hope that the next time be more correct.

  13. Nowadays it is almost impossible to imagine our world without advertising. There are ads everywhere: television, radio, Internet, posters and so on. Even when you want to watch a video on YouTube, sometimes you have to see an advertisement and you cannot skip it.
    On the one hand, we find that thanks to advertising people are able to know products from all over the world and sometimes you can purchase them. This allows us the security that we buy only what we want and any brand we want. They also give us information about the products that we can buy so that we can make decisions about what we need or want to get.
    On the other hand, it is easy to realize that the information that is given in advertisements is not always the truth or there are some facts of the products that are not included in them. Another point is that they are very boring and annoying while you are watching tv or listening to music. Ads are also very confusing and provoke in us the necessity of buying a new product that we do not really need.
    To sum up, our world needs advertisements but in our hands is that we make sure of what we buy and that we buy it only because we need it.

  14. Starting with the positive things, there are three examples. The first one is that it offers job for people. That is, in channels publicity, in product advertisement , a lot of people is needed. Other advantage is that it attracts possible new customers and also helps the products and its characteristics to be known. Other advantages is that it helps to distinguish who is your potential customer
    On the negative side, the main disadvantage is that it too costly to the firms. Another one is that the advertisement not always say the true. To make publicity about product or services in other countries you have to take into account the restrictions. As the publicity not always say the true, it can lead customers to be unhappy and with complaints.
    In conclusion, advertising helps companies in some aspect but with high costs.

  15. we are surrounded by advertising, even when we dress we wear something that symbolizes for us or our environment.
    Today we are exposed to advertisements along the entire day.The subway posters, street, ads on TV, on the radio, cell phones, etc. serve to be current and present more market. Also with the economic crisi we face the companies advertise their products to try to attract new buyers. On one hand I think it is positive as long as there is no misleading or abusive advertising as it promotes the country's economy because it encourages greater consumption. On the other hand sometimes abused and are too aggressive advertising especially for the telephone calls that destroys virtually all there dias.Tambien misleading advertising where we treat the ignorant consumer into believing that there are miracle products at very low price but in reality have consequences on our health.

    Marcos Ortega Ferrusola 2A

  16. I think that advertising is essential to our economy, sometimes the advertisements and advertising of telecommunications seems very heavy but if we stop to think about it it would be us and the business of our society without it.
    advertising encourages people to consume and that our economy is essential, also believe that there are different types of advertising, not all good as there are many that are misleading but it is clear that without it would be nothing, every business needs your advertising provided that such advertising is healthy and not harmful to society because there are all kinds of advertising and much that is misleading.
    advertising because we have to accept this in our society and our economy, but we need to know to pay attention and publicity which trust and above all products and goods that give us the publicity we choose.

  17. On my point of view advertising have more advantages tan disadvantages, but of cause as everything it has also disadvantages. Let me tell you some of the advantages first.
    One of the most important advantages of advertising is that it generates jobs, something which is so scarce today. For advertising you need a designer to think the best way to arrive to people with products. You also need to print or to record the advertisement and to hang it on the special places to advertise. So a lot of people work for this purpose.
    Another advantage of advertising is that while you are having a walk, you are getting informed of the products available, and not only the product, prices and placed to get it. This is very important because today people use to be very busy, and information have to arrive to them while they are working, or doing other things.
    Of course it has disadvantages, but in my opinion most of them are derived of a bad use of advertising. For example, some people don’t use the special places for it and the buildings and streetlights are often very dirty, full of papers advertising thing.
    Another disadvantage is that advertising increase the prices of some products.

  18. I think that advertising enters our everyday life through the newspaper, radio, television, internet and also in advertising or propaganda in hand. Advertising is a form of communication in the process of marketing products and services. The basic purpose of the advertising message is persuasion, since it comes to get a favorable response from the receiver. The announcement must be attractive, should interest positively and has to incite the public in the purchase or consumption of the product. This objective is usually achieved with a powerful image accompanied by words. On the other hand, public bodies use advertising as a tool to communicate with people. Governments, local councils and many institutions use it to convey particular messages: highlight a country or a culture, encourage the civic behaviour of the people and stimulate positive attitudes. We must differentiate between advertising and propaganda. While advertising aims to convince consumers to buy, propaganda is related to the transmission of philosophical, political or religious ideas. I personally think that advertising is of vital importance for businesses and companies. The possible disadvantages may be that they are not appropriate to the public and do not accept it. But in general I think that it has advantages mostly.

