En clase:

"…Y esto lo corregimos mañana, y mañana, a lo mejor es mañana, pero es seguro que es el proximo dia…"

martes, 3 de febrero de 2015

Be my valentine!!!!

A current of excited energy collects in the air as hands clutching bouquets of red roses and pink greeting cards rush by. It’s February 14th, Valentine’s Day in the United States, a day devoted to love.
Americans celebrate the holiday in a variety of ways, though offering small tokens of affection like flowers and sugary confections is most common.
In many U.S. elementary schools, for example, students use craft items like colored markers, construction paper and glue to fashion handmade cards for their parents. The children also distribute candy and small Valentine’s Day cards to other students in class. The small cards often display a contemporary theme valued by the child, such as a beloved pop singer or favorite cartoon character.
Sending “candygrams” is another popular Valentine’s Day activity. Prevalent among secondary school and college students, candygrams are sweets like heart-shaped lollipops or boxes of chocolate. Students purchase the candy beforehand, then the goods are delivered to their friends on Valentine’s Day. Candygrams may include a heartfelt note or remain anonymous. The sale’s proceeds normally go toward funding student activities like a class gift or spring dance.
Older adults commemorate the holiday in more traditional ways. Sending Valentine’s Day cards to friends and loved ones remains the most widespread custom. Americans send more greeting cards on Valentine’s Day than any other holiday except Christmas.
Americans also give their loved ones flowers. While red roses have been the traditional front-runner, more Americans are choosing alternatives like red tulips or lilies.
And what would a holiday be without food? While some couples enjoy a special meal at their favorite restaurant, most American couples give their significant others boxes of chocolates.
But the feelings of love and appreciation extend beyond couples. Some Americans treat their relatives, friends and even pets to little tokens of affection on Valentine’s Day.
Like many American customs, the traditions of Valentine’s Day trace back to earlier times and other cultures. Named after St. Valentine, this romantic holiday has roots in Christianity. The Catholic Church recognizes three different St. Valentines, all martyred in ancient times. Consequently, there are several theories about St. Valentine’s life and how he became associated with love and the month of February.
According to one legend, a Roman emperor declared young men could not marry — he thought single men made better soldiers. Despite the decree, St. Valentine continued to marry young couples. After learning of this defiance, the emperor sentenced St. Valentine to death.
Another tale paints a different picture. This story claims St. Valentine was sentenced to death for helping Christians escape from harsh Roman prisons. While awaiting execution, Valentine fell in love with the jailor’s daughter. Before his death, he supposedly sent her a love note signed “from your Valentine.”
The authenticity of these legends is questionable. We do know that one of the Valentines, Valentine of Rome, was buried on February 14, which is how the date came to be associated with his name.
February was also significant to the ancient Romans. They held a fertility festival during the middle of the month. This is the earliest merging between February and romantic sentiment, although the holiday’s evolution from a religious observation to a romantic celebration occurred mainly during the Middle Ages. At that time, there was a common belief that February 14 marked the beginning of bird mating season. This association between the birds’ mating habits and St. Valentine’s Day resulted in the romantic undertones we know today.

Write a love letter to a member of your family or to your beloved. 200 words.

66 comentarios:

  1. I write to you this letter because I think that you are an important for me, since I was born always you have been taking care there of me and helping myself in the occasions in which I have needed help and because of it I write to you this letter, to say to you this day as important as san valentine that you are one of the persons more important in my life and that always I will be there for what you need. I think that today it is the perfect day to say it to you since valentine is san and is a very special occasion to think about the persons that we want and that during the year they are not remembered. To sum up I like to say you that you are the most important person in my world and I always think in you in all of times of my life <nd that is the reason that I have to write you this letter because I have got only one brother and I have to keep you with me to improve every days in my life

  2. I write to you this letter because I think that you are an important for me, since I was born always you have been taking care there of me and helping myself in the occasions in which I have needed help and because of it I write to you this letter, to say to you this day as important as san valentine that you are one of the persons more important in my life and that always I will be there for what you need. I think that today it is the perfect day to say it to you since valentine is san and is a very special occasion to think about the persons that we want and that during the year they are not remembered. To sum up I like to say you that you are the most important person in my world and I always think in you in all of times of my life <nd that is the reason that I have to write you this letter because I have got only one brother and I have to keep you with me to improve every days in my life

  3. Dear my love: today is Valentine's day, the day of love and lovers, but for my February 14 is a day much more special and my letter is dedicated to the man who I love most of all men... and that is not my boyfriend or my best friend... today is your birthday and I congratulate you with this letter for being the best and always be by my side when I need you, who am going to write a letter this day if it is not you? I think that Valentine's day does not exist because love for a couple, friends and family is expressed daily like us, but as my English teacher told me to write a letter for this day and I dedicate it to you. I was that this day you like to spend it in the company of your family and friends safe we will eat somewhere special... I hope you like my love letter and we enjoy your day, happy birthday, I love you very much Daddy

  4. Luis Venegas Perez 2ºD
    I will write this letter to my sister because she always helps me when I need aid.
    My sister knows me very well and we always are doing nonsense.
    Dear sister.
    You always are with me when I need and you always support me when I am sad. I like the moments “sister and brother” that we have, I laugh a lot with you. When dad or mom or both are angry to me and I don’t have the blame you come to my bedroom and talk with me.
    I always remember the time when I was a child and I burst your blow up chair because I wanted it and you didn’t lend me. Mom and dad were angry to me and I cried and you put me in your legs. You talked with me and I understood that it was bad and I said you sorry.
    This and more moments were very important to me. Thank you to be my sister.
    Your brother Luis.

