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"…Y esto lo corregimos mañana, y mañana, a lo mejor es mañana, pero es seguro que es el proximo dia…"

jueves, 5 de febrero de 2015

Bleep blorp: New Japanese hotel to be staffed by robots

We're not sure if the robotic staff at a planned hotel in Japan will be tucking guests into their beds at night, but they'll be performing plenty of other traditional hospitality tasks.
Huis Ten Bosch, a theme park modeled after the Netherlands in Japan's Nagasaki Prefecture, has announced plans to open a hotel with robot staff and other advanced technologies.
The hotel will be called Henn-na Hotel, which translates as Strange Hotel.
According to the park, the first phrase of the two-story hotel will open on July 17 with 72 rooms.
The second phrase will be completed in 2016 with an additional 72 rooms.
Operating under the motto "A commitment for evolution," the hotel will feature three "actroids" (robots with strong human likeness) that will act as receptionists. 
 hey'll be able to engage in intelligent conversations with human guests.
The hotel will also employ four service and porter robots, and others engaged in menial tasks such as cleaning.
High-tech features keep prices low
"We'll make the most efficient hotel in the world," boasts huis Ten Bosch Hideo Sawada
Sawada says he hopes robots will eventually run 90% of the property.
"In the future, we're hoping to build 1,000 similar hotels around the world," says Sawada, according to Japan Nikkei´s News
Other features will help make Henn-na the most futuristic low-cost hotel in the industry, according to the company.
Guestroom doors will be accessed by facial-recognition technology.
Amenities provided in rooms will be kept minimal. Guests can request items through a tablet when needed.
Instead of air-conditioning, a radiation panel will detect body heat in rooms and adjust the temperature.
Solar power and other energy-saving features will be used to reduce operating costs.
Bid for your room
Room rates will vary depending on demand.
Instead of being presented with a fixed price, guests will bid for rooms during peak season. The highest bidders will secure rooms, though there will be a price cap on bidding.
The hotel says room fees at opening will be from JPY7,000 ($60) for a single room to JPY18,000 ($153), the highest possible price after bidding, for a triple room.
Superior and deluxe rooms will cost more.
Guests can already reserve rooms online through the hotel's website.

How would a school staffed by robots be?  200 words

70 comentarios:

  1. I think that a school with robots instead of teachers seems to me to be unthinkable due to the fact that I do not believe that a robot could control a pupil without using the force. The pupils would not notice to the robot and would speak in class. Another reason for which it would not be good to have to a robot as teacher is that a robot does not transmit the values necessary for the correct formation of the pupils, that is to say, it would teach many theoretical concepts to them but it would not teach values to them as the friendship and the generosity. Nevertheless I think that the robots yes can manage to help the teachers in his labors since they have great capacity of memory that can be useful at the moment of gives explanations of the treated topics in class. To sum up I think that robots couldn´t be teachers because the robots couldn´t transmit the values like friendship but they can help to teachers to give the pupils the class about something like history and that is the reason which the robot could help him

  2. I think that a school with robots instead of teachers seems to me to be unthinkable due to the fact that I do not believe that a robot could control a pupil without using the force. The pupils would not notice to the robot and would speak in class. Another reason for which it would not be good to have to a robot as teacher is that a robot does not transmit the values necessary for the correct formation of the pupils, that is to say, it would teach many theoretical concepts to them but it would not teach values to them as the friendship and the generosity. Nevertheless I think that the robots yes can manage to help the teachers in his labors since they have great capacity of memory that can be useful at the moment of gives explanations of the treated topics in class. To sum up I think that robots couldn´t be teachers because the robots couldn´t transmit the values like friendship but they can help to teachers to give the pupils the class about something like history and that is the reason which the robot could help him

  3. from my point of view if my school was controlled by robots everything would be different, first of all times would be much tougher, nobody could arrive late, nor we could chat with colleagues because robots made of everything and no student could falsify an authorization of absence or arrival late time because the robot would know whether it is true or falsetest any student could cheating nor nor copy the activities from the notebook of a companion, but however there are also many advantages, all the tests would be corrected very soon, teachers would have no doubts in their explanations and would never arrive late or would be sick, teachers would have infinite patience and would never be tired and could do many things at the same time... It would be really awesome to have robots teachers but I prefer have them human so that we can understand us as robots do not have logic and think by themselves and all would be very repetitive daily

  4. The first is that whenever time passes robots and technology is more advanced. New technologies are very advanced and increasingly humans have it less because current robots today are capable of making a person without any problem. There have been cases of people who have created a robot with the same shape of a person who is able to make a bed, board and even take care of animals, things like that I think the future is already Segurado and all have a robot in our house to help us with the housework.
    A school run by robots would be a little bad for society as many people as teachers, principals, cleaners and builders would be left without work because all the work they were doing now would make robots that run the school. For children studying in the school run by robots would be bad because the robots They would be scheduled so that children are not transgress doing something wrong and would be many sad always punished by the school children. The school work very well because the robots would do everything right but would succeed because children do not want to be sad all day all year

  5. The first is that whenever time passes robots and technology is more advanced. New technologies are very advanced and increasingly humans have it less because current robots today are capable of making a person without any problem. There have been cases of people who have created a robot with the same shape of a person who is able to make a bed, board and even take care of animals, things like that I think the future is already insured and all have a robot in our house to help us with the housework.
    A school run by robots would be a little bad for society as many people as teachers, principals, cleaners and builders would be left without work because all the work they were doing now would make robots that run the school. For children studying in the school run by robots would be bad because the robots They would be scheduled so that children are not transgress doing something wrong and would be many sad always punished by the school children. The school work very well because the robots would do everything right but would succeed because children do not want to be sad all day all year


    In my opinion, if the robots start to be in the schools would be a good idea. Because robots never would arrive late, there would never be sick, etc.

