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"…Y esto lo corregimos mañana, y mañana, a lo mejor es mañana, pero es seguro que es el proximo dia…"

lunes, 12 de enero de 2015

In search of a personalised diet

Forget the latest weight-loss fad - science may already have worked out what diet is best for you. Experts say a personalised approach could transform the way people lose weight.
January is a month when many go on a post-Christmas purge and start dieting. It's also the month when many fail and go back to their bad eating habits.
Scientists say this isn't just down to a lack of willpower. It is due to a person's individual make-up - their genes, hormones and psychology.
The latest weight-loss theory is that instead of reaching for a one-size-fits-all diet, people should follow one that is tailored to their individual needs.
For the first time leading obesity experts and BBC Science have put this theory to the test nationally. Over three months, 75 dieters were put through a series of tests and monitored at home. The study was overseen by scientists from Oxford and Cambridge and their research teams.
 The study looked at three types of overeaters. Feasters who find it hard to stop eating once they start, constant cravers who feel hungry all of the time and emotional eaters who turn to food when they get stressed or anxious.
The study looked at three types of overeaters. Feasters who find it hard to stop eating once they start, constant cravers who feel hungry all of the time and emotional eaters who turn to food when they get stressed or anxious.
If you want to read the whole article:  http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-30709297
What do you think of diets? Write more than 200 words on it.

64 comentarios:

  1. What do you think of diets? Write more than 200 words on it.

    First of all, people are very worried about their body and their images that they transmit to the outdoors. For these reasons, diets can be good or dangerous depend on the people who need it, because they can cause terrible or no consequences in our health.

    I think diets must be controlled by a specialist who knows how the body’s people can react in any case. So I agree with healthy diets which include all type of food: vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, bread or cereals and sometimes sweets. However, we must take care and have a balanced diet to avoid get fat in the future, because it would be very difficult to get fit a lot of kilos when you have passed of your weigh. The most important reason with a healthy diet is that you can avoid illness in the future.

    From my point of view, diets are important to regulate our daily meals even with the children who must learn how to eat healthily from they are babies. But we mustn’t obsess with them because they can provoke serious problems in our health.

  2. in my opinion diets which prescribes a doctor are very good for health. Diets that doctors prescribe us as well to thin or very thin fat for those people help us recover faster we get or take physical form we want. But there are other diets that many people do it for them or rather as you fancy, is the case of those who are marketed as dietary not eat or just drinks or just take burgers, etc. and another person go to diet all their lives and do not realize that this diet is useless. in my opinion, whoever hqcer a good and healthy diet to consult a dietitian.

  3. I think that diet it good if you have more weight that you want but if you are slim and you have a diet it bad because maybe you don´t need and you finally have a problem because you have a less weight that you should have.
    I think that is more scurity if you go to the doctor and this doctor put this diet because this profesional know how is your perfect weight and help you all time.
    But if you are normal and you would like to stay better you only have to don´t eat sweets, cocacola and all of tipes of food that have many sugar and fat and do more sport, but it so important that you think in positive, in conclusion you have to take a healthy life style.
    If you don´t eat because you thing that you are fat you must to go to the doctor because it´s symbol that you are not a healthy mind.
    If you eat a lot it´s a other problem because if you are fat, you should have many illness and you dificul your life because maybe you can do this life with easy.
    But if you have a healthy life and think in positive you have a very good body and very good mind.

  4. Diets to lose weight and serve kilograms of body, these diets make these people feel bad about their bodies and want to change shape. To get the perfect body (which is what they want all women) will have to go bad long time and you have to sacrifice. Most popular diets so the protein diets are you feed based proteins and carbohydrates do not take but many doctors dien that these diets are not good for the body and much to the liver. The bad thing about miracle diets is that people want to lose the maximum weight possible in the shortest possible time and in many of them this causes a rebound effect; when you stop doing the diet the body gains the weight back and sometimes you can get fat and have more weight than before starting this type of diet. For the diet works well is to eat all kinds of food for the body to receive all meals. A good feeding should add exercise to burn off the calories consumed in food. To my diets are neither good nor bad, depending on each case are good and bad. You have to know when to diet and why. One would have to be dieting people who really need it.

  5. I believe that diets are a good way to lose weight as long as that person that makes not pass, I mean that if a person needs to lose a few kilos because it is not comfortable with herself as being at that time, it is a good way, but considering that you can not be with diet and end up losing more of the account. Although I think the best way to lose weight is not the food butexercising regularly, and of course, one should not eat at all hours. If we all did just the necessary meals and daily exercise did no one would need to diet to lose weight. I also think that before starting a diet, the person should discuss with your doctor, and it's him who put it, because it depends on many things the type of diet that requires each person, since not all have the samemetabolism, that's not good dieting on your own, or those that appear on the Internet, some are dieting to lose 5 pounds in a week, and do not think aregood for our body because to lose that amount in such a short time, yourbody suffers various alterations.
    Marián Izquierdo Pieto

  6. Nowadays people want to be very thin, and stron too.
    For this, much people use to diet for stay more thin, for lose weight.
    There are much of kind diet: low-calorie diet, not low-calorie diet, balanced diet, not balanced diet, cetogenicas diet, dissociate diet...
    I think that the people wouldn´t worried so many their boid and their image that they transmit to other people.
    But If you can only to be happy with this, You will do then.
    This kind of diet are done in the gym for win musculature and for win strong.
    There are people that make a living with this diet, although I think that It´s not necessary diet for to be good, If they like them...