  5. Dear Dad,
    I am not going to write a typical Valentine’s letter to my beloved because everybody can do it. I want to express my gratitude to you. I have always said that you are probably the only man who loves me without asking anything. Since I was a child I have always said that you would probably be the man of my life. I think you are the only who has been all my life taking care about me. It is true that you say that the father´s responsibility is taking care of his children. I am not saying mum does not do the same to us but as we say “we have a weakness for each other”.
    Many people say that nobody knows you as good as your mother, but, What about the father? You always know when things are going well, and if not, you know what happens to me. I know that I am always telling you how much I love you but I have the fear that one day you could forget it. This letter will not mean too much for you because I am always saying you that you are the person who I really love. However, as I have the opportunity to remind you it, I do it happily. I hope you will never forget that we are for the good and bad situations for each other.
    With Love, Teresa.

  6. Dear brother; I write to you this letter agreeing me of you in these dates called Saint Valentine that I agree myself of all the persons that they have been and are essential for my life, and especially I remember of you my major brother who has been always my model to continuing though of small we fight very much now that you are not in house begins you very much of less your laughs or even ours you fight, I hope that to reading this letter you remember me as me remind myself of practically every day that since I do and practise everything what you me enseñastes for what is my way of life... Pd:vuelve prompt major brother Hoped that it is this for what you ask and what is not absent any word.

  7. Write a love letter to a member of your family or to your beloved. 200 words.

    Dear mum,
    Today is the lover’s day, so I am writing this letter to demonstrate all my love. I want to make you know that you are a really fantastic person for me and all our family. During there years, we have sometimes been in trouble, however you has always known to face and overcome them.
    Not only in our family, you have shown them your best way but also you has known to create a joined family. I have always admired you because you are hard working and one of the best person I have never known.
    I hope to be a good person in the future, confront the life’s problems and smile always like you.
    All my love, Paula.

  8. Dear Friend,
    Thank you for always being closest to me even when we were in separate time zones and separate stages of life. Thank you for not letting us get split by distance or time. Thank you for never giving up on our friendship. We all get distant to a certain degree when we make transitions but you didn’t let me get very far because you knew what was truly important.
    Thank you for taking care of me in every way possible, for being there when no one else was or wanted to be and when you didn’t even have to be. Everyone has those friends who are close but not really; who you always feel awkward about asking for help and like you have to clarify you’ll do them some favor in return, but you’re not one of those. You never got angry when I didn’t call you for weeks on end because I was too busy, and you were right there to pick up my heart-splinters when things went wrong. You were and are there for everything, no explanations needed.
    Love always,

  9. Am here so that you realize that I recognize the love you have for me, every minute, although sometimes we disagree on so many aspects.
    True love knows no bounds. We must feel of other’s pain as our own. We must feel the other’s fears as if they were our own. More importantly, you need to know how to placate the fears and heal the wounds. From the smallest ones, such as the knee wounds or the elbow wounds, to those deeper wounds, affecting the heart which truly makes me cry as an adult. Mothers know how to console, like no one else. And my mother, who is so dear to me, does it better than all other mothers combined.
    And so, with this note, I want to honor you and ask for your affection and your love again. You are my mother and I do not know if I deserve you, because I cannot imagine any way to give back all the good that you have always done me and still do.You are the most special person on the world for me and i know that this wont change.

  10. Dear mother: I am writting you this letter because I want to express you all my affection I feel for you in a special day which is San Valentin. I think you are one of the most important people in my life because you always help me in the moments which I need some help or I don´t feel good so I want to say you that I will be there when you need something and If you have some problems you don´t hesitate to tell me. Since I was young you have done many things for me that i think that i can´t return you.I think that the relation with a mother tou can´t describe it you have to feel it, I hope you will be always next to me. All the best.
    Gonzalo Lopez Ricoy 2 ºA

  11. Dear mom, I’m writing this card to you because I have to announce that you have received a VIP pass to my heart. I´m pretty sure that I have the best mom of the world, you´re the strongest women I know and a perfect example for me. You had been always there, when I have a bad day, when school had been awful, when I had been sick… ALWAYS. Since I was a child, I had two great parents but both of us now perfectly that I had been your right eye instead of any of my other brothers. You also know that I love more to you than to daddy, is a different love but it doesn´t matter I love you more.
    I hope, that you will always remember that I´m here for good and bad situations. In resume I think I had selected the best day to say you “I love you mom”.

  12. Dear Mother:
    The February 14th is the day of love and as I still am not, I am writing this letter to tell you that right now you're the only love of my life. I want to thank you for always being with me, helping me and caring for me when I need it. You are a very loving and generous person, the whole family always say the same about you and I want to thank you are always so with me, you love me even when I do not behave well and you disappoint. I imagine that when I am father feel the same for my children and always love, but sometimes not deserve it.
    I imagine that nurture and educate a child must be very difficult, because no one teaches you how to do it and nobody knows if what you are doing what is right or wrong. What I do know is that the love of your parents, specifically your mother, it is essential to feel loved, safe, valued and therefore this affects your personality and outlook on life. I have seen many documentaries that people who do not feel loved small, apart from not being able to convey love when they are older, often have problems adjusting to society.

  13. This letter is addressed to my grandfather Manolo who died when I was only 10 years but I clearly remember him because he was the person who's meant to me since I could not separate it and even if state with just 10 years remember it like it was yesterday and I remember our daily routine. I remember when you gathered from the nursery and we were going to take a capful the side bar in which we asked often. I also remember that time you bought me a bag of boxing to learn to box. But certainly the best were those days when we woke up early to go to the field and there while you wouldst thou catching one prickly pear field while riding a horse, and you bought me breakfast as these tell colorado butter dear grandfather around the little time you have been with me you were the most important in my life and I do not know why but every day, I do not think of you and you will not be missed. Grandpa I dedicate this letter to show that I remember you and never forget you.