    For one hand I am agree with the robots start to be in classes, for example they could control all the class and in the exams the could be more efficance than the teacher to see someone if they are looking for a book. Althought they could control the person who are using the mobile phone in class. The robots culd be sustituated the computers and the proyectors too. The robot could be speach and teach more than one language perfectly and could sustituated more than one teacher.

    For the other hand the problem is that if the school don´t have lift for the robot, the robot can´t up and down the floors. Other thing is that the robots for a technicalproblem fail, have to be a teacher near to sustified the robots and the repair could be take more than one day.

    In conclusion to have a robots in the class in the feature could be a good idea, but now the robots in the schools could be one way to sustituated a teacher if he or she are ill.

  7. Luis Venegas Perez 2ºD
    I think that if the school was staffed by robots, it would be a disaster. Nowadays the schools are very difficult to staff with normal persons, can you imagine that it would be staffed by robots?! Controlling the students is only impossible now, the robot would end up on fire.
    I think that if one student doesn’t understand something with persons, with robots more difficult. I think that the robots are very good for factories, for helping people to clean the house, they can be useful to people cannot walk or see…
    In conclusion, I think that robots are good with limits, we cannot permit that they staff a school, like the hotel in Japan.

  8. It is true that robots are the future of the world and nowadays they are more qualified. Many researchers have done many of them that could have human habilities. Even they have design many of them that have human appearance and they could even cry.
    But in my opinion, a school staff could not be formed by robots. Although they are qualified to understand humans and treat with them, I think they could not solve the children’s problems. The robots are programmed systematically and they are not designed to have feelings. That is why they could teach children many things subjects but not main values such as nobleness, goodness or education.
    It would be really awesome to have robots teachers but I prefer having humans, so that we can understand us. Robots do not have logic and they do not think by themselves and all would be very repetitive. It will be very routine.

  9. Technology advances and there comes a time when robots will do everything, there are robots capable of persons without any problem, there will be some day we will have more robots than human. A school run by robots have positive and negative aspects, like everything in life. Positive goals is to be saved by robots not be charged, but then the negative is that I think a professed need for society, because empathize more with the student and can help more. Today we do not know how you can follow the technology that gradually discover.

  10. From my point of view I think that nowadays it would not be a good idea that in the colleges classes were giving robots since the human teachers of the whole life impartirian the classes better since they have had the experience as pupil. In a future mas anticipated I cannot deny that the teachers of the institutes and colleges should be robots, which have a very high degree of intellectuality in his subject and in addition the cost to the college of his salary serious zero. I hope that this you are for what you ask and that are not absent any word. Carlos Cháves balbontin

  11. How would a school staffed by robots be? 200 words

    Nowadays, technology has evolved until creating robots to substitute the human work in different ambits. The main objective of scientists is to make our life easier and to solve some problems.

    If in my school all all the staff was robots, the situation would be completely different.
    To start, we don’t have any teachers so we would learn with machines which would teach us the subjects without doing any exams.
    On the other hand, students wouldn’t have any control about the entrances and the exits.
    Ever so about their behaviour at the classrooms. Subjects would be more simple because we would have some work in groups.

    In my opinion, robots at school would be a waste of time for all of us, because there wouldn’t be any control like now.

  12. is true that technology has advanced greatly as of today and the cyber world of this society is very big but I think we should never change a person by a machine that after all is what a robot
    a robot can not teach values can not teach emotions and can not transmit, perhaps the robosts are positive in business but I never will be at a school and do not care to be very intelligent and advance
    Technically robots are automatic motorised tools, but they're generally known as clunky humanoid foils

  13. I´m going to talk you about robots in schools. First of all I want to say tah it has advantages and disadvantages:
    On one hand, the robots would be tougher because they would be always on time, we couldn´t speak in class because the robot would notice it easily and I think that a human teacher teach us more things that theoretical things ,like education,good manners and a robot can´t teach us this kinds of values. On the other hand, be teaching be by robots have advantages, for example, the robots can answer whatever you ask them and they can solve you all kinds of doubts. In conclusion, I think that at the moment it is not a good way to teach.
    Gonzalo López Ricoy 2ºA


  14. In my opinion, a school staffed by robots would be a bad idea. Robots are the future and newest technologies nowadays, and they are becoming in a perfect instrument. Scientists have created robots very similar to humans but, personally, a school staff must be formed by humans instead of robots.
    It is true that they can understand and talk with people, but I don’t think they could help students in their problems; the main reason is that robots don’t have feelings. They could teach subjects but not solve personal problems.
    I prefer to have humans as teachers, because they understand students much better, but I have to recognize that having robots as teachers would be really cool, because it is something new and we could try it and see how it would be.

  15. I feel good that technology helps the human being, but I disagree on replacing it. If we let the machines do our work will come a day when we will not be necessary and employers do not hire us so as not to change everything in society, this would mean that people would not be able to make a living and live in misery.
    If there were no schools teachers because they were replaced by robots, this I think would be negative for students and also for people who are prepared to be a teacher (they would be unemployed). But students would not be good because a robot does not feel or show emotion and I think that teachers are people who teach well, are interested in you, help you when you need it, etc. The teacher sympathizes with students and find when you have personal problems, a robot go about their business, he explain the matter and would exams, but never put in place the student and help him when he needed it.
    The world would progress with robots but they should do the tasks that men do not want, such as housework, dangerous work, etc. or jobs that help the man as robots used in medicine, engineering, etc. but never replace human

  16. Robots in school

    I am going to write about “Teachers Robots” which is a very interesting topic nowadays. I will expose different points of view and my personal opinión.
    Schools have always been targeted by human teachers throughout history. The use of robots as teachers is an interesting idea and has to be considered. This has advantages and disadvantages:
    On the one hand robots are more objective, fair and impartial humans, since they are scheduled and do not have feelings, this could be good at justice, robots can do their jobs faster and error free. On the other hand robots can disregard human circumstances that do not feel, can not explain better than a human and classes would be a disaster in the exams.
    I would like to write my personal opinión. I think that Robots may be good at some things, but human teachers are much better than a robot, because a robot will never be intelligent than a human. The most correct and maybe I think it would use robots in schools to help teachers, as if they were a support to them. So, in this way we would a traditional and modern school, obtaining benefits of new technologies.