  7. Many people turn to diets at the beginning of each year to try to eliminate the kilos that have accumulated at Christmas and start "miracle diets" that fool saying that soon may lose weight.
    I think the miracle diets are unsuccessful because they get a weight loss at first, but then again pick kilos quickly by a rebound effect. Also some diets can cause a lack of certain nutrients can be dangerous. What is important is that people change their habits and learn to eat properly. For that we must maintain a healthy diet, the type of the Mediterranean diet, with only very occasional excesses in it. The food pyramid shows us what kind of foods to eat more or less frequently in our diet. Losing weight is not just about diet, but a change of habits including healthy eating, to practise exercise and drinking enough fluids, etc. Scientists have discovered that there is a direct relationship between the genome of the individual and their behavior in food intake, so that, in the future, probably a personalized diet would allow people to lose weight individually. It is called nutrigenomics to the study of the interactions between the genome and nutrients.

  8. The diets are something normal in our company but I think that there are few people who do them well because the persons do not have sufficient information to do well diet. To find out well you have to go to a doctor who prepares a perfect diet for you. In addition I think that they do not serve for anything the diets because it is an obsession that great people have to lose weight being able remain even too thin, I think that we must support a healthy supply eating of everything and not to follow an absurd diet. Also there are many people who does diet because it is his work what it improves doing diet, for example the sportsmen who have to take care of his form to be prepared always for the competition must have a diet that a specialist does to them, or for example the models who have to enter a garment to parade. Nevertheless I think that the population with normal works we must not obsess ourselves in following diets that should not improve our life

  9. In my opinión the diets are good but you have to be realistic with them. You cant think that only with diets you are going to have a perfect body or the body of your dreams. Apart from diets you have to do exercise to lose the kilograms that you want. Also you have to go to the specialist doctor about diets and lose kilos to start a specific diet because everyone is different and has a different metabolism and a diet that worked with your friend may not work for you as well as her. Also you have to hear your family and friends because some cases are psicolgic and may be perfect and obsessed with losing weight.this types of cases are considerated diseases and have to be treated with psychological sessions and medication.

  10. In my opinion diets are good because they make you believe you're going to have the body of your dreams.
    However, they are hard, because you have to change your habits of eating, either in quantity, time and type
    Perseverance and discipline are essentials
    Diets should be related to realistic objetives and supervised always by doctors.
    Extremes diets are very bad, even dangerous, and could lead to severes lillness ike bulimia or anorexia
    Some irealistic images from fashion models, make some young people think that beauty means be extremely thin; which I disagree.
    Combining sport and a supervised diet as well as heath habits of living usually give best results

  11. I´m lucky to be slim and I've never had to diet to lose weight, even for a time my mother wanted to gain something for which I have not ever experienced that pressure must be starving to lose weight and that anguish of weight every week. My mother if that has started many diets, sometimes on their own, others led by a physician and the majority who say friends: artichoke diet or the pineapple diet, medicines satiety, etc. as she tells me. All with good results at the beginning but without losing weight at the end because you get tired of passing hunger and return to start. To my I like eating but I'm pretty manic with meals, for example do not like tomatoes or meat, I love chocolate and as I have no problem of weight gain I am able to eat three and more followed donuts. If I believe that for many things as willpower, that is wanting to and important a thing is much essential and without it, it is not possible to achieve anything, or lose weight, quit smoking, etc. Is by my uncle who is a doctor that there are many studies of diets and behaviour of people with these diets and that in the end if they don't want to gets nothing, so the will is important in diets and not that this diet is that you do well.

  12. First of all, I have never done any diet. It will seem strange because everybody has done a diet in a specific moment of his life. I have the luck of being thin since I was very young. My mother had the same body as me when she was my age, so it is body´s heredity. Because of it I will never understand people doing these strange diets.
    That is true that there are a few people that need a diet because they are obese or they have more weight than normal. But there are another big percentage of the population that is always doing hard diets that have no results.
    Sincerely, I do not understand people who is all day eating fruits or vegetables because it is the food that contains less calories. These people stop eating normal food as steats or chocolate to eat all types of low fat’s foods. Will not be better eat less quantity of food but all types of it? I am not saying eating McDonald’s or Pizzas everyday will be healthy but I see this diets like an over stream that will not work.

  13. in my opinion, diets should be only for people really have problems, either obesity or lack of some food or substance, but I think that the typical weight loss diets don't exist because after having a boomerang effect ,when you leave diet, slimline even more than usual, so I think if you want to lose weight, all you have to do is eat healthy and balanced and do sport, so you really are getting thin, I for example never I tried a diet because I love to eat and because I can't be all day hungry, besides this kind of diets can harm you your body, so I'm not in favor of them of anything, I have the luck that I like all foods , fruit vegetables, fish .. but the problem is that I also like a lot junk food, but I am trying to eat less of this food because it is important to be healthy, as this even makes you happier

  14. With diets is very difficult for people to lose weight permanently. Many times people go on a diet, lose a few kilos and soon retrieves, or even earn some more kilos. This is due to what doctors call "rebound effect": long not eat certain things and when you stop the diet and you go back to eat, you get fat again. Many times you win more than you lose kilos. This is the bad-called "miracle diets" that ultimately are useless.
    To lose weight would be best to change the habits of life. I think we should eat everything but not abused but also, and I think more importantly, would make continuous exercise. It is important that all meals are taken, not skipping any, and also eat more in the morning and less at night. This is one explanation is that in the morning consume more energy and at night to go to bed after dinner, eat less and therefore spend less of calories you have taken at dinner ..
    If I were a doctor I'd love to find some medicine that prevent taking it with meals that fatten. It would be the discovery of the century because today there are many people in the world are overweight and find ways they could lose weight would be a great advance in science

  15. Today obesity is increasing thanks to junk food. The easy availability of certain foods, weather conditions and social customs make each country and region has its own diet. Argentina, for example, has one of the consumption rates highest in the world beef. United States, by contrast, is characterized by eating junk food (English junk food), ie foods with little nutritional value and high levels of fats or sugars, like hamburgers. This diet has caused an epidemic of obesity in the US population.