  19. Advertising is a very modern communication medium. We must be cautious with what we see on TV, hear on radio or see on posters. Sometimes companies are not entirely true when your product disclosed. We must fight this so that we know what we need at any given time and not get carried away by the advertisement that embellishes. Advertising must be fair, honest and legal. Without it, we would not know many products or even parties in our country, TV shows, and local concerts... I like advertising because it contains a message between the lines and this; I find it fun to find the meaning of each or brand awareness advertising.

  20. Alejandro Rodríguez-Caso 2ºD
    Today the situation of economy is very difficult. The small companies have no money and have to think very well if they can spend money, and if they can in what. I think that if you want to sell something people have to know that it exists. For this reason advertising is important because you can show that you have the best product. With advertising you can influence the people to want it, to need it and to buy it. We all know that for example German cars are "the best" but the companies have to continue making great efforts and marketing campaigns because German cars are good but also more expensive than other ones. So the companies have to convince the consumers to buy their cars instead of others and for this advertising is essential. If the companies don't spend money in advertising they can lose market because the competition is very hard and if they lose market they lose money. And this has another consequence because when they lose money they cannot invest in improving and developing better products. Without advertising people forget very fast that your product exists and that is why you have to keep your customers with good advertising.

  21. Advertising is presentation of some products by means of television, newspaper, radio, billboards, magazines,internet and films in order to increase their sales.
    The main objectives of advertising are increasing the usimg of a certain product, creating new customers and increasing brand recognition. However it has both some advantages and disadvantages.
    On the one hand adversiting help us giving information about markets because we search the prices of the products before shopping and we generally try to get the cheapest product. They also give information us about properties of products. Advertising facilitates a noticeable increase in the sale of the product. In addition, advertising increases sales, employment and profits.
    On the other hand, it has some disadvantages. First of all, people are influenced by them badly especially children and teenagers. For example, big companies always use beautiful girls on their commercials so children and teenagers want to be as beautiful as these girls. In addition, advertisements force people to buy new products even though they don’t need. By this way they waste much money.

  22. Advertisings are something which everybody who has a business need to get sell and attract people if they want to increase their sales. However, not anybody agree with it, because there are a lot of ways of marketing which are used to manipulate people.
    On the one hand, adverting can help people to encourage with different products, which have a good price and they are worth to be bought. Besides, a businessman needs to publish his items, so that, he should make use of the publicity and others different methods to get it.
    On the other hand, there are some disadvantages such as, false advertising, scam, illegal sales and frauds. In one occasion, I had a problem when I bought on the internet a present for my parents. The internet page said that you could receive the present the next morning if you paid a little more of the price and the delivery costs would be free. But it wasn’t true, because I didn’t receive it on the time that they said, and even they didn’t return the extra money to me.
    In conclusion, advertisings are a really good thing to show new products to the public, whenever they don’t create fraudulent or illegal situations, and the consumer can choose without any pressure.

  23. Advertising is a very common practice in our society. Everyone who wants to sell does it. We see it everywhere:on television, on the streets, in the newapapers,in magazines,on the buses and trains, in the airplanes.. really everywhere we go. People do look at the attractive advertisement and are inclined to buy the product. I believe there are more advantages than disadvantages in advertising. Firstly,people see the product and are intrigued to find out more about it. They are attracted and will want to find out more about it. Then they will possibly buy the product advertised. Also if they see the product advertised everywhere they immediately think it must be something good and worthwhile buying. So they go out to buy it. A couple of negative aspects is that it is expensive and therefore the price of what we are buying is more expensive (since we are paying this advertisement when we buy the product). Some people may get bored and tired of seeing the same advertisements everywhere and may decide it is not interesting-therefore not buying it. I think advertising is very common today and will continue to be so in the future.