    Jesús González Álvarez. 2ºBachiller. F .

  17. Japan is becoming one of the most developed countries in technology.
    On the one hand, I think that tuck guests into their beds at night it is a mistake because they will lost their jobs and the unemployment increase. A lot of people support their families with the salary which earn working as room clerk or cleaner of a hotel. Also I think thar a robbots will not solve all the problems of the guests as a human because they will be only programmed for certain tasks.
    However, in the other hand, I believe that robbots would can complement the work of the employees. It would be that a robbots would clean rooms because it is a work hard for a person; or attend to people when they want.
    We have to accept that the future of the world are the robots. So we have to find other way to work and earn money easier and comfortable, or otherwise, the robots will control more than our. I prefer that robbots has been utilized to complementary activities or helped us, but not to work as a person.

  18. I believe that a school of robots would be something incredibly wonderful it would cover all our needs. Ie robots have a system to teach in a perfect manner and thus the robots would perfect explanations also an robots per class is sufficient because you would get an information program for all subjects well since they are not people would all patience in the world and fulfill all the rules of the center to perfection and they are not human and can not fail. But only speak of robots teachers but also would the device it says in the text that conforms to body temperature also chairs and robot would be adjusted to your body for maximum comfort it off would not need to carry books of all subjects since each would have their own laptop desk with all sorts of practical information and notes. I think this would be wonderful unbelievable but yes lose as good as paula teachers which would be a great nuisance. I believe that in time this will happen in schools but not only in schools but also in many other activities

  19. I think that the robots we will facilitate them life in a time more or less short, I think that they will be very useful for routine manual work, for house cleaning, functions of surveillance, etc. But I believe in human treatment that much is still so that they occupy a place in society. The example of the hotel referred to in the news seems crazy to me, it is true that there is hotel staff behaviors resembling more a robot than a human being by the coldness and little attention they have with customers, but those hotels all can offer to make it worthwhile going to them is the price because the coldness of the robots even though they are efficient does not compensate and in hotel is also necessary many times a person at reception or restaurant that you listen and advise you a particular choice. In school or I put it I, a robot that the only thing that does is repeat the lesson, comment on a slide or solve problems, without entering the exchange of views or questions not included in the memory of robot and unexpected think it wouldn't. I have a cousin who is an engineer of automation and to manufacture cars are designed robots that assemble parts with absolute precision, but a human being is not a car, I think that it would not be.


    I am going to speak about how it would be a class with robots.
    On the one hand, would be a class very theoretical, because I think that robots would have a programmed system of the whole theory, and would know answer specific doubt, but if a student do him a personal question, the robots would know not to respond because they are machines, and not to compare them to people, because they are very different.
    On the other hand, robots do not have feelings, so they could not assess whether a student has problems in a subject, to help him.
    Nor can they be guardians, because if a student asks advice, he could not help because they know the books, not things of life.
    In conclusion, I want to conclude by saying that is a bad idea that robots replace teachers, because robots are machines, and teachers are people, the only able to help a student.

  21. It is impossible that a school can be staffed with robots because of the next reasons:
    First the robot´s teacher can´t teach his student because it is impossible to control their attention. In addition they have to be programed to talk one hour without stop so their student couldn´t ask for help if they have questions.
    Secondly this situation would make that much people lost their job, that with the actual crisis isn´t a good idea.
    I think that if the technologies continue advancing we will live in a world that will be directed by robots. We must be more careful.

  22. From my point of view a school run by robots would be a real mess now because a robots are not yet so advanced also a professor besides giving a subject must know educating and transmitting a set of values and I think a robot can never make this task because the robots are made by programming and at the end of the day are a computer and a computer can never convey values and uqe has no feeling is a simple machine but I think I can do many tasks to help teachers and alos dictate a text, translate texts in physical education may be responsible for collecting the balls can also serve as cleaners as there are already many robots on sale today vacuums I can think of many tasks that can be performed in spite of being a very present invention he has not had time to develop within a certain time will be able to develop many new tasks and with greater ease and agility but as I mentioned before I do not think that arrives one day in which robots can replace a teacher or a doctor but if they can be excellent assistants and I think you have to invest in this type of technology to advance because I think it might be the future.

  23. For children studying in the school run by robots would be bad because the robots They would be scheduled so that children are not transgress doing something wrong and would be many sad always punished by the school children.Even they have design many of them that have human appearance and they could even cry.The robots could be sustituated the computers and the proyectors too. The robot could be speach and teach more than one language perfectly and could sustituated more than one teacher.New technologies are very advanced and increasingly humans have it less because current robots today are capable of making a person without any problem.Nobody could arrive late, nor we could chat with colleagues because robots made of everything and no student could falsify an authorization of absence or arrival late time because the robot would know it.

  24. I think a school controlled by robots has good things but also bad things. For example, it would be a very good way to be constantly updated with the latest news of information that can be helpful to improve the quality of teaching. Another good thing is that as robots don´t get tired, would be easier the work of correcting exams for example.
    On the other hand, is certain that the way to treat the student I think that it would be worse, because a robot cant meet the individual needs of each student, which would be a disadvantage for us because that can make more difficult the work of solve problems. I also think that robots would be more demanding than normal teachers, which I don't like.
    In my opinion. the robots are a tool that is going to be more necessary in our lives, but in the field of school can´t reach to think when that happen, since I don´t believe that they were capable of understanding the problems of each student.