  16. many people choose to lose weight after Christmas since esta holiday is eating too much food and esta Makes MOST people gain weight. And When They finish in Original festivals customers in the gym Increase During the month of January but we in February decreases again in Original customers diets Because They think miracles soon lose much pesoI think the diets are unsuccessful Because They get a weight loss at first, but then again Quickly pick kilos by a rebound effect. Also some diets can cause a lack of An Un Certain nutrients can be dangerous. What is Important Is That Their people change habits and learn to eat properly. For That We Must Maintain a healthy diet, the type of the Mediterranean diet, with only very occasional excesses in it. The food pyramid shows us what kind of foods to eat more or less faq faq frequently in our diet. Losing weight is not just about diet, but a change of habits Including healthy eating, exercise and drinking enough fluids to Practise, etc. Have Scientists discovered That there is a direct relationship Between the genome of the Individual and Their behavior in food intake, So THAT, in the future, probably a personalized diet would allow people to lose weight individually. It is very important since childhood accustom your body to a healthy habit always keep fit. Not related diseases have weight gain

  17. Being thin and healthy looking these days is a very important issue with Americans. One would think if obese Americans cared so much about losing the weight they have, that they wouldn’t have gained it in the first place.
    To lose weight, there are many different options, for example: exercise, medication, surgery, and diets. Although diet and exercise is the most effective way to stay healthy and lose weight, people seem to be too lazy to do both, so they just diet.
    Healthy eating is not only important for your diet, it's also important as a part of your personal well-being. Eating healthy can drastically improve your physical fitness, allow you to feel better about yourself, and do wonders for your health. Healthy eating doesn't mean you have to follow a strict diet, or give up foods you love. You just need to balance the amount of types of foods you eat to obtain all the necessary nutrients. It's a good idea to limit the fattening foods such as fast food, pizzas, etc... but you don't necessarily have to completely avoid them.

  18. In my opinions, people who do diets have to sacrifice a lot. You have to stop eating the food that you like more because it is the most fattening meals.
    However, nowadays there are a lot of obese people due to junk food as Mc'donals or Buger King a kind of food which many people eat because it is cheap and fast. So there are many people who need a diet.
    Actually, we are not aware of the problem that not eat healthy food can cause us. So the best option to have the perfect weight is visit a professional doctor and fulfill it.
    On the other hand, there many young girls who are obssesed with an extremally thin body. In my opinion it is not necessary have a body as a model because it is not healthy for us.
    So the best is eating healthy and a lot of differents kinds of food, without eating more than recocommended to keep our body fit.
    I think that you have to have a lot of willpower to do a diet, but if you get it, finally you will feel better with yourself and you will be able to watch you more beautiful.

  19. in my opinion diet is something that is very different according to the type of people making it, in the first place from least to most importance, are those persons who have a suitable weight but want to stay in this same way, these people should eliminate the calories in their food lives and follow a normal pace of life, on the other place are those people that which is recommended to lose weight so these must be a stricter diet and combine it with sport, finally are obese, which can be of all ages, these people have to go to an expert in diets to guide them and help them to have a healthy health and physical and psychological image people suffering from overweight need a diet trackingMy sister studies degree in Dietetics and nutrition, and she is constantly developing diets for our family. not forgetting the great problem of those who suffer from eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia diseases by the obsession with weight that tends to be most common in teenage girls that are fat and stop eating to lose weight each time more and more to lose control of their bodies, these girls should go to specialized centres for which it is help.
    In conclusion, it is healthy to make diets whenever they are controlled and naturally.

  20. People diet for many reasons. Some are at an unhealthy weight and need to pay closer attention to their eating and exercise habits. Some play sports and want to be in top physical condition. Others may think they would look and feel better if they lost a few pounds.

    Some people may diet because they think they are supposed to look a certain way. Actors and actresses are thin, and most fashions are shown off by very thin models. But this look is unrealistic for most people — not to mention physically damaging to the models and stars who struggle to maintain it.

    By the time they turn 12 or 13, most teen girls start to go through body changes that are natural and necessary: Their hips broaden, their breasts develop, and suddenly the way they look may not match girls on TV or in magazine ads. Guys develop at different rates, too. Those guys with washboard abs you see in clothing ads are usually in their twenties.

  21. There is a wide range of diets. There are diets for elite athlete, for people who wants to lose weight, for those who want to put weight and so on.

    On the one hand, following a diet could have some advantages. For example, you lose weight, so you feel better with yourself. You eat new things that you had never eaten before, for example, more vegetables, fish, fruit and meat. Moreover, if you follow a good die, you can avoid health problems so you can be fit.

    On the other hand, following a diet could have a lot of disadvantages. First, you can get angry because you want to eat but you can’t or simply you shouldn’t eat, so you will be very hungry. In addition, people can be obsess with the diet and have health problems. You can’t eat the things you like, so this is a problem for you.

    In conclusion, I think the best diet will be practice a lot of sport in a continuous way and eat a bit of everything; eat, meat, fish…


  22. Diets are a way to lose weight and eat healthy, I think it is not necessary, since it is always better to take a healthy diet and not have to go to this objective type. Normally diets make people who are not comfortable with themselves, I mean, that to lose weight there are better ways to exercise and not stop eating everything in moderation. The best way to lose weight is not the food, but for earlier, exercising and trying to eat everything.


    In search of a personalised diet

    I am going to speak about the diets.
    On the one hand, the diets seem like a good idea, but for people in need, in particular, those that are overweight. They are also for people who have heart problems and the doctor has recommended.
    On the other hand, There dieters two months before the summer, it seems silly, because no need to eat little or sacrifice two months before the summer; You should do a balanced eaten all year and have done sport.
    If you take a balanced diet with meat, vegetables, milk, eggs ... You will have a good health and you will find fine, but if you have an unbalanced diet not become slim, and you will feel tired and cranky.
    In conclusion, if you have a diet that is by necessity and evenly, otherwise the consequences can be bad, and if necessary, visite a doctor to give you advice.