    Javier Bermejo

  24. Advertising has many good things and some bad. It helps people in different ways, as you can bring them some problems. I want to point out some of its advantages and disadvantages.
    The advantages are mainly that helps more people know a product and promote sales growth, companies that have taught deals, also serves to know the changes in each product is so versatile that we can present it in different media. Advertising does everything for the consumer to buy your product, so companies see competition.
    The disadvantages I see you are handling a lot of people, a lot of publicity confuses the customer, certainly choosing what you are repetitive, they are expensive and in the case of advertising on posters, not placing it in a strategic place not give the expected results. There is negative publicity for groups such as minors as in the case of snuff and alcohol, among others.
    In my opinion advertising has several advantages and disadvantages and we must seize the advantages. Good publicity helps you when you have your company and make it similar and bad helps to know that you have to make it better or different or alternative media, such as social networking.

  25. Luis Venegas Perez 1ºC

    The adversiting is think that help you when you need help to by or see some think in concrete.
    The disadvantages to the adversiting are that in some occasions they could be molest when you are walking on the street or you are seeing your favorite film or serie, and the advertasing comes up in the best part of it. Also some adversiting are very bad or weird because the only thing that they do is disturb.
    The advantages to the adversiting are that you can find out some things that you are interested in buying, or you can find a lot of great sales. You can also learn something that before you didn’t know. You can aware of latest additions that are out in the market.
    In conclusion, the adversiting are very important and essential to the new world because if we didn’t have adversetings we wouldn’t be able to know which products we should buy.

  26. In my opinion, it is very important, especially for small local businesses that are starting to work. It is a great way for future clients to know about a new place and decide to give it a try. It is the most effective way to learn about them. However, it may be expensive to invest a lot of money in advertisement so they have to be careful. Now with the Internet they can do it easily and it is much cheaper. Or they can give flyers in the streets. On the other hand, big companies have it easier to start advertisement campaigns worldwide. There is one big clothing company from Spain that doesn’t have advertisements. Zara’s marketing techniques are different and they are pretty successful. They don’t need to put a lot of money on commercials or billboards or designers.
    Also, companies that have advertisements have to be very careful because its image depends on what people see.
    For normal people advertisements can be boring and annoying because they are all around. You cannot go on a street without being urged to buy whatever and the pressure is too much.

  27. In my opinion there are a lot of advantages, for example, the most important is that advertising makes an amazing progress to your business. Advertising informs us about the news products which are in the market, but the main disadvantage is that sometimes they lie to us; they show a product and then they add a lot of good things and characteristics which usually the product doesn't have and depends on the advertisement we believe or not, but it depends on the person too because is not the same if a little boy see it, because they always believe things like that, but lie to an adult who have a lot of experience is more difficult. We use to see advertising everywhere on the television, in the newpapers, in the magazines, on the buses, on the trains… Etc. Once I have a problem with a toy, three months ago I went to the shopping centre to buy a new car for my little cousin, which was very expensive, then I gave to him and he was so happy with his new toy but when the next week I came back to my uncle’s house the toy was broken.

  28. rosa dominguez 2ºA

    advertising is a medium that can help us to know things about what happens or we can buy things that we use in everyday life , for today we know many of our products without leaving home through advertising and one call soon receive information about the product and even receive it at our house.
    another advantage that advertising is that lately there are many filters so this is not misleading and thus know the real product and its true characteristics.
    on the other hand is bad because without us knowing it makes us to buy things we do not need the publicity but being so good and it seems that it is necessary in our lives we bought it without us needing it or wanting it.
    advertising might be too advanced for us since we ignore what it says in the advertising and also do home since this propaganda everywhere, on clothing, in cars, even while we are putting a program publidad to buy something in the program as "the voice"