    Alvaro Garcia-Perla Marquez 2ºA

  25. A school staffed by robots will be completely strange, different and modern. At the end, everyone would be used to it.

    I think this idea would be more appropriate to the future, where there would be books, neither blackboards nor school materials. Teachers would also be robots, so I don´t know if students will respect them as they would see them as machines instead of persons.

    Moreover, student wouldn´t suffer back pain as they would have to carry so heavy bags, nevertheless, they will have eyes discomfort since they would have to see to screen all the time as everything would be digitalized.

    Robots would reduce the working hours and also would occupy possible people places.

    In conclusion, I think it would be amazing having a school staffed by robots, however, and to be honest, I think that I will not have the opportunity to have such experience.

  26. A school served by robots sounds weird. I do not know exactly how it would be, if indeed this staffed by robots would encompass all staff except students, both maids as teachers and other school employees.
    Sure would have many advantages because the machines are not imperfect as human s, so it would be very effective, there would be serious bugs and everything faster. Fox example, the correction of exams, would be very useful.
    However, a machine, even the best robot in the world cannot offer many of the things that people have. Well in my opinion the teacher who is more known to us which has most studied a career, but he who has more experience. So people can convey ideas and thoughts, which are different in each person and each, draw our own conclusions of different ideas from different points of view.
    Unlike the machines that do not have their own criteria, or learn from experience, they are just simply programmed with a function. It would be very hostile environment in the classroom, I prefer to relate to people better than with whether robots last generation and look like people, I think it will never be able to convey feelings or own thoughts about themselves
    So the human personnel would be much better, and more for a school in which children have to learn and being educated.

  27. If the teachers at my school were robots would have many disadvantages and advantages.
    To start with the disadvantages, it would be very hard copy in an examination, or arrive a few minutes late, or copy a notebook companion exercise of aside because would realize has everything. You would rules to table and there would be neither a minimum of flexibility as it is the teachers who are human beings.
    But however, there are also many advantages. The tests would be completely well corrected, teachers never would arrive late or would feel sick. Would have infinite patience and thousand times things that students us perfectly to understand of theory. Do not have any problem to repeat us theory.
    Despite all this, I prefer that my professors are human beings with feelings and there is a human relationship between us. The robot not be them could explain the personal problems that we have.


  28. A school run by robot no me gustaria because it would never be the same as currently. educational issues in this case have nothing to see because if they put robot instead of teachers would not be a breakthrough but a setback because there would be no communication between teachers and students. Talk with a robot would not help that young people have an education since in my opinion it is a very ugly thing I do not think that it would be a good idea. What if I would like to perhaps in all case that had a teacher supporting robot together a normal teacher which resolved questions or that controlling the class.


  29. Robots in a school is unthinkable because robots do not convey what it conveys a teacher when she was explaining and answering any questions when this would all direct and perfect, also also when the class was silent or paying attention to the explanation the robot would continue giving the matter without paying attention to what is happening in class.
    Robots may be good for other fields I do not doubt but teaching today is difficult and each student takes a while to learn and know what they are talking and sometimes must be repeated because there are people who do not learn well lesson.

  30. The deadly allergies suffering Devon Carrow not allowed to attend school . But the robot of 1.20 meters ( 4 feet) with a wireless video link allowed to attend classes at a distance, participate in them, walk the halls , talk at recess and even go on stage when some artistic musical program is presented .
    What is most striking is the ease with which this technological marvel is accepted by their classmates . These seven year olds raised on video games, avatars and remote controlled toys are not a robot, but simply to Devon.
    One recent day, shortly before going to school , a girl approached Devon robot to tell a joke that circulated among students in a primary school in Winchester. The fact that Devon is not physically there does not mean that others do not feel its presence . When he wrote his classmates solidarity cards last year after being hospitalized , all drew him as a child and not a robot.

  31. From my point of view I would not like to have a school where all the activities were controlled by the robots since it would not have amusement speaking with other persons who could do the most pleasant work to me.I think that robots couldn´t be teachers because the robots couldn´t transmit the values like friendship but they can help to teachers to give the pupils the class about something like history and that is the reason which the robot could help him.In conclusion to have a robots in the class in the feature could be a good idea, but now the robots in the schools could be one way to sustituated a teacher if he or she are ill.It is clear that the robots would not have the same value that the teachers because the robots would not have authority on the pupils, but definitively, it is better to have a robots to the side giving lessons to which they stop giving the lessons for the absence of the teacher.

  32. There would be a concierge robots would be responsible for opening the school for the start of classes and would monitor corridors, students punished, bathrooms, doors open for into and go out to the school . It is also responsible for opening the doors of classes before students arrive to avoid to stay in the corridors forming a crowd. The secretary would have two robots around to answer the phone, because of a lot of numbers call to school and also to serve the public. And another to carry documents, files and organizing meetings, tutoring, relationships with the director and work involving.
    Teachers would be specialized in each subject, to impart correctly, enough to adequately explain and attend to all requests from students about this subject time. Also would find the director and studio boss robots as meeting the needs and organization of school students in general and external issues such as travel, excursions ... and attend to parents and students, should they request.
    The cleaning robots would also play a very important role in any school because students tend to get messy classes and the school in general but should not.

  33. The first is that whenever time passes robots and technology is more advanced. New technologies are very advanced and increasingly humans have it less because current robots today are capable of making a person without any problem. There have been cases of people who have created a robot with the same shape of a person who is able to make a bed, board and even take care of animals, things like that I think the future is already insured and all have a robot in our house to help us with the housework.
    A school run by robots would be a little bad for society as many people as teachers, principals, cleaners and builders would be left without work because all the work they were doing now would make robots that run the school. For children studying in the school run by robots would be bad because the robots They would be scheduled so that children are not transgress doing something wrong and would be many sad always punished by the school children. The school work very well because the robots would do everything right but would succeed because children do not want to be sad all day all year.