  24. From my point of view, diet is something that depends on the kind of people who make it. Diets have differents objectives, some people do it because they feel that have an unhealthy life and they eat many junk food so they do a balanced diet which can help them to be more thin. Other objective is to be slim and to have a perfect body, it is usual in people who play sports and go to the gym, so it helps them to stay in shape. If you want to achieve this goals you have to do a good diet but you have to sports and avoid sedentary lifestyle.
    Gonzalo Lopez Ricoy 2ºA

  25. In my opinion, dieting is a great way to improve our external appearance. This can greatly help us to improve our self-esteem and feel more confident face to other people.But to carry out this series of diets not always is good, since many of these "miracle diets" may be harmful for our health, and finish worse than when we started. I think that the best way to start a diet to improve our image is talking to a doctor which can be the best for us.
    One of the worst things that have diets is that usually when you leave them, you return to retrieve your weight, or you can even gain weight. Therefore, it is recommended to keep healthy habits once you have finished the diet, in order to keep our figure.
    We can´t become obsessed with this, because we could develop diseases like anorexia that can be very harmful to our body.
    I've never done any diet because I don´t need it yet, but if I did, I would speak with a professional who understands everything about this.

    Álvaro Garcia-Perla Marquez 2ºA

  26. Dieting is something necessary for a person is healthy as there are countless diseases overweight, but not only this but also impacts on the mental state of a person as someone in good condition is happier than other overweight. Although difficult to continue with effort and willpower can get but a good diet to lose weight if not also care about the sport is not only necessary. Diets are not just for weight loss but there are some to get muscle volume. I have personally made diet several times but have only managed to lose weight once, especially it's hard to fulfill the social life when you stay with friends to drink and chat and alcohol is a thing of the most fattening, and is very difficult to be without drinking while others have fun. While weight loss was achieved by stop eating after six
      lose weight and get 6 kilos. To supplement the diet I think they should do a sport that you like in my case paddle because if you do not cost that year. So if you are overweight it is best diet and exercise

  27. Dieting is something necessary for a person is healthy as there are countless diseases overweight, but not only this but also impacts on the mental state of a person as someone in good condition is happier than other overweight. Although difficult to continue with effort and willpower can get but a good diet to lose weight if not also care about the sport is not only necessary. Diets are not just for weight loss but there are some to get muscle volume. I have personally made diet several times but have only managed to lose weight once, especially it's hard to fulfill the social life when you stay with friends to drink and chat and alcohol is a thing of the most fattening, and is very difficult to be without drinking while others have fun. While weight loss was achieved by stop eating after six
      lose weight and get 6 kilos. To supplement the diet I think they should do a sport that you like in my case paddle because if you do not cost that year. So if you are overweight it is best diet and exercise

  28. diets are something everyone we propose to make fine as long as we have an event, ie typically we decided to make a diet because we have an event you want to be good, but sometimes tired and break diets or when it ends this event and forget the weight and continue the diet. but diets aren´t magic, we must do our part and exercising and eating healthy, but many people make excuses just because they say they can eat healthy but do not have money to go to the gym and then can not lose enough weight, do exercising but don´t need a gym, because we all have sportswear and a bicycle, and if we haven´t bicycle can go to a park to run or walk, and as well take advantage of the beautiful parks of Seville. The diets would be good, but there are also bad crash diets and most diets that I said before they are made to an event are crash diets that are harmful to health because then the weight is regained. Then my opinion about dieting is don´t dieting but care every day with healthy eating and sport.

  29. I think that diets are very important. We are what we eat so we must be careful because this directly affects our health.
    Many people, most of them women, are obsessed with their weight many of them wants to be as thin as the tops models they watch at advertisements, but correct people don´t have that perfect bodies. And actually this is not important, is more important to have a good health. So begin dangerous diets consisting nutrients or replace some food for our body necessaries for protein and dietary substances.
    Sugar, calories, carbohydrates ... all sound like the nightmare of a dieter but they are needed in our body and we cannot stop them.
    However, what if we do to stay fit is to reduce the consumption of such food, if it is true that taking them excessively will make us fat.
    Another very common problem is the abuse of animal fats, and eats very little vegetable fats, which are very healthy. So most Spaniards consume more meat than vegetables
    Finally another very important nutrient that should be present in our diet is fish; it is very beneficial to our health because it contains many vitamins and is 70 percent water.

  30. I think people are very exaggerated with diets and they take it too seriously. I think it is best to have a balanced diet and especially do much sport. I am a thin person and people think that it is because a don´t eat much food but that's not true, but I´m very slim because I do a lot of sports. I think people who stay all the day in the sofa without going out have more possibilities to be fat. In conclusion I think you can eat everything but in small quantities and it isn´t necessary more.
    I think that one thing who is very important to lose weight is walking a lot and it is very healthy more than do some sports.

  31. In my opinion, it is important to maintain a healthy diet in your everyday life. There are many people who suffer from overweight, and my advice is to go to a specialist and a dietitian so that take it control over your weight, your diet and your balance. All this affects your physical health, but also in your psychological health and mental since being in a proper weight you go with greater security when out on the street and you feel more comfortable with yourself.
    But you have to be careful with that mental health because there is also the other end of overweight or obesity, which is anorexia and bulimia. These last people are really sick mentally and make effort to lose weight once raquiticas and extremely thin. I think that this problem is worse than being overweight.
    It is good to have a healthy diet, where convines midweek proteins like meat and fish with vegetables and carbohydrates such as pasta. The more fried foods are best avoided. People who have excessive overweight should be definitely deleted flour, fried foods, sweets, alcohol...
    All this should be studied with a little weekly sport. Once you follow this routine for a few months, and you find yourself at your ideal weight, you must keep the type doing more sport and can gradually introduce something fried and sugar but not exceeding.
    Anyway, this is a sensitive issue that you have to take it without obsessing and mental balance.