  14. Dear mother.

    I know you're worried, as long you do not see me now, but you have to know that I'm okay, but that's not important. What is important is How's your mom? I hope well, I'm on the other side of the world and all people of the world, you're the best, you're the one I love most, and you're the one I miss most. The last time I saw you was that Wednesday morning before I grab the plane, a plane that would take me far away from you ... and took two years here ... the distance is hell. Still have a year to see you again, I hope this good dad there with you in Seville.
    I wish I could do nothing else but miss you, but I can not. But let's be positive, there is only one year sooner we can get back together, and you can embrace as strong as when I was a kid. I wish it were new guy to be with you forever. Answer me this letter and tell me how are you. You are not going to forget. (Obviously that's impossible). See you soon do not worry, bye mom, I love you mom, your son.

    Jesús González Álvarez. 2ºBachillerato.F.

  15. I write you this letter to tell you how much I love you, and not just in this Valentine's day, but during each day of the year. You're the most important person in my life since I was born, and since then, my life wouldn't make sense if you don't were there. You are the person that cares about me, all day, you try to don´t make me sad, that better understand me and give me the best advice to follow my way. Although not while continually telling you that I love you, you know perfectly that do it every second of my life, because it would be unable to continue living if you don't were there.Possibly there are many women in my life, but for my the most perfect and that I most love is you.
    In conclusion, I would like to remind you that like you worry about me, always have present that you have in my a support in the most difficult moments, but I will try to be the least possible, and in that way enjoy more the good ones.

    Álvaro García-Perla Márquez 2ºA

  16. Irene my darling, my love, will soon be the pattern of love Valentine's day, our patron, and I don't want to miss this celebration without express yourself with a letter my tenderness and my love. Since I met you at the New year's Eve I not stopped thinking about you and you are part of my life in a way that I can not imagine it without you and I don't remember my life until you know. You are the reason for my life and without you it has no sense to live, does not interest me anything other than to be with you or do things with you, things I do alone or with my friends seems to me nonsense and a waste of time. I love you. I love you every day, every second more and more.Life with you is pink, cheerful and bright, without you is sad at night, but a black night and endless, where joy and happiness has no place. When you're not with me I feel envious of people who surround you because they are lucky enough to enjoy your presence, your face, your smell, your smile, while I only have vague memories of your face and the sound far away from your free and easy laughter. Irene everything that I say I say it really you and that I heard whispering the words to your ear so that no one could share them, but still do not know you but you look desperate. Whit Love


    I am going to write a love letter to my brother.

    Dear Juan Carlos, I write this letter to tell you that you are a role model. From childhood I fixed in you, both in studies and socially.
    You've been very good to me, helping me in school, when I had problems, or encouraging me when I was sad. I thank you for all the years we've been through, and we have left. We laughed a lot, fought a lot, but the important thing is that we have a good time.
    I hope that when you read the letter, think of the good moments. I would like to thank you for everything. I will always remember when I was a kid and you gave me your eating, or when I was falling and you got up me. You've always been my right hand.
    In conclusion, you’re the best brother I can have, and hope you keep well and never change.

  18. Dear mum,
    I write this letter because you always help me when I ask for help to you, because you are the person who get up me all the mornings and prepare me an orange juice, because mother like you aren´t a lot.
    For this and other many think I want that you have today a good day and I hope I can stay with you more time. Thanks very much for all the things that you makes for me every day . Thanks mum.

  19. Dear Daddy, I am not going to write the typical letter from Valentine, write only the lovers to their boyfriends or girlfriends. This year I will write to you because I have many things to say. To start I want to thank you for the piece of father you are, the great person you are, how much you want us to my two sisters and my. You are a worthy father to thank. You are the greatest gift that God has given to me, you are the person that loves me in this world and you better treat me. You know me well and know how to treat me in all my defects. You take care of me, give me love and affection and also call me attention when I deserve it. You're not perfect because there are very few perfect people in this world and if you were perfect, it will be so boring.
    It give everything for your family and are an example to be followed. I am very proud to be your daughter and have you as a parent. I give thanks to God and to you door I educated in this way and for giving me everything I've been needing in my life: food, medicines, hospitals, College...
    Thank you once more for being as you are. I want you to know that you'll always count on me, you are always going to have with you. I have in mind your Sage advice, I feel great admiration for your culture and your capacity to love.
    I love you so much Daddy.


  20. Dear Brother: I'll dedicate this letter you write it to you because you are my life partner going Asher of the few people more to be with me throughout life, eventhough we pelemos I love you and many times you pege you do I think fondly fights brother are normal and therefore we must not upset. I hope I like big brother will serve as an example to follow less in studies, I wish I had a big brother to ask and things not to help me in some sensitive issues and also to save me the odd bout why I say you never hesitate to ask what do you need because that I am to be your life partner. And I would like to thank our parents for having been lucky enough to give me such a good brother I never got mad at me eventhough So how bad sometimes but I hope you understand that I do with bad intention. And when the truth you will have always there for whatever you want me friend, because a united family is invincible, I hope you enjoyed the letter and hopefully answer a hug from your brother Jose Luis Giron.

  21. To my mother.Thank You For Your Unconditional Love And FriendshipYou are my best friend and you always have been. I’ve seen your love when you attended my sporting events, posted on Facebook about how proud you are of me and when you comforted me at times that life became a little too tough to handle. Not to mention, you have shown me how to love others and how to love them well.Thank You For Showing Me Grace When I Didn’t Deserve It Perhaps it is easier for me to take my frustration out on you than anyone else in this world because you love me limitlessly and unconditionally. There were times when I was a total brat to you; I was rude, selfish and unkind. Still, you loved me anyway, and for that, I am forever grateful.
    Thank You For Comforting Me Through Heartbreaks
    Thanks for letting me cry on your bed when boys did not treat me well. You always said the right things and made me laugh with stories about the boys you dated in high school and college. Thanks for always taking my side when it came to relationships and threatening any guy who posed a threat to my heart.Thank You For Giving Me Everything
    You never told me to and I appreciate that generosity. I know kids can be expensive and demanding.From supporting me emotionally through my awkward middle school days, to sacrificing your personal time after your long days at work to talk me through my problems when no one else cared, to supporting me financially through college, you have always been there.You have sacrificed so much in order to give me a better life than you had when you were a kid.Thank You For Always Believing In Me
    Life has been difficult and there have been times when I’ve felt like giving up, when things were not going my way. Each time, you were there to remind me of my worth as a human being.
    You encouraged me to keep reaching for the unreachable and never settle for anything less than I deserved. No matter how bizarre my dreams were — from becoming president or a meteorologist or a professional dog walker or a food truck operator — you always told me to go after what would make me happy.
    As I get older, I realize more and more how much you have done for me and continue to do every day.