  34. In the world of Robotics this very advanced today see robots that talk, dancing, but I think that a robot cannot teach a group of children because for example, if they are talking about and the robot is scheduled to launch a talk, so we cannot say that they keep silent or if anyone has a doubt not to ask, as well as teachers in addition to teaching a subject educating children and think that a robot can do.
    Also I think that bots that we see today in day are not autonomous at all because human beings have to be aware of them. For example, the robots that makes food.
    Also it would seem to me rather than changed to teachers by robots because that is a profession that likes many people, and if you change that it happens with these teachers?
    Are they if I work?
    In short do not Exchange teachers by robots

  35. Well, a school run by robots in my opinion would be more difficult. In a hotel it is easier, when a person needs a room, you can hire her to a machine and pay with a card. In fact it is something like the parking, one enters with his car, occupies a site and fynally you have to pay according with the time you've spent there. A little more complex is the issue of cleaning the rooms, but if you there are self-cleaning bathrooms in some cities that gets clean when you close them, why it is not going to be posible to clean a hotel room. But a school is very different, you have to take decisions as a function of the behavior of children. For example, if a child is disrespectful, we shall be punish him with an appropriate and proportionate punishment behavior. This is something that can not make a robot. Or if for example a child does not understand something, and he ask a robot, perhaps he will be able to repeat the explanation, but hardly explain otherwise for the child to understand.
    In my opinion a lot time have to pass for that to happen, however the hotel do not seem as complicated as a school

  36. I think that it could be very cool a school in which the school principal and teachers were robots, but otherwise I would not want that to be machines already have everything organized, the classes would be rare because no one is so ready to know what kind of questions can make each student in a class and the teacher was a robot would have to know also answer all questions from students, perhaps the person who put him create need more information than is needed to respond safely to any information .
    A robot could apply to any position in a school, depending on the information contained on your machine, it would be a different way of learning. You have robots in different ways and each would apply to one or the other, each will have a different function like that teachers have different functions in the center.
    I think that maybe someday be a long time in all schools will be well, robots are the future.
    Marián Izquierdo Prieto 1ºD

  37. I personally do not like, having robots in school, because the sensitivity of all is lost, and this whole machining and cold and boring place would return, although I am not very much in favor of the form of education given in schools obviously even I am unless I give robots classes,I see something very positive that every day the technology has more importance in education, but not on that way, apart from the problems that can lead since a machine can easily be damaged and what happens then? the best there is at school are trained teachers to teach no such robot, but I am convinced that someday this will happen, but I'd rather long in coming, but when it happens robots must be perfectly adapted to teach

  38. Japan is becoming one of the most developed countries in technology.
    On the one hand, I think that tuck guests into their beds at night it is a mistake because they will lost their jobs and the unemployment increase. A lot of people support their families with the salary which earn working as room clerk or cleaner of a hotel. Also I think thar a robbots will not solve all the problems of the guests as a human because they will be only programmed for certain tasks.
    However, in the other hand, I believe that robbots would can complement the work of the employees. It would be that a robbots would clean rooms because it is a work hard for a person; or attend to people when they want.
    We have to accept that the future of the world are the robots. So we have to find other way to work and earn money easier and comfortable, or otherwise, the robots will control more than our. I prefer that robbots has been utilized to complementary activities or helped us, but not to work as a person.

  39. Moment I did not think what I'm not Able to imagine it, but I know that is what awaits us in future United Nations and which technology is moving very gradually and surely WHEN WE BE Us older Worldwide is Guiara By The technology. From Though I think That's not a good idea would endureth would limit MANY Studies, Jobs MANY, ya personalities do not teachers, or teachers would do, plus there are a hundred I trust PERCENT, and I'll never know What Where can leave, with Bugs Problems and others, also son Scheduled For A Person perhaps the worst cases look no Educate, or not Wanna different point Aspects That For example, an Rulers or others not interested. I Think A School headed by robots, what would be worse World, Machining all very, Timed and sin no diversion, live vast majority of your life, Let's spend studying much FOLLOWING UN Programme Is No Dream Students , or now or future of the UN, even if they breed Among these advances maybe get used, but may not receive Things we could Enjoyed Us

  40. I believe that serious a city enantada for this way saying it, a city out of the normal thing, take care of one where there would no be persons, there would no be normal persons, alone robot. I imagine in my mind that one of the noises that can come there is necessary to make the united robot all when for example they move the arms ... serious take care of one where the cars, the planes would not exist ... I cannot imagine it of seeing a robot in the field, in the middle of the field, it is necessary to have imagination great

  41. I think that is not a good idea to put a robots in the school.
    Maybe, they can teach very well subjet like snapnish, englis, french, history... but they can´t teach moral valoes, good relationships and all this things that they are a machines.
    I think that is good to put robot in the school because they supose a good help to the teachers and, of course, to the childrens.
    They would have they life in the school more eassy because they know many things that maybe people don´t know or simply they forget because teachers are not machines but this is good.

  42. Nobody believes that it could be feasible to have a robot instead of a teacher but in the Asian continent already this type of teachers are used, this supposes a step in the modernization of the company dreamed during decades, but in a social area since it is the education. South Korea only is automated, that is to say the pupils learn of a few small robots with a screen in the top part, as if it was his head, these are capable of speaking and gesturing, but they are controlled by babysitters contracted by the college. It of using robots instead of teachers it has more disadvantages that advantages, the advantages that it has it is that it is a modern measure and that it reduces in long time the money that was used in salaries for teachers. The disadvantages that the robotization has it is that it takes work from persons with studies and leaves them in the unemployment giving place to a future crisis, the way of educating of a teacher always will be better than that of a robot. I think that we have to support the human teachers and we have to eliminate the teachers robots, because the education that a pupil receives always will be better if a human being gives it.