  32. .I think More and more people are starting to exercise and dieting behavior. This is very good but bewares of diets that recommend from some sites. When developing our diets we must take into account several factors such as age, height, weight or physical activity because few diets that are operating at one person do not have to work with another, since what most likely not have the same body, we should follow balanced diets and we must mark an exercise plan based on our current physical level can be increased the level of this physical activity according advances, for my favorite diet would be a much fruit as fruit appears to me that this very rich and not fattening diet does not mean you have to eat food that we do not like can get a balanced diet and not fattening if you need to eat food they do not like, I think that a diet is important to combine it with a good board of exercise, a healthy diet also makes you feel better mood and lighter why I recommend you and let you practice eating "junk food".

  33. Today almost everyone is obsessed with losing weight and make a dieta.Pero most people do not do well the diet because the diet does not mean stop eating or anything like that if you have to eat everything not as large amounts but besides that you have to exercise to lose the calories you eat during the day and also fat.
    This method of doing sports is done very few people because most of them they do is make two meals and eat as little as possible to prevent weight gain and wrong because that method could catch a disease.

  34. In my opinion, diets are necessary. There are people who need such as: people who have problems and problems fatten your body, and also for people who cannot control their food and is located at one end, or very thin or fat. But yes, diets are acceptable if done by specialists, nutritionists. Because these are people who know what is best for our health come to us. The problem of this company is located at the ends, or too thin or too fat, and often follows a diet that is created by people who have no idea. This much is bad for society, but diet need not be a problem because if people are taught to eat well since childhood. And this is achieved primarily through parents, but also at school. People to eat well and have a good health are the case is easy act to get this right.

  35. The diestas are good for people who truly have health problems and need to lose weight. I've done many diestas and truly do not believe that they serve nothing because I have never seen the effect. The problem, is that many people are obsessed with it and can become disorders. I have friends that have had many eating disorders and is ill passed that if had to say if the diestas are good or bad would say that are bad because they can change both the physical of a person suffering much more by other diseases. diets have to exist because but nutritionists would not exist and have many people who like those cosas.la dieta mediterranea, which is the only diet that currently serves the would that make anyone because it is very healthy and very delicious .

  36. For me the diets are the worst option that exists, since one is not a question to be a period eating certain food to achieve the quantity to diminish of adipositos that you have, the idea is to preserve a suitable and healthy way of life, is because of it that I choose for good food habits, and it me goes thereby well, is the only way of doing it. It is necessary to learn to eat and to closing the mouth when it corresponds.
    I know many diets, but I have not realized any. Not because it does not have will power, but because be what I must do to lose weight when I feel slightly rather fat (exercises). In addition the majority of the diets - for not saying all - have this famous effect bounce. The idea is that the loss of weight is kept, not that to the first hypercaloric ingestion you accumulate everything lost, truth? Till now, I have not fallen down in any nutritional balance, basically because I feed well and recover. Be what food to eat, with which not to combine them and what portions are the indicated ones for my organism.


  37. From my point of view I advise against any diet that is unbalanced , though her ​​quick weight loss are achieved. There are reasons for all this : when diets are very low in calories, the basal metabolism of the body decreases and thins less. On the other hand, the body prepares for when you receive more calories , you accumulate as fat and prevent future shortages ( "yo- yo" ) . Also, you can not ignore the risk of major nutritional deficiencies. And generally , we should not lose more than half a kilo or , at best, a kilo per week . What is lost is easily recovered quickly . No strategy for weight loss showed immediate and sustained effectiveness in all population groups.

  38. Without a doubt make a diet always is good but whenever you don't eat or drink unhealthy pills or products, there are different types of diets to lose weight but that do not have to stop eating but deprive you of things like candy, ice cream, sweets and junk food because what you would have to eat would be good and varied things but in small amounts in addition to practicing sport. There are also diets to take mass muscle that we must eat much protein, fruit paste and go to the gym and very important to drink two liters of water a day and make six meals a day.
    But the best diet is certainly as says my grandfather eat well good things meat, fish and vegetable lots of fruit and drink water in an empty stomach and before eating.

  39. I do not think weight loss diets are very useful. In my opinion it is better to play sports. If sport is combined with a little less food it is easier to lose weight. For example, what I would do in a diet day:
    First, I would get up and take a good breakfast to face the long day. For example: a glass of milk (unsweetened) with Nesquick and a pair of toast with oil and tomato. To compensate for these calories consumed I would decide to go up and down the stairs as often as necessary during the day.
    Second: I would go to school on foot or by bicycle, to go exercising along the way.
    After the recess, rather than take a sandwish,I would take an apple that has fewer calories and no juice without sugar added.
    After school, I would come home by bike instead of by car and would eat the food that my mother had prepared. I just would try to eat a little less to get up from the table a little hungry.
    Then about midafternoon I would take a yogurt or desnatade milk with cereal with fiber.
    At the end of the afternoon I would go to run for a while.
    Finally I would take a shower and have a salad for dinner.
    I would try to drink at least two liters of water during the day, it is also good for weight loss.
    I think that would be enough to lose weight

  40. Luckily I never needed a diet. In fact, my problem when I was a child was that I did not like to eat. My mother always reminds me that when I was little I always wondered: Mom, today we eat? And she answered me she did not understand the question, because she loves to eat. My mother and sister have more tendency to gain weight and are always talking about diets to lose weight. My mother often used diet consistent in Biomanam shakes. In this diet, she replaced every meal for a strawberry milkshake, chocolate or vanilla ones. By midmorning and midafternoon she takes a piece of fruit to break the fast. He always says that it is necesary to do five meals, otherwise the body stores as fat the small amount of food you give to it. I still can not comment much about diets because I've never done a diet, but I think it would be best to consult a doctor the best type of diet. This way you'll be keeping you health during the diet. I consider that not all diets are good for every person. For example, my aunt used to eat lots of fruit and vegetable during her diet. But she never lost weight. When she visited a doctor, he did her tests and restricted her consumption of fruits and vegetables, because those meals rendered her to retain water. Conclusion, if I needed to slim I would go to the doctor