  29. Alberto Romero Real 1 º D
    From my point of view, advertising is difficult to assess, since, according to one person you may look better or worse. This is because it is a complex matter whether advertising lies to us, or to benefit us as influences in our lives. The only thing that is clear is that advertising is present every day in our lives; we see advertising since we wake up until we go to bed either in the press, radio, television or just remembering an ad because we like or reminds us of something or someone.
    For me the advantages are: the power to keep abreast of new products especially those that interest me, of course; innovation of ads referring to as improved as they capture our attention; at certain times of the year a series of typical ads on the time of year we are or where we will reach soon occur; and ads that remind us of our childhood or remind us of good events.
    Disadvantages: handling trying to do the advertising for us to buy something or that we need for a product; tasteless ads that may be insulting; ads with sexual content that is not appropriate hours; and especially the repetition of many ads.

  30. Why Advertising is important in Business ?
    From my point of view for today advertising is a must if you want your business to do well, because there is a lot of competition and many manufacturers offer the same things and not all offer the same way and this is what you need to get to know well consumer. I believe that a company with a large advertising equipom has many chances of success, because if you offer a good product at a good price once the consumer certainly try repeated.
    But whenever I spend money on advertising I think we sell quality because otherwise we would be deceiving the consumer and does not and good.
    I particularly do not like when people famed red advertised to young to try the young who want to look like his idol the purchase, because to me that if it is really misleading. In addition to what I said earlier.
    Alvaro Serrano Aguado 2 E

  31. The Ads has some differences, for example, one of the advantages of advertising is very productive because we can consume in our tastes best qualities and retailers to address the product would be very beneficial, but are also not 100% reliable , we can say that we learn some innovations like tencologias or progesos of infraetructuras there actualmente.Por other hand, the disadvantage esque contains much sublimity about d elos products or image that we provide, however is some criticism for the subject thinness of the exaggeration of the body, they can be very misleading because it obscures the reality clear as they are based on the purchasing power that will gain those who are behind the media

  32. Advertising is a very good and necessary , but at the same time becomes boring and annoying. It has many advantages as it gives us to see many products that do not know , does increase sales of companies on their products , whether cars animals a holiday meal or just even manage to make people happy by making them believe they need something and so when buy it make us have that feeling of well being , although sometimes very intense also usually very short . From my point of view , advertising has very negative factors too, is misleading in many cases because we offer products far from reality and then not meet our expectations , we feel we need things that are not really useful for us and even sometimes distract us from our work which becomes dangerous when you are driving and see posters on the sides of the roads. In conclusion we see the positive side of advertising and the negative side , we would have to know just to regulate and control it so that we are not out of hand, and instead of being boring and dangerous, was useful and effective for everyone.

  33. Advertising is a normal thing in our time but formerly there was much less publicity and the large amount of advertising there now, now we invade. This is an invention of the companies to attract customers and make more money, but it has advantages and disadvantages.
    One advantage is that advertising gives people an image to have a thought or another, it also gives information on such a product so people know its features before buying
    There are also disadvantages such as subliminal pulicidad that teaches a false idea that to do so could sell more if we cheat, what matters is making money.
    I think advertising is not bad in general, but maybe if we abuse it, we must remove some advertisements that harm the feelings of some people or if issued in a time slot can cause harm to children.

  34. Advertising.
    Advertising is a marketing element from that is to try by the media are television, radio, press, internet, etc sell new products have come on the market.
    Hence, advertising is a phase when purchasing the product:
    -People know the product through television or newspaper ads.
    'People saw him stand in the market to watch.
    -A product people are surprised by what they buy both.
    And it says that the advertising of a product is very important to produce more demand.
    Advertising brings advantages and disadvantages. Provides advantages in selling products that people already know the product and will buy it. The disadvantages cause a waste of money to have it done television commercials, panels on the street, or announce a website.