  43. I think that this is a little crazy idea, How could the robot controlled a good school?
    In my opinion, I think that everythings would be different, the comunication of teachers with his children, the classroom, the organization, the chairs, the tables...
    If some day our school is controllated for machine, we will be overwhelmed becouse now there are two or three new tecnologies in there and we are tired for the `interrumpe y altera´ , imagine if everything are controlated for technology...
    I wait that this day don´t arrive early, and the education follow same how is now or that it look how was before.
    We cann´t to lost good tradicionals and I think that teacher wish more permisive with his student.

  44. A school run by robots would be something very original. I imagine when we were entering greeting the secretary that would be a robot. She will get mad with such a lot of student saying hello, good mornin at the same time. Then, I imagine that for each class there would be a specific robot. A specialist in language robot, one in mathematics, a robot doing gymnasia. These robots would have to replace their battery, and occasionally we would have to plug them in. And if in the middle of class one runs out of battery, then all at recess, this would be at least interesting. In my opinion, as robotics advances are today, it is still very difficult to think of a project like a robotic school. The hotel is easier, but when the inauguration take place, we will see what are the opinions of the people who hire their services. Specially, for me, it seems very difficult to think about the cleaning of rooms. They would have to think on a system for the robot to know when they have to change the sheets or towels. Perhaps they have though about it yet, I would like to know how they are going to do it.

  45. I haven´t a lot of idea of, but I think a school staffed by robots would be so much different. It depends how the robots would be, strict or not, with a good mood or not.
    Also if a robot fails, this could be a catastrophe, for example if the robot kill a boy or explore.
    If the robots would be perfect, there would have perfect classes respecting the time of the playtime and to go home, etc.
    The knowledge would be perfect and we would learn all so good but the robots(teachers) would´t give their point of view because they haven´t got it and the robots would´t know how to react to the children's problems.
    To finish the robots would´t know how to motivate and encourage the children to the best way.

  46. I think that it would be interesting seeing a school staffed by robots, and that there are many activities that could be developed by them in a school. Possibly, depending on the kind of school, would have more or less services performed by robots. For example, I think that cleaning, security service, the telephone switchboard and even reception could be staffed by robots with strong human likeness.
    Some tasks and knowledge could be taught by robots. One advantage is that they could repeat the explanations so often as necessary to each student, favoring they all were able to understand the content, so if that certainly would be good and robots would surely be more patient than some human teachers. It is also likely they use other new technologies to make more understandable some explanations so that students understand things more easily, for example the use of films, videos, moving images, three-dimensional structures, etc. Students would use digital devices, such as tablets, to receive information from their teacher robots. They send you the information you need to study by wifi or bluetooth. Other advantage is that students would have e-books instead of paper books, so that they would only bring their tablets to the school and not heavy backpacks as nowadays. This would be a benefit for the backs of the students.

  47. I think that if a school instead of teachers, principals and head teachers had totally different serious robots, eg classes, robotsno would know how to make the children lend them attention, while a normal teacher if known , on the other party offices, a professor throws a fight to a student so that the student is sorry and will a punishment but a robot would have no power to the student , the student would do whatever he wanted because a robot does not impose , on the part of serious assists good because the robots never would put sick seponen teachers would go to class every day and every hour . But then if the robot should malfunction in serious kind a big problem as when a student has a complaint , plantearselas to robotsera and complain to the wall, the cleaning robotsde would be so good as they may work all day and would keep very clean school.

  48. In my oinion i think that the robots are the future. I see well that experience and using new technologies. In the future nothing will be like now. In the text mentions that you can talk to us. But i think that might not help becouse the robots dont have feelings. I prefer to have a humans teacher becouse mi used to them as well we understand them. They solve our personal problems. Althought scientists have invented very similar robot us, i think that the robots could not attend a school.
    although in the future I would like to give me a robot classes. Evil robots that give classes are taking jobs that need to persOnS

  49. In this century new technologies are becoming more popular and one example of this is the increasing use of robots that we make. It’s true that people are not use to see them but I’m sure that they are going to be very useful and more common.
    Firstly the idea of having a robot in the school could sound good because schools could save a lot of money in staff. However the control of the class could be lost because the students wouldn’t pay attention to the robot teacher. In addition students could go out of the school without any problems and no one would stop them.
    Secondly robots are programmed machines so they can’t be prepared to all the different feelings and situations. For instance if a student have a family problem, the robot won’t be able to understand it and to support him.
    In conclusion, the idea of having robots at school could be great but I think that at the end it is not practical enough, and it is quite difficult to prepare one robot to be in the role of a teacher.

  50. I think use robots to teach instead of person are a bad idea because we are going to lose the human part.
    In one hand, I think use robots to teach instead of person will be better because there isn’t mistakes and bad treatment with the students and that things that make the students hates school.
    In the other hand replace robots for humans is a bad idea because we are going to lose the human facts that are more important than learn a lesson on another things.
    To sum up, the robots are good for cleaning at home, at in the streets but I will never carry my son to a robot school because if I pay por a school I want of them that they show my son a morals values.

  51. The time I spent more scared in my life was when I was six years old, who was in the field of my grandmother, who is on the outskirts of the city of Seville and it was night, had to be two or 'View less morning when I was walking and I began to hear the howling of wolves in the field and listened like wolves were walking, I was looking everywhere that come with a flashlight, but saw nothing, then got up and scared me sounds much I decided to get up to an olive tree, after half an hour my older brothers laughed and said that if she had dressed to the wolves. It turns out that my older brothers were doing the sound with his mouth and take a neighbor's dog to simulate the steps of the wolf, when he appeared with the flashlight still in the middle of an olive tree so he could not see them. To summarize the experience with the wolf was the worst of my life

  52. In my opinion I think that the robots are the future. I see well that we use the new technologies but I can´t imagine a school staffed by robots because they don´t have feelings or conscience and then we are going to lose the human facts and this is very important in education. In my view, the robots and the new technologies must be used for make our lives more comfortable, for example, making robots that clean the houses and help us to do the activities that more cost us. Moreover, it is clear that the robots wouldn´t have the same value that the teachers because the robots wouldn´t have authority on the pupils and on the contrary, when students need help, is better that help him a person and not a robot.