  22. I do not feel myself a very romantic person and now I'm not in love, so I'll write a letter to the person I love most in the world, my mother.
    I think I'm not the only one who thinks so because most people love especially their mothers, because they are unique.
    Mom today is the day to celebrate love and know that I love you, not only because you are my mother, but because you're the best mother in the world.
    You’ve always been there for me and you cared for me like no other, is that going to be the most faithful person in my life and never stop loving you because every day you show me more than the last.
    If I have a daughter I would love to have the same name as yours, because I'm proud of you and what you're good mother, so I want to be me with my children when I'm older.
    I am just going to ask you never to change the way you are. In spite of fighting frequently and have character, the anger is also needed between mothers and daughters, from time to time does not hurt a discussion.
    Finally I want to thank you for everything you do every day for my sister, and my dad, and I cannot say anything more, I think you know everything.
    I love you mom!

  23. If I had to write a love letter , I would write it to my boyfriend, since he has always helped me when I need help.
    My boyfriend knows me very well and we are always doing crazy things, smilings and spending a lot of time together, so I consider we get on very well.
    The love letter would be like this:

    Dear Kike:
    You're always with me when I need it and also supporting me when I'm sad. I like the times we have spent together. I laugh a lot with you. Thanks you very much for every moment spent with you, for everything you've done for me and for every smile you have give to me. This and more moments were very important to me. We have been together for two years , and I could say that hey have been two very fast years for me.
    I would also like to write a love letter to my mother , father ,brother or sister as well since they are very important to me, but this time I have decided to write this letter to you

  24. Dear grandmther:
    I want to write you a letter because I miss you so much .. I remember you every day because you broken my heart in the momento that you died.. It is so hard to write you this because I know that you wont never see but you would be my best valentine . I dont have boyfriend so this year I dont celebrate this year, which was been made by the stores. I want to tell you, you're going to be the woman to follow and which I want to be in my futuro.te left and the family is has been removed because of hereditary problems but I every year on 20 November. Entering your House costs me thinking that are not next to me but I want to tell you that I love you and that I'm never going to olvider. you are and always will be the best person I've ever met.

  25. Dear mama: the valentines day is a day where love is celebrated but not only your partner if not also to all the people you love and you are one of them.
    You've helped everything you need, whenever you had a problem you had an answer for everything and without complaint but I always complained about me.
    Sometimes I get angry with you but always come to me or make me laugh so that we are not angry and we are always good. At the bottom we have the same character but there is something that sets us apart is that you have a lot of patience especially me.
    I end this letter valentines day to say I love you and you're a great example for me and I never MISS because you need every day.

  26. Hello heart, Sure that you surprise that he writes to you this letter, but already you know that I am not the best expressing my feelings and there is something that it wanted to say to you. Especially I want that you know the happy thing that I am of having yourself in my life, because throughout all these years of friendship you me have demonstrated that I can possess you always. And you know that it would not do anything that was damaging our friendship, which I you value over everything and which you are a fundamental person in my life. I do not imagine whom calling when I am sad if it is not to you, since I do not imagine whom calling when I am happy if it is not to you. Also you know that you possess my support and my confidence, also in the villains and in the good moments. You know it because the years that we have spent together speak for yes alone. But these years of friendship speak about more things. Neither be what has happened, nor be in what moment it has happened, but something has changed. Because always I have loved you, and it is something that I have known always, but of a time to this part I love you otherwise. Already I do not want only your laughs, now I want your kisses, already I do not want only your embrace, now I want your skin. And I hope that these words do not concern our friendship, though the truth is that I hope that they transform it. I love you

  27. Thanks for giving me the joy of being beside you, thank you for every minute of your company, your kisses , for your caresses and for those so sweet words coming out of your mouth and you whisper in my ear, saying " I love you" .
    You are irresistibly charming , your sensitivity and your tenderness make me love you more every day, you are the man of my life . You came to me like a ray of light in a dark and gloomy night and offered me your lap to curl up and feel safe .
    I want to be always with you, that our hearts will melt in one sense , in a single heartbeat . I want to be part of your life and you 're part of mine .
    So today , on this special day , I have a present for you ,
    and is this heart overflowing with love.
    A heart that can not stand to be longer without you,
    It love with all the strength of my being.

  28. Dear mama:
    You know that for me are the best mother in the world, I guess for all our mothers are the best in the world, but you especially. You know that I love you more than anything and I know you love me and that I can count with you for all things, and for me this is very important because we can talk about all things, and when I talk to my friends are surprised that I talkwith you about these issues, then I feel proud to have you as a mother. I have no complaints about you, I adore you, perhaps I would like to yell a little less, but I know that my brother and I do that you are often nervous when we do not collect our rooms.
    I love those days when I'm wrong and you come sit with me in bed and hear everything I feel at the time and when we go shopping and look like two friends. Also thank you for all the great moments I lived with you, I live and I´ll live, and for all the times you made me laugh and feel good when my self-esteem was low. Thanks for always being there forever. I love you mom

  29. You are the woman of my life, the one that will always be with me. I will always be in my heart although we may fight and we do not understand. And this is because you gave me life, you have educated me, you taught me good things bad and good of this life. I share with you one of my greatest loves is our Sevilla. That passion that you instilled in me since childhood. For many times you can go wrong you'll always be with me helping me improve. In this difficult life goodness I've got you, because if not, could not keep fighting for what you want and keep striving every day. And the day that you go, hopefully it never will be, forever I'll take with me to my final. A relationship that will go from my first steps to finish a lifetime both together to the end and beyond.