  35. From my point of view, In general the advertising is necessary. Any company or activity must be revealed to third parties. Any change in the conditions of price and produto product in if it must be shared with the market to decide if you are interested in this or not. But not the whole advertising is good. There are announcements that push the limits of the morality in the company.
    On the one hand, One of the most important advantages of the advertising is that it generates working places, something that is so scanty nowadays. For the advertising that a designer needs to think the best way of coming to the people with the products. Also it is necessary to stamp or to record the advertisement and to hang in the special places for the advertising. So many persons work for this end.
    But also on the other hand, it has disadvantages, but in my opinion the majority of they they are derived from an evil use of the advertising. For example, some persons do not use the special places for it and the buildings and public system of illumination are often very dirty, full of papers that announce thing.
    Sincerely I believe that the advertising is not anything necessary, upside-down, if there was no advertising the people would spend less since they would not incite us to buy things unnecessary, since the things that we need every day do not do lacking advertising.

  36. I think advertising is necessary to know the different things that you can find on sale. Everything to understand the characteristics of things that are sold, which is the best again in addition to know which we like more without having to go to the store.All ads are not the same, some like us without knowing what they announce and others are horrific, in addition some tell the truth and others what you think has nothing to do with what really sold. Goodness you already this forbidden to deceive in advertising and are now more credible in what they say, which anyway sometimes continue without appearing what they are.I asked me once a watch by a catalog that it seemed very cool in the picture and when I get home was horrible, plastic and shiny, horrible, so although it attention-grabbing me an ad always prefer to see it in hand.
    Television commercials are the most viewed and therefore I guess and I understand that they are also very expensive, also there is advertising in radio, newspapers, magazines, posters...But there is no better advertising than myself, I am looking for sponsor so I sponsor and be able to sail in another category, cruise, so to see if I have luck and let me do the advertising to my and to pay me!

  37. It is through advertisement that people begin to feel a need for even those goods of which they had never heard before. Advertisement creates demand. No business can stay in the business world without advertisement.
    As the world is progressing, advertisements are also increasing. We all know that big posters are pasted on the walls, and leaflets are distributed to advance the sale of goods. In a cinema hall, first of all we see the advertisements. The most part of the daily newspapers is full of advertisement. There are a lot of commodities in all newspapers. Radio and Television also are being used as means of commercial advertisement.
    A good advertisement must have some qualities. First, it should be based on human-psychology. A thing meant for ladies, should be advertised in such a way that they are attracted to. If men are to be customers, then it should appeal to their tastes.
    Secondly, advertisements should be attractive. This is very essential. People look for an advertisement only if it is eye-catching. Good, interesting pictures are very effective form this point of view. It must also be frequently repeated, otherwise people forget all about the goods advertised.
    People don’t like to waste their time on things which don’t worry them. So to be successful, advertisement must be short. Long descriptive stories about a thing don’t make good advertisement. This is an important point in advertising and a good advertiser must keep it in mind.

  38. advertising is something that is very present in our lives, every day we see many advertisements in the streets, on TV on the radio... Advertising cause our desire to get something that we think you may like us, but many of the things we buy are not really necessary. The advantages of advertising is that if we need something and see it in an ad it reminds us that we must buy, advertising are also used to offer new products that can be used, or for example if your going to buy a car and you see on television a car that you really like because you can buy it to you if you have enough money. The disadvantages of the advertising is that they take time because for example if you want to watch a video on youtube you have to wait 20 seconds an ad or for example on some pages webs you see ads that you would not see them. Advertising has to be something that catches your attention for this techniques are used different to do this, as the music, colors, tone of voice... Advertising is something most importantly to entrepreneurs because if your you have good products, but not the publicitas you is useless, why advertising move hundreds of millions of euros.

  39. Each type of advertising has specific advantages and disadvantages. For example, it is often hard to target radio and television advertising to your specific demographics in local markets. Online advertising can be targeted more closely but is often expensive, time consuming, and frustrating to do correctly. One of the major disadvantages of online advertising is the possibility that a firm you've hired to handle your advertising needs will use underhanded, shady or even outright illegal methods.Advertising is supposed to promote the quality and efficiency and/or effectiveness of your product and to call the attention of the consumers. Advantages: Promote a product or service

    it totally depends on what kind of a advertisement is. if it good-many advantages else vice versa.