  53. First of all I don't agree with a school staffed by roboots because it would mean that there would be less work for people and the crisis would increase but if I had to imagine such situation I think that in a school staffed by roboots a would be very clean and tidy due to the roboots are made for it , but if your problem was would be more personal, do you thing that a roobots can help you?
    I hope that it never happens and all the schools keep being directed by humans.

  54. I think if robots occassionally a class would be very rare and I would not. No is the same a person than a robot. The good and positive thing that I think can have a robot is that just a person must not work, but I see nothing but positive to this idea. We can not compare a person with a robot, the robot only knows what they teach you not could answer questions from students not embers recorded within the and most importantly, a robot has no feelings or values or Might establish a relationship like that normally you usually set with a teacher. I can not imagine a student disrespecting the robot and both fighting is absurd and funny. I also think that a robot is not able to train as a teacher educates and there are many teachers who teach us many values in this life and be great good and caring people, that function think a robot could not do it. Nor do I think that a robot can explain a subject is able to explain it as a teacher. In conclusion, I am totally against that schools put to cater for students with a robot, the only person who can educate and teach in a school is a teacher, as a person and also a specialist in the subject person it will explain.

  55. I think use robots to teach instead of person are a bad idea because we are going to lose the human part.
    In one hand, I think use robots to teach instead of person will be better because there isn’t mistakes and bad treatment with the students and that things that make the students hates school.
    In the other hand replace robots for humans is a bad idea because we are going to lose the human facts that are more important than learn a lesson on another things.
    To sum up, the robots are good for cleaning at home, at in the streets but I will never carry my son to a robot school because if I pay por a school I want of them that they show my son a morals values.

  56. in my opinion, would be fine, new technologies would use a more innovative education system, but if the school is made up of robots, teachers would disappear, and would be without work and without money. In addition, robots do cost money, and these are machines that can fail, there would be revised. And the students would laugh, has advantages and disadvantages. But in conclusion, I think you could try and depends on and off deciding to put them in school or not. but new machines and other technologies whether to use because they are also effective when explained.

  57. I think that a school staffed by robots it would be the coolest thing ever. I am excited only with the idea, I would like to have had that chance here in Spain, but japenese and chinese people are always the first. I would like them to be teachers too, because I think that we would be programmed to send us less homeworks. These are the advantages, but we would have several disadvantages too, because you can’t negociate with a robot, if you were late you wouldnt have any excuse, because a robot can’t be understandable, they have not feelings. Since this point of view, school would be horrible because sometimes the students didn’t have a good day or we diid something wrong we could not explain ourself, we would loose our defence, we would be defenceless a lot of times. On the other hand, I think that it would be cheaper for the school, because only the maintenance of the robots would have to be paid, they never get tired, they can do a hard work without effort, they don’t need to sleep and they can be used in the night to clean the school too. I think that they would make cheaper the public education.

  58. It seems impossible to arrive at a hotel and be attended only by robots?
    Huis Ten Bosch, a theme park modeled after the Netherlands in Japan's Nagasaki Prefecture, will create a hotel called Hotel Henn-na (Strange Hotel), with robot staff and other advanced technologies. Will have a total of 72 rooms and 72 additional rooms in 2016, where you can access using facial recognition technology and a cleaning service staffed by robots with minimal cost, among other services. They are hoping to build 1,000 similar hotels around the world and be the best futuristic low-cost hotels. Additionally, guests can bid on room rates during peak season, thus avoiding putting a fixed price for the rooms and also offer better deals to customers, with prices between $60 (single room) to $153 (triple room), except superior and deluxe rooms, which will cost more.

  59. In this entury the new technologies are becoming more and more popular. Besides it help us to addapt and know how can we use them.
    In my opinion, if we use robots like sustitutes of real teachers some of fases of education will lost because there somethingh taht we could learn for example on Internet, and it is the work of the teachers.
    On the other hand use robot will be an option for doing the class more ineractive and funny.
    So for me the best option is a mix of two posibilitios use them and not, because we cuold use them like and instrument but never like a sustitute of the real teachers.

  60. I feel good that technology helps the human being, but I disagree on replacing it. If we let the machines do our work will come a day when we will not be necessary and employers do not hire us so as not to change everything in society, this would mean that people would not be able to make a living and live in misery.
    If there were no schools teachers because they were replaced by robots, this I think would be negative for students and also for people who are prepared to be a teacher (they would be unemployed). But students would not be good because a robot does not feel or show emotion and I think that teachers are people who teach well, are interested in you, help you when you need it, etc. The teacher sympathizes with students and find when you have personal problems, a robot go about their business, he explain the matter and would exams, but never put in place the student and help him when he needed it.
    The world would progress with robots but they should do the tasks that men do not want, such as housework, dangerous work, etc. or jobs that help the man as robots used in medicine, engineering, etc. but never replace human

  61. From my point of view a school run by robots would be a real mess now because a robots are not yet so advanced also a professor besides giving a subject must know educating and transmitting a set of values and I think a robot can never make this task because the robots are made by programming and at the end of the day are a computer and a computer can never convey values and uqe has no feeling is a simple machine but I think I can do many tasks to help teachers and alos dictate a text, translate texts in physical education may be responsible for collecting the balls can also serve as cleaners as there are already many robots on sale today vacuums I can think of many tasks that can be performed in spite of being a very present invention he has not had time to develop within a certain time will be able to develop many new tasks and with greater ease and agility but as I mentioned before I do not think that arrives one day in which robots can replace a teacher or a doctor but if they can be excellent assistants and I think you have to invest in this type of technology to advance because I think it might be the future.