  41. To this day we live in a world that shows a particularly high expectations and showing us a picture and prototype thin women, strong men that is not good. Every woman has a body and metabolism to the rest of the world why many women can not aspire to a slim body, but that does not mean that they are beautiful just like men. The extreme diets to lose weight or volume as they do now take the boys to the gym should be frowned upon because starve should not be something that we dream toddas. Slimming, hungry, follow these models is not good though women make us see that cruelly. The only diet that you can follow and do not adversely affect your health is a balanced diet that helps you keep your body in good condition. As starvation is bad, quite the opposite as well, abusing food and especially for junk food is not good in any of the two aspects, so we must find a middle ground to find the balance and body.

  42. I think the diets are very important because a overweight can affect your health and in the other side a anorexia or a very little weight can affect too.
    There are people like me that worry about our weight but it´s normal but we want the perfection and the perfection is that we haven´t got, always we want that we haven´t got and this is in all the things in our life.
    I think the diets are more important to the people wich have allergic to some ingredients or they are intolerant lactose… because if they don´t follow the rules they can die.
    I think the diets always have to be controllated for a specialist in diets because we think different that they, for example: we can think that we need less weight and the specialist, always is right, thinks and knows you need more weight.
    I think the best diet is eat a lot of all food, going to the gym or doing other sport regullary, so your health is going to be vey good and when you are old you are going to be very grateful.

  43. The real true is that nowadays the people are very worried about their health and they want to be on diet every day to keep slim.
    In Spain we have a good diet (the Mediterranean diet) in which we eat a lots of vegetables and fruits. Our climate let us have fresh food every day and food of all different of kinds: from strawberry to the chicken.
    However I have to say that we don’t have the most advisable timetable when we eat. Normally we have lunch at 3pm and we have dinner at 9pm but for instance the Americans have lunch at 12pm and they have dinner at 7pm. This way of eating is healthier because they don’t go to bed just after having dinner and they have time to make the digestion. In addition we use to have big dinners and it is not very healthy because you don’t need to eat a lot before sleep.
    Luckily, I have never had to be on diet. I always try to eat not big quantities of food and I practise a lot of sports to be fit. I love dance and going to the gym.
    In a nutshell, if you are on diet you have to be very serious and contact a doctor in order to make it effective.

  44. I personally have never had to do diet and wait not to have to do it. There are diets that are very healthy and do not damage the health and that simply are based in eating of healthy form. But there are some diets that damage to our health since they are not done of suitable form and can cause mental and digestive illnesses. The anorexia can be caused by the diet and this can lead to the death. The fact of doing diet is not alone for slimming also they are done to contribute certain substances to the organism or to remove them always in order that our health is the best, but generally they are to slim. For example the football players have special diets to support his physical form and to obtain force, in addition a doctor sends these and they are not dangerous. But there are diets that are done without being prescribed and there the danger is. I have never done a diet, but at some time I have eaten a bit less or of more healthy form. The diets are good but with control, we have to be conscious of what we do and of how we do it.

  45. What do you think of diets?.
    First of all, I think that must be controlled by a specialist, diets can be good or dangerous depend on the people who need it, diets can cause terrible consequences, not forgetting the great problem of those who suffer from eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia but if diets are prescribed by doctor can be good for health. Miracle diets don’t exist, people wants to lose the maximum weight in the shortest possible time and that can cause bad effects. In my opinion, if we do the necessary meals and daily exercise we won’t need to do diet to lose weight. I also think that before starting a diet, the person must discuss with your doctor, and its him who put it, because the type of diets depends on many things, not everyone has the same metabolism so we have to be very careful. Finally, I think that diets are not bad but considering medical control.

  46. I do not think diet is the propperly word. We do not trust being at diet or being like 2 or 3 months before summer eating apples and carrots with the popular "bikini operation. Eating correctly it is really important fact in our health which should be trate like that.
    Nowadays looking your figure seems have become more important that staying health, and we are more and more used to see how, most of the girls and teenagers, can endanger theirselves with miracle diets.
    Knowing the effects of doing that it should be a essential knowledge learnt from our childhood. Other case is knowing that we would be healthier loosing a few kilos, but it is there when become the danger, choosing a simply and naive way or a longer way and healthier one.
    To sum up, we have the labor of knowing which can hurt us and knowing that the are multiple doctors specialized on making you looking great!

  47. when a festivity finishes many people decide to die but the only do it during a few week because later other festivity comes and they start again to eat fat.
    For example in january many people decided to start a diet because they had got fat in the christmas time but now that we are in march they give it up in order to eat sweets in easter and drink in the fair.
    It is something that they will repeat every year.
    Moreover there are people that look for diets on the internet and on magazines , which aren't personalized I think that if you really want to lose weight you most go to a detician who studies your body and give you diet with food that you like.

  48. First of all, people think over the top of how look like about how his physic look like.
    In one hand, in think diets for summer and all things like that I think they never works because if you eat all the year 25 donuts a day you will be fat and after the diet all the people start eating how they ate before the diet. I also think that before starting a diet, the person should discuss with your doctor, and it's him who put it, because it depends on many things the type of diet that requires each person. That is a big problem because too much people search a diet on the web and it can make secondary effect and affect in their body with dizziness and thing like that.
    On the other hand, the best way is start reducing the amount of the food that you eat and try to eat more equilibrated that a problem of fat people. They eaat when the want what they want and it is does not work never.
    Diets are good but the nutritionist needs to survive so go to the nutritionist!!