    The advertisement informs the consumer about qualities and price of goods and this makes purchasing easy for the consumers. As the prices are already advertised, the consumers cannot

  40. advantage
    - The advertising reaches large audience at a time, which is important for those interested primarily in consumer products .
    - In terms of unit cost per message received by the general public , advertising is one of the cheapest means of communication.
    - Advertising reaches all audiences in the same time (or in a very limited time) , which is very appropriate in situations of high competition.
    - Advertising reaches all places and all public evenly.

    - While it is possible to delimit its scope, advertising reaches more or less indiscriminately to all audiences . So , on a large audience that receives the message is very likely that a lot of them are not potential customers of the company.
    - In many places there is a great advertising saturation , which reduces their effectiveness too .
    - The level of credibility of advertising is relatively low. Today's consumers consider who advertises, is biased because obviously only interested in communicating the positive aspects of your products or services .

  41. Advertising is currently required. Advertising is what makes the consumer society develops. Many people loathe it, or they think that is unnecessary, but really, our economic system wouldn't work without it.
    On the one hand, advertising helps businesses to let consumers know about products and services because they need an outlet for the entire production so that there is less stock as possible. People need to know about new products, where we can buy them, prices ... In addition, advertising is funny and witty, and this makes we remember it. Many brands are known for their advertising, as "Mixta", whose ads are usually humorous, or Cruzcampo, which makes cheerful advertising that conveys happiness.
    However, the goal of advertising is selling, reporting a product or service so that the consumer purchases it. It makes up the product to it seems that buy them is necessary. Sometimes it needs to makes it not have to take us to consume. Sometimes it's even annoying, or it comes to us without we ask for it, like the pamphlets that people leave in our house mailbox.
    In conclusion, advertising is necessary for mass production, and although we don't like it or it bothers us, it will continue working because it's a sales tool for marketing.

  42. Generally advertising is necessary . Any business or activity needs to be disclosed to others. Any change in the terms of both price and product produto on whether it should be disclosed to the market to decide if you are interested in this or not. But not all publicity is good. There are advertisements that push the limits of morality in society. When tv ads or banners or billboards advertised aggressively with the sole aim of capturing the public attention, Ads become something evil . I have seen examples of advertising that has exceeded the limits of morality. We have the example of very explicit Benetton billboards. Or advertising camnpañas Ryan Air using characters like the king or government Presidents ridiculous way to draw attention . The use of advertising makes sense, but the abuse of it does not. I think these evil advertising campaigns do not do a great favor to the public but who harms them . Maybe they can achieve economic results in short period of time but in the long term is the image of the company is not good. Alejandro Kirkendall

  43. The act of advertising is an aspect what is very important in the life. Everyday we are advertising, constant, for example in the street, when we are trying to look for a place, we introducing ourselves to people for find this place; we are advertising us to people in order to cause a good reaction in the person who we have questioned and arrive to the person or other thing that we want to find.
    Really, advertising is try to get on with people in order to they help us or make that people trust in mine or my store.
    There are many forms of advertising ourselves. One form is Internet, a huge advantage, because with social networks, for example Twitter, our followers are be able to see our tweets, I mean, every that we say. With Youtube we can be known by a lot of people, but our account could be distroyed by persons who know a lot of computers, and they can leak secret information of the store, finishing with our business.
    Finally, I think that Internet is a gun of two edges, and for this I consider better to do advertising with posters, in order to people could see our services in the store, or with letters, but is an expensive advertising, because you have to send a lot of letters (you have to pay to the postman, the paper and the ink of the letter…)

  44. Advertisings are something which everybody who has a business need to get sell and attract people if they want to increase their sales. However, not anybody agree with it, because there are a lot of ways of marketing which are used to manipulate people.
    On the one hand, adverting can help people to encourage with different products, which have a good price and they are worth to be bought. Besides, a businessman needs to publish his items, so that, he should make use of the publicity and others different methods to get it.
    On the other hand, there are some disadvantages such as, false advertising, scam, illegal sales and frauds. In one occasion, I had a problem when I bought on the internet a present for my parents. The internet page said that you could receive the present the next morning if you paid a little more of the price and the delivery costs would be free. But it wasn’t true, because I didn’t receive it on the time that they said, and even they didn’t return the extra money to me.
    In conclusion, advertisings are a really good thing to show new products to the public, whenever they don’t create fraudulent or illegal situations, and the consumer can choose without any pressure.