  30. Dear mama
    I am writing this letter to tell you how much I love you and thank you for everything you've done for me, always always supported me throughout, in the College as a State, if there was a celebration that you were, a dance, the transition from preschool to elementary were and when he looked and smiled you. Thanks education has for me and for all the help in studies of guy all my afternoon having the homework and study.
    Thank you for making me so happy, I get up when I crumbling, by being at home at any time pending of mi to do the right thing. But if it is true that sometimes you are a little heavy but despite everything I love
    I love your kid Javi

  31. I don’t like Saints Valentin day but if I have to write a love letter, here it is, enjoy it:
    My dear love:
    I spent days and nights dreaming about being with you. These years have been very difficult because of the studies, but we can finally be together. My mother has accepted our relation and in a few months we can get married in the chapel where we first met. Do you remember? that we were happy !!.
    My love, I steel keep the contract made by us where we promised that no one would go with anyone and we would love forever, and I still keep the napkin where you clean your mouth the day that I invite you to have a refresh in that fantastic bar near the river. I can still remember the moon and the stars in your eyes while you were looking just to me. I want you to know that I love you madly and no one will ever be able to separate or stand in our love.
    By the way, yesterday you did not answer the message that I sent to you and I'm a little worried. I know that you are busy with your studies, but do not cost anything to have answered me.
    A kiss your lover

  32. Dear Brother:
    Hope you're having a great time by Germany. Since you went to Germany to work on that technology company especially at home as usual but has only changed a small thing that you miss around here in Seville.
    I would like to say that we are very happy that you are happy with your work and your roommate. Thanks to your efforts and sacrifices you have succeeded in life and we are very happy that now life like this smiling. Mum told me is very proud to be his son because here in Sevilla know you're a big person and a reference for many children.
    You are a great role model and why I study the same race you and hopefully one day can become a person like you.
    Finally wanted to tell you that you remain as you are and if you change you change for the better

  33. dear mom:
    I am writing this letter to thank you for everything you've done for me, for me forward on yourown, and giving me the education that you have given me, although we are all day like the dog and the cat, I want to thank you for working so hard to give me everything I have, I do not believe in valentines, because every day should be so, and people should show your love every day, not just the 14 February, still, though not thank you for so many times and should not tell you everything I love you, I will always be there for you as you are to me, I love you mom

  34. dear mom:
    I am writing this letter to thank you for everything you've done for me, for me forward on yourown, and giving me the education that you have given me, although we are all day like the dog and the cat, I want to thank you for working so hard to give me everything I have, I do not believe in valentines, because every day should be so, and people should show your love every day, not just the 14 February, still, though not thank you for so many times and should not tell you everything I love you, I will always be there for you as you are to me, I love you mom

  35. Hi sister!
    I am writting to yo today because is an special day: San Valentin. People in Spain think that you only can write a love letter to your couple and I have never said that I love you and I have thought that today is a good day to say it. Also, I miss you a lot since you are in France studying your degree but I know taht you are learning many new things, you are metting fatantic people and you are learning new languagues. Althouhg we have had hundreds of anger, we need our help because we are only two sisters. So you have always given me good advices as older sister and care me as weel as you have could. Fuerthermore, I want to thank you because you have always arrive me by car when I was alone how any other sister would do.
    I take this letter to tell you that mum, dad and grandmum miss you a lot and we are waitting you here. I only hope that you retunt soon and not stay there the rest of your life, because i will mis you a lot.

  36. The unique and eternal love of my life, always be my grandmother. If I were to write one by one the things he has done since before I was born never end , it would only be able to say thanks for everything in general, because I am pleased to say that I have enjoyed 16 years of my life enjoying two mothers and she one. Always looking for the best for me and for my sisters , and educating ourselves in the best way he knows, bringing values ​​that are to this day that made ​​us better, act out the hardness of a mother and sweetness a grandmother . By giving us what we needed at all times , and guided by the best of ways it can be , trying not to mistake and try to learn when we do. For being my role model and to be the best that life could give me

  37. My I do not like the St Valentine's Day and certainly for example it and to write letters, I see it pathetic since this day fu invented by the English cut, and in addition for my opinion it is one day where it is supposed that you demonstrate the love that you have towards a person, without knowing that this has to be demonstrated day after day. I if it had to write a letter would write it to my premium and would say to him so much that I love him and the important thing that is in my life she.

  38. For my mother:
    Mum, I write to you this day because is special and you are the most special person that I met.
    At first, thank you for all. You were my frist friend and you advise me very well. I think that you are the most important person in my life because you are all to me.
    You very often quarrel to me because I I spend quite because I'm a little mouthy but I know that you do this because you want that I be a very good girl.
    I dislike celebrate Valentine because I think you have to show affection every day of the year and no one but I think to the same time is good to tell important people in your life all you love.
    In summary, thank you for working so hard to not miss me anything. I love you very much although sometimes I get angry with you and you with me.
    I like to share hobbies with you and go shopping, which we both love. You always know the answers and I don´t imagine my life if you don´t stay in there.

  39. Dear Mom:
    Well, I am going to start thanking you for being the person who gave me life, for each day that has passed beside me tell you how important you are to me since I was born, for every moment you have been there with me both in good times, we've had the best they could, even the worst moments of my life, those days it was not easy to make a decision, times of downturn, when I've been bad, thousands of times which you have never left my side however difficult the situation was, because you have been there even when I myself stand me, sticking up for me when even I deserved it, you are the best mother in the world, so I wanted I thank you. On the other hand, ask forgiveness for those times when I have failed you, those days I have not given everything for you, when I could have.
    I could go on thanking thou thing, but acts are better than words.
    I am lucky that I have had the best mother of all, you can not ask for more. You are huge momYou are unique and irreplaceable

    I love you.