  49. With diets is very difficult for people to lose weight permanently. Many times people go on a diet, lose a few kilos and soon recovered, or even earn some extra kilos. This is due to what doctors call "rebound effect": long not eat certain things and when you stop the diet and go back to eating, gaining weight again. Many times you win more than you lose kilos. It is of bad calls "miracle diets" that ultimately useless.
    To lose weight would be the best way to change the habits of life. I think we should eat everything, but not abused, but also, and I think more importantly, would make continuous exercise. It is important that all meals are taken, not to miss, and also eat more in the morning, less at night. This is one explanation is that in the morning consume more energy and night to go to bed after dinner, eat less and therefore spend less of calories taken at dinner ..

  50. I think diets are very well vary with use, many girls are obsessed with losing weight and suffer anorexia, are fat when they are thin. In boys affects more vigorexia not stop going to the gym to get stronger and some products can cause damage inject them.
    It's great to be fit, playing sports, going to the gym, running, and eating right, not smoking or drinking alcohol, because it harms the body. But we must not become obsessed with these things. because smoking is harmful, but do not eat anything is also bad, as taken to increase muscle mass products.
    In conclusion, I agree with dieting and exercising, but bad obsessed with them, must also go out sometimes, be with friends, not bad to drink a beer, what is bad is abusing alcohol as the youth of today.

  51. To this day we live in a world that shows a particularly high expectations and showing us a picture and prototype thin women, strong men that is not good. Every woman has a different metabolism to the other that maybe does not allow you to have the slim body with the others, but that does not mean that it has a beautiful and healthy body. I think the diets are necessary in extreme cases, because they help some people who eat lots of junk food will improve their health, but on the other hand are methods that should be used as long as it is understood the issue since so many young people complexed their bodies and decide to extreme diets like the diet Dunkan. In my opinion should be eating a diet high amounts of healthy foods like salads, fruits, and with a little exercise can get the body that you want.

  52. The diets can help people lose weight or gain weight or just stay on weight. I am neither against nor in favor of diets, just depends on the case'm in favor or not. For example if a person is obese I think I must diet simply because of their health, or for example if a person wants to get fat, in my case I'm doing a diet to gain weight because I like thinness. There are also many people that diets themselves do, but they can make a serious mistake. Diets should always be supervised by a medical specialist in nutrition. I also think that everyone should be comfortable with your body if it is not bad for health, we must accept ourselves as we are, thin or fat. Currently there are many cases of anorexia because of the canons of beauty and that we should eradicate it now. She lifetime has not been thin and had curves, thin is not pretty, well that's my opinion. I know people that have done diets, but diets made by them same and for example have only eaten yogurt all day or eating less of calories a person needs per day, this is very bad and also very dangerous. In conclusion, everyone who wants to make a diet should talk to a nutritionist and follow the advice of the, if you can not become dangerous.

  53. First of all, people think over the top of how look like about how his physic look like.
    In one hand, in think diets for summer and all things like that I think they never works because if you eat all the year 25 donuts a day you will be fat and after the diet all the people start eating how they ate before the diet. I also think that before starting a diet, the person should discuss with your doctor, and it's him who put it, because it depends on many things the type of diet that requires each person. That is a big problem because too much people search a diet on the web and it can make secondary effect and affect in their body with dizziness and thing like that.
    On the other hand, the best way is start reducing the amount of the food that you eat and try to eat more equilibrated that a problem of fat people. They eaat when the want what they want and it is does not work never.
    Diets are good but the nutritionist needs to survive so go to the nutritionist!!

  54. What i think about diets is that they don't work,that's because if you dont change your mind about food, you can'y truly change your weight.
    People used to confuse diet with a healthy kind of life, i think that it's more important to do sport and to follow a mediterranean diet even if you eat pizza sometimes.
    The problem is that most of people want to eat whatever they want and keep a good body. To be in fit it's more important the other. Maybe you have to have a balanced
    diet all the time, to have a healthy mind instead to be all the time trying to fight with yourself. If you want to eat more you can, but you will have to do more sport.
    We have to take care of our body because we only have one in all our life, also with the mind. However if i did a diet it would be some kind of mediterrean, because
    i think that all the aliments are needed if we want to get the complete development of our organism. Some diets should be forbidden, like for exemple the express one.
    When you put your body in an extreme situation you are hurting yourself.

  55. In current society, many people turn to "crash diets" to be fit, especially after Christmas. But according to a study by obesity experts and BBC Science, confirms that a personalized diet which suits their individual needs. In short, you may get better results by changing your eating habits.
    The study focuses on three types of eaters. Feasters, constant cravers and emotional eaters.
    For feasters, produce low levels of certain gut hormones that report to body when has eaten enough and should stop eating. They need to eat certain foods that makes them feel full for as long as posible (fish, chicken, basmati rice, lentils, grains and cereals).
    For constant cravers, always want to eat and their "hungry brains" often want fatty and sugary foods. They need reduce their diet to 800 calories on two days of the week, to allow time for their bodies to burn fat.
    For emotional eaters, reach for food when they are stressed or anxious. They need to break their bad habits for a healthy diet as well as group support to constantly encourage them to continue their diets and not abandon them.
    The result was a success, demonstrating that through their personalized diet and some exercise, everyone could lose weight quickly.

  56. First of all, for me is more important how the people is than how the people look, you can be a very pretty girld but if you are a bad persono or something like that you wouldn´t worth the pain.
    Anyway, talking about diets there are diets that could cause you some diseases for example the famous diet called “Dunkan diet”. It is a diets which it based in only eat proteins, it´s a diet hyperporteitic so when you return to you daily meals or to eat normally you put on more weight that you have before. So for me is better that you eat normally but if your doctor say that you have to lose wieght you could eat healthier and less that you eat before, and of course you must do some sport.