  45. Advertising has a very important role since thanks to it companies can publish their products and thus to draw the attention of people all the world. Although it is an expensive means is worthwhile because it attracts many people and at the end with the sales of bids or the release of those products, programs, series, movies, reality... manage to recover the money that costs them and even make money.
    Other disadvantages is that if abused them you can get bored to the public, they have little credibility because consumers come to realize that companies only show the positive side of their business, for example: can you see an ad for a computer which is very cheap then you you think that in that store the relationship quality price is very good, but when you get there the computer is not as you say and other products are expensive, but as we are just there buying it.
    Undoubtedly one of the defects of the advertising is the addiction that can create some buyers, since these are all day viewing ads and bought. But on the other hand are people who do not endure the ads for example those who leave on the television.

  46. Advertising is very important for business because if you don’t advertise people will not buy your things. I would like to work a creative advertising and I think it is important.
    But sometimes advertising can have disadvantages because there are a lot of business that they say lies when they are adverting. They show a fantastic world that it is not real, with very beautiful people. This is very bad because they are lieing. Sometimes they say that the can do one thing and it is not true. They lie. For example they can say that if you buy a television you will be happy and it is not true, because the television will not make you happy. Only you will have another thing.
    The advantages are that business can show the products and the things they want to sell. People can see what they want and they can choose. A lot of people can see the things on television or in the street and they will buy. When there is a advert in the newspaper people can see it and it is better to buy.
    In conclusion, I personally think that there are more advadgates than disadvantages and people should not but the things of the companies that lie.

  47. Advertising is absolutely necessary at present its benefits are that discloses the product being offered without it products be unknown and businesses do not have the same impact , I think the most important to the success of the offering is not quality that has the product offered but the ad campaign is done , advertising lets us know the products available to choose the ones you like , advertising generates a lot of money and is very important.
    On the other hand the disadvantages of advertising are often exaggerates what is offered , or can not tell us engallar all features and only the good things , we also have the small print in which we express the good things and bad is trying to hide , because of the publicity we may seem that a product is better than another even if it is after bigger and that 's what advertising convinces us and makes us spend money and consume endlessly, we must also consider how heavy are with advertising as it is everywhere

  48. advertising. today any product you buy has been a super ad that says it best in the market, generation, etc.
    but ... to what extent these advertisements are true?
    today there are 20 cameras that are supposedly the best in the world, but surely even half of those 20 are what the ad sponsors
    today the market driver is advertising, if not your irias to shop once a month or only when something really necesit; but advertising is responsible for repeating all the time that we are already out of date, that yesterday is no longer fashionable, now to come out a much better product that will change your life, and the end is the same prudcto to who will added a sticker that it did not

    we are no longer happy with just, we want more and the blame for this lies with the advertising, although it is true that not all advertising is bad, because not only products advertised but also associations and others engaged in other people or simply advertising for fools, we will not hurt
    so yes, beware of misleading advertising as the shopping channel

  49. Advantages and disadvantages about advertising. Of course, nowadays it is more than demostrated that advertising is a very important part of business. I will start with
    advantages. The first and more important advantage of advertising is that allows you to give the information you think the customers should know about your product,
    your service or whatever you sell. That information can get people who didn?t know your business or even people who know yet about it to take this into account. Its very useful to get not
    only the first group of people, but both of them because you will remind them what your product, your service is offering to them, and also improvements, special offers
    or new forms of pay, new places where you are. Definitely, the main advantage of advertising is that it is the most important way communication between the firm and its
    customers. About disadvantages, the main is the high price, although there is a lot of kinds of advertising and many of them are not very expensive, for example giving
    informational pamphlets on the street, using free social networks, organising a competition on internet. On the other hand, if you are thinking about to hire a very famous
    people in order to have an advertisement on television or something like that it will be very expensive but for sure, more useful.