    Marián Izquierdo Prieto 1ºD

  40. My letter of san Valentín of this year goes late and dedicated to a very special person for me. She is not my pair or the person that I like but he is one of the persons that more I love. The St Valentine's Day is one day for he declares love to someone that you love and is what I am going to do, though the love that about that I am going to speak is very different from the love of pair, is a much deeper and long love and that that will last forever. This person is my grandfather. The only thing that I can say to him is thank you, thank you for making myself happy, for helping myself, for teaching myself to walk, for removing of his hand and for teaching myself to want. It is rally difficult to be without him, but he knows of surplus what I love him. Also I have to give God thanks because he has given me the best gift that can be had. Finally say to him that I love him and that I am never going to forget him. From now the St Valentine's Day I will think about my grandfather because it is the day of the love and there is no better example that my love for him.

  41. Dear uncle,
    I want to write you a little letter in this special day.
    Frecuently, I think of you and I don´t forgot where you are.
    I wait that when I see you, you don´t change and you are good.
    When you went, everyone feel that you miss, but we always remember you, how yo play football, how you are...
    The last weekend I remember you, when I are going to cousin´s home I see you, that is to say, We see a poster where your face are in cover, was a match of mi town vs Sevilla atletico. I am surprised.
    To finish, I want to tell that you always remember for our and I wait see you some day. I love you uncle.

  42. Dear love:

    You can not imagine how much I miss you, but nothing can separate us, even the distance. Even if you're not here with me my thoughts will be with you the whole day long. We are far, but not being together is not a excuse to forget your love. Moreover, we must fight for our love to survive this long separation.

    Yes, I miss you every day, and I would die to be with you at least one minute per day, but it can not be. You're the most beautiful thing in my life. Since I met you, my life began to change for the better, I feel that you transformed my emotions, my sadness turned into joy, because you are the best company. Being with you is like to be happy, to feel that you have everything. To me you are a gift, but sometimes you are staying away in my heart, for you have filled my life with beautiful things.

    You are spectacular and your kisses make up to heaven while you are away and think about those great memories and all that remains for us to share, and I think this love is unique.


  43. I am going to write a love letter to the most important member of my family, my mother.
    You always have confidence in me, If I fail exams or other things she never punish me because I say to you that I have all under control and you understand me when I say that I am going to change and I use this opportunity to change, If i used this opportunity to do nothing, this would be a problem but I think to people like me mustn't be punish.
    Also you are always in the bad moments and always supporting me and I don´t know how to recompense this to you. You deserve all and in the future I am going to recompense you. Folllowing this semana santa and this summer I will go to father´s office to help you in easy tasks and to learn accounting.
    If I lost you, I would´t know that to do. Furthermore you hardly ever carry me to a lot of places and you don´t worry about waste your time. You are the perfect mum and I don´t know the way to express how much I love you and dad, who can´t in into the text, it´s impossible.

  44. Dear Mom,
    I never thought that I was going to write a letter like this, the letter I am now writing to you, on Valentine's Day. I am writing to tell you how much I love you. When I was a child many times I made you drawings and wrote little notes telling you that I love you, but long since I do not do. I know that sometimes I do not behave well, I can even be nasty to you, and you do not deserve it, but I want you to know that although almost never I tell you, the truth is that I love you. You have taken care of me when I was a baby, I have taught to walk, to eat, to dress, to sing, to be a good person and more I have to thank. I'm sure there will never been anyone who cares so much for me as you do, you take care of me, you prepare the food I like, you help me unconditionally, you sacrifice for me when necessary and have been always very patient with me, so I have to thank you always. I love you, Mom.
    A lot of kisses, Jose María

  45. dear Mother
    I am writing this letter to express that you are very important to me , you're with the person you longer step because at home we are always together. You're the only person I know who even do something very bad I know you always me you 'll support whatever it is , for example if stolen , (which I will never do) know that you 'll be supporting me and helping me even though I have cast although people deems to you . You always know When things are going well , and if not , you know what happens to me . I know That I am always telling you how much I love you but I have the fear That Could one day you forget it . This letter will not mean too much for you Because I am always saying that you ' are you the person who I really love . However , as I have the opportunity to remind you it , I do it happily . I hope you will never forget That we are for the good and bad situaciones for each other .

  46. Hello my dear mom:
    I am writing this letter to thanks you for all you have done for me and for my sister. You know I think you are the best mother in the world (for me), you are very special for me! I love you more than anything.
    You always will be the best person I've ever met.
    Thanks for all your help, You always help me in all things, when I had problems, etc.. and you work hard every days.
    I love you mom and you are great example. Thanks for take care me always and a good live with you.

  47. Hello my dear friend, so long ago that you're not here with us and we do badly needed and want you to know that despite the great distance between us, I love you just as long as I have you in my heart.

    Bizarre both times we spent together, our talks and everything you did together but I know you made the right decision when you went to seek a better opportunity abroad.

    Today is a very special day because it is Valentine and so I send you this letter with many kisses and hugs and of course, wishing you the best of the world, and that this special day you can enjoy together with your friends.

    I also thank you for all the time you spent me, for your advice and company were key to overcome my problems and that is why and many other things that I consider you my good friend. Have a nice day.

    kisses, Ana

  48. I write this letter for you because you are an important person for me and I want to say all what I have inside me to you.
    The day I was born you were there touching me first skin and smiling for me. I can’t remember anything because I was so young but when you told me I was so happy and excited imagining all what you just did for me.
    You had been always there, when I have a bad day, when school was so bored; when I had been sick… always ready to make me happy whatever the cost. You save me form the difficult situations and always ready to say me: “don’t worry about it you can be better tomorrow”
    I hope, that you will always remember that I will be there for the good and bad situations. To sum up I think I had selected the best day to say that I love my mum.