  57. In my opinion, dieting is a great way to improve our external appearance. This can greatly help us to improve our self-esteem and feel more confident face to other people.But to carry out this series of diets not always is good, since many of these "miracle diets" may be harmful for our health, and finish worse than when we started. I think that the best way to start a diet to improve our image is talking to a doctor which can be the best for us.
    One of the worst things that have diets is that usually when you leave them, you return to retrieve your weight, or you can even gain weight. Therefore, it is recommended to keep healthy habits once you have finished the diet, in order to keep our figure.
    We can´t become obsessed with this, because we could develop diseases like anorexia that can be very harmful to our body.
    I've never done any diet because I don´t need it yet, but if I did, I would speak with a professional who understands everything about this.

  58. In my opinion, I think that people are this going a little crazy making diets shambles health three or four months before the summer with the popular operation bikini. Eating properly is very important for our health.
    Today looking at your figure, it seems that, women especially, has become more important than maintaining the health. We are accustomed to seeing how the majority of girls and adolescents, can endanger themselves with miracle diets. Know the effects of these dangerous diets should be a knowledge learned from our childhood. Another case is to know that it would be healthy to lose a few pounds, but is there when turn into danger, choosing a short diet dangerous for health or a long and healthy way by sport. In conclusion we have the to know who can hurt us and there are physicians specializing in diet q do not harm health.
    Alejandro Kirkendall

  59. Diets to lose weight and serve kilograms of body, these diets make these people feel bad about their bodies and want to change shape. To get the perfect body (which is what they want all women) will have to go bad long time and you have to sacrifice. Most popular diets so the protein diets are you feed based proteins and carbohydrates do not take but many doctors dien that these diets are not good for the body and much to the liver. The bad thing about miracle diets is that people want to lose the maximum weight possible in the shortest possible time and in many of them this causes a rebound effect; when you stop doing the diet the body gains the weight back and sometimes you can get fat and have more weight than before starting this type of diet. For the diet works well is to eat all kinds of food for the body to receive all meals. A good feeding should add exercise to burn off the calories consumed in food. To my diets are neither good nor bad, depending on each case are good and bad. You have to know when to diet and why. One would have to be dieting people who really need it.

  60. In my opinion, dieting is a great way to improve our external appearance. This can greatly help us to improve our self-esteem and feel more confident face to other people.But to carry out this series of diets not always is good, since many of these "miracle diets" may be harmful for our health, and finish worse than when we started. I think that the best way to start a diet to improve our image is talking to a doctor which can be the best for us.
    One of the worst things that have diets is that usually when you leave them, you return to retrieve your weight, or you can even gain weight. Therefore, it is recommended to keep healthy habits once you have finished the diet, in order to keep our figure.
    We can´t become obsessed with this, because we could develop diseases like anorexia that can be very harmful to our body.
    I've never done any diet because I don´t need it yet, but if I did, I would speak with a professional who understands everything about

  61. There are many types of diets and they can be useful if you start them with a reason and really motivated.

    Also having a diet means that you need to be disciplined and strict. If you want to lose weight, you cannot eat certain food. In addition to that, sport is very important and plays a central role when you start a diet. In case you want to gain weight or to build stronger muscles you need to take proteins, and exercise a lot. They are in milk, eggs or yoghurt. On the other hand there are special diets for people with allergies to specific products like gluten or lactose. They are not allowed to eat bread or drink milk for example. For me this is awful because it means that you are restricted and if you do not follow the diet your health condition can get worse. In conclusion, I have never been on a diet, so I cannot speak from my experience.

  62. I honestly think that diets are quite good but requires a lot of time and constant to follow it, so In my case I couldn’t be capable to finish it but I can see the point in eating better, I mean eat more healthy, for example if I go to the supermarket looking for some cookies I can buy them but reading the ingredients of it to buy the ones with less artificial added.
    Also In my house my mother use to prepare things home made because that way she is sure that the things we eat are fresh and healthy.
    Last but not least I give a lot of importance to the way I live. If you are a person that spend 5 hours in the sofa doing nothing you don’t burn fat so you will have a worst physical aspects no matter how good you eat.

  63. In my opinions, people who do diets have to sacrifice a lot. You have to stop eating the food that you like more because it is the most fattening meals.
    However, nowadays there are a lot of obese people due to junk food as Mc'donals or Buger King a kind of food which many people eat because it is cheap and fast. So there are many people who need a diet.
    Actually, we are not aware of the problem that not eat healthy food can cause us. So the best option to have the perfect weight is visit a professional doctor and fulfill it.
    On the other hand, there many young girls who are obssesed with an extremally thin body. In my opinion it is not necessary have a body as a model because it is not healthy for us.
    So the best is eating healthy and a lot of differents kinds of food, without eating more than recocommended to keep our body fit.
    I think that you have to have a lot of willpower to do a diet, but if you get it, finally you will feel better with yourself and you will be able to watch you more beautiful.

  64. I think they are good for people who can not eat well or are always eating junk food. this, thanks to a nutritionist helps you eat healthy and lose weight to those kilos that nobody wants. I prefer to sports diet is much healthier diets and also with many go hungry and so a person can not be in love in his life, the most important thing is being comfortable with himself and not going hungry then when you're well again return to the habits and get less than double the time you have spent on diet as fat you were before. It is important to lead a healthy life, but there are diets in which you go hungry and may even endanger your health, just to be three months rather than are lasting the summer, and then being fat around the remaining year until the month June approaches. A diet that is well known by the Spanish, as it is here, it is the Mediterranean diet where you eat Mediterranean products, such as lettuce and products that are collected in the field. Most importantly, take care all year doing exercise that also helps you in your willpower forces you to do exercise every day and if someone besides you spades is the best there is.