  62. In my opinion I believe that technology helps much to human, but I am not agree to replace it. If we let machines do all our work any day when it isn't necessary and employers not to hire us as much as to not change everything in society, this would mean that people would not be able to earn a living and quedariamos all in misery. If not in schools would not have teachers because they have been replaced by robots, I think that it would be negative for the students and also for those who are willing to be a teacher since qedarian out of work. But students would not be well because a robot does not show emotions and think that teachers are those who teach well and are interested in you, Professor sympathizes with the students and search when you have personal problems, a robot go about their business, explain the issue and examinations, but never put instead of the student and help him when he needed it.
    The world would progress with robots that must do tasks that men do not want to, but never replace the human.
    Alejandro Kirkendall

  63. To my personally wouldnt like to be in a college that the teachers were robots since the robots are not the same thing that the persons, to a robot you can ask neither things nor doubts and a teacher if, alomejor a clock can that it is mas efficiently and mas economically and is a great advance for the science but for the pupils serious a great difficulty. I would acept as a help of the classes. For the college serious better since ahorraria money and personnel of work but I I believe that the academic results be worse. To a robot you cannot say to him that you do not understand anything, which repeats anything, which goes mas slow, if you can go to the bath ..... while to a teacher indeed if. I am satisfied with the teachers though some fall us better and different worse. I without any doubt me would stay with the royal teachers and not with the robots.

  64. From my point of view a school run by robots would be a real mess now because a robots are not yet so advanced also a professor besides giving a subject must know educating and transmitting a set of values and I think a robot can never make this task because the robots are made by programming and at the end of the day are a computer and a computer can never convey values and uqe has no feeling is a simple machine but I think I can do many tasks to help teachers and alos dictate a text, translate texts in physical education may be responsible for collecting the balls can also serve as cleaners as there are already many robots on sale today vacuums I can think of many tasks that can be performed in spite of being a very present invention he has not had time to develop within a certain time will be able to develop many new tasks and with greater ease and agility but as I mentioned before I do not think that arrives one day in which robots can replace a teacher or a doctor but if they can be excellent assistants and I think you have to invest in this type of technology to advance because I think it might be the future

  65. believe that a school of robots would be something incredibly wonderful it would cover all our needs. Ie robots have a system to teach in a perfect manner and thus the robots would perfect explanations also an robots per class is sufficient because you would get an information program for all subjects well since they are not people would all patience in the world and fulfill all the rules of the center to perfection and they are not human and can not fail. But only speak of robots teachers but also would the device it says in the text that conforms to body temperature also chairs and robot would be adjusted to your body for maximum comfort it off would not need to carry books of all subjects since each would have their own laptop desk with all sorts of practical information and notes. I think this would be wonderful unbelievable but yes lose as good as paula teachers which would be a great nuisance. I believe that in time this will happen in schools but not only in schools but also in many other activities

  66. A school staffed by robots would be a bit strange if that happened everyday would be really monotonous and boring there. I think that teachers have to have feeling and know how every student is. Also I think teachers have to be available for solve student’s problems, help them and also support them. I don’t know how the robots will be but I am sure that not as humans with real feelings. Moreover if we change humans for robots we will be finishing with the job of all the teachers that are better prepare and have more experience than a machine, and everybody knows that experience is the mother of knowledge.
    Although I would never change a teacher for a robot I see the point in using machines for do other jobs that involves risks for example to clean the windows of the skyscrapers doing that we will look for the safety of humans.

  67. The robot: new head of the school.
    Robots have arrived today in class announcing its new task of educate and keep watch over the students of the Preu. According to them, this new method of teaching carried out by machines will be like them, perfect. The classroom instruction will not be interfered by a simple problem with the Wi-Fi because they will not need a complementary element to take attendance or look for new math problems. As latest data offered by the robot head, I can announce that the issue of copy classes will be solved with vision 360 degrees. I hope we do well class!

  68. From my point of view I think that nowadays it would not be a good idea that in the colleges classes were giving robots since the human teachers of the whole life impartirian the classes better since they have had the experience as pupil. In a future mas anticipated I cannot deny that the teachers of the institutes and colleges should be robots, which have a very high degree of intellectuality in his subject and in addition the cost to the college of his salary serious zero. I hope that this you are for what you ask and that are not absent any word.

  69. from my point of view would be integrated by robots certainly a real and frightening chaos school. first because the machines are created by man and would end sooner or later discover techniques to deceive or lie to get and most importantly the human factor would be lost. the sense of going to class because if all the classes will give the machine could you make on your own at home without going anywhere this would make many students leave studies and supervision that would void and lose interest and be above teachers would be eliminated there would also doubt a robot would be programmed pra explain something in a certain way not to explain it easier to invent w ay or examples or reasoning also questions the motivation of not alumnps would be facing the same notes as a robot a note that does not exceed the number required is suspended while a teacher takes into account other things like effort or attention difficulties the student may have, finally would leave the street number of people who do not know what to do to power no longer perform its function which is to teach. In summary the teacher is a very old and beautiful profession and would not be any good it was replaced by a handful of machines.

  70. If you imagine that the robots could go to a class would be very rare and I would not. No is the same a person than a robot. The good and positive thing that I think can have a robot is that just a person must not work, but I see nothing but positive to this idea. The robot only knows what they teach you not could answer questions from students not embers recorded within the and most importantly, a robot has no feelings or values or Might establish a relationship like that normally you usually set with a teacher. I also think that a robot is not able to train as a teacher educates and there are many teachers who teach us many values in this life and be great good and caring people, that function think a robot could not do it. Nor do I think that a robot can explain a subject is able to explain it as a teacher. In conclusion, I am totally against that schools put to cater for students with a robot, the only person who can educate and teach in a school is a teacher, as a person and also a specialist in the subject person it will explain.