  49. This letter is for a woman, for a great woman, the best I have ever met. This card is for my favorite heroine, who knows that the battle is day to day, for my nurse who has not only cured me of my childhood wounds, but knows cured with kisses the wounds of the soul; for my friend that cry with me my sorrows and rejoices my successes, for the most important person in my life and will be forever by my side to help me, in good moments, bad and the worse, the person who has a thousand virtues every flaw and that is perfectly imperfect. This card is for my mum, to thank her care, her "I love you", his kisses and all those phrases that come from her heart to make the load lighter. Thanks for everything Mom

  50. Dear Mom, I don't want to write the typical letter to the person that I think that I love in this moment, I want to write a letter for you because you are the only person that i sincerely know that is going to be with me forever and also the only one that have been by me from the moment I was born.
    My letter is for you mom, to the most important member of my family. Who is a wonderful person and hard worker, a person who would do what ever she had to do for help their family and friends.
    The person who has always relied on me, the person that only needs a look to know what i am thinking or what's happening to me, this person that has stayed with me since1998, the only one that i could not live whitout her, maybe you have some fails that i can not see because you are my mother and I think that we could stay angry between us but at the moment that one of both need some kind of help we know that we can count on each other.
    I only want to tell you that I love you so much mom.

  51. The February 14th is the day of love and as I still am not, I am writing this letter to tell you that now you're the only love of my life. I want to thank you for always being with me, helping me and care for me when I need it. You are a very loving and generous person, the whole family always say the same about you and I want to thank you it's always like me, you love me, even when I do not behave well and was disappointed. I imagine that when I am the parent feels the same for my children and always love, but sometimes it does not deserve.
    I imagine that nurture and educate a child must be very difficult, because no one teaches you how to do it and nobody knows if what you are doing what is right or wrong. What I do know is that the love of his parents, especially his mother, which is essential to feel loved, safe, valued and therefore this affects your personality and attitude towards life.


  52. If I had to write a love letter to someone in my family would be both my mother and my father because they are the most important people in my life.

    But I have to choose one I'll choose my mother because the love that a mother can give you is unique and would not trade it for anything in this world.

    Hello mama if you read this someday I would like to thank you for giving me this wonderful life and be with me every step.
    Thanks for advise me in everything and teach what is right and what is wrong.
    Thanks for giving me a sister and for choosing the best father.
    Thank you for loving me like you do.
    Thank you for having that pasiencia and for showing so much every day.

    You're the best mother in the world , I love you...

  53. Hi Mom
    I want to thank you for giving me life, for taking care when I've been wrong, spend hours with me in the hospital and not separate from me, for being you, for putting up with me, I thank you for giving me everything for nothing, I thank you for everything mom.
    I have always said and always say, people should have me envious because I have the best mom. I love spending time with you because as you know you're my best friend, I tell you all even though I know you're angry, but your advice is the wisest, the most good, and I must follow.
    Now I take care of your to me, but someday I'll have to take care of you, and I will do it with love and with all the love you make it your with me. Never finds it better and more disinterested than yours tenderness. You're the most beautiful person, the most beautiful, you are the greatest support I have in this life, and I hope to have this support for much longer. I wish you a happy Valentine's Day, love.
    I love you mom.

  54. I write this letter for you because you are an important person for me and I want to say all what I have inside me to you.
    The day I was born you were there touching me first skin and smiling for me. I can’t remember anything because I was so young but when you told me I was so happy and excited imagining all what you just did for me.
    You had been always there, when I have a bad day, when school was so bored; when I had been sick… always ready to make me happy whatever the cost. You save me form the difficult situations and always ready to say me: “don’t worry about it you can be better tomorrow”
    I hope, that you will always remember that I will be there for the good and bad situations. To sum up I think I had selected the best day to say that I love my mum.

  55. dear girlfriend
    My love, I find it very hard to explain what you mean to me with just a few words, you have given me so much, I would not know how to make it up. I was lost in my anxieties and empty days, but when you came into my life, everything changed, everything made sense to me. I waited the moment you wake up every morning, after joining our bodies into a deep sleep of love, feeling in your arms and mine. You do not imagine the wonderful qualities that you possess and that love me and forces me to love without limits, You mean the world to me, I love you every day, every second more and more.
    I want to marry you and have a family. I love you, happy valentines.

  56. Dear love,
    i miss you, i'm looking foward to see you again. I can breath if i think that it have to pass two months more until that day. The day when my arms could envolve you,
    i want to feel your body against the mine in a big embrasse. I don't want to loose a moment of my life without you, i want to kiss you every hour, every day. I'm so lonely
    without tour company. I used to think that my life was complete until the moment i met you, now i can't remember my life without you. I count the hours to see you again,
    i keep your smeel to feel you closer. You give me a love who becomes me in a better person, you makes me feel more freedom with you than when i'm alone, because you're
    the only person in the world with who i can be myself. I wish you felt the same, but now, i'm not sure. I hope this letter make you remember all the moment we have shared.
    Maybe i have done wrong things, but i can change for you, because you're my only love.

  57. Love
    Let me take this Valentine's Day to remind you how important you are to me since we met. You are the sunshine of my life that illuminates my hope each day. No matter how bad I feel, because always make me smile get anything. I cannot imagine a better way to have spent my days than with you. Being next to you, I feel able to ascend to heaven and touch the stars. You're the best thing that has happened in my life and I never want to lose you. I am blessed to have you with me. I hope that today we spend the best valentine of our lives, because I already feel as happy and fortunate that the first day I met you. Thanks for always being by my side. I love you

  58. Dear Maria:

    Hi Maria! I am witting this letter just for saying to you that I love you and I want that our frienship will be forever.

    You always stay with me in the worse moement showing me the exit and the solution if I asked your opinion about how I looked you always answerd me sincerely so I must give you my pleasants

    I remenbered all the wonderfull days with you, our smiles our secret. I hope that you think that i am a good friend for you because you are a very important support for me.

    I expect taht you know all that i have written in that letter.

    Lot of love Marina

  59. I will write this letter to my sister because she always helps me when I need aid.
    My sister knows me very well and we always are doing nonsense.
    Dear sister.
    You always are with me when I need and you always support me when I am sad. I like the moments “sister and brother” that we have, I laugh a lot with you. When dad or mom or both are angry to me and I don’t have the blame you come to my bedroom and talk with me.
    I always remember the time when I was a child and I burst your blow up chair because I wanted it and you didn’t lend me. Mom and dad were angry to me and I cried and you put me in your legs. You talked with me and I understood that it was bad and I said you sorry.
    This and more moments were very important to me. Thank you to be my sister.

  60. I write you this letter to tell you how much I love you, and not just in this Valentine's day, but during each day of the year. You're the most important person in my life since I was born, and since then, my life wouldn't make sense if you don't were there. You are the person that cares about me, all day, you try to don´t make me sad, that better understand me and give me the best advice to follow my way. Although not while continually telling you that I love you, you know perfectly that do it every second of my life, because it would be unable to continue living if you don't were there.Possibly there are many women in my life, but for my the most perfect and that I most love is you.
    In conclusion, I would like to remind you that like you worry about me, always have present that you have in my a support in the most difficult moments, but I will try to be the least possible, and in that way enjoy more the good ones.

  61. Dear family
    With this letter I want to say to you the great thing for that I am grateful to you well that always you habeis carried with me helping myself to being a great person, learning to respect the demas, namely that it is necessary to work to obtain what you want, not to giving up myself, to being a great person ... thank you for resting on the difficult moments and being satisfied in the good moments, for giving me everything what I have wanted but always with a limit. Also I thank you for having could guide by the good way and know that I have one responsibilities that I have to fulfill though not always it fulfills them. Not always I have behaved myself of the best way with you but always you are it is both for the good thing and for the bad thing.

  62. Dear grandfather:
    Hi, how is everything going right there?
    I write you today because is the lovers day and I think I show my love everyday to the people I love but you are far from me to show it to you as usually. Everything here is going well, mum keeps getting angry with me with for everything I do, I know I make lot of mistakes but I am a good boy (you know). I am at my last year of school and then I will go to university next year for be an engineer like dad.
    We miss you a lot here and the grandmother is always talking about you. I just want to thank you today all the things you have done for me, all the places we had gone to and all the laughs we share together. I am only jealous of god for take you away of my side as soon. How a song that I heard the other day says:
    It's been a long time without you, my friend. And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
    Love you and happy Valentines Day

  63. My dear friend:

    When they call you "friend", I say this with a sincere heart, because nobody like you has been able to make my life easier. Thank you for your presence, thank you so much... thank you for all. how many times your hands have been opened to the mine and how many times I've cried on your lap! Your shoulders have managed to load with my sadness and my joys. So today, my friend, I dedicate these letters, reflecting therein the sincerity of our friendship. A friendship that goes beyond blood, beyond the relationship... You have become my hermana-amiga, because together we have come to life. We have experienced beautiful moments! We have shared the magic of having found each the love of our lives.
    I know that neither time nor distance can separate us, because our love is eternal... thank you, my friend, for allowing me to be part of your life. Thank you for supporting me in sadness and laugh with my joys. Letter to a friend in the distanciaGracias for all that you have given me and for everything that you are...
    Together we walk the world, knowing that this friendship will not be end by anything or anyone... because you are my sister in the distance, and with you, life has become less hard. Thank you my friend, my support, my sister. From my corner for you.
    Your friend in the distance.

  64. Dear mum,
    Today is the lover’s day, so I am writing this letter to demonstrate all my love. I want to make you know that you are a really fantastic person for me and all our family. During there years, we have sometimes been in trouble, however you has always known to face and overcome them.
    Not only in our family, you have shown them your best way but also you has known to create a joined family. I have always admired you because you are hard working and one of the best person I have never known.
    I hope to be a good person in the future, confront the life’s problems and smile always like you.

  65. hi i am carlos Mom, your son. I write this letter is now valentines day, the day of love and lovers and wanted to express my love to you with this letter. in this letter I want to thank you in general to be my mother I assure you that I am the luckiest son of the world, thank you for giving me life by concevirme and endure the pain of childbirth for giving birth to me, please educate and instill your values They have made me a good person who respects others and friend to his friends like you to get into a college for someday become as smart and intelligent as you, for teaching me to ride a bike, help in hard times and always by my side if I continue with this list of acknowledgments could make a thousand two hundred essays like this word because the things that are given me as countless as I'm thinking and I can not get any hits. finally thanks for being you, remains so because any mother would want to be like you're world, affectionate, understanding close, friend ... you're the best mother in the world.
    I love you mom

  66. My letter of san Valentín of this year goes late and dedicated to a very special person for me. She is not my pair or the person that I like but he is one of the persons that more I love. The St Valentine's Day is one day for he declares love to someone that you love and is what I am going to do, though the love that about that I am going to speak is very different from the love of pair, is a much deeper and long love and that that will last forever. This person is my grandfather. The only thing that I can say to him is thank you, thank you for making myself happy, for helping myself, for teaching myself to walk, for removing of his hand and for teaching myself to want. It is rally difficult to be without him, but he knows of surplus what I love him. Also I have to give God thanks because he has given me the best gift that can be had. Finally say to him that I love him and that I am never going to forget him. From now the St Valentine's Day I will think about my grandfather because it is the day of the love and there is no better example that my love for him.
